T2Ts 2022 Phx Cruiser Journeys

mei - september 2022
The stories from our short getaways around Colorado … with a quick dip in and out of Utah. Meer informatie
  • 44Footprints
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  • Quickie Getaway: Chatfield State Park

    16 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    And I really mean a quickie. We arrived mid-afternoon … here for two nights … check out Saturday at noon.

    Why such a short camping trip? Primarily because we couldn’t find a spot anywhere through the weekend. Father’s Day don’t you know! No matter, we’re here in the area for a couple of specific reasons and having the RV with us as a “mobile hotel” works out just fine regardless of the length of our stay.

    We left home after Mui’s annual eye exam and drove the 55 miles or so to Chatfield State Park … in Littleton, Colorado … south of Denver.

    This park and campground is very different from the one at Sylvan Lake.

    For one thing, we’re not in the mountains … though I can see some of the peaks off in the distance.

    For another … it’s hot, hot, hot … the temperature gauge was reading 96F when we arrived around 2:30p. Luckily, now at 7:30p, the angle of the sun is such that we have shade on the patio … and a light breeze. Without either, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy being outdoors.

    And finally, we’re not dry camping. The campsites here are FHU .. full hook-ups. For those not familiar with the term, it means that we have electricity (50A), water, and sewer connections at our site. We’re especially grateful for the electricity since we have to run the A/C to be comfortable in this heat.

    Once we settled into our site, we took off to do some shopping at Park Meadows … an open air shopping mall in nearby Lone Tree. Apparently, it is the largest shopping mall in Colorado. I got lucky and found a few things I was looking for. Mui not so much … though he did buy some shorts … an unexpected and welcome find.

    Seeing as we were at Park Meadows, we decided to have dinner at PF Chang’s. We started off with our usual — the chicken lettuce wraps — but were disappointed that they are now serving them with a different sauce with a mustard base. Our wrap up, however, was delish … banana spring rolls served with a scoop of pineapple coconut ice cream … yum, yum!
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  • Al Fresco Breakfast @ Chatfield

    17 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Today promises to be another hot, hot, hot day. The orientation of our campsite essentially means little to no shade for most of the day, so we’ll be bearing the brunt of the heat when the temps rise.

    Right now, however, it is comfortably cool. We have a bit of shade with the awning at the moment, and a light breeze. That makes it nice enough to sit out and enjoy the patio this morning. In fact, a light fleece jacket didn’t go amiss earlier … discarded now.

    To make the most of the cool hours, we had our breakfast al fresco … accompanied by a rabbit enjoying some fresh shoots at our site … and birds singing for our entertainment.
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  • Art , Food, and Friends

    17 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    A quiet morning enjoying the little bit of shade we had on the patio at our campsite … cooled off by a steady, light breeze.

    Lunch … indoors at the dinette since it was way too hot on the patio by the time the noon hour came around.

    And then it was time to head up to Denver for an immersive art exhibit … this time featuring the art and life of Frida Kahlo … “… the Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. …”

    We thoroughly enjoyed the exhibit … captivated by the colors and the music that accompanied the images. Admittedly, it helps to know a bit about the artist’s life history to make sense of the influences on her art.

    I thought that this quote of Frida’s, painted on a wall at the exhibit hall, was a good description of what we experienced … “They thought I was a surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.”

    (More photos from the immersive exhibit are at:

    Back to Chatfield State Park for a couple of hours … and then out again, This time for a dinner date with friends … old and new. We met up with Sonia & Boris (old friends) and Amy & Brian (new friends) … two couples with whom we will be sharing a seagoing adventure next year. We met at Ted’s Montana Grill in Littleton … good food; even better camaraderie with what seemed like nonstop chatter as we all got to know each other. Sorry … forgot to get a group shot before we all went our own way.

    And now, we’re back at our campsite … wrapping up a delightful day. I was hoping to sit out on the patio, but the smoke from the campfires around the campground is too thick … my throat is already scratchy and raw. Too bad!
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  • Back Home from Chatfield SP

    18 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Like most people, we love having blue skies and sunshine when we are traveling. That said, when the temps rise into the 90F range, we don't complain much when clouds help to filter the heat.

    That was the case this morning. There was a solid block of high clouds in every direction ... the wind gusting strong enough to rattle the awning at times. Nope ... no complaints. We got to sit outside for breakfast and remained on the patio to read until it was time to break camp for the noon check-out deadline.

    The sun was out and blasting its heat by the time we were ready to pull out of our site and begin the short drive back home.

    Chatfield SP is a very big park ... a large reservoir … several smaller bodies of water ... 26 miles of trails. We did not take advantage of the hiking opportunities this time since it was so darn hot. Nor did we explore the park and its various amenities. But we liked what little we saw of this state park and plan to return another time ... hopefully when the weather is cooler.

    In the meantime, our drive back home was uneventful. The Cruiser is tucked into its storage site until our next camping trip comes around.
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  • Farish Canceled

    22 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    The Farish Recreation Area is a “mountain resort” operated by the US Air Force Academy. It’s up in the mountains near Woodland Park, Colorado … at about 9,500 feet. We camped there a couple of times in 2020. It’s a good place to escape the summer heat. So, we made reservations for a quick getaway in early July.

    Well, it wasn’t meant to be. We got a call today to tell us that the site we booked is no longer designated as a campsite. Why? The office manager at Farish didn’t know. All she could say was that the order came down today … details pending.

    She offered us a choice of two sites. One would have been a dusty turnout by the side of the road down to Lake Grace. The other would have been near a cabin … already booked, so we wouldn’t have the solitude we were seeking from this getaway.

    So we canceled for a full refund.

    I’ll look for a spot at one of the Colorado parks for one last summer getaway, but campsites are hard to come by during the summer months.

    The more likely outcome is that this cancelation just might have pulled the curtain down on our summer getaways with the Cruiser. If that turns out to be the case, then the next time the Cruiser will roll will be in September when we go on our fall road trip.
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  • Welcome to Mueller State Park

    18 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    When we lost our spot at the Farish Rec Area, operated by the Air Force Academy, we weren’t sure if we would have a chance to get out again in the RV before we head up to the Canadian Arctic at the end of July.

    You see, we didn’t think we’d be able to find a spot at a state park campground since reservations open on a six-month rolling schedule and sites book up quickly. But we lucked out. So, here we are, at Mueller State Park … up in the mountains near Divide, Colorado.

    Our trip will be a short one … just three nights. But it will give us a break from the 90F+ temps that are expected to plague the Colorado Springs area this week.
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  • Settled into Site 120

    18 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 73 °F

    All settled in … the patio is set up for us to enjoy the great outdoors … time to catch up.

    As I mentioned in the previous footprint, we lucked out with a last minute reservation that made this camping trip possible. Our luck was such that the site is one that we had marked as “preferred” when we last camped at Mueller State Park.

    #120 is a 30A electric site … no water or sewer hookups at this state park campground. No matter, we’re self sufficient and came prepared with a full fresh water tank, and empty black and grey tanks.

    Our location in the Grouse Mountain Loop — at the top of the campground — pretty much guarantees a 2- to 3-bar cell signal … which we can further boost with our antenna. In fact, the phone now shows full bar 5G. Doesn’t get much better than that!

    The campground is in a heavily wooded area. Though there are openings in the canopy for the light to stream through, the trees guarantee plenty of shade. We have a window into the southern sky for the satellite dish to grab unto a signal … Mui won’t have to miss the morning and evening news … and we can monitor the weather forecast, which will likely include daily afternoon and evening rain showers and thunderstorms since we are in the monsoon season. In fact, we’ve already had some sprinkles … thunder booms were audible, but quite distant. The sun is out at present.

    We’re settled in at 9,700 feet … about 2,500 feet higher than we are at home where the forecast is for 90F+ temps this week. The elevation here guarantees we’ll have cooler temps for our getaway. And, if we do have to run the A/C during the middle of the day … well, no problem since we have an electric hookup.

    The plan is to take it mostly easy while we are up here … though we do hope to take advantage of the cool mornings to do a hike or two. Gotta stretch those leg muscles !
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  • Shade and Privacy

    19 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Many of the Colorado State Parks have enough trees to provide shade at the campsites … and sometimes even plenty of privacy from neighbors. But we’ve also stayed in parks — state park and otherwise — that provide neither. So we bought some shade panels to add to the side of our awning as necessary. The panels are partially see through so we are not surprised by anyone approaching our site..

    One of the reasons we wanted to do this quick getaway to Mueller State Park was to customize the fit of the panels. Managed to get that done this morning. We can stake them down so they don’t blow in the breeze, but opted not to do so today … in case the afternoon monsoon rains come with stiff winds and we need to remove the panels quickly.

    In the photos, you’ll note a short panel on the front edge of the awning. It is for the zip-in shade and privacy panel we’ve had for a couple of years. Since our site overlooks the trees with no neighbors in that direction, we’re not using it on this trip. When we do, however, we’ll have a nice little enclosed patio.
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  • Dynamite Cabin

    19 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

    It’s nice to be able to sit out on the patio … enjoy the cooling breezes … listen to the distant thunder portending the arrival of this afternoon’s monsoon rains. Nary a drop has fallen yet.

    What’s not nice? All the black flies and other winged-insects making a pest of themselves. We’ve been here in the summer before and don’t remember it being quite so buggy. Oh well … part of being out in nature, I guess.

    Other than the work we did to customize our shade and privacy panels, we did go off to do a hike today. Since we didn’t bring our tow-vehicle on this short getaway, our trail options were limited to the ones at the top end of the campground.

    It’s been awhile since we last hiked at this elevation, so we settled on the Dynamite Cabin Trail … a loop of 1.2 miles or so. Down, down, down — with a few uphill stretches — on the outbound leg. Up, up, up — with a few downhill stretches — on the inbound leg. Did pretty good, I must say.

    Along the way, we took a short detour to the ruins of the cabin for which the trail is named. Turns out that back in the day, gold prospectors would use a stick or two of dynamite to blow a hole in the ground, dig in the hole to see if there was any “yellow” stuff, and move on if they didn’t find any gold. No, we didn’t follow suit by blasting a hole to try our luck.

    The hike isn’t what I would call entertaining. By that I mean that there are no expansive views to enjoy for much of the way. But we did get to stretch our legs without huffing and puffing too much, so that’s a good thing.

    Our reward for getting a bit of exercise today? Wine and snacks on the patio in lieu of dinner. Speaking of which …
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  • We’re Home!

    19 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    What a doozy of a storm!

    It started raining just as we sat down to our wine and snacks on the patio at our Mueller campsite. At first it was a light rain. It got heavier and heavier … the pitter-patter louder. No problem … we remained dry under the awning. Thunder boomed more frequently … we heard some cracks of lightning, too. Both distant. The temp dropped like a rock … we bundled up and remained on the patio, enjoying the sounds of the storm as we sipped our wine and discussed which trail to hike tomorrow.

    So, if we were making hiking plans, why are we home now?

    We’d just finished watching an episode of Midsomer Murders when I started feeling unwell. I don’t know what it was. Allergies? I had taken my pills. Altitude? I’m not susceptible to adverse effects from being at high altitude. Something I ate? No idea. I couldn’t really describe it to Mui when he asked what was wrong. A hitch in my breath … my heart running a little faster than usual. In hindsight, I think the latter was a bit of a panic attack because I couldn’t pinpoint what the problem was. Stupid really since medical care wasn’t that far away should it come to that.

    Anyway, we decided to head home. It was a decision we didn’t make lightly since we prefer not to drive the RV at night. But it was the right decision. We quickly packed up and headed down the mountain. The pitch-dark skies above us were being rent by lightning that turned night into daylight. Thunder was booming. And just as we exited the park, rain started to fall again … a deluge that luckily was very short-lived. By the time we got to the intersection with US-24, the rain was over and we drove home under dry skies … the pavement most of the way back bone dry.

    So that’s the story of why we suddenly de-camped. I feel fine now. Making the decision to head home relieved the anxiety I was starting to experience. The rest of the symptoms are all but gone, too. Would they have dissipated had we stayed up at Mueller and continued our camping getaway? No way of knowing that, so I am not going to think on it. Instead, I’m off to get a good night’s rest.

    The Cruiser is going to rest now for a bit … until our fall road trip.
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