African Indian Ocean

November 2023 - February 2024
93 days Read more
  • 60footprints
  • 22countries
  • 94days
  • 554photos
  • 0videos
  • 39.1kkilometers
  • 5.1kkilometers
  • Day 48


    January 5 in Madagascar ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    went on trip to Domaine de Fontenay it was a 100 year old garden consisting of primary forest beside a national park. it was a long and uncomfortable journey. We started with 4 passengers. we stopped to see a lady holding a chameleon. we gained 3 more passengers as the rest of their bus wanted to return as it was so uncomfortable. when we arrived 2 people transferred from the 3rd coach as the seat was broken. Giant tortoises snakes lizards and cameleons in the garden. Then giant bamboo in forest Lots of local trees large group of lemurs in the trees Then fantastic view right back to the ship. lunch with beer.Read more

  • Day 50


    January 7 in Réunion ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    overslept but pushed to front and got my ticket. it was a proper coach with AC and comfy seats. Trip to Cirque of Salazie Reunion is a volcanic island in the south there is an active one. 2nd most active after Hawaii. First stop was vanilla farm in the suburbs. production takes several years. .must keep away from air to keep fresh.
    we visited a Hindu temple a lot of Indians came over to work on sugar plantations. Stopped at a small town called Bozoliza? with a big church.
    Then up to Hel-Bourg. town was created in 17c because of thermal springs. They were destroyed by a cyclone. we had a nice lunch with a rum cocktail and wine.
    The island has micro climates west very dry and wet on west. Lots of high waterfalls. there was lovely rainbow when we sailed away.
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  • Day 51–53


    January 8 in Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    We went on a trip to the south of the island. First stop was an extinct volcano. It was overgrown so it was definitely extinct. Then drove past some Embassies , the Russian embassy was empty. The coach negotiated some roadworks where they were chopping trees at the side of the road. We visited a large waterfall and the 7 colour sands. We had to negotiate the roadworks again to get to the lunch stop. But the guide got out of the coach and ran ahead to stop the traffic coming down the hill. We had a lovely curry lunch at a restaurant which was in a great location, with a great view of the south of the island.Read more

  • Day 52


    January 9 in Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Went out in a taxi with Millie, Amy and Phil. First stop was to climb a mountain called Le Pouce. Phil , Amy and I stopped halfway up as it got very rocky. Millie continued up to the top.
    Then we visited the Pamplemousses Botanical gardens . Palm trees, Cloves, Cinnamon, Indian laburnum, pink and white lotus flowers and waterlilies.
    The taxi drove us to a scenic beach and then a beach for a swim.
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  • Day 53


    January 10 in Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Day 3 in Mauritius Millie and I got the shuttle to Port Louis. There is a very modern shopping centre near the sea front and we went to the Blue Stamp Museum. There were a lot of maps describing how the Indian Ocean had developed. We crossed the main road via a subway and into the old town where the shops and markets were much scruffier.
    We found the bus station and with the Help of Millie's good french , got on a bus to a beach for a swim. Bus cost 45 Mauritian rupees, about 20p but about 20 stops.
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  • Day 55


    January 12 in Madagascar ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Back to the east coast of Madagascar and it's raining. We got a shuttle bus, which was a bone shaker, into the town and we were dropped near a big market. Lots of rickshaws and tuktuks and the roads were very rough.
    Millie and I hired a tuktuk to go to the Pangalanes canal. Amy and Phil got a bicycle rickshaw. We got a canal boat and sailed up the canal. There were lots of canoes carved from tree trunks, people spear fishing in the canal and bamboo barges. Lots of cargo transported on the canal. We stopped at a small settlement. There was a fruit stall beside the main road selling bananas coconuts and sugar cane. We sampled the sugar cane.
    When we left the boat we swapped to the cycle rickshaw . Millie had a go at driving the rickshaw but it was hard work.
    They took us to a grotty beach so we asked them to take us to a better one. The Tuktuk driver was pushing the rickshaw which helped our progress.
    The sea was too rough to swim but Millie went in. There were fishermen pulling a net up the beach. Also a big wreck near the beach.
    Afterwards we went back to the market and I bought some t-shirts, fridge magnet tuktuk and turtle.
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  • Day 57

    Port D'Ehoala

    January 14 in Madagascar ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Went on a trip to the Botanical gardens of Saudi. There is some prosperity here as Rio Tinto has been mining for Titanium for 50+ years. So there was a good road and a comfortable coach. When we left the main road and went through the village the road was rougher. It was interesting to see the village life. The highlight was a group of 20+ men and a herd of Zebu churning up a field to prepare for planting rice. It was a total mud bath. In the next field the women were planting the rice.
    In the gardens we saw ringtail lemurs, brown lemurs, crocodiles, cameleons and a boa snake.
    When we left the gardens the Zebu ploughing was still going on. We drove through the town to the beach for refreshments and a swim. The sea was quite rough. Went back to the ship for lunch and then to the local beach where the sea was a bit calmer.
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  • Day 60

    At Sea - Ship Tour

    January 17, Indian Ocean ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

    Abby, the deputy entertainment Manager, and Luke from the Bollette Theatre Company showed us around the back rooms of the ship. First stop was Provisions
    A chilled room contained the fruit and vegetables, big tubs of mayonnaise, etc. The meat was in the freezer.
    Next stop was the laundry. All the crew's uniforms have to be pristine. Mike and Gareth s stuff was among the passengers laundry. one of their t-shirts on the dummy for steaming. Thes were on deck A in the bowels of the ship.
    Then we went to the galley on deck 4. Lots of DIY stations for each course. System to record what has been ordered and how the waiters will collect the right food for their tables.
    The back down to deck A and the engine room. All the utilities on the ship are controlled from here. Fuel, AC, water and electricity.
    Also on deck A are the staff mess and some crew cabins.
    The last stop was the bridge. Third officer , Jack explained the controls and then we listened to Captain Michael doing his daily broadcast
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  • Day 60

    Maputo, Mozambique

    January 17 in Mozambique ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Went on a walking tour. First stop was the station which is a very elegant green and white building.
    The large statue opposite the station, commemorating the second World War, is the only monument that remains since independence was gained from Portugal .
    We viewed a mosque Jumma Masjid, the oldest in Maputo, and the coin museum then went to the market. Displays of fruit vegetables and spices, also lots of hair extensions.
    Then we visited the fort which showed a lot of history of Mozambique. The carved coffin was for the last leader of a local tribe. Then I went for coffee and Pasteis de Nata .
    After lunch on the ship I went to the craft market with Annette and Jocelyn. lots of paintings , bags , jewellery, carvings, etc.
    I bought a t-shirt and then Jocelyn and I got a tuktuk to do a bit more sightseeing. Saw a star shaped church, visited a hotel with views over the city , Villa Algarve , a rundown prison, the natural history museum, the Cathedral, president's statue, town hall, metal house, designed by Eiffel same as railway station and lastly saw the bats in the botanical gardens.
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  • Day 62

    Richards Bay South Africa

    January 19 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Millie and I went on a Wetland safari. We had a 90 minute coach journey to the Simangaliso Wetland park where we transferred to Jeeps . We started on a game drive and saw families of Warthogs, Waterbucks, kudu, hippopotamus, white rhino ( not white). We stopped at Mission Rock for coffee and cake from the jeep. I walked down to the beach, which was rocky and the sea was rough. Then we had another game drive to Cape Vidal, where there was a beautiful beach. Not swimming weather, we got wet from the rain. Lovely BBQ with steaks, beef sausages, and salads. Then another game drive. Saw monkeys, African buffalo, kingfisher velvet monkeys, egrits, lilytrotter birds.Read more