Abshire’s Abroad

março - maio 2023
Gabe, Veronica, Andrew and Renee are spending 2 months traveling around Italy. With a few stops along the way. Leia mais
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  • Dia 2


    15 de março de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    We arrived in Como, Italy on Wednesday, March 15th. We flew into Milan airport and picked up our car that we rented for the duration of the trip. It’s a mid size suv, red. We packed in carry on bags and our ski gear in a separate bag. We each have a backpack as well. Somehow it all fit. We drove the hour to Como and found a perfect parking spot. I noticed that there was a school behind us and said I wonder if that’s Tommi’s school. It was! He was outside playing soccer. We got his attention and said Hello. We put our suitcases in the apartment and went to the grocery store. A foreign language grocery store is one of the hardest things to navigate in another country. We got a few essentials, mozzarella, prosciutto, milk and paper towels. Vitto made us one of her amazing crostada’s. We met Vitto, Tommi, Franchi and Nico for dinner at Riva Cafe. The pizza was amazing. They said its the best they have ever had! We agree.Leia mais

  • Dia 3

    Como day 2

    16 de março de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Today, we slept in from jet lag. Andrew and I went to Franci’s school and observed his class. We were asked by the teacher to answer questions about our school in Texas. It was kinda boring, because the Q&A could have been more fun, but I felt like the teacher cut us off. After Franci’s class, we went to Vitto’s class for 1 hour. Then, we met up with Tommi and we got panninos. Panninos or as we call them in America, a Panini, are warm pressed sandwiches. I got mozzarella and prosciutto. We also got a Nutella crepe for later. My dad came and got us gelato before dropping the boys off at tennis practice. I went home and relaxed with my mom. After tennis practice, we met up with everybody to say “Arrvideci!”
    The boys are off to a ski race over the weekend. We ate dinner at home and caught up on a few episodes of Outer Banks. Ciao, Renee
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  • Dia 4

    Como-Bellagio-Day 3

    17 de março de 2023, Itália

    Exploring Day - We drove 50 mins to the town of Bellagio on Lago De Como. This town is what the Bellagio Casino in Vegas is named after. The road was narrow and almost complete switchbacks the entire time. We were up higher than the lake. There were some really pretty views. When we arrive to the town we were starving of course. So we got some “toast”. Americans would call it a grilled ham and cheese. You can also get it just cheese. restaurants, cafes and bars serve different things in Italy. You cant get toast at a restaurant. Only at a bar. And a bar can serve alcohol, espresso or dolci (desserts or pastries). You mostly only find gelato at a Gelateria. The town seemed to be under a bit of construction so the path along the lake was blocked. We decided to take a cute little faux train on a tour around the town. It took about 25 mins. After we got back to started walking up, up and up more steps to the different streets. We found a place to eat that served fish n chips for Andrew and a Hamburger for Renee. Gabe wasn’t hungry and I got a GREEN salad. We chose this place quickly and because we were Hangry! As we left, we walked about 5 more steps and found a delightful quaint bistro serving truffle risotto. Fail!
    We took some photos, got a gelato and headed back to Como. We parked the car and walked to the Funicular stop. The Funicular is a tram that climbs the side of the mountain. This one takes 7 minutes to get from Como to Brunate. Deer Valley has a Funicular that we like. So this was very interesting to us. The town of Brunate is at the top of the Funicular. High above the lake. We took some photos and looked for a place to eat something. We chose a nice family owned trattoria, got some pasta and a Prosecco for Mom. We rode the Funicular back to Como and of course had to stop for a gelato. Gabe and Veronica decided to have a date night in Piazza de Volta. Andrew and Renee went back to the apartment. Ready to drive to France tomorrow!
    *History details to come….
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  • Dia 5

    Travel Day to Chamonix, France

    18 de março de 2023, França ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Today we traveled from Como to Chamonix France. The drive took approximately 3 hours. The drive was easy, all highways and several tolls. Round trip this excursion will cost approx $200 in tolls. We stopped at our first Auto Grill. Its supposed to have great convenience store food. A smaller gourmet Buckeys. There is a tunnel through the mountain that connects Italy to France. It was over 7.3 miles long. It took 19 years to dig! We were talking about Oceans 13 and wonder if that’s the same “digger” they are referring to. We found our way to our apartment. It was a little smaller than expected and the location was not what Gabe was wanting. We have decided to stay here for 1 night and then we are moving locations. We went into downtown Chamonix and walked around. We decided on a place for dinner after looking at several menus. I of course wanted Onion Soup. We decided on a place and had our first cheese Fondue. The area of France is known for their Racellete cheese. We decided to wait to have that at another place. I got soup and mussels. Everything was ehh…checked the google rating and its a 3.3. We don’t really like to follow those rankings but probably going to have to rely on them more during our trip. So if you’re keeping track that 2 restaurants that were a HANGRY choice. The kids got gelato again but I got my first Crepe. Sugar and Lemon. It was amazing. Better than my dinner.

    I was very excited because this apartment had a washer / dryer como unit. Dryers are a luxury in Europe. The cycle options were in French, as expected. I translated them with Google Lens on the Google translate app. So handy. I know I only have 1 college degree and its not as Masters but I think I should be able to operate a washer in another country. WHY!!! Does it have to be so difficult ??? Yes, I looked up the manual. There was not an English version. Yes, I looked for YouTube videos. The dryer setting is for 2 hours and 20 minutes. I wanted to stop the cycle and check the clothes. Not possible. The auto lock won’t release for 3 hours according to you tube, if you stop the cycle before it’s finished. This morning I fought with the machine for 45 minutes trying to get the auto lock to disengage before I just yanked the door open. ERRRRRR….The saga will continue.

    *Editors Note- On the drive to Chamonix, we were very excited to stop at McDonald’s. For some reason European McDonald’s are better than the US. The kids were very excited.
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  • Dia 6


    19 de março de 2023, França ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

    We got packed up and moved into our 2nd apartment. This one is in the center of Chamonix. It’s perfect. It even has a washer and dryer combo unit. I’m still suffering from PTSD from my last experience. So I’m going to skip the washing at this place. I will have help from Vitto at our next location. I’m going to record her directions because the rest of the trip will most likely be in Italian.
    We went to get our skis at the ski rental around the corner. All of the boots were so broken in. Mine didn’t fit great. We all tried on multiple pairs. When we came out of the store it was raining. We drove up to base of the mountain were were planning to ski that day and everyone was leaving. No skiing today. It ended up raining all day / night. We decided to go play basketball (yes, in the rain) and go ice skating. When we arrived at the ice staking / hockey arena there was an ice skating competition going on. So we stayed and watched. It was just like taking your kids to a swim meet or dance competition over the weekend. Andrew got some basketball in and we walked around town with our rain coats on.
    Gabe and I decided to have a date night. We found a Michelin “ranked” not starred restaurant. It was really good.

    **European apartment / rental differences from the US - The square footage of the apartment isn’t the real issue. It’s the amenities. They only give you 1 body towel per person. Maybe 1 hand towel. No dish towels for drying dishes. Maybe 1 roll of paper towels. Most of the kitchen supplies are bare minimum. We have bought our own supplies of salt, pepper, Evoo, paper towels. To take with us from place to place. I’m going to get some dish towels next. The other big thing are the beds and pillows. Our Como apartment was good. There were multiple pillows and they had toppers on the mattresses. The Chamonix apartment is not great. Only 1 pillow per person and its square shaped. The mattress is marginal. Sleeping aids are a must.
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  • Dia 7

    Chamonix, Day 2

    20 de março de 2023, França ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C

    Today was our first ski day, we had to hike up a hill to get up to the gondola, which mom did not like at all { I Beat everyone by 5 minutes}. After we got up the hill, we got on the gondola and started skiing. We did a couple of runs but it was very foggy and we could not see anything {Mom hated this even more}. We went and got lunch skied some more and then Dad went and got the car so we didn’t have to walk down. We had 2:40pm reservations for the last gondola / cable car to the top of Aguille Di Midi. The Aguille Di Midi a 12,600’ tall mountain. The cable car is the 2nd highest in the world. From the very top observation desk the height is 13,000’. The experience was very nice and Dad took a lot of pictures. After that, we rode down and got gelato. After gelato, we ate dinner in, Mom cooked and my Dad had several work calls. We just stayed inside the apartment after dinner. After my Dad got off his calls we watched Outer Banks and went to bed. We have a early ski day tomorrow.

    *Editors note-Photos changed and re-ordered.
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  • Dia 8

    Chamonix, Day 3

    21 de março de 2023, França

    Today, Andrew and I were very grumpy getting up. As Dad made breakfast, Andrew and I slowly got ready to ski. Mom wasn’t going, because she was traumatized from yesterday. We left the apartment at around 9:30. We were heading to Le Tour mountain to ski. We hopped on the gondola and skied the first mountain for the morning and part of the afternoon. Then, we stopped and ate lunch, pizza, pasta and salad. While we were there, birds kept begging people for food! Andrew gave them pizza crust and pasta, and they LOVED the pasta. After lunch, we took the gondola down and drove to another mountain, which was way harder. So far, there was no fog and it was sunny, perfect weather for sking. At this mountain, there was a racing course that timed you. Andrew wanted to do it, so we did. It was fun, because there was jumps and turns, Andrew loved it. Then, we skied down and got on a lift to do it again. This time, Andrew betted gelato on it, 3 scoops if he beat Dad and I’s time. For me, 2 scoops if I beat Dad, 3 if I beat Andrew. In the end, Andrew beat both of our times. In fact, he got better! As for me, I did not beat Dad or Andrew, but Dad said maybe to 2 scoops. We were all tired, so we started to go down the mountain, but we missed the turn to the gondola! We had to ski this hard red, Andrew took it like a champ, while Dad and I took our time. It was really hard, but we made it! Dad then said that I could get 2 scoops, maybe 3! After we got our skis in the car, we drove to a little bakery for a little snack, then we drove back to the apartment. We met up with Mom, and returned our skis, then headed to dinner. We had raclette, which was like fondue, but it was on the triangle of cheese, and it was heated by a charcoal mini oven. It was really cool. We ate it with bread, potatoes and charcuterie. As the cheese melted, you scraped it off with a big knife. It was yummy 😋. We also had beef bourguignon, Mom and Dad said they have made better at home. It tasted like dry briscuit to me. After dinner, we got gelato and crepes, and went to sleep.
    See you tomorrow, Renee
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  • Dia 9

    Travel Day to Cortina d’Ampezzo

    22 de março de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    We got moving early today. We packed the car up and got on the road by 10. We had our first lost item. Andrew’s GoPro. He left it inside his jacket and then left his jacket inside a store. When he went back to get the jacket, the GoPro wasn’t inside.
    In Milan, we exchanged the car and then stopped lunch. Gabe choose Turkish kebabs and pizza. It was good! Something different. We made a quick stop at a mall and then got back on the road.
    We arrived in Cortina around 7:25pm. We were trying to get to the ski rental store before they closed at 7:30pm. We didn’t make it.
    The rooms at the hotel we are staying in are huge. I think they have never been reconfigured from when people traveled with valets and maids. The rooms have small rooms inside them for a nanny or a baby’s room. We got to walk around town tonight before dinner. It’s another really cute town. More designer stores here than any other place so far.
    Tomorrow, we will head up to the mountain to ski and watch Franchi ski. Tommi and Franchi are on a ski team for the town San Martino de Castrozza. The event that is here in Cortina is the Finals for the season. You had to qualify to attend. We are looking forward to seeing the boys race in person.

    Cortina d’Ampezzo is a host city for the Winter Olympics 2026. The 2021 Sking World Cup was held here also.
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  • Dia 11

    Cortina Day 1 & 2

    24 de março de 2023, Itália ⋅ 🌫 3 °C

    Bright and early, we woke up and went breakfast. It was an all-you-can-eat-buffet, so we picked out our own breakfast. I had a Nutella croissant with some eggs. Then, we went to rent our boots, skis, poles and helmets. After that, we put our skis in the car and dove to the mountain to meet Vitto. We went up the gondola, skied down, got stuck, went up the gondola again, and finally made the right turn to meet Vitto! She was with Tommi, so we skied for a little bit, then we went down to watch Franchi race. Unfortunately, he lost. Franchi was really tired and hungry, so we went to a pizzeria. I had a Margarita pizza, which is a cheese pizza. After that, Mom and Dad went to the spa, Andrew went out with Tommi and I stayed at the hotel. After about 2 hours, my dad started getting on calls, so the rest of us went down to dinner. I had a steak with french fries. My dad got leftovers. He was not very happy. We relaxed the rest of the night, and went to bed peacefully.

    Day 2, we woke up at around 8:50, and went to breakfast. This time, I had toast with jam. Then, we headed to the mountain to watch Tommi race. It was fun and fast, and he won 2 of his 3 races. He placed 5th overall. After the race, we came back to the hotel at around 4:00 and went to Tommi’s award ceremony, but he didn’t win anything. Then we went to the co-op store, where we bought groceries and a Kinder Joy Egg. After the co-op, we went back to the hotel and got dressed for dinner. We went to this real fancy place with some of Vitto’s friends. I had pork with potatoes and green apple gelato for desert. It was really good. After dinner, we went to bed, because we had to get up early tomorrow. Ciao, Renee

    *Additional photos added later
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  • Dia 12

    Cortina Day 3

    25 de março de 2023, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Today we got up early and headed to the mountain to ski before Tommis race. The parking was super busy because of all the racers. We found a spot on the side of a road and were able to walk onto a run with our skis. Today was Tommi’s final race. He did not do so well. One of his skis came off on a turn because of his bindings. We had lunch on the mountain and headed back to the hotel early because the snow was not good to ski. Dad and I returned the skis and went to the Audi driving experience. We drove an ETron GT. When we got back, we went to the co op and we got some snacks and shopped a little bit. We went to dinner and then the Tommi, Franchi and I worked out in the gym a little bit. We got packed up because we are going to drive to Bologna tomorrow.
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