Overseas trip

juli - desember 2023
Et 154-dagers eventyr av Prideaux Family Les mer
  • 47fotspor
  • 17land
  • 154dager
  • 582bilder
  • 14videoer
  • 53,2kkilometer
  • 42,1kkilometer
  • Dag 1

    Warragul train station

    23. juli 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    We started our trip from Warragul train station just after Grampas 80th. We were all feeling a bit excited and nervous at the same time.

  • Dag 2

    Melbourne airport

    24. juli 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    We got to the airport by Uber. His name was John. We arrived at the airport and realised we got here a bit too early so there was a lot of waiting around.

  • Dag 2


    24. juli 2023, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Our first destination was Singapore. We landed safely by plane and immediately drove through the very humid weather to our apartment. Then we explored the colourful streets of Singapore.

  • Dag 3

    Tioman island

    25. juli 2023, Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    After our stay in Singapore we crossed the border to Malaysia where the streets looked very different to Singapore, we also past many monkeys and a-lot of beware of elephant signs. .We then took a boat ride over to Tioman island which took around 3 hours. Then we checked in at our room and went for a swim in the 29 degree water ( a nice change from the 19 water temperature of Phillip island.) On our second day at tioman island we decided to have a day of relaxing in the pool and swimming in the warm ocean. That day we all realised that most people ( including us) need to remember to wear sunscreen. On day 3 at tioman island we decided to take a walk to the marine park which we thought wouldn’t be too long. So we were off and first we saw a couple of monkeys and they started getting a-bit territorial. But we got through there okay. As we got on further we realised the weather was much more hotter than we bargained for, so we went down to the beach and jumped off the jetty. Then a storm arrived and we had to hide under a bridge. We finally got to the Marine park and it was worth it. We got to feed all the fish and swim up to them and everything which was cool. The only sad part about it was that we had to walk back. In the end it added up to 8km. On our 3rd and final day we rested by the pool and swam in the warm ocean. That night we went to a fire show where people blew fire out of their mouths and did a bunch of cool dancing. We got home, packed and got ready for the next day of travelling.Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Singapore nu. 2

    29. juli 2023, Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    After we left Tioman island we hopped in another Uber to drive us to Singapore, he seemed to not worry about getting us there alive but he was set on getting us there fast, like 50km over the speed limit fast!! Anyway, after that near death experience we set out down the street again and we went into a Buddha temple where Jemilla and Mum had to wear coverings over their legs and shoulders. It was very big and cool to see all the people praying to the statues. We then passed another Indian temple which were playing some really loud music. It was interesting to see how many different cultures could live so close together so happily. After that we went to the bay of gardens, but on the way we got dinner in this big food court place and it was delicious. While we were eating a massive stunt jet flew over making it sound like an air raid but it was all good. And coincidentally we stumbled across the practise for the practise for the national day of Singapore where we got to watch free fireworks and it also explained the stunt planes. The fireworks were the biggest fireworks I’ve ever seen and even over the crowd you could still hear them.In the bay of gardens we got to see a light show on all the trees with music and everything. So we just lay on the grass and watched which was quite relaxing. Then we spent 30minutes trying to find a taxi and also discovered that Singapore is a pretty cool and safe place.

    The next day we stayed and slept in because we knew we were gonna have a late night knowing our flight left at 12:00 at night. Then we walked around the street a little and went into this big supermarket with an escalator which I’ve never seen before. We headed to Singapore airport to prepare for a flight. It was very fancy and there was a shopping centre attached to it which was random but a cool feature. There was this big waterfall coming from the roof and a marvel exhibition with a bunch of trams going over the top and trees lining the walls. It felt like you were in a futuristic jungle. But sadly the rest of the airport wasn’t as cool, how could it be! So we hopped on our flight to go to Paris.
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Paris Nu.1

    1. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We got to Paris and I felt immediately more comfortable because the heat wasn’t as harsh. Our first day in Paris we decided to go to the Arc de Triumph. As we walked to the Arc de Triumph we walked into a supermarket ( and it seems that all supermarkets in Paris are two story) and got some lunch. We also stumbled across a museum of French history with World War Two and Napoleon. It also had Napoleon’s tomb attached to it. We learned all about the concentration camps and Napoleon himself. His tomb was massive( for such a small guy) it felt like we were in the set of lord of the rings. We then walked the rest of the way to the Arc de Triumph, it was quite massive and the streets around it were full of performers and people, and a-lot of people taking Instagram photos. The culture seems very different too, like everyone seems to dress very well and for some reason there are a lot of vans, but I don’t think that’s culture. The Architecture around Paris is so cool because they have old things that look really old and are nice to look at and their modern things look old because of the style,if that makes sense.

    On our third day we went to the Eiffel Tower and the catacombs. We walked to the Eiffel Tower, and found that there were a lot of “influencers” and people standing in the middle of the road to take photos and of course, Dad being Dad decided to join them. We walked to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, but we couldn’t go to the top because it was closed due to the wind. You could see all of Paris laid out in front of you, and the walk up was definitely worth it. After the Eiffel Tower we walked to the catacombs which is a room full of people’s bones super far underground. Under there it was cold, eerie, and a-bit Scooby dooish. All the walls were lined with bones and dirt which made you feel a-bit sick. We also learned that the orphans of France were trained to dig up dead people( because there wasn’t enough space in the graveyard) and bring them underground by candlelight and line the walls with there bones. To some up the day they both had extremely different vibes and for one we went to the highest point in Paris and the lowest.
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Paris Nu.2

    4. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    On our 4th day we had a big down day. We walked down a street to Luxembourg Palace which was owned by a queen who was widowed. We also went to the Pantheon, which was pretty cool. On our way we saw a bunch of gardens with statues too, and for some reason Paris seems to have an obsession with naked statues.

    On our 5th day we went to Versailles Palace, which was owned by Marie Antoinette or as I call her ‘cake lady’, but most people know her from the quote “let them eat cake”. The Palace was massive and had a whole art gallery, mirror room, and a whole theatre. Each child got their own apartment with 6 rooms and the king had chairs around his bed so he could invite people to watch him fall asleep and wake up ( which was really weird and creepy.) We then took a double decker train back to our apartment and got a treat from the bakery. That day I also realised that many people is Paris smoke or vape, so it felt like every 3 minutes you saw people walking down the street looking like puff the magic dragon.

    On our 5th day we went to Notre Dame, it wasn’t to far of a walk either. It was a pretty relaxing day, we ate lunch out in front of the Luxembourg Palace which we went to two day before and watched the boats in a fountain( small ones not big ones ) and it was fun watching a particular one and hoping it didn’t sink. We got to Notre Dame and learned all about how much of it burnt down and why which was interesting. It was also cool seeing the construction going on too.

    The next day we went to an art gallery called Musee d,orsay where we got to see statues and art work from a long time ago. It was really good because we had already gone to the catacombs and Napoleons tomb and places like that, and a lot of the art work mentioned it so it was good having that information background going into it. There were also a lot of painting from Ancient Greece which was pretty gruesome and gross to look at.

    On our last day we had to go pick up the car to drive out of Paris. On our way Jemilla wanted to go to a Starbucks that was apparently really good. So we walked there having low expectations of what we were about to go to, but when we got there I was actually pretty impressed. It wasn’t some crappy looking Starbucks, it had mirrors everywhere and gold on the ceiling,and the milkshakes there were really good. (Jemilla shouted the drinks) then we walked to the car and Dad was getting confident and said he was going to drive around the Arc de triumph, but when he saw how much he had to pay if we damaged it, he changed his mind pretty quickly. We got home (alive) and went out for a hot chocolate to close off our time in Paris excited to explore more of the country side of France.
    Les mer

  • Dag 18


    9. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    The day we left Paris we woke up early and went to drive to Allouis, but on our way we decided to drive to Monet’s garden. It was good because I had seen some of his pictures in the Musee D’Orsay which he painted in this garden. It was one of the biggest gardens I have ever seen(apart from the city ones) but I reckon it was better than the Melbourne botanical gardens. We also got a tour of his house which was very colourful. My advice is that if you want to go to his garden you should go early in the morning,because there are less people there and less tour groups. Our next stop was a big town on an island called Mont Saint-Michel and it was the busiest tourist destination I had ever seen! There were people everywhere. You had to do a pretty big walk to get there and once we did all the shops looked all medieval and old. We didn’t get to see much of it due to all the people but later we looked up how many people were there per day, and it said 15,000 people. Once we had done that we drove into the country of France and finally got to Allouis where we were staying in a three story tower.

    On our 2nd day at the tower we had quite the down day which we wanted to do for the rest of our 3 days here. We hung around the pool(which had a few floating donuts which was fun for me) and just sat and read on the deck chairs outside our tower.And on the 4th we repeated everything we just did on the 3rd and 2nd. Jemilla and I learnt how to play 500 so I think we might be playing a bit of that on the rest of our trip. Now off to our castle.
    Les mer

  • Dag 21


    12. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    We left Allouis and didn’t make any stops on our way to Dargoire except for our lunch. We got to this small town around 5:00 and we were greeted by an old lady who showed us around and how to work everything. Then we drove around the town looking at things and getting dinner from the supermarket.

    The next day we walked in the main part of the town with a small church and a bakery. It was pretty hot walk but worth it because we got to see the amazing scenery which I thought gave a Mexican vibe but no one agreed with me. It was good to see the difference between our country and their country because there were a few differences in architecture and there wasn’t a beach down the road. For the rest of the day we did the usual routine reading, writing and drawing. And then played 500 to finish off.

    It went exactly like that the next day, but the 4th day we did something. We went to Lyon. The second biggest city in France next to ParisWe went through all the nice streets and went into a couple of churches. In one of them we saw a old astrological clock. We got a ice cream a saw a big old Roman amphitheatre, which we think was a couple of centuries old. It was cool to see the difference between Paris and Lyon, Lyon seemed to be a-bit more modern, and I noticed the rivers in Lyon seemed much cleaner.

    On our 5th day we wanted to get our rest up for our early start on Friday, because on our 6th day we went for a drive up to the tallest mountain in all of Europe. It was a very nice drive because 1 we got to see the sunrise and 2 because we could see all the mountains around us. I also learned that the mountain were going up in a gondola was around 6 times taller than mount Oberon at the Prom. The gondola was pretty big and could fit around 25 people and the way up was one of the scariest things I’ve done in a long time. But the way up the other half and down again wasn’t nearly as scary as the first one. Up on the mountain the air was really thin which I had never felt before, so after you went up like 10 stairs you had to catch your breath again like you just did the 100 meter sprint. The views where amazing and even though in was 30 degree weather down the mountain,it was 2 degrees Celsius on the top. From the mountain we could see all the other mountains(obviously) a few parasailers who were doing a bunch of tricks in the sky, and Italy( which we nearly crossed the border to by accident and nearly got charged 80 euro.)
    We got down the mountain,ate lunch and went on this cool red train that took us back up the mountain so then we could go into a glacier. It was worth the big walk to it, because there was a few carvings within it, and the ice was so thick and solid and cold, I felt like a beer in a esky(and that was the most Aussie thing I’ve ever said) but in my opinion it was a good way to wrap up our time in Dargoire.
    Les mer

  • Dag 28


    19. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We got up semi early and actually left on the time we said we would( 8:00 ) . I reckon it was one of the longest drives of my life, my only pause to the boredom of the 7 hour drive was our break for lunch in a really nice park. We passed through all these nice towns that were made when Germany ruled France in the Second World War,and I noticed that the style of the German houses were much more colourful to the dark bricks of French architecture. When we got to our Airbnb we met a lady called Gabby whose family had been in the renovated barn for 6 generations. She showed us around the house and the pool and it was really nice. From our deck we could see the old church which chimed every 15 minutes. They also made home made apple juice that they picked from the orchards around us.

    On our second day at Schalkendorf I awoke to the sounds of the church bells that wrung for 15 minutes which would be fine if it hadn’t gone off at 6:00 in the morning!! We spent our day by the pool and having a look around neighbouring towns of which all had there own church. Although our stay here was short,it was a cool experience living in a small French village for two days (but my highlight is still the apple juice)
    Les mer