Overseas trip

Julai - Disember 2023
Pengembaraan 154hari oleh Prideaux Family Baca lagi
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  • Hari 66

    Rome Nu.1

    26 September 2023, Itali ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Our travel day from Dobrota to Rome was one of our biggest and longest yet. It started from 6:00 am and ended at 8:30 pm. We walked for a hour and 45 minutes to the bus stop with our bags. Which was fine because we got up before everything got too hot. Then we got on a bus back to Dubrovnik where it started to rain but it was good because we were all really hot. Then we got an Uber to the Airport and hopped on a tiny plane to Italy, which was kinda scary because I had never been on a plane so small. Then we arrived in Italy and waited an hour for our bus, and we got to listen to all the Italian accents and languages. We then arrived in Rome and met the guy who owned the place who was super nice. The apartment building also had this tiny lift that only one person could fit in. We settled in getting ready for exploring Rome for the next few days.

    We had a slow morning before we started to Rome around the streets. (Pun intended) we wanted to go to St Peters but they wouldn’t let us in because our clothes weren’t suitable enough so instead we went to the Trevi fountain and as a bonus we got to ride a bus because everything was so much cheaper in Rome. There were so many people at the Trevi fountain and we had to hold onto our pockets because there were a lot of pickpockets and after that we went and got an ice cream and went back to our apartment.

    On our 2nd day in Rome we got up early to get in line for the Vatican which was free that day. In the line we met this girl who was really nice and then we did the whole tour with her and we became like friends. She was from turkey. It was also good because we had a deal going on. She got to listen to our tour guide in our phones and she took photos for the 4 of us. Win win for everyone. In the Museum thing there were thousands of statues and roof paintings. We also saw that famous one in the Sistine chapel where we weren’t allowed to take photos. I was abit sneaky and took one of the ceiling before the person caught me and I felt bad for the rest of the day, but it was worth it. That night we went out for dinner and it was soooooooo good. I had bolognaise (obviously I would never choose anything else) Mum had risotto, Dad had a pizza and Jemilla had carbonara.

    P.S I will have to split this blog into two parts because there are too many photos.
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  • Hari 67


    27 September 2023, Itali ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    We left Rome at 5:45 in the morning to catch a train. I was surprised that so many people were up jogging and going to work. It was also the first time that I went on an underground train which was super deep down. We then got on a double decker bus that took us 7 hours to Venice. In Venice we checked in at our apartment which was really snug with a lot of bricks. Apparently when it rained too much the apartment flooded ankle deep because the sea level is so high. We then went for a walk after dinner and got the best ice cream I think I have ever had. It was salted peanut caramel! It was extremely delicious.
    On the way back we did get lost in the streets of Venice so there was a-bit of de touring going on. But while we were lost I noticed that people (that I assumed were locals) used the more empty squares away from tourist spots where they played with their dogs and hung out with their friends.

    On our second day in Venice we went out onto the streets to have a look around and go to a famous church called St Marks. On our way we got distracted by another church which had an exhibition of Jesus’ life where someone had made all the scenes out of the Bible. They even put hand made clothing on to the wooden figures which was really cool to see. We went to St Mark’s square and half of it was covered in water. We weren’t allowed in the church sadly because we were dressed inappropriately. As if a red head was gonna wear long pants and a long sleeve T-shirt on a 30 degree day! So instead we went on a Gondola boat on the river which was really fun. It seemed that everyone that lives in Venice knows each other because the Gondola driver talked to everyone he passed in Italian. We also discovered that it’s not just Rome that has cheap things
    It’s all of Italy so we got to go out for dinner again in Venice and I had the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had in my life. I also had spaghetti carbonara. So all in all I came out of Venice now having a new favourite place and having the best hot chocolate and the best ice cream. And I think Venice takes top spot on a favourite places beating Rothenburg because it wasn’t too loud because it only had boats, I liked the colourful buildings and ( most importantly) good food.
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  • Hari 72

    Lake Como

    2 Oktober 2023, Itali ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Our trip from Venice to Lake Como was running very smoothly. We went on 3 trains, each one going for maybe one hour each. It was all going fine and smooth until we had to get on the bus and it all fell apart. We got off the train and out of the train station and just missed the first bus so we had to wait an hour. We were the only ones there for the first thirty minutes but then more and more people started to come until the whole bus stop was packed. There was even a whole gang of 14 to 15 year olds so when the bus came all the 14s and 15s pushed against the doors of the bus trying to get on first and they were pushing so hard that they pushed over an old lady who nearly got run over! We had to scramble on with our big suitcases and no one helped us, just pushed us aside. Me, Mum and Dad got on the bus but Jemilla got cut off by another wave of people and it took her ages to get back on. We were halfway down the bus when she realised she wasn’t on. When she finally scrambled on the bus the driver was saying she wasn’t allowed on. Dad was calling out to the Bus driver to let her on but he didn’t understand, but in the end a New Zealand guy realised what happened and sort it out. We finally got to our place and settled in with our awesome view and now have another good travel story!

    On our second day we walked down to the supermarket along this really nice trail which was really green and had a bunch of paths leading down to the ocean. We did get lost a lot of times.

    On our third day we stayed at home and watched the grand final because we always have to watch it late. It wasn’t like any of the grand finals we’ve watched before because there were no party pies or sausage rolls but a different experience is a good experience.

    After our grand final day we got up and got on a ferry that took us over to Bellagio where we looked around for a-bit. Everything there looked super rich with a lot of rich people and the area around had really nice streets with expensive food, so we had to walk 30 minutes to a super market were we got a delicious pizza for $2, which was cheap seeing that we saw the same pizza for $6 in the middle of town. Our next town (Verena) we visited on the ferry was much smaller and we had not as much time there unfortunately because we had to catch the bus. We then caught the ferry back and got some delicious ice cream while we waited for the bus.

    The next day we visited a really famous villa where a James Bond scene was filmed and half a Star Wars movie. It was a big garden with really nice views and it was really cool standing in the places that famous actors stood. All in all I loved Lake Como because it was quiet and the architecture was very colourful and Italian. I also loved Italy in general because this was our last place before we leave for Switzerland. I think Italy was my favourite country so far and Germany goes in second place.
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  • Hari 75

    Saas Fee

    5 Oktober 2023, Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    On our travel day to Switzerland everything went much smoother than our last travel day. We hopped on three seperate trains and got to Switzerland. Everything in Switzerland felt very organised and clean, and I loved getting back to the mountains. The place we were staying in had the best view of the mountains and had the best inside. Everything had a very Christmas vibe and the beds were super comfy, and for some reason the light switches were super satisfying to turn on and off because it felt good on your finger.

    On our second day Jemilla and I chilled out in our cozy home for the majority of the day while Mum and Dad went for walks because the next day we had a big travelling day and we were going on a few hikes at our next Airbnb place. I loved our stay in Saas Fee even though it was short. I just loved being back in the mountains.
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  • Hari 76


    6 Oktober 2023, Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Our travelling day in Switzerland was one of our best travelling days yet. All the trains were amazing and really fancy, and the views from the train window felt like we were on a mountain tour train but we were just on a transport train. We did accidentally sit in first class compartment for about ten minutes until they checked our tickets. We got to Lauterbrunnen and it was amazing. On the bus ride to our accomodation Mum met an old friend called Sally from uni. Our Airbnb was awesome too, the view was super cool and it was one of the biggest Airbnbs yet.

    On our second day we wanted to wake up early to go for a few walks but that didn’t really work out, so instead we woke up at 9 and left around 10:30 to go up a few mountains by train and gondola. Some of the gondolas sat like 30 people and we had them to ourselves. We also looked around a lot of the towns on the hill. We even passed a park which had its own bowling ally which Dad said is very Swiss.

    On our third day we took a cruise on a lake which was very long. We then caught a lift thing that was super steep and took us up to another smaller mountain.

    On our 4th and last day we went up to Grindelwald for a walk to a lake and a cliff walk. We got a gondola to ourselves again too. The mountains were amazing. On the tops of them were snow and old glaciers and all the trees were turning orange because it’s Autumn in October which feels weird. To sum up, the mountains were one of my favourite parts of this whole trip and I will definitely miss them as we go on back to France.
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  • Hari 81


    11 Oktober 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Our trip out of Switzerland was very smooth. We left pretty late so we could fit in a small sightseeing trip to a waterfall. We got on a couple of fancy Swiss trains and a bus. We caught our bus at 5:00 out of Geneva to Annecy

    Our next day was very chill. Dad and I went for a swim in the lake and wandered through the old town and looked in shops.

    The next day we basically did the same thing but this time we found a shopping centre and had a look around and got an ice cream. Even though our stay in Annecy was short, I loved having this time to relax in another French old town
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  • Hari 84


    14 Oktober 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    On our way to Perpignan we had to take a 1 hour bus to Leon and wait there for 2 hours. We got on our next bus around 2:00 and got to Perpignarm at 8:30

    Our stay in Perpignan was not a very eventful one. We just hung around the place chilling. Outside of our place was a nice river with lots of trees and there was even a medieval festival on. The Airbnb person also gave us free pizza for dinner which was very good. It was a quick stay here because it was only one stop on our way to Barcelona.Baca lagi

  • Hari 89


    19 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    On our day of travel it was a pretty short one. All we had to do was get on one bus to Barcelona, leaving France and entering Spain. All the underground trains were super hot for some reason too. Barcelona at first seemed really quiet and everyone seemed nice. I didn’t see one druggo which was a good start.

    The next day we went to a shopping centre that used to be a bull fighting ring and we also walked and looked around a lot of the town and entered a really big food market.

    On our third day we went inside Casa Batilo which was made by a guy called Gaudi and it was really cool and funky looking. In the basement of the place was this cool box that you went in to show what his mind was like. After that we went around the area looking at things and we even found a Lego store. On the underground train on the way back to our apartment, some lady thought it necessary that everyone should listen to a Ted talk speech that she presented herself. Which would probably be very educational if it wasn’t all in Spanish.

    Our 4th day in Barcelona was a pretty relaxed one. We went out onto the street to have a look around a few shops. I noticed that the drivers in Barcelona have a habit of running a red light when it has the green walking person. But only when someone’s not there it’s not like they just run over everyone.

    On our last day in Barcelona we went to a church called Sagrada familla which was also designed by Gaudi. It wasn’t as big as St Peters back in Rome but it definitely was more colourful. It still wasn’t a finished building, it has been worked on for over 140 years. I liked how every little part of it had its own story behind it. My favourite part of Barcelona was that it felt very safe. I liked the parks and shops surrounding our apartments too and i would definitely come back to see the finished Sagrada familla.
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  • Hari 91


    21 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    We left Barcelona on the very humid and hot subway and went to the airport. We weren’t getting on any planes but we had to rent a car, which I was really excited about because I had not been in a car for ages. We got to Alicante which looked like it had dessert around it and a beach with sand. I hadn’t seen a beach with sand since Singapore.

    The next day we headed down to the beach for a swim and relaxing by the beach.

    On our last day in Alicante we just basically did the same thing we did the day before. Our stay in Alicante was good but short so we couldn’t really get a good feel for the place.
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  • Hari 94


    24 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We left our apartment building in a car which I was very happy about becuase I like cars more than any train or bus. It was a 3 hour drive and once we got there it was all looking abit sketchy but further down the hill it started to look more like a city.

    The next day we explored the surrounding area and looked around the churches and bakeries. Spain’s Architecture is much different from the things we have seen in other country’s. Their colours are more pastel and have different kinds of roofs.

    On our second day we decided to go to Alhambra which was a Muslim palace on top of a hill. The gardens were really nice and it had amazing views. It was cool to see the contrast of religions seeing that we were fresh out of a lot of Catholic and Christian buildings.

    On our second last morning in Granada we wanted to go into a church but when we got there it was under construction and wasn’t worth paying the money to go see it. What we did see instead though was a really cool busker who was just playing in on his guitar, but then a guy with a clarinet ( who was very good ) came in from the crowd and started playing with him. For the remainder of the day we got churros and looked around an area of Granada we hadn’t seen before.

    On our last full day in Granada we walked up to a viewing point of the Alhambra palace and went down to the shops because Jemilla wanted to get a dress at a shop. We also bought 3 small paintings from a local artist to put up in our house for when we got home and Dad also got a pair of shoes. So we had quite the shopping day. To sum up Granada it was a really cool city. The streets were full of random bursts of Music and bells which always came as a nice surprise. And also a place where many cultures lived alongside each-other in one city. If I had to describe Granada in one word I would say It was very Musical.

    P.S : I won’t be able to put as many photos up because my Find my penguins premium 3 month trial has expired 😡
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