2017 Travel Adventures

Haziran - Kasım 2017
Stacey tarafından 144 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • 36,7kkilometre
  • Gün 1

    Travelling to London

    17 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    The start of my big adventure in 2017!!
    I departed Melbourne feeling both nervous and excited for my four months of travel ahead.
    Flew over some stunning Australian landscapes on the way to Bangkok.
    I had a four hour stop over and I treated myself to a delicious fresh coconut!
    I flew over the new wind turbine farm in the sea which was pretty cool to see.
    On the plane I watched movies including LEGO, Batman, Beauty and the Beast and the Founder. Thai airways was pretty good and I especially enjoyed the chicken curry! 😋
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  • Gün 2

    Arriving in London to meet Jake

    18 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    When I got off the tube there was Jake, a relief, but it was actually a pretty easy commute to his house.
    It's a warm 32 degrees today!! Jake and Ali's house is pretty big and they have a spare room for me which makes it very cosey.
    Jake and I rode bikes around and looked at the Columbia Flower market and then through Victoria Park.
    We ate an epic beef wellington at The Hemingway Pub with Ali, Alex and Ben. We checked out the market at Victoria Park and meet two of Jake's friends, Michel and Dora. We then rode to Olympic Park, then along the canal to The Princess of Wales Pub and then to the East London Liquor company for gin and tonics. Jake and I went to a roof top bar called Netil which has epic city views.
    Jake cooked up a delicious salmon stir fry and I somehow managed to stay awake until 10:30pm, keeping jet lag at bay. Was a great intro into London life! 🇬🇧
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  • Gün 3

    Exploring London - Notting Hill

    19 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today it was hot again! Jake and I had an easy morning and took the tube over to Notting Hill Gate. Shop windows were displaying posters looking for missing people from the recent nearby apartment tower fire.
    We checked out some of the famous Notting Hill sights including the travel book shop, blue door and the market. Notting Hill is still a favorite movie of mine! We also found the street from a scene in the movie Love Actually where the guy has the cards saying how he secretly loves Keira Knightley's character.
    We ate yummy tapas and then struggled to find, but eventually found, some city bikes to rent. We rode to the Design Museum where we saw the Designer, User, Maker exhibition which was pretty interesting.
    We cycled to Hyde Park and saw Kensington Palace and then to the Princess Diana Memorial fountain. It was full of kids dipping their toes in the cool flowing water. It looked pretty fabulous on a hot London day.
    Jake and I then cycled the rambling streets of London to meet Ali and a friend of hers at the London School of Economics to finish some of her uni card money at the pub. We had some cooling Pimms and then a beer in the park.
    The four of us then had Italian for dinner. The restaurant had a pianist who sang and got us clapping to "All you need is Love"
    We got a London double decker bus home as the jet lag started to hit me so it was home and to bed. Great day out in London!
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  • Gün 4

    Getting ready for Glastonbury

    20 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We got up early and ran around Victoria Park. The circuit from their house is about 5km which sounded delightful but my injured foot did not like it one bit!!
    I therefore checked out the playgrounds and massive slides. There were lots of little pockets to discover in this park.
    Ali's future sister in law arrived and we then walked to Victoria Park for brunch next to the lake. The coconut kale was delicious.
    The remainder of the day was all about Glastonbury planning! We went to Westfield and Stratford where I bought a UK sim card, festival hat, sunnies and earrings. We filled our bags with glow sticks, eight bottles of spirits and a few lollipops before heading to the airport to pick up the hire car.
    Packing was tricky as we had to be able to carry it all on our back. I tried to limit myself but basically took everything as six days of rain could have been ahead of us!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 5

    Glastonbury!!! Day 1

    21 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    This day has finally arrived!!! I've been wanting to go to this festival all my life and now the time has come.
    My alarm went off at 3:40am, but luckily I'm still on Melbourne time. We were picked up by Ben and Chambo and the five of us set off in the hire car.
    On the way we saw the recently burnt out Grenfell Tower and Stonehenge. It was the summer solstice so there was a bit of a party there.
    We arrived at Glastonbury pretty quickly, parked the car and started walking, carrying all our things. It was hard going in 33 degree heat and we were in a big queue for 3 hours, not pleasant!
    We found a campsite on a bit of a slope with views to the main Pyramid stage. Pretty lucky!
    After setting up our tents we went in search of a cold beer! This took us hours as not all the bars were open. But when we found it we quickly sculled two delicious cold beers in the Greenpeace area.
    We checked out the Healing Space, Craft Field, Block 9, Shangri-La, Unfairground, Sacred Space, Tipi Fields, The Park, Big Glastonbury sign, Arcadia, Cineramageddon and some of the stages. There were flags everywhere, arts works, dressed up cars, performers and many food stands.
    The sheer scale and wonder was above anything I had expected. It was just amazing!
    There were fireworks and bonfires to celebrate the opening night! Just incredible what was to come.
    We were in bed not long after dark to get some rest in preparation!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Glastonbury - Day 2

    22 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We woke up in this magical land! Today there wasn't much music scheduled, so a good chance for us to explore more!
    Us three girls bought colourful jackets that will feature through out the festival, whilst the boys got themselves some meggings cat pants, hideous but fabulous fun!
    I revisited my childhood and got a hair wrap with detachable feathers on the end!
    We started drinking before heading to the Williams Green stage where The Smyths, a cover band to the Smiths were playing. Great fun! We wandered more, ate food and returned to the same stage for a secret TBA set, which turned out to be Circa Waves. We could not get near the tent but heard them play. After a scary mass movement of people, we made our way in for the next TBA act, which was Everything Everything! Fun times singing distant past! A few more fun cover bands played with banger after banger and lots of shaking it off! We met people who put UV paint on our faces! We danced till about 2am, a fair effort for our rest day!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Glastonbury - Day 3 - Radiohead

    23 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    The first big day of music!
    First band was The Pretenders 🎶 "I'll stand by you" was a big sing along! We then headed to see the Hot 8 Brass Band at the West Holts stage and ate some food.
    Next was the dreamy First Aid Kit with Emmylou, then Glass Amimals with Gooey. We listened to Royal Blood mainly from our campsite. I was surprised how good they were and how many songs I knew of theirs.
    The xx was next and we got nice and close to the Pyramid Stage - Angels, Say Something Loving and basically all their songs were big singalongs!
    Chambo and I then ran across to see Lorde play at The Other Stage. She sang in a giant container ship and had many dancers. I convinced the person behind me to go on their shoulders for Green Light!
    Next we ran across to Radiohead and got to be close to the front for Creep, The Reckoner and Karma Police.
    Then we ran to hear Major Lazer's last song, but just missed it.
    We got some drinks and headed to Arcadia. There was a giant spider with other spiders crawling up to it, and fire spurting out. Crazy! We checked out the Rabbit Hole and saw Confidence Man playing before climbing the tower, checking out the forest and somehow finding my tent. Epic day of madness and music.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Glastonbury - Day 4 - Foo Fighters

    24 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Today had the bands I was most wanting to see, Katy Perry and Father John Misty!
    The first big act was Craig David and our big group of 20, loved signing to Seven Days and Walking Away. He had some new DJ side with TS5, which we all found quite hilarious.
    Then over to The Other Stage for Kaiser Chiefs and I Predict a Riot!
    Back next for my fav, Katy Perry! She belted out most of her hits such as Firework, Teenage Dream and Roar. She seemed a bit unsure that people liked her but the crowd showed her they were big fans. She wore a sparkly onsie and even went crowd surfing!
    We then raced to West Holts stage for the Avalanches, Subways and Since I Left You were great. I didn't think they were as good as when I saw them at the Falls Festival.
    We strolled back past the Pyramid Stage while catching The National sing Bloody Ohio and Terrible Love. Hell yes, this is what it's all about!!
    We got in early to The John Peel Stage for Father John Misty. Let's just say he rocked, my obsession with his music over the last year and a half was loving this. I went on Jake's shoulders for Chateau Lobby and belted out every word to it! Sheer joy here!
    We then made our way to the Pyramid Stage for the Foo Fighters. The crowd was seriously epic. There were flags everywhere, flares going off and Best Of You went on for over 10 minutes. It finished with fireworks for Everlong...big ending! They were epic and what you would expect of them!
    We then headed to check out Shangri-La armed with glow sticks and a glowing balloon. The party scene was jumping, everyone's face had glitter, over 100 band areas and DJ's. This scale is simply amazing. By 4am I had very tired feet and ventured 3km home to my tent!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Glastonbury - Day 5 - Ed Sheeran

    25 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Talk about sore feet!! Wow just standing up was a world of pain.
    First gig was at the John Peel Stage for Real Estate. We then looked at the forest area where there were campfires, twisted willow sculptures and a giant boat to climb up into the trees.
    The next gig was Laura Marling on the Pyramid stage. We had some food and chilled while listening to the sweet sounds. It was then time for Barry Gibb from the BeeGees and I was excited. I didn't realise just how good he was. The crowd loved it and for me he was a highlight of the entire festival. He seemed very humble and he was close to tears as we sung along to "Stayin' Alive", "How deep is your love" and "You should be dancing". Epic of all kinds. Next we rushed over to Shaggy who Ali was most looking forward to for some "Angel", Bombastic" and "Wasn't me". We were pretty close to the front so was a fun sign-a-long.
    We raced back to the Pyramid Stage for some Chic and en route with a toilet stop I just missed out on seeing Victoria Beckham in the flesh - arghh!
    Then next act was London Grammer at the John Peel Stage, she was super impressive again, her voice is amazing and a highlight was "Maybe I'm wasting my young years". Not at the moment at least 😉
    After that we went to the Pyramid Stage for Ed Sheeran. Massive crowds and loud singing to "Shape of You" and "Galway Girl". There was old ladies on shoulders and flares filled the air. When it all ended we headed to a small stage where there was a big crush for Jamie XX, we didn't stay long as was just people pushing. We headed to the Park area for some dancing before bed. Feet were ready to rest now.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 11

    Tower Bridge and a big chicken

    27 Haziran 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    I didn't write yesterday as I was packing up Glastonbury, driving back to London, finally having a shower and going to bed exhausted. Glastonbury was just the best thing I've done in my entire life. It was incredible how many good bands we saw, how big the place was and how many amazing things were there to discover. Epic on all scales and truly a magical place.

    On to today. I woke up very tired and sore but by lunch time Jake and I went out to explore. Checked out the monument, Tower of London and then over to Tower Bridge. Jake and I discovered that you could go up the bridge on the top and look through large pieces of glass that you could walk on. There was great views up there and I discovered that a bus has actually jumped the opening bridge, just like in the Spice Girls movie!!

    We had a drink at a pub on the Thames, then another while it started to rain... no!! It didn't stop raining so we decided on dinner at a restaurant Jake had been wanting to try - Tramshed or as I read the sign Trashed as the M was drawn as a cow you see. Ha ha! The chicken was fabulous but just a bit too big a serve for us.

    We were headed home at 7pm for an early night when Jake checked if his friend was nearby Joe or 'Happy McSunshine" as I'd heard him called. He was, so we called into a bar for many G&T's and before we knew it, our early night was after midnight. Ah holidays...
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