American Food Trip

giugno 2022
Tasting the delights the East Coast has to offer Leggi altro
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  • Giorno 1

    Manchester to New York

    8 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    We started the day with a goodbye Mcdonalds breakfast with Mum and Bob in a rainy Morecambe. Once we'd got through check-in and security we got some steps pausing halfway through for a white coffee from PKB.

    An hour into the flight they started the FREE(!!) food and drink service. Starter was a bag of gorgeous pretzels with a white wine. Main meal was chicken and bacon in a white wine sauce with mash peas and carrots, which typical me ate inside my bread roll like a sandwich. The meal was lovely but not quite the portion sizes dad is used to!
    Two hours later was an ice lolly (or lolly ice as the flight attendant said) and a soft drink. Followed an hour later by the afternoon tea. The sandwiches were rank (cream cheese with dill and cheese and pesto), even dad didnt eat them. But the scones and lemon cake were lovely washed down with a cuppa.

    Once we got into New York and found our way to the hotel it was 7pm (NY) time but technically midnight UK time and we'd had no tea so we were starving. We wandered out and came across a Wendy's. It had onscreen ordering so we could peruse the menu with no stress. We then got $5 dollar meals consisting of burgers, chicken nuggets, fries and a drink. The fries were AMAZING so crisp, hot and seasoned. Dad really enjoyed the honey mustard dip too. I washed mine with a small (if you can't belive it looking at the size of the cup) minutemaid lemonade. Overall it was delish
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  • Giorno 2

    New York

    9 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Well our first full day in New York started in the most authentic way. On our way from the Rockefeller center towards Central Park we came across a breakfast food cart. The man was a seasoned professional and gave us the lowdown in his broad new York accent. We both went for an egg and bacon bagel with a large coffee. It cost $25 but it was worth every dollar.
    Three quarters of the loop around Central Park it was getting to 1pm and we were starting to flag. Dad made the joke "if only we could stumble across a subway in this park" then we remember we live in the 21st century so got Google maps out and lo and behold there was one 0.3 miles away. We both got Turkey breast and it was good to get some veggies in. A running theme started to occur with this costing $25.
    Around 3pm we had to decide whether to go back to the hotel or wait it out for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. We decided to grab a drink and wait it out so went to the old faithful Mcdonalds. Dad got a normal coffee and I got an iced one and we watched the world go buy.
    Still feeling full from the lunch we grabbed an apple and peach each before the show (along with a Dr pepper for Dad it cost $10!!) The show was amazing, the magic effects were stunning and I'm so grateful Dad thought to get me tickets. We finished off the day in true New Yorker style with a hotdog each (another $24 dollars down)
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  • Giorno 3

    New York Day 2

    10 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    We started off the day at Popa'2 van on the corner of the street of the Dylan Hotel with a egg and bacon sandwich which we ate on the way to the Empire State Building. We grabbed a cold drink from a CVS pharmacy before heading down to the Ground Zero.
    After a poignant couple of hours at the respectful 9/11 museum it was 2.30pm and we were ready for food.
    There was lots of street food stalls but again had New York prices. A fast food chain we'd seen a lot was Chick-fil-A so we thought we'd give a go. A woman came down the queue and took our order we went from spicy chicken sandwiches, she highly recommended the special sauce. It was nice and kind of caramely, I put mine on my burger. (another $25 order)
    Next stop was Statue of Liberty, we got a boat ride to the island had a walk round then got a drink. I had a lovely iced coffee. Dad got a water just to requench and then went for a fresh lemonade in the coolest bottle. He decided to take the lid home for Bob.
    Once we got back to the hotel, checked into the tour it was 8pm and we were hungry. We had a look online for something different but all restaurants are ridiculously expensive so we ended up at the old faithful Wendy's. Dad went for the $5 meal again but with spicy nuggets this time. I however went against all instincts to go as cheap as possible and went for the strawberry chicken salad meal (10.99). I was so glad I did, it was refreshing and filling. You got a bag of candied almonds which were gorgeous. All in all, another great day!
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  • Giorno 4

    Philadelphia to Washington

    11 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    7.30am was set off time for the first day of the coach tour so armed with a brew we mounted the coach along with 4 other couples. The first stop was National Constitution Center in Philly, after a walk around we stopped and grabbed a warm soft pretzel. It had sea salt pieces on it and we were served it with mustard packets. For us it was too early in the morning for spicy condiments.
    After a couple more stops and a run up the Rocky steps we'd worked up an appetite. We were taken to a huge market place bustling with Philadelphia locals and tourists alike. We even found a reminder of home. The atmosphere was buzzing, with every type of food available e.g. Cheesestakes, burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs. Wafts of cinammon kept enticing us, with stalls catering direct for those with a sweet tooth. We were both a bit fast fooded out so when we stumbled across the turkey store it was most welcome. We had 'lunch boxes' turkey with mash and veg. It was good to have some proper food
    After a coach ride where I had a little nap and Dad completed his NY footprints, we arrived in Washington D.C. We decided to sign up for the night tour and so have just under 2 hours to get tea. We did a lap of the main shopping streets, it was packed full from a pride parade meaning all the restaurants were full. A sign outside of Flippin Pizza caught our eye so we went in. Dad ordered the 2 Slices deals and went a slice of the Bronx and a Triboro. I went for a slice of the Hawaiian and a garden salad. The pizza Slices were enormous and we both enjoyed it
    We ran quickly back up the hotel room to grab a decaf coffee and a cheeky row of choc for the night tour. It gave us the energy needed to appreciate the George Washington monument, world war 2 memorial, marine corps statue and the Kennedy Centre
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  • Giorno 5


    12 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    A full day on Washington started with two brews and a banana each that we'd bought at the 7 eleven the night before. On our first stop - statues from the Korean War, Dad tried his Cherry Pie. He was in heaven.
    At the Lincoln memorial we went to a cafe, Dad had a coffee and a muffin and I got a cereal bar, this kept us going to the next stop - The White House. Unfortunately Joe Biden didn't invite us in a brew (apparently in the past you could actually go into the building!) but it was well worth a visit anyway.

    After the morning walking tour we decided to stop at the Smithsonian and make the afternoon our own. It was getting toward 1pm so we decided to scout of the food carts for some lunch. Most were the same ones as New York and then we stumbled upon the yellow van that 1. Had their prices visible and 2. Had rice dishes. Dad had the chicken platter and I had beef over rice. Sitting there in a park, with the sun beating down of us was paradise. The food was lovely and I scoffed every mouthful including the hummus!

    After viewing the Capitol building we grabbed a coffee and took the time to make a few phonecalls home before entering the Museum. After a couple of hours in there we started the 30 min walk home. The sun was boiling and the air felt very close. I suggested that we just grab food on the way and have a picnic and chill night in the hotel. Dad went for cold cuts subway and order it all by himself, he's becoming a pro. I went to 7 eleven and got two tacquitos (they were crispy on the outside and soft in the middle and at only $2.49 for 2 I couldn't help thinking that Bob would be getting those a lot if they had them at the local spar) and a fruit pot. We shared a bag of bbq lays and got a few bottle of pop.

    At about 7.30pm dad decided to go back to the shop and get more pop for tomorrow (and to finish his 2 mile recorded walk). He surprised me with a can of beer each. You definitely get your moneys worth with a full pint per bottle! We decided to just share a can and save the other for tomorrow. We had a little cheers and finished our night ready, for tomorrow's adventure.
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  • Giorno 6

    Williamsburg - Roanoake

    13 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today was a driving day and breakfast was a banana and a lemon pie (dad had cherry) at a truck stop before we drove 2 more hours to Williamsburg.
    It was a quaint little olde wordly town that was like a museum. The sun was beating down on us at a burning 33 degrees. After a good walk round we were dying for a drink but luckily they had 21st century coffee shops and I got a lovely iced coffee to cool me down.
    Next it was back on the coach for a ferry crossing then another two hour drive. The exciting thing was the next stop was a Wal-Mart. Unfortunately we only got 20 mins here, but I ran round the food aisles as fast as my little legs could take me grabbing things for lunch and a couple of snacks.
    The grapes were sweet and juicy and paired nicely with the cracker crunchers, the pringles were a big hit with both me and Dad and I hope one day they sell them in England.
    Another two/three hours later we rolled into Roanoake and got settled in at the Holiday Inn. Luckily the room had a fridge because all our chocolate snacks had well melted.
    We head out to find somewhere for tea, I'd noticed a panda express on the way up and suggested it to Dad while hoping their was seating inside. We went into a couple of shops along the way and then got to Panda Express. We were in luck with plenty of seats inside. I went for a bowl with half chow mein, half veg topped with Kung Pao Chicken ($7.50). Dad went for a plate with half chow mein, half fried rice with Kung Pao Chicken and Honey Sesame Chicken ($9.00). It was amazing, Dad said it was his favourite meal of the holiday so far. It was so reasonably priced too, we both agreed that if they had this chain at home we'd both get takeaways here regularly (especially as they do drive thru!)
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  • Giorno 7

    Smokey Mountains - Gatlinsburg

    14 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    First stop on today's agenda was a gas station for the coach. We got 20 mins for the stop so while I perused the snacks, dad had a go on the slot machines and won $75! Using this he treated himself to a coffee and a blueberry cream Danish while I had a vitamin water with an apple and a cereal bar
    After a couple of hours ride we arrived in Asheville, a quirky town with lots of independant shops. We only had one hour so found a cafe inside an art gallery. I went for a toasted PB&J sandwich (only in America) it was so damn good, and dad had a chicken salad sandwich. Today was their anniversary and each meal came with a free scoop of ice cream, dad went for strawberry and I went for chocolate. It was nice to get our first diner style experience in America!
    The afternoon was made up of travelling through the smokey Mountains, getting plenty of photo ops of the lovely views until we arrived in Gatlinburg at 6pm. Even from the drive to the hotel I could tell it was going to be my favourite town yet
    As we waited for the suitcases we sat out on the balcony sharing a beer and taking in the sights. We agreed immediately that we had to do the skylift, unfortunately on the way up I dropped my bag off and there was a whole palava and ten minutes of stress and worry until i was reunited with my bag. We made our way back up, did the bridge across and looped round. As you can imagine all that excitement had worked up an appetite.
    We headed down the main streets taking in the sights of the Old Town feel buildings along with the neon lights that america is famous far. It was then we spotted our old famous joint Johnny Rockets. While the decor wasn't as great and there was no singing or dancing from the staff, the food was just as good. I knew what I wanted before I even stepped in the building, I had been dreaming of those chilli cheese fries for years now and they did not disappoint. Dad went for a burger and even refilled his fries. One thing, no matter where we've been for fries theyve always been way better than any in England.
    Dads back was hurting so I left him doing a leisurely stroll while I marched up and down the highstreet darting into shops. There were bright new candy shops next to old style moonshine whisky taverns, it was an explosion to the senses and so exciting and interesting to see. After a couple of hours of shopping, wandering and listening to live country music it was time to head back to the hotel for a decaf coffee and some chocolate before bed. Another day we'll spent.
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  • Giorno 8


    15 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Well, words can't even describe how much of an once in a lifetime experience today was.

    It started off great with a complimentary breakfast in Gatlinburg, I went for cereal and cinammon toast while dad went for a double sausage & egg sandwich

    After a stop at Dolly Partons home town we drove all morning before stopping at a Cracker barrels for lunch. It was nice to stop a real American type cafe. I went for traditional chicken and dumplings with biscuit, dad went for a roast beef dinner. Though I wouldn't have it again I'm glad I tried the chicken dumplings. I didn't enjoy the cornbread it was much too salty for me but I enjoyed the warm biscuit (a lot like a scone but with salt in) I had it with jam on the coach

    Next up was the main event - Nashville. The afternoon was spent up at the Country Hall of fame museum, where I spent an hour fangirling over Taylor Swift displays. We had a quick walk on the main strip then stopped for a cold drink the temperature was 33 degrees and we were feeling it. The studio B tour was next, while it was a humble room, the tour guide was excellent giving you a real feel of the room and the greatness that had transpired here. I got a bit emotional wishing mum was able to experience where Elvis produced so much of his best work

    We had a great surprise at the hotel. Tea was included along with three free drinks. We had baked potatoes with chicken, veg, chilli and nachos. I went for a wine while dad had brandy and coke. We then toasted a beer for dad and a mojito for me while looking out over the skyline before heading down into Nashville itself.

    I'll never forget the experience of Nashive. The atmosphere was buzzing with live country music blasting out from every venue. It was feast for the senses, you really felt like you were witnessing some amazing talent and possible future country stars. We had a couple of beers trying a few different bars with a rooftop bar. Singing and dancing along in the heat with a beer in hand was paradise. It wasn't like clubs or bars back home where everyone is leary or jostling with each other, it was respectful and you felt everyone was joined together by the appreciation of the music. Dad went back to the hotel and I stayed out for one more beer in the Honky Tonk bar, I felt safe and welcome, even meeting a few people. I never wanted it to end. I felt like I'd got the true country girl experience that I've always longed for from when I was first introduced to the genre by Taylor swift at 14 years old.
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  • Giorno 9


    16 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    It was a bittersweet start to the day with a lovely complimentary breakfast at the hotel while looking out at the Nashville skyline for the last time. Still, the sadness of leaving Nashville behind was soon replaced by the excitement of Graceland.

    The first view of graceland immediately blew all expectations out. It was a giant complex of museum after museum. Before we could start exploring it was time to get lunch. Gladys diner (named after his mum) and the coffee & go were closed so Vernon's smokehouse (named after his Dad) it was. I chose the bbq pork sandwich with corn and dad had bbq pork, mash and bbq beans. The meat was soft and seasoned really well, for just over $30 Inc drinks you definitely can't complain.
    The next couple of hours were spent seeing Graceland - the house, the cars, the planes, the costumes, it was so thorough and interesting, we made sure to get as many pics as possible for Mum.

    Once we checked into the hotel we had a quick brew before heading out into Memphis. We bumped into the Scottish couple from the coach and they had said they had been to the Mexican restaurant and the portions were good. We had a quick look round the main strip for something to eat but not a lot took our fancy. Memphis itself was a poor comparison to Nashville.

    So taking that couples advice we went to the Mexican. The decor was garishly bright and unfortunately no air con, but the glasses of water were large and cold. You got free chips and dip for starter, the nacho chips were greasy but the salsa was good. Dad ordered pollo loco which was a chicken sizzler dish and I ordered el paso (chicken burrito). The chicken itself was the best part of the meal, really juicy and I enjoyed the refried beans. Overall it was distinctly average but it got the job done and it was something different.

    We then walked off the big meal with another lap of memphis main strip before making our way back up to the hotel. After a quick brew I settled down for an early night, ready for New Orleans
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  • Giorno 10

    New Orleans

    17 giugno 2022, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    The morning was very ordinary with a breakfast of fruit & cereal bar as we started the long coach journey through Jackson to New Orleans

    Lunch stop was at a Walmart with a full hour to look around. This time we got chance to look round the clothes, see the guns, bikes, fishing rods as well as check out all the different snacks and food it had to offer. I was well impressed by the $4.25 luncable uploaded box (even if I did only get one hersey kiss). I sent Bob the pictures of the lunchables and he was very very jealous, saying that if we had these in England he would be sorted for lunch every day.

    Afternoon rest stop was at a visitor center and we got a free cup of lousianna special coffee which was very nice. We got to the hotel early around 4.00pm and had a relax along with a packet spicy cheetos. They were spicy and were full of food colouring as I found when I brushed my teeth later haha.

    Tonight was the New Orleans Mississippi Paddleboat ride, the whole group apart from two had booked onto this so it was nice to spend time together. We were led onto Deck 2 and sat straight down for dinner. Starter was chicken & sausage gumbo with rice, it was far too rich for me, dad wasn't too keen on it either. We ordered a can of coors lite each and Dad struck up a good conversation with a guy from the coach, talking about work and retirement plans. Main course was served buffet style - chicken in sauce, seafood pasta, herb potatoes and green beans. (I passed the potatoes onto dad) The chicken was lovely and succelent in a really tasty sauce. While it was a random combo of food (to us) it was all individually nice. The side salad had a sweet pomegranate type dressing which I really enjoyed. The pudding was a white chocolate bread and butter pudding which was too weird a texture for me, but the next pudding was definitely a highlight for me. Banana fosters is delish - caramelised banana with cinnamon and vanilla ice cream, refreshing and sweet. It was a lovely evening, we walked the deck a few times taking in the sites having another beer and then settled on the top deck and watched the jazz musicians. It was a real classy and lovely night.

    After a lovely feast we wanted to walk a bit of it off and check out the French quarter. The main Bourbon Street was not what I expected at all and completely destroyed the romantised version of New Orleans I had in my head. We cut the night short and decided to revisit it in the morning instead to appreciate the architecture. Dad went and had a play in the casino while I went home for the usual brew and chocolate before bed. With no alarm to set, it was a nice feeling to go to sleep knowing that there was no early morning wake up call
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