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    • Hari 67


      22 Juni 2023, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Vlora, die zweitgrößte Stadt Albaniens und Touristenhochburg. Vorallem bei Italienern beliebt und fühlt sich auch irgendwie italienisch an. Da es sehr heiß ist und ich ein günstiges Apartment mit Klimaanlage gefunden habe ruhe ich mich tagsüber eher aus und/oder Koch mir was leckeres. Morgens kann man dann entspannt die Stadt besichtigen und Abends mit allen Urlaubern gemeinsam an der Strandpromenade spazierengehen 😅 Trotz den vielen hässlichen Hotels trotzdem eine interessante, teilweise schöne Stadt.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 14

      Paradiesischer Übernachtungsplatz

      14 September 2023, Albania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Von der Security wurden wir vom 1. Platz weggeschickt. Nebenan fragten wir den Strandbarbesitzer, ob wir bei ihm stehen dürfen.
      JA! Für 10 € / Womo dürfen wir direkt am Strand ü einem großen Pinienwald.

      Ein wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang bei Reggae-Musik krönte unseren Tag.

      Naten e mire 🌟🌜🌠
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    • Hari 5

      Vlore - No Place to be

      16 Juli 2023, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heute bin ich von Ohridsee nach Albanien gefahren - mein erster Stopp war VLORE
      Tja, was soll ich sagen..
      Die Hafenstadt ist sehr touristisch, hat einen öffentlichen Badestrand, der eher ekelig ist.

      Weiter hinten sieht’s netter aus, ist jedoch alles verbaut und hoteleigen-Zugang..

      Ein Eiskaffee für 2 Euro - um bisschen umzuplanen für die Nacht, da sich heute einiges verzögert hatte durch Grenze und diverse andere Hoppalas 😅 (Beitrag dazu kommt noch..)
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    • Hari 14

      Strand von VLORA

      14 September 2023, Albania ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Heute hatten wir eine entspannte Fahrt. 157 km über die SH4 (2-spurige Straße) und dann auf der A2, die sehr gut ausgebaut ist.... vorbei an einem kleinen Flächenbrand neben der Autobahn.

      Es ist schon unglaublich.... da kommen einem Fußgänger, Radfahrer, Mopedfahrer AUF der Autobahn ENTGEGEN 😳😯.

      Je weiter wir in Süden kamen, umso grüner und schöner wurde es wieder.

      In Vlora hielt ich mich rechts.... Richtung Meer/Strand... ließ mich wieder "führen" und kamen an diesen traumhaften Strand.
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    • Hari 34


      7 Agustus 2023, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      The second stop on our road trip was Vlore. But we spent the morning exploring Durres after a quick breakfast. This mostly consisted of wandering an old Roman amphitheatre. Lewis is an incredibly curious and talkative individual, and it was hilarious watching his brain unravel and question what each section may have been used for. It added to the entertainment value. Although very small, the unrestricted access through all the areas made it super interesting. They had some brief history stuff to talk about, but it wasn't the most exciting descriptions possible. Either way, we spent about an hour here before hunting down a sports bar to watch the Woman's World Cup. Australia played against Denmark, and it was a big game for both teams. Although originally struggling to find a pub that plays the game, the old reliable Irish pub managed to secure an avenue to watch it. We were the only Aussies watching, but we still got very excited about the game. After Australia got the win and secured their spot in the quarter finals, we set off to make it to our accommodation in Vlore. By the time we arrived, we parked up at the hotel briefly and made our way to find some dinner. It was already quite late by this point, so we had a quick look along the waterfront to see what it was all about. There was quite a bit happening. It is summer in Europe, so there are always things going on, it seems, but it was nice to walk through the streets at night and see everyone out with their families. Despite Lewis and Erin getting us lost, I eventually took charge and got us back to the accommodation. This is noteworthy because im shocking with directions, and the two of them are always bragging about their good memory. Although Vlore wasn't as nice as Durres, I think the accommodation we had was much nicer. This meant that for the first time in a long time, we could watch netflix and eat snacks on the couch just like we were back home. We watched 'Beasts of no Nation', and it was very confronting. It was a great movie but not really the movie we should have picked given the occasion. We were far more keen for something uplifting and light-hearted. Instead, we scarred our mental health, causing decades of emotional damage and losing faith in all of humanity and earth before heading to bed.

      Seriously, I don't think I have seen a more aggressively depressing movie ever. Despite being very good.
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    • Hari 2

      Strand Vlorë

      9 Oktober 2022, Albania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Vlorë erreichen wir gegen 14:00, schönes Strandwetter, so daß wir erstmal Baden gehen ehe wir unser Quartier aufsuchen. Das Wasser ist herrlich. Hier gibt es eine großzügige Strandpromenade mit Radweg, breitem Fußweg und natürlich ner Strandstraße und vielen Cafés und Restaurants. Die Häuser sind 4-6 stöckig, alles noch einigermaßen nett gebaut. Aber auch typisch Mittelmeer. Im Café essen wir super Waffeln, mit Schoko, Banane und Vanilleeis. Sehr lecker. Dann geht's zur Wohnung. Etwas abseits vom Strand, ganz oben mit super Ausblick. Air B&B für zwei Tage.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 9–11

      Vlorë, Albania

      24 Oktober 2023, Albania

      Vlorë is quite similar to Durres in that it’s a port town with a long beach stretching south, also lined with hotels and restaurants. We were dropped by our taxi mid-morning at the bus terminal in the centre of town and had a couple of km walk down to our apartment on the beach.

      Considered to be the NW gateway to the Albanian Riviera we booked 2 days in Vlorë to research the best way of cruising down the coast from there. We started off trying to find a way to get to the first beach town but faced the same issues with public transport. No information and no schedules.

      Looking at the map, and remembering the issues we’d had in Sicily we decided to hire a car for a few days hoping that would give us greater flexibility. And potentially a better chance of doing some hikes.

      The water was crystal clear here compared to Durres so we happily spent a spare day between the beach and the town.
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    • Hari 52

      Day 53 - Berat to Vlorë

      20 September 2022, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      When I woke up this morning I still felt a little weak and shaky, but at least I was hungry. Taking it as a good sign, I ate a banana and some plain bread from the hostel breakfast. I didn't touch anything I had the day before that made me feel so sick. 😅 Actually, I didn't feel like burek for a long time after.. 😅

      Around 10:30am, I had my bags packed and left the hostel in Berat. I would see Chris and Lucas again later in Vlorë. The way down to the main road from the hostel was a huge construction site and about half way down a truck blocked the way. The Albanian workers helped me lifting my bike and my bags over the truck and I could start 9my day trip. :) Before finally hitting the road, I wanted to get a postcard of Berat for myself though, so I went into the city first. :) Also, I passed Bruno again, the local who gave us a nice tour on my first day. :)
      The road to Vlorë was mostly flat with only 500m elevation and doable slopes. However, I felt exhausted from not eating the previous day so every little climb felt like a huge mountain to me that day. I had to take a lot of breaks and it took me much longer than expected. The ride was nice though, I cycled through many little villages in rural Albania and the road was not busy at all. :) I also met two French bikepackers on the road on a tandem they've been travelling for two years already. Very inspiring! :)

      Arriving in Vlorë, I was finally back at the coast again and first time seeming Albanian beaches. Vlorë has a rather modern vibe, it doesn't look anything like Berat. There's many big apppartment buildings along the coast, many of them under (endless?) construction. I met Chris and Lucas in a coffee shop by the beach after dropping my bags at the hostel and taking a shower.
      Later that evening we walked around the city and went up a hill to a fancy bar/restaurant. On the way up there through really dark alleys we wouldn't have been surprised if we'd been attacked by the many barking dogs in the neighborhood. We got a fright anytime we heard something moving around us. :D We concluded that neither of us would have gone up this way by themselves ever. Up at the restaurant (we were the only guests), we ordered some wine and a coke for me and enjoyed a surprisingly nice view onto Vlorë at night. :) After a while up there enjoying the drinks we went back down along the main road, which had street lights for the most part at least. Walking back towards city center we got hungry and the three of us ordered a 🍕 Margherita family size together. 😅 We also found a really nice looking road with lanterns and bars, but there was really no vibe there and we only stayed to watch some dogs and cats interacting with each other. We gave them silly names, so we called the cat "Russia" which was bullying a dog we named "Schengen". Think I was high on sugar and the others had too many drinks, it was funny though. 😁
      After, we strolled around forever searching for a nice bar by the beach, but the one we liked on Google was closed already, the others had no vibe and no guests at all. There was only one busy bar that played really loud music, but other than Chris no one wanted to go there, so we eventually just went back to the hostel, where we went to sleep soon. It was already quite late and I had a pretty big day ahead.. 🚲⛰️
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    • Hari 34


      19 Oktober 2022, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      I arrived in Vlorë

      Today I've experienced the albanian hospitality once again!

      I was hitchhiking from Himare to Vlorë and as I was waiting for my first ride an old albanian lady came to me and she offered me some local bulgarian fruit, she was really sweet

      It didn't take long before I've got my first ride, once again it was the first car that passed me, it was a truck

      This truck driver gave me a ride to Palase, which was like 20-30 minutes drive from Himare but because the roads were very steep it took the truck about an hour to get to Palase, the driver also offered me some cookies

      Once in Palase I started to thumb up at passing traffic again, as there wasn't many traffic on the road I started to think that maybe I could start walking already, even though it was still 50 kilometers to Vlorë and it was a mountainous area so the road was very steep

      It didn't take long before a car stopped for me, he drove me all the way to Vlorë and offered me an apple
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    • Hari 15

      Impressionen eines Strandtages

      15 September 2023, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Der Platz hier ist wunderschön. Feiner Sandstrand, kristallklares Wasser, zigmeterweit kann man reinlaufen.

      Die andere Seite: Müll, Müll, Müll....

      Am Abend sitzen wir gemütlich bei Reggae-Musik und tanzen mit den Strandbarbetreibern und unserm Platzwart 🎹🎸🎧🎤💃.
      Soooooo schön. Hier wollen wir gar nicht mehr weg.
      Wir sind jetzt schon den 3. Tag hier und verlängern morgen wohl nochmals.

      Die "wilden" 🐕🐕 sind sooo lieb. Sie sehen gesund aus, sind f r e i und wohl glücklich.
      Eine liebe süße Maus hat sich in mein ❤️ geschlichen 😍....
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Vlorë, Vlore, Vlora, فلوره, Vlyora, Вльора, Αυλώνας, ولوره, ולורה, Վլորա, Valona, ヴロラ, 블로러, Vliorė, Vļora, Валона, Wlora, ولورہ, Влёра, วโลเรอ, 发罗拉

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