French Frolics

setembro 2022 - junho 2024
Jumping off the hampster wheel, taking a breath and hopefully enjoying our lives to the full. Champagne, wine and plenty of cheese. Leia mais
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  • Dia 34

    20.10 Day 34 . . . Recovery

    20 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Well after yesterdays mega day of early start, work and then the crossing and drive down - today was always going to be a slow day.
    After getting in just before 2am a lay in was always going to be on the cards, but weirdly we were both awake by about 9am. I thought we would be sleeping late into the morning.
    Tea and reading in bed took up a couple of hours before we took advantage of the sunshine and lazed by the pool for a while.
    A few spots of rain heralded the end of the sunshine, before the light shower that had been forecast started.
    We dodged a couple of showers to unload some bits from Roxvanne and then settled in for the evening.
    Having found on our first few weeks out here that the tiled floor was a little on the chilly side in the evenings, we had ordered up some defence options for our return . . . so, out came the newly purchased, cosy as you like, fluffy and padded old gits slippers. The evening passed in newly found warmth, followed by an early night - still catching up from the journey down.
    Tomorrow we house view again!
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  • Dia 35

    21.10 Day 35 . . . It’s Happened Again

    21 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    So today was a viewing day - two lined up, one in Hanc (pronounced Honk) and the other Clussais-La-Ponneraie (a lot more difficult to spell).
    Up and out we were in Hanc at 1030 to meet Natalie. Wd seen this place by photo and a video so had a good idea, or so we thought, of what was on offer. I had liked this place. On arrival the house was on a small hill, last house up a road which ended as you drove into the garden.
    First thoughts - still liked it, big barn still looking good, house with garage with some renovations - but needs a good deal of work, still looking good, lovely sized plot of land/garden with fruit trees and the most amazing unspoilt views for miles - loved it!
    The house was three bed with a lounge and kitchen effectively - all good size, but nothing grand. The work needed inside would primarily be tidying up certain bits and decor, plus install of kitchen units etc. Nothing that phased us.
    One neighbour with the most lovely dog ‘Charlie’ (pronounced shar’lee - sounds so much better especially if you add an outlandish French accent) and two horses in an adjoining field.
    Natalie left and said we could stay looking at the outside of the property if we wished. We then suddenly realised the time and did mercy dash to Clussais-La-Ponneraie to meet Karine and her partner Jason (Jason being as British as you like). The property was two houses joined together which had been renovated and done really quite well although not to mine or Tre’s style. We both want something we can do up - not move into something already finished to someone’s else’s ideas.
    The property was lovely but it was a no from us.
    Jason then suggested we look at a Longère they were also acting as agents for. The building was really quite large with lots of possibilities on room use and converting a loft. That said it really was a lot of work, more than we would want and so again it was a no from us.
    If nothing more we found out Jason works with/on renovations - so handy to know.
    We drove to Chef Boutonne and popped into the little SuperU to buy a sandwich and a drink. The cash till lady on realising we were English, decided to tell me how the credit card machine worked - then realised, probably quite rightly, that I was that stupid that I couldn’t put a card against the top of a reader! Smiles and laughter ensued and we left - walking across the road to one of our now favoured coffee shops.
    Whilst having a coffee we decided to pop back to Hanc, to have another nosey at the house and the hamlet itself.
    On arrival we met the neighbour and had a chat, a lovely old fella who spoke no English, so Tre had to rescue me I. Parts of the conversation, also we said hello to Shar’lee again . . . Love this dog already!
    We spent about 15 mins looking at the outside of the house just to see if there was anything we had missed and that cause us concerns.
    We then had a spin around Hanc which has a church but not much else. It is however really well kept and a pretty little place.
    We then returned to Chef Boutonne and back to the SuperU. We had earlier decided to go to Melle for a ‘Big Shop’ but now couldn’t face it so had decided to go back to Chef and grab some bits to make a home made soup.
    On exiting the SuperU our favourite newly befriended cash till lady was still on point. I asked her politely how the card reader worked - I think she got the idea of the polite joke.
    We then trundled home in Roxvanne, and I started on the home made soup - which according to Tre was the best I’d made and I agreed. To be fair there have been a few disasters in the past.
    We decided to have an early-ish night, as an early start in the morning to collect Lissy from Bordeaux Airport.
    Soup Recipe below!

    Sexy Soups! #01
    1x Onion
    4x Carrots
    1x Chorizo Sausage (Strong/Spicy)
    3x Cloves of Garlic
    2x teaspoons of Sea Salt
    Couple of splashes of Chilli Olive Oil
    Couple of splashes plain Olive Oil
    3x large fresh tomatoes
    1/3 tube of Tomato Purée
    Jar of Tomato Passata
    Tin of Lentils
    1x Soup Maker Machine!!

    Squash and chop the garlic.
    Peel and thinly slice the carrots.
    Thinly slice the onion.
    De-skin and chop the Chorizo into small pieces.
    All into a frying pan with the chilli olive oil and then the plain olive oil. Fry for about 15 mins until the chorizo is leaking its own oil, the onion is browned and the carrots starting to slightly char.
    Put the chopped fresh tomatoes and half the passata into the soup maker, add the contents of the frying pan and then add the remainder passata.
    Cook on high heat for 25 mins stirring once every so often.
    Pulse to a thick consultancy and then add the lentils.
    Leave to cook for a further 5 mins.
    Add a little water if constancy is too thick.
    Serve and devour with lots of French bread
    - Deeelish!
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  • Dia 36

    22.10 Day 36 . . . New Arrivals

    22 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    So today was the day Munch (Melissa) arrived for a few days. To say Tre was excited is probably the most understated comment I could make.
    We woke to find the flight was delayed, so calls were made and new collection times arranged.
    Tre and I left at about 9am intending to take a leisurely drive down to Bordeaux in Roxvanne. The weather was glorious and we enjoyed our first hour before stopping to grab a coffee and a slice of quiche pour moi!
    Back on the road - both Roxvanne and myself refuelled we trundled to the airport and after one aborted parking attempt, completed the job on the second circuit of the car parks - me now happy I could get Roxvanne in without can-opening the roof off.
    I was told in no uncertain terms we shouldn’t enter the main terminal as we had to go to the Billie Terminal. After a short and sharp exchange we waddled to Billie. After entering we found no sign of the flight we were awaiting on the arrivals board. Much to Tre’s annoyance I suggested we try the main terminal - as the flight had been delayed. I basked in my glory at the sight of the flight number we needed proudly listed on the arrivals board in the main terminal . . . . I didn’t rub it in for too long 😂
    After about 30 mins the flight had landed and on sighting Munch, Tre bounced on the spot like an excited puppy on a lead and then rushed for the big hug. Munch could not of been made more welcome - it was lovely.
    Back in Roxvanne I mentioned to Tre that I knew she was overly excited and chatty, which I totally understood - but could she just keep an eye on the phone sat nav to make sure I didn’t miss our turn and hit the toll road (our sat nav doesn’t like France so we bounce between the phone and the sat nav).
    Anyhow - as I subsequently approached the toll booths 😡😡😡 I realised we were on an alternative route. To be fair it only cost €12 to arrive at the same destination 10 minutes earlier than the non toll route. That said the route was more scenic so couldn’t complain . . . that much!
    Dropped into SuperU to get foods that Munch would like for the next few days and then trundled back to our place.
    At the airport we had booked a pizza restaurant for the evening booked for 7pm. We arrived at our gite at 5pm, so it was a quick turn around before heading back out.
    We arrived at Chef Boutonne just prior to 7pm and made our way to Jo’s. Pizzas and lasagne (for Tre) ordered up and hurriedly eaten, we decided to have an early night as we were all pooped.
    The drive home was a little longer than normal as I missed the turning, not that Tre or Munch noticed or mentioned it all the remainder of the way home - but we made it in the end.
    Indoors, locked up and off to bed for all of us - with a lazy day planned for tomorrow.
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  • Dia 37

    23.10 Day 37 . . . Civray Brocante

    23 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    So we thought we were going to all sleep in this morning, but that didn’t seem to happen and we all woke relatively early.
    We decided we would have a lazy morning until Tre saw an advert for a Brocante at Civray. All happy to give it a go, we hustled around and we’re out the door at about 11am.
    Parked up in Civray we found the brocant in the main square. To be fair it wasn’t the biggest or busiest of affairs and seemed to be more professional sellers of antique type items, than the locals selling their ‘not wanted’ items we had seen at others. After a slow walk around we decided to show Munch the interior of the Church of St Nicolas which holds positions in the main square. A treasure of Roman Art, the 12th century Civray Church has a rectangular-shaped façade bearing many wonderful sculptures including depictions of wise and foolish virgins and also the Assumption. The inside of the church is decorated with an octagonal lantern tower and a mural recounting the story of Saint Giles.
    After Civray we popped down to Charroux with the intention of showing Munch the Tower that holds centre stage within the town. On arrival however we found it was closed - afternoon shutdown! So we had a look from the outside at the Tower and then had a wander up and down the main street and the covered market. Once we had walked Charroux we hopped back into Roxvanne and headed for home and some late lunch.
    Back at ours and following some more bread and cheese Tre and Munch visited the pool for done sunshine while I inspected the insides of my eyelids for an hour or so.
    The afternoon quickly rolled into the evening where I threw together some duck breast, smashed potatoes with garlic and lardons and salad.
    It was probably the smell of the duck breast cooking that brought the first visit of our neighbours cat to our patio area. Definitely not a lap cat, but very much I’m here to be stroked type of cat - he/she (I didn’t check) stayed for an hour before wandering off into the now darkness of the night.
    Tomorrow we view some properties again.
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  • Dia 38

    24.10 Day 38 . . . Charente Or Bust

    24 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    A lazy morning padding around at the gite and enjoying the sunshine outside on the patio area. I decided to do a little David Attenborough as I’d seen something buzzing in a bush for a couple of days now. This little thing looked like a wasp, but had a long nose like a hummingbird and wings that were flapping at an incredible speed. After numerous attempts to photograph it (apologies for the photos attached) I popped the image through my handy phone app - and ta da!! The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) - is a species of hawk moth found across temperate regions of Eurasia. The species is named for its similarity to hummingbirds, as they feed on the nectar of tube-shaped flowers using their long proboscis while hovering in the air; this resemblance is an example of convergent evolution. The hummingbird hawk-moth was first described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 10th edition of Systema Naturae. As of 2018, its entire genome and mitogenome have been sequenced.
    What did I tell you! So having been that smart I decided to search out another resident . . . and found A Crowned Orbweaver - a common species of orb-weaver, crowned orbweaver (Araneus diadematus) builds large and noticeable webs. Only the females build webs, and they may prey upon their mates before, during or after engaging in sexual intercourse. Crowned orbweaver is reluctant to bite humans and will not do so unless scared or provoked. It avoids danger by vibrating in its web until it becomes a blur, confusing predators.
    A little later we drove to have a second viewing of the Hanc property which we liked having seen it a few days ago. It didn’t disappoint although I did spot a few more area that needed work - but that was always going to be the case. We were met there again by Natalie who then lead us across to a second property in Charente, in the small hamlet of St Claud. The roads into the property were ridiculously tight and many of them. The property had been worked on previously as a conversion but the builder had run out of funds. So masses still to do as a bit more of a wreck. There was also lots of traffic noise from nearby - so we quickly dismissed it. We also decided this particular area of Charente was not for us.
    Back into Roxvanne we decided to visit Ruffec, but in arrival the town was closed, everything was shut - so we decided to go to Sauze Vaussais to the small bar Tre and I had visited the Sunday previously, but that was shut too together with most everything else. We still haven’t got our head around open and closing times.
    We drove home and spent the late afternoon and evening there.
    We had a couple of days before bought the most mooosive sausages, which we had for our evening meal with other snacky bits!
    Tomorrow is market day in Lezay - we need to get up early 🤭

    Just realised why the Hawk Moth liked the plant it was on . . .
    Autumn sage (Salvia greggii) is a perennial, flowering shrub that grows from 61 to 91 cm tall. The flowers, typically red, can also be found in white, pink, orange, or purple. This disease and insect free plant is drought tolerant and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Perfect as a colorful, low-growing hedge.
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  • Dia 39

    25.10 Day 39 . . . Early Starts Are Good

    25 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Today we had decided to get up early-ish and head for our favourite market at Lezay. We hoped getting there early would allow us to see any livestock that was being sold.
    We headed out (once Munch had fallen out of bed and got ready of course) it still being dark with a hint of the sunrise above the couple of nearby rooftops.
    We took the backroads to Lezay and gazed at the mist still laying across the farming fields, now with the sun up treating us to some lovely views.
    Lezay market was not too busy and stalls were still being set up - so my early was a bit too early according to Tre. We grabbed a well appreciated hot chocolate and then started to look around the stalls. There were definitely more stalls than last time we had visited - perhaps last time we were indeed too late. Tre and Munch hogged the clothes stalls while I took time trying to work out what some of the tools were on the local builders stalls. There are so many items here, I guess due to the agricultural area, that I have no clue as to what they are or what they are for.
    The food again was stunning and we saw possibly the largest cauliflowers in the world - larger than a basketball!
    We took a hit though whilst walking the stalls when we heard that the house we really liked at Hanc had had a further viewing after us yesterday, who had subsequently offered and had their offer accepted. So we have lost out on that little gem 🙁
    We finished at the market with purchases of another three sausages, chorizo, peppercorn and hazelnut - the last being Tre’s choice . . . I would never have!! Bread, a local goats cheese and some olives - oh and Tre got another bag!
    Back home to have lunch before venturing out again in the afternoon for two further viewings.
    In the afternoon we went, a little hesitantly after this mornings news, to meet with Charlotta the estate agent who we had met at Gournay. In her office we had previously arranged to visit a couple of properties but last minute whilst with her in the office I interfered - assisted by Munch, so we dropped one house and opted to go see a different one which Tre deemed as madness, she thought we had lost our minds . . . It was an old goatery!
    Anyhow off we trooped.
    The first house was in Bouligné - it was Infact two house which had been joined, a small barn attached and a hanger barn at the back. A small garden to the rear with the hanger and a larger garden at the front. Views across a very quiet road to fields and woodland.
    One house was in better condition than the other but but happily habitable - just in need of some serious updates. I guess we spent about 45 mins wandering the rooms and barn areas before leaving. All three of us quite liking the place. We then drove to Loizé where on arrival Tre exclaimed ‘Holy Crap’. After about five minutes I realised Tre had quite warmed to the place as had Munch and I.
    A house, numerous outbuildings, a barn, a voters and two further houses in need of renovation (full renovation). It took a fair while to explore everything that was here, but all three of us came away with a sense of wonderment at everything on offer . . . Did I mention the other bit of land around the corner?!!!
    We finally parted with Charlotte and drove to Chef for a drink and de-brief.
    Sitting in the bar I laughed whilst listening to a guy accepting yet another beer from his buddy, exclaiming - ‘I’ll tell her I had a puncture’ - he was later seen very wobbly on a bike heading out of town.
    Tre and Munch decided they wanted burgers for tonight, so burgers and baps purchased we headed for home.
    It wasn’t long before we had eaten and decided an early night was needed due to the early start in the morning to get Munch to the airport.
    Not much sleep to be had tonight.
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  • Dia 40

    26.10 Day 40 . . . Bordeaux Bound

    26 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    I hate getting up early but once I’m up I’m fine - it’s a pity the same can’t be said for teenagers. Getting up at 2.00am was always going to be a gutter and so it proved, but as duty driver to the airport I hopped out of bed and dragged some clothes on - as did Tre. However the person that actually needed to be at the airport for her flight was less than eager to do the same and when they did open their eyes thought it best to have a ten minute muse over the content of their phone whilst still in bed.
    Anyhow - that quickly rectified, Munch was packed into Roxvanne with myself and Tre and off we set. The sky was stunning and absolutely massed with stars due to their being no ambiant light.
    Just before 5am we pulled into Bordeaux Airport and walked to the main terminal to check in. Checking the boards - yep, we had to go to the other terminal, the one we had gone to first on Saturday before being re-directed. Think Bordeaux has it in for us!
    At Billi, Munch was soon on her way through security and out of sight - after a fairly long hug from mum of course!
    We now had other plans - we had arranged as we were going to be in Bordeaux to meet with someone re taxes/enrôlement etc into French systems . . . At 9.00am. So we found a very dark corner near the airport and tried to grab an hours shut eye in Roxvanne. The later having failed we decided at about 7.00am to drive into and across Bordeaux City to the location we were to meet.
    We parked up at about 7.45am and found ourselves a pre meet cafe for a needed cup of coffee. Just before 9.00am we had changed location and found ourselves sat in the very lovely Cafe des Arts 138 Cr Victor Hugo, 33000 . . . awaiting our meeting.
    The meeting with Deo went well and lasted about an hour or so - we said our goodbyes and wandered back to Roxvanne.
    We decided to take a different route home so that we could drive a little of Bordeaux. We intend to be back here in a couple of weeks for a longer visit.
    Back on the main roads we headed home with one aim in mind - sleep!
    At about 2pm having grabbed more bread and cheese we flopped by the pool. The pool area is a real sun trap as enclosed all around - so was the perfect place to catch up on a little sleep.
    We were again visited in the evening by the neighbours pet - who now goes by the name of Pussy Chat and I am reliably informed is female!
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  • Dia 41

    27.10 Day 41 . . . Second Visit

    27 de outubro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    So today we arranged another viewing of the Goatery with Charlotta, at about 4.30pm.
    We kicked our heels most of the morning just doing bits and pieces, and started to arrange meeting Shirley at some point in the afternoon who was going to drop us at the airport on Sunday.
    Anyhow Charlotta called and the viewing changed to 2.30pm.
    At just gone 2pm Tre and I were standing in the grounds of the Goatery once again. Both of us a little quiet I guess trying to think things through. This had not been the sort of place we thought we might be interested in.
    Charlotta arrived and we spent another good hour walking the house and outbuildings, trying to establish what exactly was where and what needed work, or a greater amount of work.
    At about 4pm we said our goodbyes to Charlotta after she had answered thousands of questions from us and we drove in virtual silence to Chef B for chocolate (Drinking chocolate not a huge bar of galaxy) where we sat again quite quietly with our own thoughts on the viewing.
    We left Chef B not long after and popped to see Shirley - who was lovely. A glass of wine, a chat about all things France and we were off home.
    At home we had some of the chilli we had made a week or so ago and due to being absolutely head smashed we had an early-ish night.
    A lot to think about!!
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