Departamento de Jáchal

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    • Dag 82–83

      Heat, Sun and Daydreams

      8. december 2023, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      My alarm woke me early in the morning, after a short night, filled with dreams about harpooning a Walruss (🦭😴) .

      We set off shortly after 8am, heading first to a local bakery for breakfast and then out of town.

      It was yet another hot day and 36°C without any shade along the way, as well as long straight and ondulating (meaning more uphills than expected) roads made the cycling feel endless.

      The sceenery wasn't the most interesting either and so I found myself daydreaming about hitch hiking for most of the day. I carried on pushing myself to cycle on in 10km intervals at a time, reminding myself every time that the riding conditions were not thaaaaat bad and thus hitch hiking was simply not an option. 👩‍⚖️

      We made it to the tiny village of Huaco in the afternoon, treated ourselves to an icecream and went on to search for a hospedaje.

      The only hospedaje of the village was on its very outskirts and fairly overpriced for what it was, but desperate for a shower we stayed anyways.

      For some reason the one restaurant in town seemed to be closed and so our only option to get some food was the hospedaje dinner, which unfortunately for us very hungry cyclists meant waiting another 4 hours...dinner time here is 9pm or later.

      On the good side this place also had a small pool and in contrast to yesterday there was still enough sunshine to enjoy it and distract ourselves from our rumbling stomachs!

      The hospedaje's dinner was nice - some sort of mashed potatoes with veggies and chicken mixed in - but not enough and I could have easily had 4 times as much...
      Still hungry but tired I went to bed and set my alarm for the - hopefully better - breakfast.

      🚴‍♀️Distance Cycled: 120 km
      🌡Daytime Temperature: 36°C+
      ⏲️ Hours spent on bike: 6.5 h
      🚗 Hours spent daydreaming about hitch hiking: 5 h
      🐈 Cats befriended: 1
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    • Dag 112

      Vallée de la lune, Ischigualasto

      26. marts 2022, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      J112 (26 mars) : Nous nous permettons un petit saut dans le temps car les quelques jours précédents ont été consacré aux diverses déclarations suite au vol de nos affaires 📜. Nous revoilà donc sur la route, en direction du parc d'Ischigualasto aussi connu sous le nom de la Vallée de la Lune 🌜.

      Le parc a une grande importance scientifique car de nombreux fossiles de dinausores y ont été retrouvés 🦖. Aujourd'hui encore des fouilles sont organisées chaque année. Le circuit fait une quarantaine de kilomètres et se parcourt en file indienne avec son propre véhicule, le guide ouvrant la voie 🚙.

      Nous y faisons cinq arrêts différents et alternons entre paysages spectaculaires et curiosités géologiques. Nous observons d'abord une scène lunaire digne d'un film de science fiction 🌝, nous enchaînons avec de mystérieuses sphères rocheuses ⚫ et terminons en apothéose avec une falaise de pierre d'un rouge flamboyant sublimé par le coucher du soleil ☀ .

      Nous y faisons également de belles rencontres : une famille de Córdoba enjouée par notre voyage 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 et un inspirant couple d'allemands 👫 sur les routes d'Amérique depuis 8 ans à bord d'un énorme camion 4x4 🚛. Ça pourrait bien nous donner des idées pour l'avenir...!

      Une belle journée qui nous relance dans le voyage et nous fait un peu oublier nos déboires de Mendoza, avant de rejoindre le nord ouest pour notre ultime étape Argentine 🇦🇷.

      #roadtrip #voyage #trip #travel #travelcouple #voyagerloin #traveltheworld #instavoyage #globetrotter #travellers #ameriquedusud #southamerica #exploreamerica #Argentine #Argentina #4x4 #rooftent #aventure #ontheroad #liveyourdream #Ischigualasto #sanjuan #valleedelalune #valledeluna #petanque
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    • Dag 7

      Gorgeous gorge

      18. marts 2016, Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Talampaya national park is another of Argentina's several UNESCO sites. A huge red sandstone gorge where they have found lots of dinosaur fossils (mostly now in the University). That one with Lisa is a real one - honest 😉. We saw a set of ancient petroglyphs which show that this was an old nomad route along the river bed. I got a condor shot for you Mary, but trust me it is just a black splodge so didn't make the 6. There was a fantastic triple echo across the canyon when we all shouted in unison. We saw parrots, eagles, maras, vicuñas and a tree with photosynthetic bark - very cool.Læs mere

    • Dag 741

      Valle de Luna

      27. maj 2018, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      After Cafayate we headed to a small sleepy village to the northwest. There wasn't much going on but we visited a micro brewery and had a nice night in a huge but completely deserted municipal camp ground.
      Next up was a looong drive south to Mendoza, down the iconic Ruta 40 that runs the length of the country tracking the Andes. After a good day's drive we stayed in a lovely community camp ground at Pozo Azul (Green Wells), with a gorgeous red rock canyon.
      After another longish stint we ended up in Chilecito an old mining town which had an incredibly ambitious cable car system built in the early 1900s to link the mines in the Andes to the railway line. Very impressive but now a rusted old relic. The memorable thing about the campsite here was that we had to ask the owner 30mins before we wanted a shower so he could start a wood fire to heat up the water!
      We had a short hop to La Rioja, which was a larger town as we wanted to make sure we had somewhere to watch the Champions League final. Just as we called a cab into town the fancy hostel found the big match on the TV there, as Jo was feeling a little under the weather so we stayed local to watch it.
      Another 4 hour drive and we arrived at the Valle Del Luna regional park. The national park next door costs 4 times as much and offers less, so it wasn't a hard decision which to visit. Its a strange set up as you can only drive through the park, and only in convoy with a guide, but as we got here late in the day there was only 3 cars and we got to see it in the gorgeous late afternoon orange sun. The unusual geogology make up means there's a huge area rich in fossils from across all the epocs and the landscape is pretty epic. One of the most amazing stops was the marbles you can see in the photos - they are not made by erosion but by layers upon layers of sand deposits around an organic embryo, like a dead fly - truly bizarre. We finished the tour just in time for an amazing sunset, and spent the night at a great spot with free WiFi and brand new toilets - better than most camp sites!

      We then took a bit of a detour off the main road and down a small windy side road that wound through more gorgeous scenery, and spent a lazy day cooking stew on a camp fire at a dusty little free camp ground.
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    • Dag 8

      Route entre la Rioja et Patquia

      4. maj 2017, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Route magnifique qui croise le desert argentin...on passe de petit village avec 3 ou 4 maisons en adobe a du desert rempli de cactus ....prochaines photos...les cactus géants "el cardon"

    • Dag 23

      Parque Provincial Ischigualasto

      28. januar 2020, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Pasamos la noche en el Parque Provincial Ischigualasto. Está muy bien equipados, se puede acampar, hay techo, mesas, electricidad, wi-fi, duchas calientes.
      En la mañana, nos fuimos a hacer el recorrido que dura 3hs y media.Læs mere

    • Dag 13

      Ischigualasto (Valle de la Luna)

      23. februar 2023, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      El jueves salimos temprano para cruzar hasta San Juan y conocer el parque provincial Ischigualasto.

      En la entrada hay un museo de historia natural, con muchas exhibiciones de los restos fosiles descubiertos en la zona. La mayoria del periodo triasico, el mas antiguo de la era mesozoica (la de los dinosaurios). Muy interesante!

      Y despues con el auto, en caravana atras de un guia, hicimos un recorrido de mas de 50km por el famoso valle de la luna (que es el nombre mas conocido de este parque). Hicimos varias paradas, para ver el valle desde arriba, el campo de bochas, y distintas formaciones que son tan raras que tienen nombre: el gusano, el hongo y el submarino.

      Y como la lluvia nos persigue, en este parque desertico se largo un chaparron que lleno todos los rios secos de agua, barro y piedras, tanto que tuvimos que esperar un par de veces un rato a que bajara el agua. Increible en este lugar donde nunca llueve!

      A pesar de la lluvia el paseo fue muy impresionante y re lindo. Hermosa experiencia!
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    • Dag 13

      Rafting en el rio Jachal

      23. februar 2023, Argentina ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      El jueves a la noche teniamos plan de pasar la noche en Rodeo, un pueblo que esta arriba en la precordillera a unos 40 km de San Jose de Jachal, porque el plan de la tarde era hacer rafting en el rio Jachal.

      El rio pasa en un valle entre montañas bien altas, y en su recorrido tiene lugares bastante estrechos.

      Asi que arrancamos el rafting aguas arriba de la garganta del rio, y anduvinos a los saltos en la balsa unos 7km. Casi una hora entre rapidos, remansos, y chapuzones.

      Estuvo mucho mejor de lo que imaginabamos. Asi que en esta huella va un mini video!
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    • Dag 12

      P.N. Talampaya

      22. februar 2023, Argentina ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      A la mañana del miercoles salimos para conocer el parque nacional Talampaya, que esta a unos 50km de Villa Union.

      Recorrimos el parque en un camion con techo abierto, para tener una vista completa del cañon. Igual paramos en varios lugares para caminar un rato y el guia nos explicaba lo mas importante de cada lugar. Vimos guanacos, maras, condores, nos mostro la flora del lugar y los usos tradicionales de cada planta, y tambien nos mostro petroglifos.

      Incluso tuvimos mesa de comidas y bebidas al pie del camion. Aceitunas, nueces, limonada, vino Torrontes... estuvo excelente!

      El parque tiene lugares increibles, y la historia geologica del lugar nos sorprendio mucho.
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