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    • Day 12

      Alonnah Sheepwash Bay Track

      March 9, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      As I was a little bit confused about where the Alonnah Sheepwash Bay Track is starting. I stopped the car outside a public toilet and tried to figure it out. As I looked out of the left window I sa an Echidna walking out from a bush and over the grass. So I grabbed my phone and got out of the car as some motorcycles where passing on the many road. As I come around my car, the Echidna s gone. And I was just like: Oh no nat again.
      But then I saw it coming out of the bush again. Walking some steps towards me and then deciding to walk over the gravel road to the high green grass on the other side. How amazing to see this. So fantastic. What a cute little fella.
      I then just followed the gravel road for a few hundred meters to the carpark and the start of the track.
      It was a lovely easy walk. Just what I was looking after.
      At a picnic area I had a short lunch break and then went back to the car as the clouds are getting darker again.
      So I went to the harbour and had just to wait a couple of minutes for the ferry to arrive. And then I was already back on the mainland again.
      From here I went to Dodges Ferry where I will spent my last night in Tassie. So sad to leave this beautiful part of Australia but looking forward for some warmer weather. 😅
      The small campkitchen was really busy in the evening but i managed to squeeze in and cook dinner. Many people from France and Italy are here so it's a loud mix of all different languages. A little bit to much for me as tired as I am.

      Went to bed early as I have to get up in time tomorrow.
      Didn't work out so well, as some people closed to my tent had a long night. And they haven been pretty loud too. Smashing the doors from the cars all the time talking and laughing loud, listening to music. And I am not over sensitive no, I used earplugs and could still here and even understand them!
      Around 3 o'clock they finally went to sleep too.
      I got up like 6:30 am and I can say, I was also smashing the doors from my car. Normally I don't to it, but this time I was feeling for it!
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    • Day 19

      Bruny Island

      November 7, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Possibly unfair to Bruny Island but I think it’s probably the least spectacular place I’ve visited in Tasmania.

      After a stop at the Tasman Arch on the Tasman Peninsula I made my way to Kettering which is where the ferry to Bruny Island is located. It usually runs every 20 minutes but the next one after the 12:10 is 12:50 as they break for lunch. I arrived at 12:11pm. So I had time for some lunch - seafood chowder which has been occurring on menus recently.
      I was first on the ferry and thus first off. The trip was quick and uneventful.
      First stop on Bruny Island was Get Shucked. Before this trip I would have said I could eat 2 oysters at a time. Several times this trip I’ve had half a dozen as that was the minimum number. These ones had a trio of toppings, two tomato based and one cream sauce, the two tomato based ones were nice. I felt for the two blokes who where in the kitchen shucking oyster after oyster.
      Next up was Bruny Island Cheese. They make raw cheeses there and they tasted good. It was too busy to chat to though.

      The neck is a very narrow strip of land separating north and south Bruny Island. It’s home to shearwater birds and penguins.
      I had intended to drive down to the lighthouse but hadn’t done my research and realised that the road was a gravel road (forbidden to my hire car). So I drove down to Adventure Bay and walked along the beach. That was the end of the bitumen road so I turned around and headed for Alonnah which is where I am staying. My accommodation is surrounded by bush and there are wallabies in the bush. I’ve seen a few.
      I had dinner at Hotel Bruny and then followed this bitumen road until it ran out. It was after 7:30 at this stage and lots of wallabies out. There was no one else on the road so I was able to drive at about 30km/hr, giving me plenty of time to stop for wallabies.
      Being a small area with not many attractions means Bruny Island feels crowded compared to other places I’ve seen. Tomorrow is my last full day in Tasmania, still not sure what I’m going to do.
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    • Day 19

      Tasmania -signing out

      November 30, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Thanks Tassie. You've been great. We loved that every day had amazing scenery. We loved all the beautiful houses. We loved the quaint little towns. We loved the history. We loved the food. We loved the wildlife (but not squashed on the road).
      But most of all we loved sharing it with Bree and Brett. ❤ (Next time Bon).
      Over and out.
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