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    • Dzień 3

      Day 4 Mary Kathleen

      18 lipca 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Left our camp at Longreach and headed to Winton. Fuelled up and headed west. Pulled up for a cuppa about 10ks out and found the fridge not working again on 12v. I think it's a different thing this time. Met a bloke at last night's camp who told us his 12v hasn't worked for 8yrs, so not too worried. We had a good drive today. A bit more to see and took a few more photos We are camped tonight at Mary Kathleen along with about another hundred vans but as you can see by the photos still plenty of room. We have a few 4 legged neibours as you can see. Headed into Mt Isa in rhe morning after that all new territory. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 406

      Darwin en weer een nieuwe baan

      6 września 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      We hebben een paar dagen doorgebracht in Darwin. Best een leuke stad, met een paar leuke cafeetjes en pubs aan de zee én een hele mooie moderne lagoon waar je veilig kan zwemmen (want: krokodillen natuurlijk). Ik heb daar geen foto’s van gemaakt dus heb een internet foto toegevoegd om een idee te geven. Rondom zaten allemaal barretjes en restaurantjes dus was wel echt een leuke buurt.
      We hebben daar ook mijn verjaardag gevierd, want dat had ik nog tegoed van Nik. Zijn kado was een leuk dagje uit samen zodra we weer in een stad waren, dus we moesten wachten tot Darwin. Zijn naar een rooftop bar geweest en lekker uiteten bij een Mexicaan met uitzicht op de lagoon.
      Verder zijn we naar de Rodeo geweest. Veel typisch Australisch kan je het niet krijgen. Was echt een spektakel en heel leuk om mee te maken.
      Ondertussen waren we weer eens op zoek naar een baan, want door alle autoreparaties aan het begin van onze trip was het geld iets eerder op dan gepland. En de Outback is duur! Uiteindelijk iets gevonden in Mt Isa, een outback mijn stad in Queensland. Kleine 3 dagen rijden van Darwin, geen probleem natuurlijk…
      Hier werken we bij The Buffs Club, een cafe/restaurant/pub/gaming/bottleshop in een. Nik werkt in de bottleshop en ik switch tussen het restaurant, pub en gaming. Gaming klinkt heel spannend maar het is een grote ruimte met alleen maar slotmachines, of ‘pokies’ zoals dat hier heet. Ze hebben meer dan 100 machines! (Heb weer een foto van internet geplukt zodat jullie kunnen zien hoe dat eruit ziet)
      Alhoewel Mt Isa redelijk groot is is er verder niet echt wat te doen. Het is weer echt in de middle of nowhere dus er is geen natuur eromheen en het is ook elke dag 40 graden dus ook niet echt weer om lekker te gaan wandelen. Dus we zijn vooral aan het werk en gewoon geld aan het sparen. We wonen in de staff accommodation van de Buffs voor heel weinig dus dat is wel lekker.
      Dus dat is ons leven voor de afgelopen 1.5 maand! En waarschijnlijk voor de komende 1.5 maand ook, haha.
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    • Dzień 106

      Mount Isa (Kevin's photos)

      10 lipca 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      In contrast to the quaint little country towns we have been visiting recently, Mount Isa was very much a big, industrial town with a major mine in the middle of it.

      Despite this it was fascinating in its own way, albeit with a fair bit more crime (there were 2 cars stolen from our caravan park in a week!)

      We visited the underground hospital which was prepared for a WWII invasion by Japan. Also Kevin went on a tour in a mine that was set up as a demonstration of how the underground mining had gone on in the past and present. Lots of big awesome machines!
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    • Dzień 12

      Day 12 Mount Isa to Tennant Creek

      16 września 2022, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Mount Isa to Tennant Creek, lots to see! 🥺 670k’s of the same lol, you turn onto the Barkley Hwy and the GPS says “turn left in 634k’s” stopped for fuel at Camooweal and had coffee! Then across the border into the NT (Stubbie holder out for The Acorn Bar & Restaurant) and a long straight road to the Barkly homestead for another fill. Leaving early worked well with us in the pool at Tennant creek by 15:30. But you can’t buy grog until 4pm and then there are restriction. Quiet dinner with a few ciders and off to Mataranka hot spring tomorrow Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 19

      Day 21

      20 czerwca 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Day 21 and Polly, David, Michael and Denise opted to stay at Winton the extra night as they were happy catching red claw yabbies. We chose to move on with Jo & Greg and stay a night in Cloncurry, instead of just driving through the town. The 1st stop en route was the Kyuna Roadhouse for coffee. Being swamped with flies the minute we got out the car should have been an omen, but warmer weather none of us gave it much thought, we soon realized this Cafe had never been visited by a Food & Health Inspector. I am learning you take what you get in ‘Outback Queensland’ as you don’t get much choice. The 2nd stop was Crocodile Dundee’s ‘Walkabout Creek Hotel’ at McKinley, a nice little pub with lots of tourists so we had a drink and moved onto Cloncurry.
      Jo booked the Caravan Park this time and it was really lovely, her main criteria was location as in ‘not’ near an airport, it was great, it was in Town. It ticked so many boxes I initially gave this Park (5) stars, unfortunately I was forced to deduct (4) of those stars the following day.
      I will explain why a bit later.. Not only did we have free WiFi at the Park , we also could use their washing machines and dryers at no cost with unlimited washing powder!. I managed to find (4) loads of washing although BB later had to dry himself after a shower with a flannel as I accidentally washed all three towels (we left home with four I discovered too late ‘someone’ left one behind at Winton). We all slept in, no planes overhead, check out was smack on 10 as we had to wait for my early morning washing to dry. The Camp Kitchen was the best we have come across, but Saturday night we took the easy option and went to the Central Hotel, our meals were awesome. Before we left the Park, Jo and I said goodbye to the ‘knowledgeable and nice’ brunette lady (not blonde) in the office whilst complimenting her and the Park on our enjoyable stay.
      We were told that on the way to Mt Isa was the Cockatoo Lake and the Mary Kathleen Mine Site, easily accessible as it was only 7km off the Overlanders Way on a sealed road (suitable for most caravans) so of course Jo and I put this on the itinerary. We took off for Mt Isa and the scenery along the way was so unexpected. Stuff of postcards, stunningly beautiful, big red rocky mountains, wattle, so very green 120km of wine -dee road (probably chewed up lots of fuel) with lots of ‘Kites’ flying overhead. Somehow the Pilot Car the Kotz’s missed the turn off for Cockatoo Lake but that was ok we never reminded them very much, but unfortunately they did find the Mary Kathleen turn off.
      If anyone reading this ever contemplates visiting the Mary Kathleen Mine and I believe there is a nice Lake there too DON’T DO IT whilst towing a caravan. In fact just don’t do it full stop!
      We followed the signs and crossed over a Cattle Grid on a red dirt road, to one side we saw a cleared piece of dirt where there were two Tractors covered in travel stickers each one had an off road caravan attached and a couple of blokes were leaning on them chatting away. We had been told this entry part was often used by ‘free campers’ so apart from myself remarking on the 2 Way to the Kotz’s “how unusual to see tractors towing vans and that they must be Farmers that like to travel with their tractors” ha ha ha ha maybe they were on some sort of Rally!
      BB and I and Jo and Greg thought no more of it as we had been told it was a good bitumen road, right!. So these fellas watched as our vans continued on dirt 200 metres or so towards what ‘looked like’ a bitumen road. Soon we found out the only bitumen remaining on that ‘road’ were remnants around 6 inch potholes. Holes everywhere you could not miss them and there was nowhere to turn back. We inched along so slowly, we had to it was 1km further on that the nightmare ended. I stopped cursing ‘that lady in the office at the Caravan Park’ ’ as we found a spot to turn back. The bloody so called bitumen must have been laid when they first discovered Mary Kathleen! As we made our way back very very slowly to the corrugated dirt the two old fellas with the Tractors came on the 2 Way and were very friendly then they told us “ now you know why, we tow with Tractors'' :-) ha ha I will never believe a brunette again. This is the reason the Discovery Park at Cloncurry has only been rated a *1* Star by me!
      Onto Mt Isa and a new Caravan Park where we met up with the rest of the Crew. All I am prepared to say about that Park is David himself only rated it -2 out of 5 stars and he booked it. Another flight path, and other issues end of story as .I believe we are getting a truly unique outback caravan park experience in Queensland. Today we have driven 449.9 km to Barkley Station NT we are resting for the night. The Caravan Park sites are all on the reddest of dirt. It never rains out here in the Northern Territory, but we have the luck of the Irish with us as it is raining right now in Barkley! And it has been raining steadily for quite some time BB reckons we should buy a XLotto ticket tomorrow, not sure he has got that right.. The red dirt will a probably turn into a slippery red mud very quickly so we are not going outside the van to find out. No problems at all with our Viscount Caravan and surprisingly there is an almost identical one in the Park here tonight. Our Colorado is running like a dream and she has been fueled up again for tomorrow. The cost of Diesel is getting up there, $2.76 per litre here today. At this rate we may have to get ourselves a job in Darwin to get home! We travel on 3 Ways tomorrow, just 7 more days and we should be in Darwin.We are hoping that the Coolalinga CPk is nowhere near Darwin Airport.
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    • The Hill Near the Dam

      7 sierpnia 2021, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      The Hill to the north of Corella dam has been calling. Not too long ago I would not have even attempted a walk like that. Now I am finding a few kays walk quite easy. As some of my readers know I have made significant changes to my health outlook.

      A few days ago, on a spur of the moment, I went about halfway up the spur towards the hill but had to quit the quest before I had gone all the way. I started late and forgot to take water. Wearing shorts was not ideal either.

      This time I was better prepared. Backpack with plenty of water, the sparrow packed and ready for action, good to go. The walk was easier than I expected with a distance of 2.3k return trip. I picked my way carefully up the hill through the boulders, following kangaroo tracks most of the way. Those guys are smart and follow reasonable grades. The tracks are quite well worn and easy to follow.

      Once at the top it turned out to be nice and calm so I launched the sparrow for a look around. A few minutes later after I snapped a few pictures and packed up, I headed back via a different path. The entire walk had taken just a little more than an hour, even with Kodak moments along the way and at the top.
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    • Corella Dam

      4 sierpnia 2021, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The Corella Dam was built to supply water to the Mary Kathleen uranium mine. Later another dam, the Mary Kathleen dam was also built to allow for anticipated expansion of the mine. Water from there was never used for the mine since all the uranium had been mined and the mine was closed. The town was sold to tender and everything except the concrete blocks and streets taken away.

      We drove quite a distance around the Corella dam and saw some more birds that are not always seen in the river below the dam. There were hundreds of caravans camped all around the lake with many taking spots along the spillway and other easily accessible spots.
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    • Dzień 221

      Mary Kathleen Ghost town

      21 czerwca 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Mary Kathleen was 1st settled during the 1950s.Uranium discovered by Glen Walton & Norm Conachy in 1954, the deposit & township named after late wife of McConachy. In 1955 Rio Tinto mining formed Mary Kathleen Uranium Ltd to develop a mine & service town. A architect- designed town grew during 1956-1958, with reticulated water from the dam, Lake Corella. A sale contract with UK Atomic Energy Authority was signed end of 1958. The cost of $24 million MCU ( Mary Katherine Uranium)was to develop uranium deposits & work commenced constructing the township , mine & Dam the nearby Corella River . The ore was mined by open cut method & processed on site. 4,080 tonnes of uranium oxide extracted between 1958 & 1963. 1st phase from 1958 to 1963 treated 2.9 million tonnes of ore at average grade of 0.13% to yield 4082 t (4500short tons or 9 million pounds weight of U308) of uranium concentrate ( then actually yellow/cake- ammonium diuranate) containing 3460 tonnes of uranium . By 1963 the major supply contract had been satisfied ahead of schedule , & large reserved of ore lay on grass. Consequently the works closed down . The mine lay idle till 1974 when it re opened contracts with Japanese, German & USA power utilities prompted re/opening. By 1982 it was finally exhausted . The town was built around a shallow valley with post office, cinema, sports ovals, a school, banks & community store & churches . The school open in July 1956, temporary hospital facility in March 1957, in May 1957 saw the first water pumped from Lake Corella Dam . By 1961 1000 people lived in this new township. By 1982 the township, mine & mill were dismantled & the tailings rehabilitated by the end of 1984. The site, now only roads & concrete pads can be accessed as an overnight camping areas. It’s very strange seeing photos of what was once here, still some tiles remain which was once on a store floor. The map shows what was once. Even to this day a few flowering bushes remain. Everything was sold off & all that remains now is slabs where buildings once stood. Even a path which was at the back of a house is still the hole in concrete where once a clothes line stood. Curb stones around streets, the ole water fountain stands empty,parking area which was once a shopping town . The Ghost Gum trees I feel are very suited to this once lively mining town. Since rehabilitation , it is been found that the tailings repository at Mary Kathleen site has been subject to seepage of radioactive waters from both toe of the dam & the surface at rates much higher than initially predicted. The radioactive waste had seeped into former evaporation ponds as well as local drainage systems, causing widespread death of native vegetation . This issue to this day remains unresolved . Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 13

      Detour 2 - Mount Isa

      20 września 2016, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Barkly Homestead
      Mount Isa
      440 km

      Back in Mount Isa. Will go to the Irish Club for dinner and to have a few beer.
      Watch out for the termite hills 🐜
      And finally a selfie 😎

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