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    • Day 209

      T2 - Outback

      May 17, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C


      ▪️Am vorherigen Abend haben wir uns noch mit dem Farmer um 12 Uhr auf seiner Range verabredet
      ▪️Eine halbe Stunde vorher kam eine Absage, dass der Job nicht mehr verfügbar sei - wieder einmal umsonst gewartet😅
      ▪️ Weiter ging's zum nächsten 4h entfernten Free Camp über den bekannten Savannah Way
      ▪️Beim "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" hat mich ein 1000-Füßler in die Kniekehle gebissen - einfach so 😲
      ▪️Ist aber nichts zu sehen, war nur ein riesen Schreck

      💡Im Outback sollte man immer mindestens einen kleinen vollen Benzinkanister dabei haben, da die Tankstellen, sowie die Dörfer manchmal bis zu 600km voneinander entfernt sind.
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    • Day 15

      Croydon pit stop

      September 22, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Photo order
      1. Stefan fills bike with Diesel
      2. Stefan pumps Diesel out of bike
      3. Stefan fills bike with Petrol

      We also met very friendly Aussies which gave us a nice letter for our travel memories 😲Read more

    • Day 310

      Croydon rodeo grounds

      July 22, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Short trip into croydon for a nights stop!
      Checked out the heritage lights in town on night , visited Lake belmore in the morning nalley decided too run away and roll in dead fish! Absolute demon! ! Crocs should have taken him!
      Visited all the old heritage buildings, checked out the Chinese temple only a pile of old stones left!
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    • Day 3

      Greenvale to Croydon

      June 17, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      A bit of corrugated dirt road today on the alternate Savannah Way. We stopped at Copperfield Gorge for a walk, Forsayth for a wee break (green frogs in the loo) Georgetown for lunch and camped at Croydon. Totally new places for me but David did lots of work around here when we lived in AthertonRead more

    • Croydon

      July 8, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      First impressions of Croyden one sees the interesting welcome sign. The funny looking lizard is supposed to be a Gilberts Dragon. He waves happily as you drive into town. It is an interesting and quite neat sign.

      Next stop is the True Blue info centre. Here there is quite a lot of history to take in. Things to do, places to go. Lots of ideas. There is some old mining machinery on display that tips you off to why Croyden was settled. Gold fever of course. I don't think the miners got rich, but the big companies certainly did. Hotels ans adult entertainment would have been certain winners. It was a seriously hard life.

      From the info centre sign.
      The Croydon goldfield produced at least 23,675 kilos (761,167 fine ounces) of gold and 25,008 kilos (804,023 fine ounces) of silver between 1886 and 1935. Most of this was recovered between 1886 and 1906, and from an area of about 645 square kilometres.

      There were at least 110 mines on the Croydon goldfield, though the main ones were Golden Gate (the biggest), Tabletop, Golden Valley, Mountain Maid, Goldstone ("the 12 Mile"), Homeward Bound, and in Croydon itself Iguana Hill, Lady Mary, The Queen and Highland Mary.

      Croydon gold lay in reefs - it was not found on the surface, so miners had to go underground for it. But it was generally not very deep - the deepest mine on the Croydon field went down 1367 feet (417 metres) at Golden Gate.

      The Croydon field began to run down by 1909 and when the miners left for World War 1 many of the mines filled with water and never reopened.

      In admiration for his feats during the siege of Mafeking the Croydon miners presented General Baden Powell with a 1 lb gold ingot encased in a pom pom shell inscribed, "to General Baden Powell from his admirers on the Croydon gold field, North Qld. This 1lb of Croydon gold is 24 carat and so are you."

      Croydon has a golden past

      It was the last of Queensland's gold towns, in its day the fourth largest town in the state. For 40 years from 1886 until the mining warden's office left Croydon in 1926 thousands came in search of wealth. They built these streets, and in the face of drought, flood and economic depression made their lives here. A few got rich, many did not. Many died, from disease, in the mines or from the climate.

      Croydon had grown from nothing in 1885 to about 7000 people by 1887. The town boasted wide streets and many fine buildings.
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    • Day 81

      Cumberland Dam and Croydon

      September 8, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Headed to spend Overnight at Cumberland Dam, a gorgeous spot filled with an array of bird and animal life. On the way we stopped in for a quick splash at Innot Hot Springs where some sections of the creek were seriously 🔥! Not comfortable at all, although we managed to find a stretch that was just right for Jasper and ourselves to have. Bit of a 🦶 and 🐾 soak!
      At Cumberland we explored the dam of course, the setting sun giving us some lovely colours. We even got up super early to try for some morning light as well. The chimney is a remnant of the areas gold mining past, the Cumberland Mine being the most successful and largest mine in the area.
      The next day we headed on to Georgetown - an amazing locality again built on the gold mines. Here they have an awesome visitor centre and have restored a row of buildings as a monument to the towns past. They include the Policeman’s cottage, Police station complete with cells out the back, the Courthouse any the picture theatre that is still in use today. They have even preserved the old China Town area just outside of the town, where Chinese miners turned their hand to market gardening when the racist mining laws prevented them from working in the mines. We spent a fascinating hour or two here but could easily have stayed much longer. Thanks Georgetown!
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    • Day 47

      Innot Hot Springs to Croydon

      June 23, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      It was a cool night, and we woke up to a wet morning, only the third wet morning on our trip so far. It had been raining during the night and the awning and chairs were wet. We had put the chairs under the awning before we went to bed but have discovered that the rain is coming down between the caravan and the awning and dripping down the side of the van. A fix-it job for another time.

      We packed up and said our goodbyes to Bo and CJ and thanked them for allowing us to camp on their beautiful property, and Bo said we were welcome to come back any time.

      We drove through mist and rain over Misty Mountain (true name), part of the Great Dividing Range, in the Atherton Tablelands, and arrived at Ravenshoe where we refueled and got some groceries before continuing to Innot Hot Springs.

      We have been to Innot Hot Springs twice before and have never booked in advance, but this time, the park was nearly full, and we luckily got the last powered site. The caravan park has been taken over by new owners, but it did not look any different to the last time we were there about 4 years ago. The park was 90% full of grey nomads (present party excepted). I know we are not getting any younger, but I always feel that we are the youngest people in these parks! LOL

      A lot of people visit the mineral springs because the hot mineral springs are meant to have healing qualities, including aiding arthritis, sleep and skin disorders, blood pressure etc. At Innot, there are 6 pools with different temperatures, starting from the cooler lap pool up to the hottest pool being about 45 degrees.

      Australia has many of these hot water sites – due, in part, to the Great Artesian Basin, which underlies almost a quarter of the continent. This vast, ancient, natural water reserve is the world’s largest and deepest artesian system. Heated water rises under pressure and out through natural cracks or drilled bores to emerge as thermal springs.

      We have been to and had a dip in quite a few hot mineral springs in various locations in Australia, including Mataranka, Katherine, Daly River in NT, Lightning Ridge, Moree and Walgett in NSW, Zebedee Hot Springs at El Questro WA, Innot Hot Springs in Qld, plus also Peninsula Hot Springs in Victoria. We have also seen them on the Oodnadatta Track, at Coward Springs and Burketown in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

      We had a dip when we arrived, then came back to the van and Theo did a repair on a damaged Anderson plug on the car. The Anderson plug helps charge the batteries while driving, and we had noticed that it was working intermittently due to corrosion. Luckily, he carries spares and tools for such a situation, and is more than capable of doing the repairs.

      Another afternoon dip in the hot spa, and then cooked fish for dinner. Jason gave us some frozen Barramundi and Spanish Mackerel fillets before we left the station, and our freezer is full.

      The boys he took fishing to Mapoon in Cape York had planned to take frozen fish on the plane back to the Gold Coast, but when they got to the airport, they were told they could not take the fish onboard, so Jason brought it back home to the Station and put it in his freezer. I wish I had more room in the caravan freezer, as I could have taken as much as I wanted. Sort of makes up for the fish that Theo aka ‘El Nofisho’ does not catch. LOL. When the boys were away, between the 4 of them they caught 500 barramundi in 10 days, catch and release, so they were pretty disappointed that they could not take some fish fillets home with them.

      Tomorrow, Thursday we head west, towards either Georgetown or Croydon, on our way to Karumba.

      Innot Hot Springs to Croydon
      Uneventful drive today on the Savannah Way from Innot Hot Springs, through Georgetown and ended up at Croydon for the night. We stayed at the ‘Freedom Campground’ near the racecourse just out of town, but to camp there you need to get a permit from the Visitor Centre and make a donation. They give you a receipt, but not sure if anyone checks this.

      When we arrived about 3pm there were about 15 vans in the large paddock, but by the time night fell, there must have been at least 50 or 60 vans there. We found a quiet site on the fence line away from most of the other vans and traffic coming and going. Toilets and showers are available, but no bins or dump point or water. Dump point is in the town at the back of the caravan park. We had plenty of water as we filled our water tanks at Innot Hot Springs, and I was able to do a small load of washing and everything dried very quickly. Dinner was barramundi and rice, topped with soy sauce and honey and sriracha. Very, very nice….

      We did a skype (Signal) call to Rhys, Zoe and Elliot in St Johns, Newfoundland, and Kim, Josh, Hayden and Taleah also joined in. It was nice to catch up with everyone, as we hadn’t had internet to speak to Rhys for a while.
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    • Day 21

      The Quietness of Croydon

      June 20 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Not very much exciting things to say about today. There are long distances involved when travelling Australia so there are days when you need to let the kilometres roll by.
      We are heading for Karumba but the 530km trip is a bit far to comfortably drive in a day when towing a caravan. Yes of course it can be done, but we prefer driving a max of 4-5 hours. So we broke the journey after 300km by diverting into the old gold mining town of Croydon, population 200.
      The Croydon caravan park is centrally located and came well recommended and sure enough we got a nice spot in the shade of some big trees not far from the pool area. The “Supermarket” (this word is used loosely despite the big sign outside), is right across the road, and the pub is a very short walk away. In other words if you want to stay amongst the “action” in the metropolis of Croydon, this caravan park fits the bill and you get all this for only $25 per night!
      It’s obvious that Croydon is a laid back place. When we got to the caravan park there was a sign outside saying the office is closed until 3pm and caravaners can enter and park their van anywhere they want, and when the office opens please come and register.
      Carolina had brought one of the salami and vegetable pizzas from last night, so the air fryer was put to good use for a delicious lunch.
      Our visit here was not well timed. As a throwback to the gold mining days it would have been nice to see the GulfLander train that runs every week between Croydon and Normanton. However we missed it by one day as it left Croydon this morning for the 5-hour journey to Normanton. This is a tourist ride only these days that chugs along at the slow pace of 40kph. There is also a big rodeo here this weekend and it will be a full house everywhere. Unfortunately however we are heading for Kurumba tomorrow so will miss all the action.
      Today there was not much else happening in Croydon so we spent a quiet night eating an exotic couscous and chicken meal prepared by Carolina, catching up on Netflix, and looking forward to our time in Karumba.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Croydon, CDQ

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