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    • Day 11

      Was zuviel Sonne 🌞☀️🌞bewirkt🤣

      February 9 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 33 °C

      Bei 43° Farbe weg und geschrumpft oder wurde er grösser? Auf jedenfall wieder ein feines Z'Nacht 😋 wie immer gut für den Hüftspeck 🤩 👋🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

    • Day 819


      May 9, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Was macht man den ganzen Tag, wenn man nichts zu tun hat da die Jobsuche nicht so in Schwung kommen will? Viel zu viel essen, in der Hängematte abhängen und ab und zu schwimmen gehen.
      Da ich nach über 2 Monaten immer noch keinen Job gefunden hatte (ich wollte nicht schon wieder einen Hospitality Job) und vom Suchen genug hatte, war erstmal Urlaub angesagt.Read more

    • Day 4

      Sonnenuntergang geniessen

      February 2 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Tolles Picknick am Strand Coogee Beach Perth 😎 mit wunderschönem
      Sonnenuntergang 💫💫🌅

    • Day 9

      Start verschoben🙄

      February 7 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Der Kühlschrank bereitet uns einen kräftigen Strich durch die Rechnung 😡 ( Temperatursonde 👎) dafür gab es als Trost einen herrlich feinen Z'Nacht 😋

    • Day 315

      Perth - FINALLY ..

      August 19, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in Australien ! ! !
      Morgen geht es für Thomas schon zurück nach Deutschland und für Alex und mich weiter nach Bali.
      Da heute noch einmal richtig gutes Wetter angesagt war, fuhren Thomas und ich zum "Scarborough Beach". So konnte Thomas hier noch einmal bei gutem Wetter und an einem schönen Strand im "Indischen Ozean" baden (damit es auch wirklich von seiner Liste gestrichen werden kann) und wir konnten uns noch einmal ein wenig erholen, bevor es ans Taschen packen und vorbereiten geht. :)
      Jetzt werden wir noch einen letzten Jägermeister auf australischem Boden trinken und morgen wechseln wir dann einmal wieder den Kontinent. :)
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    • Day 12


      December 25, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Im Wellington Squar Park
      Mission Australia bereitet jedes Weihnachten ein kostenfreien Lunch mit anschließender Bescherung vor.
      Selbst für uns Ausländer hält man ein Geschenk bereit. Inkludiert waren Socken eine Geldbörse eine Snapback und flip flops. So nice so lässt sich Weihnachten aushalten 😂😂 30 ° Sonnenschein, Freunde, nette Leute und Weihnachtslieder.
      Darauf hieß es sich auf die Zeit ohne Hostel vorzubereiten ,- also auf zum Wallmarket and Big W.
      Gerade noch rechtzeitig zurück um etwas vom WeihnachtsBbq abzustauben
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    • Day 1

      First day

      April 16, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      2 years later, I finally arrived in Australia. Couldn't believe how smooth the journey and entry were - no questions on visa, vaccine, covid test, dpd/g2g etc, just looked at my passport and waved me in! All that worry for nothing!
      Got a cab straight to Kate's place grabbing MCD en route. Friendly taxi driver from Pakistan told me to check Scarborough beach and that he thinks aussies are aggressive 😂. Got to kates met Brigsy and Abdul but I was knackered so went straight to sleep. Up at 7.30, met the rest of the housemates and Kates Jack. They have all now gone camping for a few days.
      Went to Mall and sorted sim card, hair cut, warm clothes, phone charger, creams & gels. 40% off h&m and 30% off phone charger and battery pack, very pleased!
      Went to Trigg/Scarborough beach, loved it. Can't quite explain how great it felt to be in such a vast space, after so long on small islands. The vastness of the beach - sand as far as the eye could see (at least 10km) huge waves splashing 100m across the beach. Felt v familiar, must be from a movie when I was younger. A bit chilly but the cold is bearable and welcomed after the sometimes unbearable Thai heat. Though I did need my hoodie! Drove down to North fremantle, stopped off at aldi/woolworths and got chorizo, cheese & pickle to watch the sunset. Had to leave as soon as it set as could no longer stand the cold 😂. Drove home listening to 'My dad wrote a porno' which is hilarious. Just Abdul in tonight, nice guy from Ireland. Currently doing Ramadan. Popped to supermarket and did food shop, had a PERFECT sausage mash gravy & greens for tea. It will work out expensive to cook like this every day so I'm going to have to start cooking in bulk and freezing. Went for evening walk down the road now nice and relaxed, I'm bed by 10.30.
      Still need to sort TFN, Medicare, job. But it is Easter Bank Holiday so has to wait until Tuesday.
      Easter tomorrow and full moon, I feel a strong energy and power from the universe, holding me in the right place. I feel strong and disciplined when thinking of drink or smoke - not craved once dispite it being around the house. I will spend Easter in healthy meditation in the botanical gardens park.
      Its been a while but I am ready. Watch Me rise 😊

      Just remembered the view of Orion out aeroplane window - huge and bright, square with the wing which I was sat above. I was level with him - breathtaking.

      Not seen any strange animals yet, apparently not a great deal in Perth. Trees are different and beautiful, people have all been lovely.

      Saw moon on way home from sunset - huge. Give Power 🌕
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    • Day 2

      Easter Sunday

      April 17, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wow, what a day! I woke up at 7.30, freezing cold as slept with window open. Decided to get up, breakfast, ready and out to explore. I had decided if I passed a church in time I would stop in for Easter service.
      I walked down the road and happened to pass a Christian church called The White House, at about 5 to 10. A sign outside said the service started at 10 so without hesitation I crossed the road and entered. I sat in the middle on a lone chair but was greeted warmly with smiles and handshakes by all. Service was uplifting and rejuvenating. What a perfect day to return. 2 hours later it ended and many people wanted to introduce themselves to me as I was one of the only newbies. Ed who was sitting next to me invited me for lunch with his family. He told the story of his father arriving in Perth 40 years ago with wife and children, nowhere to go - but was welcomed in the same way. I will be sure to pass on this kindness.
      Got to Eds place and met his wife Michelle, 2 children, partners and grandchildren. All so lovely warming and welcoming. We ate roast lamb with potatoes garlic bread and cauli cheese. Fruit, ice cream and donuts for dessert! Hunted Easter eggs with the children and thoroughly enjoyed the friendly family atmosphere. Of course I had been in Thailand for 3 months prior to this so was missing a decent mum cooked meal and family vibes!
      The family are all righteous people - 2 of them teachers and 2 ran their own church and Sunday school. I loved being part of such a different group of people, fits very well with the new person I am working hard to be. We had 'special drinks' because it was Easter. Special drinks were choc & strawb milk, lemonade, oj. Wonderful to see such excitement over these things which I take for granted and drink on a daily basis. Not a drop of alcohol or cigarette in sight.
      It was nearly 5pm before we left and Ed dropped me home - not bad for a brisk morning walk! I was so tired by the time I got home that I planned an early night. I had a shower then walked to the nearby park. It was dark but on the way I came across an old fridge full of books - leave 1, take 1. I took one called The Naked Now which is about Christianity, God, Prayer. I found it fitting for the day. I read a little in the park under street light before heading home as was getting cold. Had a bath (baptised) and read a little more before going to sleep. This time window closed, aircon and fan off.. But I still woke up freezing and ended up sleeping with a jumper on and 2 blankets!
      After the service yesterday I spoke to Gayle who was one of the singers, she looked so whole while on stage. Also the woman in red sat in front of me. They are all so wonderful.
      Pastor Bernie asked if I was looking for work as his friend who does flooring is in desperate need of help. I am going to text Bernie now and offer my help!

      Watched some below deck on the terrace, caught up with Abdul. Blew power by using toaster so we had to search for electric box as freezer had gone off! Applied for new CC to do 0% BT. Approved.
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    • Day 247

      Action Action Action

      February 13, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Da wir nun schon zum dritten Mal in Perth sind, gibt es nicht mehr so viel zu entdecken und wir entscheiden uns, mal wieder etwas aktiv zu sein.

      Also probieren wir mal einen Trampolin-Park inkl. Ninja-Course aus. Nach zwei Stunden sind wir ganz schön platt aber es macht so viel Spaß und endlich bekommen wir mal wieder richtig Bewegung, sodass wir am nächsten Tag gleich noch einmal für zwei Stunden buchen. Erstaunlicherweise können wir nach diesen 4 Stunden tatsächlich schon Fortschritte feststellen. Wir schaffen nun immerhin schon einen Salto auf dem Trampolin 🤸🏼‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️ (auch wenn wir am Ende noch häufiger hinplumpsen 😀) und auch auf der Slackline stellen wir einen großen Fortschritt fest. Doof, dass das jetzt wohl erst einmal das letzte Mal für die nächsten fünf Monate war und wir alles wieder verlernen werden und von vorne anfangen müssen 😃🙈.Read more

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