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Top 10 Travel Destinations Gwydir
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    • Day 194–196

      Bingara in Schleife

      February 12 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      In Bingara an unserem Standort am Fluss hat es zwar an diesem Tag geregnet, doch war die Aussicht wirklich schön. Am Ende des Regens wurden wir mit einem doppelten Regenbogen belohnt - Da beschwert man sich doch nicht.

      Am nächsten Tag ging es weiter Richtung Küste. Einen ersten Stopp haben wir beim Myall Creek Memorial gemacht. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Ort, an dem 1938 ein großes Massaker an den Ureinwohnern Australiens ausgeübt wurde. Gräueltaten wie diese gab es bis 1930 zuhauf. Das Besondere an diesem war, dass die Täter tatsächlich überführt und verurteilt wurden. In den meisten Fällen wurde einfach über die zahlreichen Morde hinweggesehen. Unfassbar.

      Weiter ging es nach Inverell, wo wir mit Tom und Lulu verabredet waren. Während wir auf sie gewartet haben, haben wir erstmal einen Kaffee getrunken. Später saßen wir zusammen in einem Park und haben uns gegenseitig upgedated.

      Leider ist mir zu dem Zeitpunkt aufgefallen, dass ein Teil meiner Kopfhörer nicht mehr da war. Nach einer ausführlichen Suchaktion haben wir uns dazu entschlossen nach Bingara zu fahren, um ihn dort zu suchen. Und tatsächlich - am Flussufer konnte man den weißen Kopfhörer direkt erkennen. Manchmal muss man eben einfach Glück haben.
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    • Day 193–194

      Mount Kaputar National Park

      February 11 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Von Park zu Park geht es weiter.

      Auf Empfehlung von Tom & Lulu machten wir unseren nächsten Zwischenstopp im Mount Kaputar National Park.

      Was für ein Ort.

      Wie häufiger in der Region zeichnet sich auch diese Bergkette durch die felsigen Gipfel und grünen Wälder aus.

      Nach etwa 300 Höhenmetern wurden wir auf unserer kleinen Wanderung mit wundervoller Aussicht belohnt.

      Und auch sonst ist die Region interessant. Die Vulkanregion zeigte einmal wieder zu welchen Phänomenen die Natur fähig ist.

      Der Ort namens „Sawn Rocks“ besteht aus Vulkangestein eines vorherigen Ausbruches und bietet einen ganz besonderen Anblick.

      Pentagonförmige Quader aus Stein brechen von ihm herunter und geben ihm eine einzigartige scharfkantige geometrische Form.

      Es sieht tatsächlich so aus, als hätte dort jemand Hand angelegt. - dem ist allerdings nicht so.

      Nach einigem Regen setzten wir uns dann im nächsten Ort in eine Bar, genossen einen überraschend guten Kakao und anschließend ein kleines Bierchen.
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    • Day 1

      Mt Kaputar National Park

      December 14, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      2 campgrounds, we stayed at Bark Hut. The other is Dawsons Springs. Well set out sites, plenty of fire pits, BYO timber, clean amenities with open ceiling, clean free BBQ. Walked to the Euglah Rock lookout & waterfall first thing in the morning (after a coffee of course!). We drove to the summit, stopping at 2 lookouts on the way, parked and then hiked the Dawson Springs Loop trail and the summit track. Dawson Springs campground is nice also with cabins to rent. Came across 3 rangers putting up a sign. And a family going for a hike/ride also. Not many people around...maybe because it's mid-week and not school holidays? Absolutely cracker of a skies and a slight breeze. Forecast is 27 degrees. Car went well on the drive here, impressed so far. Mt Kapatur NP only has an unsealed Rd entering the park for maybe 1-2 kms then it's sealed...alot of the walking tracks are sealed as well which we've not seen before. Plenty of flowers springing up due to all the recent rain. And lots of wildlife- saw some Wallabies and goats on the way in yesterday evening. Wasn't quick enough to get a photo though! Had a fire last night which was nice...making the most of it as not many places allow fires after this. Loving all the new gadgets Pete has organised- headlamps (so good for setting up in the dark last night), walkie-talkies (which I've been taking to the loo with me), Bluetooth selfie stick (from Aldi for $29) and the impact gun which brings the stabiliser legs down without any effort and so much quicker! 2nd night of steak and salad so did something different and sliced up the steak and marinated in sriracha sauce. Made for a nice meal 😋Read more

    • Day 3

      Day 2 Mt Kaputar

      December 16, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Had a great nights sleep last night...9.5hrs! Up at 8am, muesli and a coffee before setting off on the Kaputar Plateau Walk. 8km return the info board says. First stop - Lairds Lookout. Absolutely stunning views...we sat here for around half an hour soaking in the scenery. Further uphill was Rangers Lookout - not as awesome as Lairds but still nice. Lots of uphill walking...I was knackered...not very fit atm. So many trees down. You can see where the bushfire have torn thru the place and it has started to regenerate. So many wild flowers...really pretty. A sign read baits placed around for feral pigs...wish we had've seen one. Not much wildlife seen today other than birds. Thought we may have seen a lizard or snake but none around...12.72 kms according to my phone! Big day, need a Nanna nap 😴Read more

    • Day 4


      April 23, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We left Bingara with no real idea of where we were headed but decided on Narrabri. As we travelled over the mountains we stopped at the Glacial Area. It is an amazing spot and you can actually free camp there.

      We shopped in Narrabri and moved on to a free camp at the Coonabarabran Golf Club where we had a Chinese takeaway from the club. A bit chilly here but lovely old golf club. We might play a few holes of golf in the morning.

      We didn't play golf, my shoes would have been soaked. It would be best to play in the afternoon, but we won't be here then.
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    • Day 3


      April 22, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We drove from Inglewood to Texas where we stopped for morning tea, then headed off south through Bonshaw, Ashford and Delungra where we considered staying for the night, however we decided to head to the beautiful town of Bingara. We camped on the western banks of the Gwydir River and it was running. Horses roaming free and quite a few people but no one on top of each other. Excellent spot.Read more

    • Day 2

      Mt Kaputar Day 1

      December 28, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Bit of a mission to get to Dawson Springs camping area.. 5km of gravel roads, then a very narrow windy road to reach the top at 1500m asl.
      Quick little meander around Dawson Springs Nature Trail & then sorted dinner.. it was super warm so we didn't even consider a fire.. lucky, because there's a full fire ban atm 🤦🏻‍♀️
      Had a bit of an issue with the kangaroos at dusk.. they have obviously been fed by campers & come in to be fed. They came up sp close that James had to pull alpha male rank 😂
      Settled down & had a good nights sleep in the van & a bit of a sleep in the next morning
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    • Day 37

      Bingara Riverside Camping.

      March 27, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      We finally pulled in at the Bingara Riverside on the banks of the lovely Gwyder River. We have setup camp on the higher part of the river bed. It rocky with large pebbles making it a bit of a challenge to bolt things down. Our tent screw pegs took several attempts at some places to run down between the rocks.

      We have decided to rest here today and get moving tomorrow. It's overcast now with some hint of some showers of rain. Seems no matter where we are for the next few days we might get a wet tail.

      This camp is for fully self contained, leave no trace campers. We have deployed our secret outhouse, normally packed in the new toolbox fitted especially for this trip. Stowing the toilet in this box ensures any spills, however unlikely would be only an inconvenience.
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    • Day 204

      Oakey to Bingara

      November 10, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We left Oakey this morning using plan C or D I am not sure which one. We have had to be very flexible. Kept an eye on road closures as there has been a lot of rain.
      Well it happened we were going to go out through Goondiwindi but not stop due to Covid then the Gore H'way on the way to Goodiwindi was closed due to flooding. We crossed the border at Texas and made it to Bingara. Expecting lots of rain tonight will have to check road conditions tomorrow.
      We had plans to be in Victoria on the weekend, but it may be a little later.
      Hopefully we will make it to Peak Hill tomorrow.
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    • Day 9

      Cranky Rock Nature Reserve

      January 14, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      A short walk from the campground is the Reedy Creek rock feature. The late afternoon colours were very beautiful. After checking out the lower area we headed up to the lookout platform.

      Here we had magnificent views of the rocky pool below. The sky was colouring up with a pleasing red but with no clouds fell a little short of some of the recent sunsets earlier in this trip. On the way back down from the platform vantage, Pam spotted a very small native marsupial mouse. No larger than a house mouse this sweet little guy was not overly concerned at our presence. After posing for a few photos and a short video to show his rock clinging skills he headed off into the rocks.

      Today the temperature has dropped quite a bit so we should have a very pleasant night.
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