Kinka Beach

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    • Tag 31

      ‘Big’ things - updating as we go

      18. Oktober 2022 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C…

      Cassowary - Mission Beach
      Crab - Cardwell
      Mango - Mutarnee

      Watermelon - Gumlu
      Pumpkin - Gumlu
      Mango - Bowen

      Gem miner - Rubyvale

      Easel with VG’s Sunflowers - Emerald

      Whale - Kinka Beach

      Budgie - nr Childers

    • Tag 1.416


      9. April 2022 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      A travelling day, packing up early we left under cloudy skies to head further north on the Bruce Highway. We passed through the sugar cane farming region and arrived at Rockhampton which lies just above the tropic of Capricorn. We were heading for the Capricorn Coast at Yeppoon. As we drove through the hills from Rockhampton to Yeppoon the rain seemed to have settled in. However as we neared the coast the sky lifted and we arrived to set up our sites in the dry.
      The girls loved the water slide and jumping pillow facilities on the site and spent a lot of their time on site there. We all enjoyed the free film at the site theatre one evening.
      Karen and I revisited Emu Park and the Singing Ship, another monument to Captain Cook. The winds were very strong and the noise of the air through the monument was very calming. A walked along the Remembrance Path to the Anzac memorial.
      On our previous visit the fabric shop here kept Karen amused for some time, but sadly this time it was closed for the duration of our visit.
      On the Monday Karen organised an Easter Egg hunt for the girls, which went down very well and in the evening we all went into Yeppoon where we had booked a meal at The Vue restaurant and wine bar. The food was excellent with a very varied menu which catered for us all.
      We needed to be back in Brisbane for an appointment at the fracture clinic on Wednesday, so we left the site early Tuesday morning for the long drive back to Brisbane.

    • Kinka Wetlands

      30. Juli 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      This estaarine wetland is rich in species diversity and provides habitat for over 100 species of resident and migratory birds, many of which are rare or endangered Kinka wetlands are part of the Yeppoon and Keppel Sands Tidal Wetland which is listed on the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia.

      Wetlands provide excellent recreational opportunities as well as providing ecosystem
      services from which we all benefit.
      These include:
      slowing down and absorbing land runoff and river flood water storage and slow release of flood water which prevents erosion and provides wetland species with a refuge from drought conditions improving water quality by trapping sediment, nutrients and pollution from the river systems, protecting ocean environments wetland vegetation communities provide significant greenhouse gas storage buffering coastal érosion, storm surge and flooding providing an essential fish and crustacean nursery
      All of these services provided by wetlands play a crucial role in protecting the magnificent Word Heritage Listed Great Barrier Reef.

      For enquiries please contact.
      Birds Australia Capricornio on (07) 4035 4645 or visit www.birdsaustralia
      or Livingstone Shire Council on 49303388.

      Project Details
      This project was funded by the Australian Government's - Great Barrier Reef Coastal
      Wetlands Protection Programme

      The major outcomes of the project are:
      - Construction of two fishways to increase the connectivity of the wetlands.
      - Pest plant and animal surveys and control Interpretative signage and associated
      information pamphlets distributed.
      - Establishment of on going monitoring program
      - Provision of car parking area
      - This project will improve the environmental amenity of the wetland by increasing habitat qualities.
      - Another outcome of the project is increased awareness by the community of the importance and beauty of this wetland.
      - Funding for this project was, also provided by Livingstone Shire Council and the Fitzroy Basin Association.

    • Tag 78

      Off to Rocky for the Day

      5. November 2018 in Australien ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      We decided to head in to Rockhampton today, about half an hour inland. This was despite knowing that the weather there today is hovering around 36 degrees - whereas here on the coast it was 31 degrees.

      We drove via the back end of Mount Archer, trying to find a road up to the lookout at the top. Unfortunately, the pretty back roads did not lead to any lookouts so we back tracked and headed into town straight to the botanic gardens and the zoo. We were disappointed that dogs weren’t allowed in the botanic gardens so we had to eat lunch in the shade just outside the gates. Gadi then went for a walk in the gardens and explored the zoo while I drove to the other side of the city to the banks of the Fitzroy River where I could let Cadbury out and we could hopefully find some shady trees to keep out of the sun. There wasn’t much to see or do in the area I’d parke in, but eventually we headed beck to pick up Gadi, who was waiting for us at the kiosk, hand feeding lorikeets. He enjoyed the botanical gardens, with trees from all over the world but was disappointed with the small variety of animals at the zoo. Just as I was picking him up he’d been swarmed with birds wanting some of the lemonade he’d just bought at the kiosk!

      Next we were determined to get to the lookout on top of Mount Archer, so found the road up from the Rockhampton side (which makes sense given it’s also a suburb of Rockhampton) and wound our way up the 604 metre mountain. We walked around the top but the heat of the day made it quite hazy and the view wasn’t as clear as it could be.

      We headed back to the coast via Yeppoon to check out al the local beaches. Gadi went for a quick swim in the infinity pool and we drove around trying to find the best vantage spot to watch the sunset. Eventually we headed back to our caravan park where I was the only one in the pool as it turned dark and the pool lights shone making it an iridescent blue.

      Time to head inside. Good night from the Central Queensland coast!

    • Tag 80

      Chill Out Day

      7. November 2018 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today turned out to be a day of not doing very much at all. I started the day with a refreshing swim and did a quick shop at Emu Park to pick up a few supplies.

      The wind blew very strongly all day today, perfect to dry a load of washing.

      We had planned on going to Rockhampton late in the day to watch a practice rodeo session and eat dinner at the Great Western Hotel but we decided not to go all the way there in the heat.

      I sat with Cadbury outside under the awning enjoying the cool breeze. Just before dark we took Cadbury for a walk on Kinka Beach, and nearly got blown away in the gale-like winds. Cadbury enjoyed frolicking on the sand, chasing sticks.

      Back to the caravan to feed him, and us. Lucky we had leftover chicken from last night, so we just added some rice and a salad.

      Time to wish you good night from us at Kinka Beach!

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