Nambucca Heads

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    • Dag 19

      V-WALL Nambucca Heads

      27. oktober 2018, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Eine Outdoor Galerie wo jeder sein persönliches Kunstwerk auf einem freien Stein hinterlassen kann.
      Leider hatte ich keine Farbe dabei aber hier gab es ein paar hübsch bemalte Steine!

    • Dag 85

      Captain Cook Lookout, Nambucca Head

      31. marts 2018, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Any visit to Nambucca Head would not be complete without heading to Captain Cook Lookout for a look. The view each way is quite memorable. Sadly we had to keep moving as the afternoon was running out and we still had a fair distance to our next camp.Læs mere

    • Dag 30

      More Nambucca Heads

      9. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Then down to the breakwater.
      This is a long built up pedestrian walk along the water’s edge.
      All the huge rocks that form part of this breakwater are allowed to be painted/ decorated by families.
      And it looked so colourful and simply wonderful as you wandered along.
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    • Dag 111

      Nambucca Head

      29. maj 2023, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      A gorgeous coastal town with majestic beaches and inlets.

    • Dag 101

      Extreme Storm, Then Sunshine & Drive

      28. november 2018, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      The day dawned fine but by mid morning the sky had darkened and the rain began to plop heavily on the metal roof of the caravan. We had no choice other than to stay put and just chill.

      The rain got heavier and we could hear rolling thunder and see lightning continuously flash across the lagoon. And then it began to hail, which I could clearly see falling on to the skylight. It was quite a show...except that I had all our linen and towels outside to dry!

      After an hour of heavy rainfall, soaking wet washing and muddy puddles everywhere, the rain stopped as suddenly as it started. And the sun shone again, the sky returned to blue and the temperature went up to 30 degrees with extreme humidity.

      We decided to go for a drive for the afternoon to Bowraville, a small inland town with lots of historic buildings. We drove through undulating, green hills until we reached town, where we stopped for a coffee and to check out the old buildings. We continued our drive to Ducks Arm to the Pub With No Beer, made famous when Slim Dusty was handed a piece of paper with a poem on it about a Queensland Pub with no beer. Slim reworked the words of the poem, set it to music and the rest is history.

      We drove back to Nambucca Heads in time to enjoy happy hour sitting by the lagoon, enjoying the changing colours of the evening sky. It was hard to tear ourselves away to make some dinner before heading inside. We brought in all our washing (now dry thank goodness) and packed up the awning and outdoor tables and chairs in preparation for moving on tomorrow.

      Night night for the last time from the Mid North Coast xx
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    • Dag 100

      Beaches, Rocks, a Scary Drive & a Gaol

      27. november 2018, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today is day 100 of our trip! First thing we did was check how Cadbury was feeling after limping yesterday. We were very happy to see that he seemed to have recovered. We packed a picnic lunch and headed south to explore some of the beaches nearby, starting with the pretty Scott’s Head with its pristine stretch of sand and aqua coloured water.

      Then we drove inland to find a picnic ground in the forest. The road was not sealed and was quite bad most of the way, narrow, winding and with large pot holes. Eventually we found the picnic ground but I wasn’t feeling the best after all the bumping around (and it was national park meaning we couldn’t take Cadbury out of the car) so after a short stop we drove a different (and much better) track back to the main highway.

      After this little 4X4 adventure we headed to South West Rocks after stopping to eat our lunch by the banks of the Macleay River at Rainbow Reach, across the river from Jerseyville.

      Next stop: South West Rocks. We drove around checking out the information Centre and the caravan park before parking and walking over the grassy hill to check out the gorgeous view of rust-brown and yellow sandstone rocks with a large expanse of blue ocean swells beyond. On either side of the rocky outcrop were beautiful expanses of white sand beaches, stretching as far as the eye could see.

      Final stop for the day was the nearby Arakoon Conservation Park to check out Trial Bay Gaol and camp ground, and the beautiful lighthouse standing proud on the tip of the peninsula. The harsh, cold stone walls of the gaol sitting high above the rocks below made the visit eerie and dramatic.

      The gaol was built to house prisoners who were brought to the area in 1886 to construct a breakwater (that was never completed) to make Trial Bay a safe harbour halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. During World War 1 the gaol was used as an internment camp for local German residents who were suspected (almost always falsely) to be conspiring with the enemy. Since then it has been left to rot and is now an historic ruin.

      We drove back to Nambucca Heads and enjoyed a bit of late afternoon sunshine outside, giving the Weber its first workout in a while, before heading inside for the night.

      Night night again from the Mid North Coast of NSW xx
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    • Dag 98

      To the Coast & Beautiful Board Walks

      25. november 2018, Australien ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Today we left our campsite at Thora after the Insiders program on ABC of course - especially important today in light of the election in Victoria yesterday (we did early postal votes).

      We didn’t have very far to drive from near the bottom of the Waterfall Way to the coast. We made a last minute decision to stop at the first seaside town of Urunga where we checked out a Wetlands boardwalk. This was created to try to restore the severely damaged land after Broken Hill Antimony Processing Plant operated from 1969 processing 400 tonne of product and 1600 tonne of waste into the surrounding land. In 1974 the plant was abandoned with no plan as to how to clean up. Finally the NSW government took it over and, employing many local workers, finished the wetlands project in 2017.

      The wetlands walk was very peaceful and pretty, with a forest walk and a board walk over the wetlands allowing you to view the many water Lillies and surrounding forest.

      After our walk we drove to the beach to walk along another board walk that goes from the beach, across the river, through the mangroves and all the way to the ocean. It is a spectacular and magical walk, as you peer into the crystal, clear water below and see fish of all sizes scurrying and weaving their way along. All around you see emerald green water, low tide white sand hills, mangrove gently swaying in their watery bed and, in the distance, the powerful ocean with frothing, white caps. We got quite hot while walking and we forgot our water bottles on this walk, so we got (me especially) pretty tired. Finally made it back to the car, picked up a few groceries and headed to the next town south, Nambucca Heads.

      We checked out the Captain Cook Lookout (towing the caravan - total madness!), driving up some very steep, narrow roads to get there. Here we gazed out at the most perfect vista of grey and white moody clouds painted across a vast sky, above a gentle, curving river and clear lagoon directly below us. Around the lagoon we could see caravans laid out like toy trucks. Beyond the lagoon lay a feisty ocean with a big swell and white caps to match.

      We drove down to the caravan park to see if they could do a good deal for a few days, as otherwise we planned to continue our way south.

      All good. We scored a mid-week special and set up our caravan one row back from the lagoon, but with nobody in front of us it feels like we have a front row view.

      We walked along the breakwater to see the famous V-Wall, an outdoor gallery where visitors have painted every rock along the breakwater - each a different, personal, colourful and gorgeous permanent record. We saw a stunning, mellow pink sunset and felt really lucky to be in such a gorgeous place for the next few days.

      Finally it got dark and a bit chilly. Time to head indoors, cook something for dinner and settle in for the evening.

      Night night from the mid-north coast xx
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    • Dag 99

      Coffs Harbour for the Day

      26. november 2018, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We took a drive north today to check out Coffs Harbour. First we stopped at the breakwater and river where we are staying to watch the thrashing surf smash against the rocks.

      We drove to Coffs Harbour, stopping at The Big Banana to have a look around. It sure has changed since we brought our kids here at least 10 years ago. Not just a little train journey around the banana plantations and then a banana milkshake or ice cream on the way out, today it is an empire, with a water park, skating rink, laser tag, cafe and tourist shop onsite. We bought frozen chocolate coated bananas and took the obligatory photo in front of the ‘big banana’ - the first big object in Australia!

      After we’d finished our bananas we headed up to a lookout called Bruxner Park Conservation Reserve. The road up was steep and wound through many banana plantations on the hillsides. Why do I always wish I could reach out and pick fruit when we drive past plantations and orchards? At the top there is a forest sky pier cantilevered right over the side of the cliff offering fantastic views over the lovely Coffs coast and surrounding hinterland.

      Next stop was the marina to check out the fishing boats and yachts. We ate a late lunch of delicious fish and chips and then we noticed that Cadbury, our lovely senior spoodle, was limping. We couldn’t find anything stuck in his paw so decided to wait and see how he goes. We headed beck to Nambucca Heads and gave Cadbury an anti-inflammatory tablet and let him rest.

      A little later we drove up to the lookout above our campsite (leaving Cadbury in the car) rugging up in coats to keep out the biting wind. We watched the sunset, not as dramatic as yesterday, but still a gorgeous pink glow spread across the sky.

      Time to head home - neither of us particularly hungry after our late lunch - so I dropped Gadi and Cadbury home and did a quick supermarket shop.

      Good night from Nambucca Heads. Let’s hope a good night’s rest means our baby, Cadbury, is feeling better in the morning xx
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