North Esk River

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    • Day 75

      Soirée à Launceston

      February 18, 2023 in Australia

      Hello les amis, 👋🏼
      Nous avons demandé notre dimanche pour sortir à Launceston.
      Se préparer, voir la civilisation et sortir en boîte nous est presque étranger maintenant (j'exagère un peu... ou presque).
      Quelques bières et un restaurant avant de sortir. Nous sommes allés dans un club avec un rooftop très chic.
      Une soirée qui nous a fait beaucoup de bien. Par contre notre sommeil, que dis-je, notre sieste de 3 heures dans la voiture, ne nous a pas vraiment fait du bien.
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    • Day 93

      Je me tatoue 😱

      March 8, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Hello les amis,👋🏼
      Journée à Launceston, nous avons tous les 4 choisi de nous faire tatouer (oui, c'est pour la vie je sais !). Un petit cœur discret, il représente tout ce que nous avons vécu sur cette île, les rencontres fortes, les fous rires et les bons souvenirs.
      Et moi, j'ai décidé de me faire tatouer le 601, le chiffre qui m’a emmené loin et qui me guide d'une manière ou d'une autre. Il me dit que je suis au bon endroit au bon moment.
      La petite Alice s'est fait tatouer pour la première fois.
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    • Day 83


      April 26, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Et puis j’ai passé une petite semaine à me promener dans les rues de Launceston, à observer l’architecture et les animaux. C’est une chouette petite ville d’environ 100 000 habitants, la moitié d’Hobart (la Tasmanie compte environ 500 000 habitants).Read more

    • Day 42

      Soirée à Launcy

      February 18, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ce matin on commence le travail et on apprend que demain on ne bosse pas du coup dans les champs on discute de l’organisation. Tout en ramassant avec rapidité les blueberries 🫐 vu que j’ai été la meilleure de la journée avec 47 kg. Bon certaines personnes n’étaient pas trop content qu’on soit en repos mais perso j’en avais besoin puis je ne suis pas venu ici pour souffrir ok 🤣. Les filles se sont préparées et moi c’était prévue que je parte avec Arsène pour aller à la salle de sport. Sauf que avant de partir on se rend compte que le pneu etait à plat du coup on a perdu une heure pour changer la roue. Cela a écourté la séance de sport vu que les filles nous attendaient au bar 😅.
      On a mangé dans ce fameux bar on est parti dans un rooftop qui était très sympas mais Océane n’aimait pas trop le style de musique du coup Océane m’a aventurée dehors du coup on s’est retrouvée a suivre deux garçons, habillé en blanc qui nous on mené à une boîte. Après les autres nous ont rejoins. On est parti assez tôt de la boîte j’étais ko et j’avais faim du coup on a eu la brillante idée d’aller manger un McDo et sur internet c’était marqué que c’était ouvert. Donc Arsène, Alice, Gwen, Gabin et moi partons faire 20 min aller pour manger. En arrivant sur les lieux on se rend vite compte qu’ils ne servent pas à l’intérieur mais uniquement en drive et comme on avait tous bu c’était pour cette raison qu’on est venu à pied. Donc pas de McDo, on est parti bredouille. Et on a dormi dans la voiture comme convenu. Il a fait très chaud et on a quand même peu dormi. Du coup en se réveillant, on est allé faire les courses et on est partie direction la ferme vu que j’étais la seule à vouloir aller à la piscine, personne ne m’a suivi 😂. Du coup grosse sieste à la ferme et petite promenade.
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    • Day 7

      Launceston to Honeycomb Caves

      June 15 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      We booked a tour of the James Boag Brewery this morning so we headed into the CBD early to find parking. We ended up parking at Bunnings and walking across the bridge back to town, so much better than trying to find parking on the streets with a motorhome!

      The tour was great, we had a young girl leading it who did a great job, so much to remember. I was really surprised at the end that the tastings weren't just a little taste, each beer was a middy size glass! So we went downstairs afterwards and had a pizza for lunch before heading back to the van. We are heading to Honeycomb Caves campground tonight so we grabbed some head torches from Anaconda so we could explore the caves 😄

      The drive to Honeycomb Caves was beautiful, when we arrived at the campsite, the sun was just starting to go behind the mountains even though it was only 3pm! But the colours were amazing. We donned our head torches (after rugging up a bit more 😄) and headed down into the caves. Bart easily got over the stream but by the time I got down there he was gone and I was a bit nervous jumping over it. So headed up and went down another entrance but still couldn't see him. By the time I came back to the start I could see his torch and he was wondering where I was. He came back and helped me over the rocks which enabled me to follow him around through the caves. It was amazing, it brought us to another opening and there were lots of smaller cave entrances that we didn't try and when we turned our torches off to check for glowworms (we didn't see any) it was pitch black in there, so very glad we stopped to get them. The phone torch would not have cut it!

      Came out to a very crisp evening and headed into the van to preserve as much heat as possible, I think we'll be keeping our beanies and long johns on inside tonight 😂
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    • Day 2

      Launceston, lunch, and lovely friends

      July 22, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      A beautiful drive through green countryside with heaps of sheep and cows took us to Launceston. Our friends Lyndell, Isla, Amelie and Will moved to Tassie a few years ago and it was great to have lunch with them.

      It was windy! On the way back to the motel we went back to a chocolate factory we visited last time we were here. Still delicious!
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    • Day 9

      Launceston Kayak Tours

      February 27, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      This morning I was up at 6am to make my booking for a 7am Kayak tour on the River Tamar. I was the only person he had booked for the morning, so it was a great opportunity to get some one on one with the guide, asking questions and getting a bit of history.
      We launched from the pontoon where the boat Launceston Kayak Tours is located and headed down North Esk River to the River Tamar and headed north along the River before turning back and heading passed the privately morred boats. The guide mentioned that during the last significant flood event, 2 of the boats moored sunk, the wrecks still visible and littering the river; one of them was due to the mooring line being too short and as it reached the end of its line, it just got pulled under. We then continued down to the mouth of Cataract Gorge and down the South Esk River as far as we could go before reaching the bottom end of the rapids there, turned and headed back to the North Esk, where we continued along as far as York Park, and turned back to finish off. Overall it was about 7.5km covered, but in Hobie Kayaks, it was not a hard run. We were very lucky with the weather and we started to get a sprinkle of rain just as we were pulling back up at the pontoon... and then the rain continued...
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    • Day 28

      Day 27 - Lottah and Launceston

      December 8, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      A girl from the Netherlands told us about a little village that once was home to the miners, and now was abandoned and taken over by nature. We thought it was worth a visit and so we headed towards Lottah.
      The only way to reach it was through 7km of gravel roads, as we got there we were a bit disappointed as we were expecting something more fascinating. There were just a couple cabins but nothing to see really.

      We then headed to Launceston, where we had a swim at the Aquatic centre.
      We had lunch and then headed to our camping spot for the night: a little piece of land behind an old school.
      It was pouring rain and we had some water leaking in the tent, fortunately not enough to ruin the night.

      We woke up with some people around, we noticed after a while that they were setting up a little market!
      We went down to check it out and we got ourself a nice home made pain au chocolate from two local guys.

      We then drove off again towards the last stop of our journey: Devonport!
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    North Esk River

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