Smithfield Heights

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    • Day 3

      Bungee jump!

      April 4, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      En résumé : c'était OUUUFFF!!!

      Une chute de 50m de haut dans un décors tropical magnifique, et le "petit" bonus : le saut fait atterrir dans le lagon, de quoi être trempé jusqu'aux hanches :D

      Il y avait possibilité de faire plusieurs sauts, plusieurs styles (en courant, a l'envers, commencer suspendu dans le vide,...) Mais un seul saut c'était déjà assez inoubliable pour Rémi, pas besoin de forcer !

      Petites bières a l'arrivée en attendant que les autres passager de notre navette terminent leurs sauts (aller retour à l'hôtel compris dans le prix du saut)
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    • Day 74


      September 28, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Different vibe to Asia immediately on landing, as expected. Couldn’t get an Uber for ages and the price kept going up and up. Was unsettling lol. Very few travellers here so couldn’t pool anywhere from the airport either! Got to hostel, got some pizza and planned the next few days on the terrace. Met Neil from Boston and Jimmy from Taiwan in the room. Neil is a marine biologist working on a boat and Jimmy is a sushi chef which was kinda cool.

      Bucket list kinda day - sorted out my sim and booked onto the Great Barrier Reef tour and Daintree tour in the morning before heading to AJ Hackett Skypark for Bungee jumping off a 50 metre platform. After talking it up so much in the past few years, I was actually shitting it when it came to jumping off. This kid also backed out at the top which set the nerves straight in. Joe went first and absolutely wailed as he jumped, then I quickly jumped after but the experience was unlike no other, complete adrenaline. Would DEFINITELY do again but bigger and better next time. Our driver was also the nicest guy, he had so many stories from spear fishing and mining, one of which involved him losing his thumb?!? We came back and chilled with some cards and went swimming in the lagoon before walking down the esplanade. We found this girls phone and managed to get it back to her which was cool after some rough detective work. For dinner we went to Woolworths and grabbed BBQ items and cooked them outside at sunset. Super cool day.

      Today was the Great Barrier Reef tour, next to us on the boat were 2 Irish girls Sarah and Emma - finally diving the GBR felt so good and even got to do my first ever self guided dive, even if they did get pissed off that I was under for an extra 13 minutes… for dinner we got schnitzel, played cards with charlie from the Cotswolds and joes roommate Kathryn, before talking politics with Jimmy and Stanley prior to bed.

      Tour to Cape Tribulation and Daintree rainforest, the oldest rainforest in the world - Jamie the tour guide was great, met Sarah and Emma from tour yday which was nice, also met jasmine from Ireland who sat next to us on the coach. started off with a viewpoint, then we went to the beach then we went to the watering hole where I proceeded to SLAP my back onto the water trying to do a flip. We went to the board walk then finally we did the croc cruise - full on day but gutted we didn’t see cassowaries. Then we got back and went to chicken on a stick and got a friend chicken donburi, then played some cards with a pint at the bar next door.

      10 hour long bus to Airlie beach!
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    • Day 108


      December 13, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Heute bin ich also bei Alice Beach aufgewacht. Das Wetter war so weit in Ordnung aber wie ich gestern schon erzählt hatte, ist alles sehr matschig. Die Pfützen waren sogar so tief, dass morgen zwei Enten darin geschwommen sind. Also habe ich meine Sachen gepackt und bin nach Trinity Beach gefahren und habe dort erst mal gefrühstückt und mein Brat rasiert. Der heutige Plan war an eine Sehnenkonstellation zu fahren, um Vögel und andere Tiere zu fotografieren. Als ich dort angekommen bin, hat sich das Wetter noch mal deutlich gebessert und die Sonne kam raus. Also bin ich in den Wald zu den Seen gelaufen. Die Natur dort war wunderschön, allerdings gab es unfassbar viele Stechmücken. Trotz Mückenspray haben mich einige attackiert, was mich aber nicht davon abgehalten hat, weiterzugehen, um ein paar tolle Fotos zu machen. Als Erstes habe ich eine kleine Krabbe gefunden und konnte wirklich tolle Aufnahmen von ihr gemacht. Auf meinem weiteren Weg habe ich noch einige Vogelarten fotografieren können und einen jungen Varan. Das war eins meiner Highlights, auch wenn ich schon viele gesehen habe, konnte ich noch keine derart guten Bilder von Ihnen machen. Gegen Ende meines Ausfluges habe ich tatsächlich noch ein snakehead sehen können. Das hat mich besonders gefreut, da es eine Fischart ist, die es in Deutschland so nicht gibt. Am schönsten fand ich es im Abschnitt mit alten, großen Tannen, zumindest sahen sie so aus, ich bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob es wirklich Tannen waren. Im Anschluss an meinen Fototrip bin ich natürlich, wie soll es auch anders sein in den Sport gefahren. Als ich mein Training beendet hatte, musste ich noch ein Teil für mein Auto kaufen, da leider mein Zigarettenanzünder wieder nicht funktioniert und meine Power Bank nicht mehr lädt. Aus diesem Grund habe ich jetzt eine Komponente gekauft, die das Problem wohl ein für alle Mal lösen soll. Hoffen wir mal das es stimmt. Am Montag geht es dann zum Mechaniker. Im Anschluss daran bin ich noch einkaufen gegangen und habe mir ein Thunfisch Brötchen gemacht (das war mal eine willkommene Abwechslung). Im Anschluss an mein Abendessen habe ich mich dann auf die Suche nach einem Schlafplatz begeben. Ich habe auch einen tollen Platz am Wasser gefunden, allerdings war es mir nicht möglich, dort zu bleiben, da es viel zu viele Stechmücken gab. Ich glaube, dieser Teil von Cairns beziehungsweise der Umgebung ist zu Mücken verseucht, um wirklich lange Zeit zu verbringen. Also habe ich mich auf den Weg gemacht und habe wieder auf dem Einkaufszentrum Parkplatz geschlafen, was relativ praktisch ist, da es geregnet hat und es dort überdacht ist. Normalerweise macht mir der Regen nicht wirklich viel aus, allerdings ist es natürlich entspannter für mich ein Dach zu haben, wenn ich abends noch draußen sitzen möchte, das hab ich dann auch gemacht. Zum Abschluss des Abends habe ich mir ein Zitrone-Tee gemacht und meine Fotos des Tages gesichtet.

      So today I woke up at Alice Beach. The weather was fine so far, but as I said yesterday, everything is very muddy. The puddles were so deep that two ducks swam in them tomorrow. So I packed my things and drove to Trinity Beach, where I had breakfast and shaved my brat. Today's plan was to go to a sinew constellation to photograph birds and other wildlife. When I got there, the weather had improved considerably and the sun came out. So I walked into the forest to the lakes. The nature there was beautiful, but there were an incredible number of mosquitoes. Despite the mosquito spray, a few attacked me, but that didn't stop me from moving on to take some great photos. The first thing I found was a small crab and was able to take some really great photos of it. On my further way, I was able to photograph a few more bird species and a young varan. That was one of my highlights, even though I've already seen many, I've never been able to take such good pictures of them. Towards the end of my trip I actually managed to see a snakehead. I was particularly pleased as it is a species of fish that is not found in Germany. I found the section with old, large fir trees the most beautiful, at least that's what they looked like, but I'm not sure if they really were fir trees. After my photo trip, of course I went to the gym, how could it be otherwise? When I had finished my training, I had to buy another part for my car, as unfortunately my cigarette lighter wasn't working again and my power bank was no longer charging. For this reason, I have now bought a component that should solve the problem once and for all. Let's hope it's true. I'm off to the mechanic on Monday. Afterwards I went shopping and made myself a tuna roll (which was a welcome change). After dinner, I went in search of a place to sleep. I also found a great spot by the water, but I wasn't able to stay there as there were far too many mosquitoes. I think this part of Cairns or the surrounding area is too mosquito-infested to really spend much time there. So I headed off and slept in the shopping center parking lot again, which is relatively convenient as it was raining and it's covered. Normally the rain doesn't really bother me that much, but of course it's more relaxing for me to have a roof if I want to sit outside in the evening, so that's what I did. At the end of the evening, I made myself a lemon tea and looked through my photos from the day.
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    • Day 26


      July 22, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Gestern haben wir den letzten Stopp unserer Reise erreicht, wir sind in Carins angekommen. 2500km mit insgesamt 14 Stopps in verschiedenen Städten und Inseln haben wir in einem Monat zurückgelegt.
      Heute morgen ging der Tag für uns schon um 5 Uhr los. Wir sind in den Regenwald gefahren, um dort im Sonnenaufgang die „Giant Swing“ zu machen. Das war eine Art Schaukel bei der man zu Beginn kurz freien Fall hat und dann durch den Regenwald „fliegt“. Aus knapp 50m Höhe ging es in die Tiefe. Von dort zurück in der Stadt Cairns, haben wir uns die Geschäfte angeguckt, waren auf dem „Night Market“ und haben dort Souvenirs gekauft.
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    • Day 17

      Duck Boat

      October 21, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      A military vehicle? A boat? How about Both!!

      The duck cruise take you on a short journey around a trail and a small river. The guide does a good job of telling entertaining stories.

      My favorite story is about a plant that looks like an ordinary palm frond. The guide took his hat off and hung it on the back of the frond. It has a ton of barbs that dig in and hold on when you try and go against them. Strong enough to easily support the hat. So, if you find yourself caught up in something like this, somehow you're supposed to relax, and slowly back out. At that point, it easily releases and away you go.Read more

    • Day 30

      Cattana Wetlands

      August 30, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      The local council here purchased this area to protect remnant vegetation. Volunteers have worked with council to make this outstanding wetlands area.

      Three lakes have been formed and good paths provided. Lots of information on signs along the walks.Read more

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    Smithfield Heights, _Queensland

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