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    • Hari 3

      Salzwelten Hallstatt, Austria

      28 September 2023, Austria ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      The Salzwelten Salt Mine, situated in Hallstatt, Austria is one of the world's oldest salt mines, boasting a history spanning over 7,000 years. It's renowned for its rich deposits of salt and its significance in the region's economic and cultural development. Guided tours invite visitors to delve into the mine's tunnels, offering insights into ancient mining techniques and the intriguing narrative of salt production. Additionally, the mine presents unique features like subterranean slides and a salt lake, injecting an adventurous spirit into the educational journey. Through its immersive experience, the Hallstatt Salt Mine provides a captivating window into the heritage of salt mining in this idyllic region.Baca lagi

    • Hari 59

      Hallstatt, Austria

      3 Oktober 2023, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      What we did:
      - Caught an 8-10:30 train to Halstatt. From the train station you take a picturesque boat/ferry across the lake into town. With lush mountains surrounding the lake and a 75 and sunny day we were sold! Halstatt is tiiiight.
      - We wandered around the quaint town - Switzerland-esque with all log cabins and endless flowers/greenery throughout. Fortunately tourist levels were low when we were there so it was a nice experience! Can’t imagine it in high season
      - We took a furnicular up to the top of the mountain to really get the expansive views across the lake and mountains. Grabbed a beer and apple strudels at the mountain top restaurant and hungout! As the restaurant got busy, a Chinese lady asked to join us at our picnic table so we said sure… then her family of 5 comes in and all wedges in. 7 of us in a 3-4 person picnic table was nooot the move. Our shocked face at the large family must have made them realize they needed to find another table so fortunately they didn't stay long.
      - Took the furnicular down and enjoyed a great meal in a garden along the lake. Walked around some more and then took the boat and train back to Salzburg. Great day trip!!
      - It was 8 by the time we got back so grabbed some to-go food in old town. We ate in the Airbnb while watching some more Sound of Music before calling it early.
      - On to Budapest to meet up with Sally/Doug!! So excited for the upcoming week

      What we ate:
      - Salzburg Train station croissants and coffees
      - Coffee, beers, and Apple strudel at the top of the Hallstatt funicular restaurant. Voted best Apple strudel of the trip thus far.
      - Lunch in Halstatt at Braugastoff where we split bacon-wrapped chicken and a turkey salad
      -Quick take home dinner of poke and salads in Salsburg at Dean & David’s. We need to franchise this place in the US!! So good and lots of selection - need more fast casual healthy spots back home

      Fun facts -
      - In late August the residents of Halstatt made worldwide news with massive protests and became the new poster for rebelling against overtourism. A town of only 700 residents, it gets 10,000 visitors a day in the summer! Residents recognize the value of tourists, but want a ban on tour buses after 3pm. All throughout the city there were signs in Chinese, English and German telling tourists to be respectful. First time we saw the Chinese language on signs anywhere in Europe so we’ll let you draw the connection to the tour bus ban.
      - There was on 06’ chinese romantic comedy filmed in Hallstatt that boosted its popularity and actually led China to literally build a replica Hallstatt back home..
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    • Hari 3

      Hallstatt, Austria

      28 September 2023, Austria ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Hallstatt is a picturesque village located in the Salzkammergut region of Austria. Nestled between the Dachstein Alps and Laake Hallstatt, it's renowned for its stunning natural beauty and well-preserved historic architecture. The village dates back to prehistoric times and has a rich mining history, particularly in salt production.

      One of Hallstatt's unique features is its tradition of keeping geese. They are an integral part of the local culture and are often seen roaming freely through the streets and in the lake. This tradition is tied to an old belief that geese possess protective qualities, safeguarding the village from harm.

      Visitors are drawn to Hallstatt for its charm, the scenic lakeside setting, and the opportunity to explore the nearby Dachstein Ice Cave. The village also offers activities like hiking, boating, and exploring its fascinating salt mines. The combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage makes Hallstatt a popular destination for travelers seeking a quintessential Austrian experience.
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    • Hari 13

      Hallstatt, Austria

      26 September 2023, Austria

      Hallstatt /ˈhalʃtat/ (Alta Austria) es una localidad del distrito montañoso de Salzkammergut, en Austria. Está localizada junto al lago Hallstatt. Etimológicamente el nombre de Hall probablemente proviene del término céltico con el que se denominaba a la sal, abundante en las minas cercanas. La localidad da su nombre a la cultura de la edad de Hierro denominada Cultura de Hallstatt. En 1997, el paisaje cultural de Hallstatt-Dachstein fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.3Baca lagi

    • Hari 4


      6 April, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Ma Hallstatt volt az úticél. Parkolás után elindultunk a siklóhoz. Apu felment vele, mi meg a túraútvonalon kb 1 óra alatt. Hát elég melós volt, főleg a nagy melegben. Fent már alig vártuk, hogy megigyunk vmi hideget. Aztán persze kimentünk a skywalkra egy fotóért, ami kinyúlik a hegyről és csodás látvány van a tóra. Lefelé is gyalog mentünk a város főtere felé, majd innen a kikötőbe, ahol megcsináltuk a képeslapra ihletett fotót is.Baca lagi

    • Hari 25

      Hallstatt, Austria

      27 September 2016, Austria ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      It took us 3 hours on the public bus to get to Hallstatt but it was totally worth it! The trip went by quickly even though we had to change buses 3 times since most of it was spent admiring the scenic drive through the mountains and small villages of the Austrian Alps. We also got to watch all the local kids get on and off the bus since we quickly realized they don't have traditional school buses.

      Once we made it to Hallstatt we came upon such a tranquil and pristine view of the lake that surrounds the tiny town in the heart of the Alps. We rented a little cottage apartment right by the park where we got to sit out and enjoy the swans in the lake. The following day we had a little adventure where we went to the ice caves formed over 10 million years ago and hiked the Alps to get some amazing views and fresh air! We also discovered a new hobby we hope to take up one day.... paragliding! How cool would it be to soar about the mountains and experience things from another perspective!?
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    • Hari 1

      Austria, dirndl capital of Europe

      26 Oktober 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      And so we arrived at Salzburg airport at 9ish local time and bought bus tickets to Hallstatt for €15 each. Di had a bit of paper that said go to stop C and catch a #2. Stop C told us we had 21 minutes to wait so we did. I have learnt to obey paper and bus stops unquestioningly. #2 took us to Salzburg Station where paper said go to see Stop F and get a #120 which would arrive in 17 minutes and get us to Bad Ischl after 90 minutes. Which it did. Swiss Railways are sloppy compared to Austrian buses. After a 43 minute wait the #532 took us somewhere else that I had no need to remember as Paper knew. Then #533 took us to Hallstatt.

      Where it was raining.

      We went and had a definitely non-keto lunch in a restaurant in the pretty Town Square, and mocked the many Japanese tourists for their strange choices for photos. Austria is better than New England for leaf peeping.

      Then we trundled to our apartment and were pleasantly surprised by my excellent choice from

      Of the 145 TV channels only Spongebob Squarepants was in English, so we watched some earnest Austrians discussing something. Then crashed early.

      Tomorrow is another day...
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    • Hari 24

      Days 23-24: I met Austria's prince 👑😂

      4 Mei, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      I did SFA Friday, I only left the hostel for snacks so this is all Saturday's adventure 😂

      On the train journey to Hallstatt, I unexpectedly ran into the Prince of Austria (kinda)... it was a very drunk guy on his stag do 🤣 Anyway, it's not everyday you meet a prince so we had a shot to celebrate and posed for the most hilarious Polaroid pic 🎉

      Hallstatt was absolutely gorgeous but overrun with tourists so I went on a hike to avoid the crowds. And I ended up stumbling across the world's oldest salt mines! 🧂
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    • Hari 11

      Hallstatt, Austria

      4 April 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      This afternoon we took a bus tour to the town of Hallstatt, Austria. Hallstatt is known for its prehistoric salt mines and has the oldest working salt mines in the world today. The town is comprised of 16th century alpine houses, cafes and hotels. It is a really beautiful spot, situated on the western shore of Lake Hallstatt. It looks like it has come straight out of a fairytale and we enjoyed wandering the beautiful laneways.

      We did the walk up to St Michael’s Chapel before having a delicious lunch at Hotel Gruner Baum in a beautiful dining room overlooking Lake Hallstatt. Brad had wild boar and I had pumpkin risotto with goats cheese.

      Hallstatt is a charming town and it was fabulous getting to experience it. It was also wonderful seeing the amazing Austrian countryside where everything is so vividly green and lush. What a beautiful country.
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    • Hari 11

      Charnel House, Hallstatt

      4 April 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      One of the more interesting and unique sites in Hallstatt is the Bone House (Charnel House), which has been in existence since the 12th century. As the graveyard in Hallstatt is very small and with no room to extend, the graves were opened 10 - 20 years after the burial and the skull and large bones which took up a lot of space were removed. The skull was cleaned and bleached by the sun and the moon for some weeks, until all signs of decay had disappeared and the skull took on a mild ivory colour. As the graves were decorated with flowers, the skulls finally came to be painted with floral motives by the undertaker or artists. This was seen as a sign of love. This tradition was started in 1720 AD. There is also a symbolism behind each painting with Oak leaves being the symbol of glory, Laurel meaning victory, Ivy is the symbol of life and Roses are the symbol of love.

      There are 1200 skulls placed in the Charnel House of which 610 are painted and arranged according to family names and are marked with the date of death. The last skull was placed in the charnel house in 1995. It is the skull of a woman who died in 1983 and her gold tooth is still visible. It was her personal wish to be placed in the Charnel House.

      Today, it is no longer necessary to remove bones from the graves because the number of cremations has increased sharply. However it is still possible to have your bones place here as long as you make a personal testament to this effect. After ten years of grave rest the skull is removed, chemically treated and painted.

      This is such a unique and interesting site and I love the reverence given. Situated in the peaceful cemetery overlooking the lake and the majestic mountains behind, it was well worth the visit.
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