Spain 2017

januari - februari 2017
En 43-dags äventyr från Pete Läs mer
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  • Dag 2

    Our house, in the middle of our street

    8 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    Wow, what a flight. 18 hours through Doha. I had about 1 hours sleep. About 2 hours more than Taryn. Kids are exhausted too. Temperature when landing was -4C, not recommended.

    With the help of Jochen we made it to our 3 room apartment with our 112kg of luggage. To say it's cozy would be an understatement.

    The view from our window shows a lot of parks and not a lot of people. First thought was that no one was around because it was so cold but the more correct reasoning is that people hide in Spain and only come out at night.

    Being a Sunday, everything was closed and lunch consisted of McDonalds CBO - chicken, bacon and onions. I've had better lunches.
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  • Dag 8

    Atletico Madrid....

    14 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Thanks to Andy, Kirsten and I got to go watch Atletico Madrid play Real Betis.

    It was an interesting Uber ride to the stadium with a Romanian from Pennsylvania (where the vampires are from) who used to work in Dubai. It was dampened somewhat by his trying to drive off with the backpack and me running down the highway on ramp trying tonged it back. But we got there safely and just in time for kick off.

    We only got to watch the first half but that included the goal (only one in 90 minutes) so we didn't miss anything.

    Kirsten clapped for the whole time and wanted to know when it was our turn to play. She was disappointed that we didn't get a turn. I was just glad we didn't freeze to death. It was icy cold at the top of the stand but all in all a great night out.
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  • Dag 14

    Trying dinner Spanish style... sort of.

    20 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    So we thought we'd try take everyone out for a late dinner. Firstly, we were early. Secondly it was freezing outside and lastly Nathan didn't fall asleep as planned.

    We went to a little spot that had a kiddies play ground inside. Except inside turned out to be outside and the jungle gym was just a little too big for Kirsten. In addition the restaurant thought it was somewhat fancy in that two glasses of wine, sparkling water and food for two and a half of us came to €50.50. Oh and Taryn's dessert tasted like toilet spray...

    So all in all an experience to be tried but perhaps not repeated.
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  • Dag 15

    Casa De Campo

    21 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Leading up to the weekend the weather prediction was for a cold and rainy Saturday but luckily for us as we arose the weatherman had predicted a balmy 11C for the day. So we decided to go exploring.

    We caught the metro from Las Tablas down to Principe Pio which is down south at the palace gardens which is where we were aiming for. You have to change trains to get there even though it's all on the same line. I think that's a demonstration of just how far Las Tablas is from Madrid proper. Principe Pio is the metro stop in a rather grand old train station. There is a super new mall in the station too that has Spanish favorites like Dukin Doughnuts, Starbucks, Burger King and Taryn's favourite KFC. We did however buy Taryn a warm hat and Kirsten some bright orange gloves from the nice Bangladeshi man running the stall outside.

    And so we set off from the mall to find our gardens.

    However, as any good explorer will tell you if you manage to make it to your final destination the first time then you won't have any good stories to tell and what will you do tomorrow? So luckily for us we made it to the wrong place.

    And what good luck it was. The palace gardens (Jardiens del Campo del Moro) where we were trying to go, were actually only a tunnel away from where we ended up, but Casa de Campo was a brilliant alternative find. If you look on a map you will see that they are massive. We however got as far as the lake. This journey of about 2kms took us a good 3 hours including lunch (see next post) and the spotting and correct identification of a group of White Storks circling overhead, 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers pecking trees in the park and a Great Cormorant sitting under the fountain in the middle of the lake (because what's an European lake without a fountain).

    Once our loop was done it was time to jump back on the metro (which somehow I don't think I paid for and the trip home. Followed by naps all round and some general relaxing.
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  • Dag 15

    Lunch at Lago de la Casa de Campo

    21 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Based on last nights fail of a meal we were somewhat hesitant to sit down to another meal in Spain. Ever.

    But as the trip around the park and the lake had taken us (and especially Nathan) well into lunchtime we needed to settle somewhere. The first spot we tried had lost of people sitting outside post park run or cycle drinking beer. However when we went inside and asked for a table we were politely told that tables were only for eating and lunch would only be served from 13:30.

    This really got us worried that once again our timing was out and we were too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. The next stop put paid to these worries.

    We sat down at a sunny table outside and the waiter immediately came up and asked what we'd like to drink. We asked him if he had a menu (in english) and from there the awesome fun started. He brought us a menu and told us that we should have the 3/4 kg grilled meat, which came with chips and deep fried peppers and if we wanted a salad. We agreed with this brilliant plan of his and also ordered 2 beers.

    Well, the beers came with a small plate and a mound of paella (chicken, pork and prawns), then the small mixed salad turned out to be a massive Niçoise salad and the small bread we ordered for Kirsten four loaves (so under he prescribed amount of loaves and fishes but only just).

    And then. The grill. I anticipated a mixed grill of sorts where it was all cooked and we just had to eat. Oh how happily wrong I was. We were brought a small braai that I was thought how to use in Spanish. All I really understood was 'rub the grill with the massive piece of fat and don't put any of the mass of salt I've given you on the uncooked meat'.

    Wow. What a meal. I think we may never have to eat again. And best of all? It was 5 cents cheaper than the mess of a meal we had last night. Wins all round.
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  • Dag 16

    We went to Madrid to see the king

    22 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

    But he didn't invite us to tea....

    Today's plan was a trip into the city to do a walk around the old parts of the city. Unfortunately a late start caused by the standard vomit from Nathan and the not so standard vomit from dad meant we only got into town around 11 (late for us, early for Madrid). As fate would have it we also left the map of where we wanted to walk behind. So we just winged it.

    The taxi dropped us off just outside the palace and the first thing we saw was a missive carousel that had two floors and went around to Coldplay. Obviously Kirsten had to go on. Somehow she got on without a ticket and almost made it to the top floor before mom caught up with her. Three Euros later and Kirsten was a legal occupant of the carousel and the happiest kid on the ride. I know this because none of the other kids shouted "hello daddy" while waving vigorously every time they did a loop.

    From the carousel we passed the main entrance to the palace and investigated the small Plaza de Oriente. As the plaza has a statue of a horse and a fountain we were here for quite a while. I did notice that there was ice in the ground at 11:30 and decided that this was my limit for winter experiences. We've been watching some winter sports taking place in Winterburg on TV and it looks absolutely appocolyptic (a frozen over hell is a worse scenario if you ask me).

    From the Plaza, we made our way back to the square and down to the cathedral. It was big and looked suitably old. To prove they were proper Catholics they even had a service that started at 12 on the dot. Kirsten didn't appreciate the organ and decided we should leave so someone else could listen to it.

    Further down for the cathedral were the old Arab walls of the 9th century fortress (not really visible from the road) and a viaduct giving great views to the west of Madrid. By then however Kirsten was hungry, Nathan was hungry, mom was hungry and dad was hungry. So up Calle Mayor we went to find somewhere to eat. First decent spot was just outside Plaza Mayor where a lunch of beer, eggs, potatoes and bacon just made sense. Well, for me anyway.

    By then it was time to go and after avoiding a protest march against Coca-Cola we caught a taxi and headed home. All in all another fun day exploring.
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  • Dag 18

    Sunset in the park

    24 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    So there's a park every 6 meters in Las Tablas and that's very exciting if you're 2. What is also cool is when you go to the park late in the evening and the freezing weather is made better by an awesome sunset.Läs mer

  • Dag 21

    Took the train to get a car

    27 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    Plans for the weekend are to head out to Segovia and spend Saturday night in the area. Only problem is that there is no other way to get to Sergovia other than drive. But to drive you need a car and to get a car you need to pick one up.

    I asked the secretary to assist in the renting of the car part and she was most helpful in getting Hertz to call me and set it all up. Only problem was that the car needed to be collected at Atocha train station (the main station in Madrid) on Friday afternoon. This meant I needed to get to the station and drive the car back to Las Tablas in Friday afternoon traffic. A task made all the more exciting by rain all day on Friday.

    Anyway, I figured that the best way to get to the station was to take the train (proof that they don't give away PhDs). The train journey was extremely painless. Trains are regular, clean and all announcements in Spanish and English.

    What was of interest though was that while people on trains are much like people on trains everywhere those that were reading books all had these massive hardbacks. No small in the back pocket story books for the Spanish but massive tome's recording the history of the world or some other not so light reading. I guess kindle hasn't gone Spanish just yet....
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  • Dag 22


    28 januari 2017, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    Went to Segovia for the weekend and traveled through Puerto Navacerrada. There was lots of snow and I thought we were going to die in what I would term a blizzard but the rest of Europe would probably call a light breeze with a little bit of sleet.

    On the way up to Navacerrada people were parking everywhere along the road but due to the mist/crazy blizzard there didn't seem to be much sense in getting out the car and dying of exposure less than 50km from Madrid. As such we pushed on through and went down the other side of the mountain. Well the snow was whiter, quieter and overall a lot more pleasant.

    We found a nice little car park and headed into a restricted permit only area (this being Europe everyone else followed the rules and we were quite alone). Had great fun and even made a semblance of a snow man. It was however freezing cold and we made our way back to the warmth of the car quite happily.
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