Arrondissement de Dinant

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    • Dag 84

      Via Ferrata Pont a Lesse

      9. december 2022, Belgien ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Heute ging es nach Belgien.

      Wie die Landschaft dorthin war? Keine Ahnung, der Nebel war so dick, ich habe nichts gesehen.

      Der Klettersteige war dann ein Fels mit vierschiedenen Routen, die scheinbar eigentlich nur für Mitglieder ist und man sich irgendwie irgendwo hätte anmelden sollen. Naja das Schild dazu habe ich erst auf dem Rückweg gesehen 🤷
      Ich bin zwei von den Routen gegangen und dann musste ich zusehen das ich noch im halbwegs hellen wieder am Fahrzeug ankomme.
      Irgendwie doof wenn es um kurz nach 16 Uhr schon dunkel wird!

      Mal schauen was uns morgen erwartet!
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    • Dag 32

      Maison de Monsieur Sax, Dinant

      25. april 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      We awoke to yet another overcast day but we were determined to see Dinant and what it had to offer. First up was Maison de Monsieur Sax, the home of Adolphe Sax, the inventor of the saxophone. It was here in Dinant that he was born in 1814 and he invented the saxophone in early 1840s, and after reading up on his history it seems he was lucky to live long enough to even make that invention. Some people are just meant to be.

      He is probably the only person more clumsy than Brad and he survived almost 10 near death experiences as a child. Some of his near misses included falling from a 3rd story window, gunpowder explosions, falling roof tiles striking him on the head, falling into a fire, poisoning and near asphyxiation.

      Later in life he suffered lip cancer, had several legal battles over patents of the saxophone that he invented, was declared bankrupt three times, subsequently dying aged 79 of pneumonia in Paris, in poverty.

      Dinant is quite proud of their “son” and there are saxophone statues and monuments throughout this small town.
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    • Dag 32

      Citadel of Dinant, Dinant

      25. april 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Today we continued our sightseeing and went to the Dinant Citadel by cable car. The citadel was built in 1815 on the site previously fortified in the 10th century and overlooks Dinant and the strategic Meuse River.

      Dinant has origins dating back to the 7th century and was already populated in Neolithic, Celtic and Roman times. Meaning “Sacred Valley”, its strategic location on the River Meuse exposed Dinant to battle and pillage throughout the centuries.

      In the 16th and 17th centuries, wars between France and Spain, Dinant suffered destruction, famine and epidemics, despite its neutrality. In 1675, the French army occupied the city and it was briefly taken by the Austrians at the end of the 18th century.

      The city suffered devastation again at the beginning of the First World War. On 15 August 1914, French and German troops fought for the town in the Battle of Dinant; among the wounded was Lieut. Charles de Gaulle. On 23 August, 674 inhabitants were summarily executed by Saxon troops of the German Army - the biggest massacre committed by the Germans in 1914. None of those responsible for these massacres were brought to justice after the war.

      The citadel presents the history of Dinant in such a unique and interesting way with mini movies, sensory room experiences, photographs, models and replicas of the living conditions and bunkers. They honour those killed in the massacre ensuring they are never forgotten. It is an amazing experience and a very informative one., with the added bonus of amazing views over the town below.
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    • Dag 32

      Meuse River Cruise, Dinant

      25. april 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      This afternoon we took a cruise on the Meuse River and despite the cooler weather it was fabulous. I love the old homes mixed with the new along the river banks, the ancient churches, the lush landscape of green hills on both sides, this picturesque part of the world. It was so enjoyable cruising up and back while enjoying a local wine, beer and cheese sat on the top deck. It was a fabulous way to spend the afternoon, getting to see Dinant from a different angle.

      Once the ride was over and as the dark clouds rolled in yet again, we decided on Italian for lunch. Yes odd we are having Italian in Belgium but there are quite a few Italian restaurants here so we thought why not. Our pizzas were delicious, our drinks cold and our view amazing. The perfect way to end our day out in Dinant as the weather turned again.

      Dinant is such a beautiful town with a sad history and I am so glad we detoured to included it on our trip.
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    • Dag 16


      9. juni 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wir sind weiter gefahren nach Dinant. Dort wo die Maas einst die Felsen der Ardenne entzweit hat, und eine Schlucht zurückließ, liegt das geschichtliche Städtchen Dinant. Geschichtlich, weil die Stadt einst zum Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation zählte und rund 20 Mal von einer anderen Weltmacht erobert wurde. Trotz einer turbulenten Vergangenheit hat der Ort mit der traumhaften Lage am Maastal seine Schönheit nie verloren.
      Zu den beliebtesten Sehenswürdigen zählen die auf 120 Meter thronende Zitadelle und die Stiftskirche Norte-Dame, die bereits im 13. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde. Nicht zuletzt hat die Stadt auch einen guten Geschmack in Sachen Musik. Jazz wird hier besonders gern gehört - denn der Erfinder des Saxophons, Adolphe Sax, wurde hier geboren.
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    • Dag 8

      4. Fahrtag Givet - Dinant

      14. juli 2023, Belgien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Schöne Fahrt nach Belgien. Die Ardennen werden nocheinmal steil und felsig. Dinant ist sehr touristisch.
      Es gibt aber viel zu entdecken. Schöne Häuser, eine imposante Kirche und eine Zitadelle hoch auf den Felsen.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Mittagspause in Dinant

      31. august 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Dinant ist eine schöne und gemütliche Stadt in der belgischen Region Wallonien. Sie liegt am Flussufer der Maas und wird von steilen Klippen umrahmt. Die jahrhundertealte befestigte Zitadelle thront auf einem Felsen oberhalb der Stadt. Heute ist sie ein Museum mit Panoramablick. Unterhalb der Zitadelle steht die gotische Stiftskirche Notre-Dame de Dinant. In der Nähe, am Geburtsort des Saxofon-Erfinders Adolphe Sax, befindet sich das Adolphe-Sax-Haus, das eine interaktive Ausstellung über die Entwicklung des Instruments bietet.

      Die Zitadelle von Dinant wurde 1815 erbaut. Stolz erhebt sich die Festung über die Stadt und das Tal der Maas. Sie ist auf den Ruinen eines früheren Bischofspalastes gebaut, wurde mehrmals zerstört und wieder aufgebaut. Vom höchsten Punkt der Festung genießt man einen herrlichen Blick auf die Maas und eines ihrer schönsten Täler in Belgien. Man kannst die Zitadelle zu Fuß über 408 Stufen erwandern oder mit der Kabinenbahn hinauf fahren.

      Da wir heute Morgen nicht gefrühstückt haben, sind wir auf der Suche nach einem Restaurant. Die guten sind alle ausgebucht. Also entscheiden wir uns für „Le Cerf vert“, den grünen Hirsch. Es gibt heute kein großes Menü, sondern nur zwei Quiche…..
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    • Dag 4

      Dinant (Town of Sax)

      6. september 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Dinant ist eine Stadt an der Maas. Durchaus ansprechend und lang gezogen. Ein sehr schönes, nettes anzuschauen des Ort allerdings was ich natürlich nicht wusste (sonst wäre ich nicht hergefahren) ist es quasi auch die Erfinder statt des Saxophon . wie konnte ich nur in die Hauptstadt der Staubsauger fahren?

      Wikipedia sagt:
      Dinant [di.nɑ̃] ist eine Stadt in der Provinz Namur in der Wallonischen Region, Belgien. Sie hat 13.313 Einwohner (Stand 1. Januar 2022) und erstreckt sich auf einer Fläche von 99,8 Quadratkilometern. Überregional bekannt ist die Stadt durch ihre Kirche Notre Dame mit einem kunstvollen Westwerk sowie der darüber liegenden Festung. Dinant ist der Geburtsort von Adolphe Sax, dem Erfinder des Saxophons.
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    • Dag 7

      The Road to Dinant

      9. oktober 2023, Belgien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We had a pretty good nights sleep considering we were on the edge of the city in a run down car park. Most of the cars left by 11pm and we were left with 4 camper vans and one other Moho.
      At 8am we were drinking tea and coffee in bed waiting for the traffic in and out of the city to calm down, it was horrendous and considering it was so quiet last night the traffic never really let up.
      Just after 9am we set off back to Belgium, it took us just 10 minutes to cross the border and then another 10 miles to reach a Motorhome aire to empty our grey and black waste and fill up with fresh water. It was a nightmare to reach the aire as they were doing roadworks and the route we wanted was closed. With no diversion in place we followed a van and TomTom was trying to re-route us, then the van did a U-turn and as we went on, the roads got tighter and tighter.
      I was looking for escape route out of this tiny town and then we found the aire. Fortunately after filling up with water getting back onto the main road was easier.
      Our next stop was Lidl just outside Liège to get some fruit, nuts and milk. We also stopped here for lunch at the bakery.
      Our first stop of the day was The Invisible Church, a sculpture made of Iron and see through just outside the village of Boson, replicating the towns church. It was an amazing looking piece of artwork that was a 1 mile hike from our parking spot in the middle of nowhere off a hiking and biking path.
      Back at Wanda we set the Sat Nav and then set off leaving the Invisible Church behind us for an 85 mile trek, our longest drive since getting off of the euro tunnel. We were heading to Dinant at the bottom of Belgium in Wallonia. I had seen this place on the TV watching the bike racing during the tour of Wallonia and it looked amazing.
      Unfortunately for us, on route we realised that the free parking spot I had found just outside of the city was being closed for overnight parking so we had to find somewhere else and we found the perfect spot a few miles away next to a little chateau, but it’s still about 6 miles away from the city so we won’t be able to walk in.
      We decided to head straight to the chateau and skip Dinant for today and drive in tomorrow and find a day parking spot and we arrived just after 3pm, it is a beautiful spot with a great view but no internet so we’ll have to be on DVD’s tonight.
      At 4pm I decided to go for a bike ride and I already had a looped circuit in my head unit so I set that, got changed and then set off. Within 500 meters I came to my first climb of 3 and it was a brutal 10% gradient, lasting just 700 meters then I was on to flat ground for 1km and just as I had got my breath back the second climb came. This one was a real leg zapper starting at 3% and rising to 8% but last 1.5 kilometres. I was just under 3km in and I was already feeling exhausted.
      I started to head into some small but very beautiful villages, and that was what this route was all about, the churches in these villages.
      I passed some amazing churches, some dating back to the 16th century. I also passed some amazing Chateaus before descending out of the villages doing 60kph and then picking up the cycle path into Dinant.
      Cycling along the river I had the most amazing view of the city before passing over the saxophone bridge and along the river the opposite side. Dinant was the birthplace Of Adolf Sax, the inventor of the saxophone and there are sculptures of saxophones everywhere.
      Leaving the city I turned left and headed back into the wooded back lanes this is where I found the 3rd climb but luckily I had almost fully recovered. This climb was a brute starting at 7% and topping out at 13% over a 1km distance. It might not seem like it but from the bike it looked like a wall.
      Over the climb I was onto hilly terrain and kept a steady speed of 25kph all the way back until descending the final hill, the final kilometre was all downhill at 8% and with nothing behind and an open clear road ahead of me I took the racing line around the last 2 bends topping out at 64kph before coming back to Wanda. I had travelled 32.5km and done 510 meters of climbing in 90 minutes. I was pretty knackered but it was a great ride and luckily for me Ellie had already made dinner of meatballs and pasta and I was starving. Then we watched the sunset behind the chateau before heading in for the night and putting on a DVD.
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