Grand Place Brussels

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    • Giorno 5

      Belgium waffles

      7 aprile 2023, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Doug and I brought a sandwich with us on this tour, so after we walked through the covered mall with the glass roof, and the guide cut us free for lunch, we weren't hungry. We took our time exploring the shops and buildings around the Grand Place, all of which were decorated for Easter. Chocolate fountains, Easter eggs and bunnies were everywhere making me salivate like Pavlov's dog!
      We still had some time to spare before rejoining the tour, so I convinced Doug that we needed to sample a Belgium waffle. I chose one covered with chocolate, banana, strawberries, whipped cream and a chocolate cookie. Funny how our appetite returned after our first taste! The waffle was light and fluffy and it vanished in what seemed like an instant!
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    • Giorno 28

      Hauptstadt Europas

      28 agosto 2022, Belgio ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Brüssel wird seiner Aufgabe wirklich gerecht.
      Hauptstadt Europas zu sein.
      Ich habe selten eine so große Mischung aus den verschiedensten Kulturen erlebt.
      Vom Türkischen Viertel Brabant bis zu den Afrikanischen Viertel.
      Durch die wunderschöne Altstadt.
      Spanische Trommelumzüge.
      Menschen aus allen Ländern der Welt auf diesem engen Raum.
      Sicherlich gibt es viele Probleme.
      Aber dennoch ist die Atmosphäre großartig.
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    • Giorno 2

      Brussels pride

      20 maggio 2023, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      I was planning to spend my long weekend in Brussels and I was so lucky to get to experience the Brussels pride parade on that day. It was completely unexpected and unplanned. It was so much fun and was full with people who wants to celebrate the freedom of the day. 🏳️‍🌈I walked almost half of the parade with the crowd and at the end of the parade there was a huge stage in the center with DJs. At night , there were also small stages at some junctions of the street for you to keep the party going. Really really cool.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 59


      2 giugno 2023, Belgio ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The final full day of our eight and a half week tour! We spent the morning wandering around Brussels before catching the train to our final destination to make the 'Last Post' of our tour this evening.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 1

      Grote markt, Manneken Pis

      19 maggio 2023, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The first day I arrived in Brussels, I went straight out with a friend (Marla) a girl that I met in the hostel. We went to the Grote Markt, Manneken Pis and sat down at a really cute place to have some local beers. The whole area around Grote Markt really gives you that historical feeling and everyone is just chilling and having a beer. We also saw Manneken Pis which is a statue of a boy pissing. Haha. It is so funny to see how many people are drawn by that statue. Later on, I also went to a beer tasting event. Honestly, I won't really recommend anyone to pay around 20 euros for that. I feel like you enjoy it better by just sitting down in a local bar and ordering some special drinks. However, the pub crawl experience was fun. We went out in a small group and hopped on to different bars. So I would say it is a really good experience to visit bars in a short time and meet some new people. There is also one fun thing you could do is to count the comic painting on the walls. There are apparently plenty of them that you can see when you walk around the center.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 4

      Street Art in Brüssel

      31 agosto 2023, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Brüssel hat viele Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten. Etwas ganz Besonderes ist dabei der sogenannte Comic Strip. Den wunderbaren Wandbildern, die beliebte Comics aber auch andere Kunstwerke darstellen, kann man kaum ausweichen. Man muss nur mit offenen Augen durch die Stadt gehen, dann entdeckt man sie überall.

      Gestartet wurde die bunte Bemalung der Wände 1991. Heute gibt es mehr als 50 Kunstwerke in der Innenstadt zu bewundern, die man auch auf einer Wanderung in 2-3 Stunden ablaufen könnte.
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    • Giorno 83

      Brussels, Belgium

      27 ottobre 2023, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      What we did:
      - Woke up at 5:45 to catch our train… really feeling the 1:30am bedtime and drinks with Sarah. We stumble into our cab and took the smooth hour and a half train into Brussels. Luckily we could check in, so took a two hour nap!
      - Sufficiently refreshed we headed to enjoy the endless playground of food that is Belgium. Started off with coffees from “Oriental des Caffes” while we waited in line for the notorious Belgium street fries. This coffee shop had beans from all over the world and is likely on our list of best coffee of the trip. After an hour in line, we got our fries and believe it or not - it was worth it! They chopped the potatoes and fried them in front of you and then gave them to you in a cone with our choice of curry ketchup and Mayo topping. We ate them in the famous square of the Grand Place and enjoyed the cool architecture and ornate buildings.
      - We wandered the streets for a while - Brussells is so charming and underrated! Great little streets filled with food, bars and unique buildings. Saw the peeing boy (“Manneken Piss”) that our Prague guide said was voted the #2 most overrated thing in Europe (and man do we agree). How is that little statue so well known?
      - We then stopped for Liege waffles! Hubbada hubbada 🤤 these things are unlike any waffle we've ever had. Dense and packed with flavor, you don’t even need any toppings. Kentucky needs to import these things and slap some fried chicken on them. Now that would be a delicacy!
      - We then hit a museum (shocking right?!) called the Parlamentarium that shows the history of the EU, how countries were added, and explains how it functions today. For geopolitical nerds like us it was pretty interesting.
      - As with anytime we do something touristy or educational, we somehow found ourselves drinking afterwards again. But hey Belgium beers are notorious! It’s called getting cultured. Steph got warm apple juice so guess credit to her for no booze. We sat at a fun outdoor beer garden spot called Woodpeckers in the main park. The park was full of colored trees and the crisp air made it a perfect autumn evening. Nice to enjoy our favorite season before we head back to the Chicago tundra.
      - We then grabbed dinner to tick off our Moules Frites (Mussels and fries) at a historical place in the center of town. Very good and enjoyable!
      - Now that we’re basically Europeans, we had to tune into the championship for the Rugby World cup between South Africa and New Zealand. It was hosted in Paris, so the last week in France really got us into it. We tried to hit two bars that were standing room only. Steph being perfect armpit level does not correlate well with standing in bars, so we headed back to the hotel to watch! Better decision for our livers anyway. We watched Rugby 101 youtube videos while listening to the French announcers getting all excited. Rugby is confusing as hell to watch, but we picked up on it by the end and loved the nonstop action.
      - Crashed around midnight and woke up to grab more waffles for brunch! Again so delicious 🙌
      - On the way back we realized both our credit cards had been compromised that morning. Steph had a $1500 apple charge and $250 United charge….. our guess is the sketchy DHL pop-up we mailed our wedding contract from in Paris did it. Chase quickly fixed it and canceled the card. Trent on the other hand had $3500 in charges from Marriott… turns out there was a computer glitch and he had booked 5 rooms for four nights in Munich. While planning Oktoberfest he had blocked some rooms (for the wrong month nonetheless 🤷‍♂️) that we ended up obviously canceling. The computer cancelled the rooms but then rebooked 5 more. The panic at potentially being out $3500 to no fault of our own receded after talking to Marriott and getting it resolved. Whew! On to Bruges! With all of our money safe and sound

      What we ate:
      - Friteria Tabora for the fries noted above. The hour long line was worth it!
      - Le Roi de La Gaufre for Leiges waffles! Best waffles we’ve ever had
      - Dinner at Chez Leon for Mussels and Fries! A famous spot since the 1800’s for mussels, it ran the risk of being touristy but was actually delicious! Had lobster bisque and fresh smoked salmon as well 🔥🔥🔥
      - Maison Dandoy for breakfast waffles! Tried both the “Liege” and “Brussels” style Belgium waffles, and the Liege waffles won by a mile.

      Fun facts:
      - Brussels is HQ for the EU and Nato
      - The name ‘French’ fries in the US is actually a misnomer. During World War I, American soldiers stationed in Belgium believed they were actually in France due to a geographical mistake and local’s speaking French. So when they brought them back home they called them “French Fries”. Having enjoyed frites in both France and Belgium, we voted Belgium by a mile.
      - There are two types of Belgium waffles. The “Brussels” one is square, lighter, crispy, airier and less flavor. Really meant to have toppings. The “Liege” is softer, thicker, oval shaped and rich in flavor. You only need powdered sugar.
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    • Giorno 1

      Von Innsbruck nach Brüssel im Reisebus

      17 marzo, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Jetzt ist es uns doch noch gelungen, zwei Plätze für die Brüsselreise zu ergattern. Heute Früh um 6.00 Uhr (tödliche Zeit) gings los.
      Obwohl wir 11 Std. im Bus saßen, kamen wir sehr ausgeruht in Brüssel an. Das Verkehrschaos auf dem Weg zum Hotel war sagenhaft, aber als Mitreisende war es für uns egal.
      Wir nächtigen im Hotel "La Grande Cloche" ( Die große Glocke), ein sehr interessantes Hotel im Bezirk Stalingrad. 😆
      Nach feinem Essen im italienischen Restaurant Spago in der Nähe des Hotels ging es mit Uschi und Heinz noch auf einen Absacker. Und dann fallen wir erschöpft ins Bett.
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    • Giorno 2

      Brüssel zu Fuß erkunden

      18 marzo, Belgio ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute also Brüssel zu Fuß. Frühstück im Hotel, schlecht organisiert, zu wenig Personal, zu kleine Kaffeemaschine, aber, als es endlich funktionierte, qualitativ sehr gut.
      Dann gings zum Comic Strip Walk.
      Wer durch Brüssel läuft, kommt an den zahlreichen Comics, die die Häuserwände der Innenstadt zieren, nicht vorbei. Dabei handelt es sich bei den Comics nicht um Streetart, wie man sie beispielsweise in Städten wie Berlin sieht, sondern die großformatigen Wandmalereien in Brüssel sind eine Hommage an all die weltberühmten Comics, die von belgischen und französischen Cartoonisten, Zeichnern und Autoren entwickelt wurden. Lucky Luke, Die Schlümpfe, Tim und Struppi, Asterix und Obelix, Zorro usw. Während Comics im Rest Europas belächelt und höchstens als Medium für Kinder wahrgenommen wurden, entstand im frankobelgischen Raum schon zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts eine Comic-Tradition, die früh als eigenständige Kunstform anerkannt und gefördert wurde.
      Die Tour war dann doch etwas desorganisiert und so haben wir uns mit Manu und Leo selbständig gemacht und haben Brüssel - ohne das Europaviertel- auf eigene Faust erkundet.
      Was wir festgestellt haben: Brüssel ist eine einzige Baustelle und ziemlich desorganisiert, relativ schmutzig, es ist alles ein bisschen heruntergekommen und es gibt viel sichtbare Armut.
      Brüssel ist durch und durch multikulturell, quirlig und lebendig.
      Es gibt unendlich viele Waffelgeschäfte, Schokoladeläden und Frittenbuden. Die belgischen Pommes sind, wie die belgischen Waffeln, weltberühmt, weil sie anders geschnitten werden, als wir es normal kennen und ausschließlich in Rinderschmalz frittiert werden. Gibt es übrigens als Beilage zu jedem Essen.
      Brüssel ist zweisprachig, gehört weder zu Flandern noch zu Wallonien, sondern ist eine der 19 Gemeinden der Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt. Alles ist immer in zwei Sprachen geschrieben: Dutch (Niederländisch) und Französisch.
      Das alles haben wir am Nachmittag bei einer Walk and Taste Führung erfahren. Diese Führung war übrigens sehr interessant, vor allem auch, weil wir sehr viel über die Geschichte Belgiens im Allgemeinen und Brüssel im Besonderen erfahren haben. Und es gab Einiges zum Verkosten: Angefangen bei Schokolade über Waffeln und Pommes bis hin zu 5 Sorten Bier als Abschluss.
      War ein interessanter, aber durchaus anstrengender Tag.
      Am Abend dann Abendessen im L'ultime Atome, in der Rue Sainte Bonifacio 14. War ok, aber es geht sicher besser. Und außerdem haben einige aus unserer Gruppe das Essen nach sage und schreibe 2 Std. bekommen.
      Ausklang dann bei den letzten Tropfen Rotwein mit Uschi in der Hotellobby.
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    • Giorno 2

      Day 2: Soaking up the sun (and arts) ☀️

      12 aprile, Belgio ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Kicked off the day with a walking tour. Turns out Brussels is actually a really beautiful city when you get beyond the busy, littered streets 🤷‍♀️

      I also couldn't visit Brussels without exploring the Margritte Museum. René's surrealist pieces are wonderfully bizarre! Sadly I didn't see his most famous piece 'The Son of Man' as it lives in some rich guy's private collection 🥲🍏

      To wrap up a wonderful day, I attempted to make my first hostel-cooked meal.
      Nearly 2 hours later I had a plate of cold pasta and microwaved broccoli 🥦 😂
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