Maison Communale

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    • Day 120

      124ème étape ~ Bruxelles (jour 2)

      November 30, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Deuxième journée dans la capitale belge.
      Nous commençons par la visite d’un musée gratuit sur Marc Sleen que nous enchaînons avec le centre belge de la bande dessinée. C’était super intéressant de voir comment elles étaient créées.
      Ensuite nous allons manger au Wolf Market, c’est un grand espace avec des tables et chaises au centre et pleins de restaurants sur le tour. Chacun peut choisir ce qu’il mange et être quand même tous ensemble. 🥰
      Ensuite nous allons voir la Jeanneken pis et le Manneken pis. Ce dernier est déguisé en l’honneur du 90e anniversaire de l’union professionnelle des architectes. Nous repassons 4 fois devant pour finalement le voir tout nu ! 🥳
      Nous découvrons les arcades du parc du cinquantenaire quand il fait déjà nuit. L’avantage c’est qu’il n’y avait plus de touristes et que l’endroit illuminé était incroyable.
      Nous ne pouvions pas quitter Bruxelles sans aller goûter au mètre de bière chez Délirium.
      Nous tombons à pic pour un show de lumière et musique sur la Grand-Place, principalement sur l’hôtel de ville mais tous les bâtiments répondaient au lumière.
      Nous finissons la journée dans un bar un peu spécial, son nom est le cercueil et je vous laisse découvrir sa particularité. 😘
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    • Day 14


      June 14, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Brüssel ist groß. Ein Schmelztiegel der Kulturen. Französische Einflüsse treffen auf arabische und Flämische. Bistros und Gemüsehändler in einer unglaublichen Architektur. Ich habe übrigens gedacht das dass Männeken Piss größer ist.... und ich habe das weibliche Pendant dazu gefunden... sie ist versteckt in einer kleinen Gasse und hinter Gittern...aber es gibt sie ..Voila... Mademoiselle PissRead more

    • Day 3

      Sonnenuntergang auf dem Grote Markt

      December 28, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      mehr oder weniger zufällig sind wir auf dem total überfüllten Platz gelandet, es mussten die Schoki Vorräte erweitert werden. Um die Weihnachtszeit gibt es zum Sonnenuntergang eine Audio-/Lightshow auf den angrenzenden barocken Gebäuden.Read more

    • Day 9

      Brussels or Bust

      September 22, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today I caught the train into Brussels. I wanted to wander around the city and visit a few favourite places such as the Grand Place. The weather was quite promising in the morning and early afternoon, so I made the most of it. When it started to rain I went and grabbed some lunch from my favourite Italian restaurant before making my way back out to Ottiginies where Brigitte picked me up. While in the city I went to my favourite chocolate shop, Marys, where I treated myself to a few of their delicious chocolates.Read more

    • Day 50

      Brussels and Lunch with Sohan

      November 2, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We were very lucky again today with the weather - blue skies and sunshine - although a little windy. As Sohan is with us for a few days we thought it would be nice to visit the city centre and have lunch.

      We drove to Delta metro and we were very lucky with getting a park immediately.We then caught the metro the rest of the way to the city. There were a few people but it wasn’t too crowded when we arrived. Christmas decorations are all up and would look great at night.

      We walked around the main shopping strips and then headed to the Grand Place, where we took some nice photos with the beautiful blue sky and sunshine making the Grand Place look magnificent. We also went to the covered Galleries where I got Sohan some chocolates from Mary. We then went to see Jeanneke-Pis which didn’t impress Sohan, so we headed to lunch. We returned to our favourite Italian restaurant- Sole d’Italia. We got the table in the window which was lovely and we all ordered pizza. It was a lovely outing.

      Later this afternoon Stéphane and Emma dropped by for a visit. As it is Emma’s birthday tomorrow and we won’t see her I gave her bracelet today, which she really liked. We will hopefully see her on Friday, as the plan is for Brigitte and I to take the kids to the Chocolate Nation in Antwerp.
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    • Day 32

      Saturday morning in Brussels

      October 15, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Today we are taking it slow as we are heading out to Brigitte’s place this afternoon to catch up with most of the family. We decided to head back to Le Pain Quotidien in the St Hubert Gallery and we were lucky to get a table as it was so busy. We ordered scrambled eggs with baguette which was delicious and a coffee. In the covered galleries you can also do some great people watching - very entertaining indeed!

      I had noticed some street art when we had walked from the station on Thursday evening so we went in search of it. Incredibly we found some of it and Ian spotted a whole lot down a little alley that was very moving as it focused on bullying and acceptance of people who may be different to you or I. Rainbow House commissioned this work which was done by a range of artists. Unfortunately some of their names have been obscured by some subsequent tagging which I think is very disrespectful.

      We then headed back yo the apartment to get organised for the family catch up.
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    • Day 2

      Brussels Day 1

      June 9, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Friday - Arrived early to Brussels. Took 1.5 hours to get through passport control due to only 2 lanes open. Great Uber ride to The Dominican Hotel. We did the GPSMyCity walking tour. Brussels is great downtown. Not very big. We had a pizza at Scott’s late afternoon and then back there to start our beer tour. Tried a couple there and then to Toone. We really liked the Kriek which is a cherry lambric. Really fun and met some great younger people from all over Europe. Ate at Cafe Georgette. Food was good, not great although the mussels (Moules) were excellent. Really fun sitting next to a bachelorette party.Read more

    • Day 15

      Nie wieder frieren

      January 25, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      Heute sind wir zu dritt nach Brüssel aufgebrochen. Dort hatten wir 2 Stunden Zeit, um uns umzusehen. Das war leider viel zu wenig, wir hätten gerne mehr gesehen! Doch die Zeit, die wir bis zur Abfahrt unseres Zugs nach Köln hatten, haben wir sehr gut ausgenutzt🧇🍫. So gut, dass wir zum Bahnhof sprinten mussten ;).
      In Köln haben wir Noras Schwester Marie besucht. Erst haben wir leckere Kekse gegessen und sind dann zusammen in den Kölner Dom, über die Hohenzollernbrücke und am Rhein entlang gegangen.😊
      Später sind wir super lecker thailändische essen gegangen🍜. Und jetzt sitzen wir etwas Wehmütig in einem ICE nach Hannover.
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    • Day 21

      Brussels, Belgium

      June 5 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Another amazing city! Smaller and less flat than Amsterdam.
      We are staying near the city centre and went for a wander around when we arrived. The central square is stunning! We've been there a few times since and are so impressed each time. Back in the day, 16th-17th centuries, some of the guilds (associations of craftsmen and merchants formed to promote the economic interests of their members as well as to provide protection and mutual aid) were super rich and powerful, and they built show-off buildings around the square.
      After a few hours exploring our surroundings - the Palace (closed, but lovely green gardens to wander through), and some other interesting sites, we went for a four and a half hour Chocolate and Beer tour (chocolate and wine & coffee for me). Our guide was great - funny and informative.
      Delicious chocolates, then onto interesting bars - that we would never have found - for beers.
      She also showed us the underwhelming, but amusing pissing boy (Manneken Pis), some of the remaining city walls, and how strange one of the buildings in the central square is (we hadn't noticed).
      23,000 steps today.
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    • Day 1

      Erster Zwischenhalt...Brüssel

      June 8 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir unseren Capervan abgestellt hatten, machten wir uns direkt auf den Weg nach Brüssel. Wir haben den Marktplatz mit seiner tollen Architektur bestaunt und Manekin Pis einen Besuch abgestattet. Beim Schlendern durch Brüssels Strassen durften Belgische Pommes und Waffeln natürlich auch nicht fehlen.Read more

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