Provincie West-Vlaanderen

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Os 10 melhores destinos Provincie West-Vlaanderen
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    • Dia 4

      Belgische Schokolade

      25 de junho de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Weiter ging es nach Brugge. Was eine wunderschöne Altstadt. Eine Stadt mit sehr vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten und sehr viel Geschichte. Leider waren einige Sehenswürdigkeiten schon geschlossen, da wir etwas spät dran waren. Auch die heilige Blutbasilika, die wir unbedingt auch von Innen sehen wollten, war leider schon geschlossen.

      Ihr könnt euch diese Stadt irgendwie aus einemMix aus Prag und Bamberg vorstellen. Viele Häuser liegen direkt am Fluss, was uns irgendwie an die Altstadt Bamberg erinnert hat und die prunkvollen Bauten an Prag.

      Wer Schokolade und andere Süßwaren liebt ist hier definitiv richtig. An jeder Ecke, teilweise auch nebeneinander gibt es Schokoladenlädchen. Von feinstem Nugat bis zur filigranen Praline gibt es einfach alles. Wir konnten nicht widerstehen und haben uns ein Päckchen Schoki gegönnt. Ich kann euch eins sagen…. 🫠🤤 ich habe noch nie bessere Schokolade gegessen.

      Diese Stadt hat es uns definitiv angetan und wir waren bestimmt nicht das letzte mal dort.
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    • Dia 5

      Beautiful Brugge

      15 de setembro de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      I am soooo glad that my 20 odd years of being allergic to Beer is now behind me, after all we are in Belgium the home of the micro brewery. And my god, from the odd one I’ve sampled 😉, they are good 🍺🍺👍. Brugge is beautiful and Camping Memling is a 10 minute ride into the center. Today was dry and quite warm, the ideal way to cycle round Brugge to sample its charms.Leia mais

    • Dia 190

      Bruges, Belgium

      14 de novembro de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Bruges is the capital of the West Flanders Province of Belgium. This was significant to us because while Brussels was French speaking, Flemish = Dutch and another language after only an hour train ride. The common languages were Dutch followed by English, French then German. It was amazing how many people spoke at least 3 languages in this part of the country.

      The old town of Bruges is a UNESCO world heritage site, which, like Brussels old town was littered with Waffles, Chocolate, and Beer. Bruges is the "Venice of Belgium" and it was easy to see why with the beautiful canals that ran through it. Although it was particularly cold this time of year it was a nice time to visit as tourists overrun this city during the spring summer and fall.

      Fun fact, apparently Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers series was raised in Bruges.
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    • Dia 19

      Het is droog 👍

      8 de junho de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Als het droog is, is een stad bezoeken natuurlijk nog veel leuker. En Brugge is echt een mooie, sfeervolle stad. We drinken er een lekker kopje thee op.
      “Onze” regen komt nu “jullie” kant op… maar wees gerust: het wordt dus ook weer droog!Leia mais

    • Dia 122

      125ème étape ~ Bruges

      2 de dezembro de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Nous avons visité la ville la plus belle de Belgique, d’après certaines études. Effectivement nous avons trouvé qu’elle était superbe.
      Nous avons visité le musée de la torture dans la plus vieille prison d’Europe. Bien que c’était un peu glauque, nous avons appris beaucoup de choses.
      Ensuite nous avons fait un arrêt pour manger un hot dog sur la grande place.
      Puis nous avons visité le musée de la frite et bien entendu nous avons dégusté de bonnes frites belges. 🍟
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    • Dia 97


      7 de julho de 2023, Bélgica ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Ein neues Land auf unserer Liste ➡️ Belgien 🇧🇪
      Wir haben zusammen mit Anita, Thomas, Elin und Jana Brügge besucht. Eine sehr schöne Stadt, wo wir alles zu Fuss erkundet haben. Auch ein Besuch des Schokoladen-Museums durfte nicht fehlen. Und die Herren genossen ein Biertasting.. Danke euch für die tollen Tage!Leia mais

    • Dia 3

      Basilica of the Holy Blood

      26 de setembro de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      A beautiful Basilica containing a Relic of the Holy Blood brought from the Holy Land. It is said a cloth used to wash the body of Christ is contained within the relic. It was brought to Bruge during the second crusade.Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      Brügge mit dem Rad

      4 de agosto de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Mit den Rad ging es heute ca. 32km nach Brügge. Im Vorort haben wir lecker Indisch gegessen und anschließend machten wir eine Bootstour in Brügge und schauten uns die schöne Stadt an.
      Auf der Rücktour gab's ein Bauernhofeis.Leia mais

    • Dia 47

      Castles, chocolate and ‘fairytale stuff’

      26 de agosto de 2023, Bélgica ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      I arrive in Bruges late evening after a long day of travelling. I venture out for dinner and end up combining two of Belgium’s most known delicacies, waffles and chocolate… healthy eating can wait.

      The town itself is beautiful. It’s old and quaint and has a medieval feel, with its cobblestone streets and colourful buildings, although in reality most of the buildings only date back to the 16th/17th century but were built in a Neogothic style which has managed to preserve Bruges’ medieval feel. It’s led to a pretty, little city which could easily be the setting for a Disney movie. The city alone has 50 castles within its borders. It’s a beautiful little place to get lost in outside of the main tourist drag.

      The touristy bit centred around two main squares, the Markt (or Market in English) and ‘De Burg’ which houses an old court house and the Basilica of the Holy Blood which holds a relic of (surprise, surprise) the holy blood, allegedly collected by Joseph of Arimathea.
      The tourist centre of Bruges is busy, with more English accents than anything else. It’s an assault on the senses as the smell of chocolate wafts from shops left and right, luring you in, until a horse drawn carriage passes by and the smell of dung hits wakes you rudely from the chocolate based fantasy. Horsey smells aside, Bruges quickly charms me and I spend much of the time just walking around, taking it all in and practising my Dutch.

      Belgium has 3 official languages, Dutch (technically Flemish), French and German in that order. Apparently my Dutch passes for Belgian as people respond to me in fluent Flemish to which I’m at a total loss with. In the Netherlands everyone just responds in English 🤷🏻‍♀️

      From Bruges it’s on to Ghent which seems to be a more functional city despite its medieval flourishes. I take in castles and more of Belgium’s quaint antiquated buildings before realising that I need to do some admin. The woman at my hostel reception informs me that there’s a laundrette with an inbuilt bar just round the corner called ‘Wasbar’ and I’m instantly sold. Clothes in the machine and drink in hand I relax for a little while before commandeering a dryer. Two hours later and my clothes still aren’t dry. I throw them in again and take a wander round to my hostel where one of the girls in my dorm warns me not to expect much from the Wasbar dryer.

      I catch up with editing and planning and a few hours later I settle into my bunk, close my eyes and try to ignore the forest of wet clothes hanging on the slats of the bed above me…. Wasbar strikes again!
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    • Dia 12

      Bruges, Belgium

      11 de junho de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Off to find Belgium waffles in Bruges! Or Brugge? As I researched, I was confused on which city to visit or if they were the same place or not. Even navigating was tricky, because the train listed both names. Come to find out it goes by two names depending on which country you come from. The Dutch and German call it Brugge, while the French and English call it Bruges.

      What a beautiful city! Windmills, boating on the canal with swans, playing at the park, strolling the cobblestone streets, drinking local beer (often cheaper than water or soda around here) and eating waffles were just some of the things on our agenda for the day.

      We wondered towards the city center taking in the architecture, history and the constant smell of waffles & chocolate that swirled around us. We sat in the Market Square people watching as horse hooves clopped across the cobblestone. Addy and I love that sound!

      Dozens of chocolate specialty shops surrounded us as we explored the town, so of course we tried some. Well, everyone except for Adalynn of course. She could not relate to this city's love of chocolate. They even have a museum called the Belgium Chocolate Story here! My favorite chocolate in Belgium has been the bar Demi gave me earlier this week, but the caramel filled truffle today was very good too.

      We tried two waffles today. The first from House of Waffles while on the go. It was dense with something caramelized on it's surface that made it heavenly. We added whipped cream and strawberries on top for the girls. We let Addy pick the toppings since she did not have any treats because she loathes chocolate. This waffle was rich and full of flavor. Delicious! Later in the day, we tried our second one as we dined in at Lizzie's Wafels. They brought out little containers for the girls pre-wafel that had animal crackers and candy that resembled circus peanuts. Seth ordered pancakes and waffles for us all to share. Both were ginormous and almost too much for the five of us to finish. Both were delicious, but the first waffle of the day wins for me. The pancakes came with a brown sugar crumble powder. The pancakes were crepe like but with a bit more fluff. Sooo yummy!!! I would definitely order those again!

      Next, we hopped on a boat to see Bruges by water on the Zeebrugge (aka Boudewijn) canal. We rode under the lowest and oldest bridges of Bruges. Swans and cygnets stood on the banks nearby and few ventured into the water. These birds are protected here. According to the boat captain, if you kill one of them, you get five years in prison. That is serious! The boat ride was informative and relaxing. Many of the buildings here are original, as they were lucky enough to avoid the bombings during the World Wars.

      We enjoyed the sunny, breezy 18 degree (trying to teach my brain to convert to Celsius) weather as spent most of our day outdoors. We played at the park, ran over bridges and climbed stairs to see a windmill.

      After this full day, we were all tuckered out and ready for one more chill day in Belgium before we are off to see another country.
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    Provincie West-Vlaanderen, West-Flandern, West Flanders Province, Flandre-Occidentale, West-Vlaanderen, Flandres Ocidental, Västflandern

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