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    • Day 135

      Gefühlschaos in La Paz

      March 19, 2020 in Bolivia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Sollen wir bleiben und ausharren? Wäre es vernünftiger zurückzukehren, in das Hochrisikogebiet das sich unsere Heimat nennt? Aber wir haben doch noch zwei Monate Zeit um das auszusitzen? Aber so schnell wird es kaum besser werden?
      Diese und noch viele weitere Fragen haben wir uns gestellt und sind nach einem Telefonat mit dem Reisebüro zum Schluss gekommen, dass unsere Sicherheit und Gesundheit trotzdem in der Schweiz am ehesten gewährleistet sind. Unsere Herzen bluten. Wir ergattern immerhin zwei der letzten Plätze aus dem Land, bevor in Bolivien komplett der Flugverkehr eingestellt wird. Und wir rennen durch La Paz, saugen Eindrücke in uns auf, fahren mit dem höchsten Pendler-Gondelnetz der Welt und weinen bittere Tränen. Ab 17:00 ist dann Schluss, die Ausgangssperre verschafft uns genügend Zeit um zu packen, unsere Entscheidung in Frage zu stellen und unserem Verstand auch nur den Hauch einer Chance zu geben, dieses viel zu aprupte Ende unserer Reise zu verarbeiten.

      Schön, dass ihr uns auf unserer Reise auf diesem Weg begleitet habt. Wir sind wahnsinnig dankbar, für all die tollen Erlebnisse, Momente, Begegnungen, Fotos, Fellnasen und Eindrücke, die wir in den letzten Monaten gewonnen haben.
      Wir kehren sehr reich zurück nach Hause ♥️✈️
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    • Day 26

      La pazzzz

      October 31, 2016 in Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Niet veel gedaan hier, even met een liftje naar de grootste markt van zuid-america geweest, daar kwam echt geen eind aan. Alles wat je je maar kan bedenken verkopen ze hier, zelfs kuikentjes voor 1 bolivian, dat is ongeveer 13 eurocent...😯

      We zijn maar een klein stukje de stad in geweest, super grote hectische stad die als je iets verder kijkt denk heel mooi kan zijn. Helaas was ik een beetje ziek dus zijn we veel in t hostel gebleven, wat ook prima was want hier komen super veel gezellige mensen weer bij elkaar.. lijkt wel en reünie..en dat al na 3 weken!
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    • Day 5

      If you think the roads in MI are bad

      February 12, 2018 in Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Hello from Bolivia,

      Just getting down here has already been quite a trip. I was supposed to fly out Friday, about 3 hours before my flight I received a text from the airline letting me know my flight was canceled. They had no urgency on their part so the next flight they were able to book me on was for Sunday at 530pm. Knowing another snow storm was approaching I wondered if I would even get out that day. They let me switch myself to an earlier flight so instead of a quick 2 hour turn around in Miami I booked myself for 1044 am. After a few issues with the booking process and the Visa I was beginning to wonder if this trip was meant to not happen.
      On Sunday morning I woke up bright and early to drive over to Moms to drop off the little dude. He seemed pretty despondant on the drive so I took that as a sign I would get out. After arriving at the airport and checking in they didn't have my TSA precheck on my ticket. There was also question about the Visa and if I needed it ahead of tkme. The visa part was figured out and TSA precheck fixes. I quipped to the woman who checked me in that with all of my flight problems at least they had never lost my luggage. I felt as though I had just cursed myself and that may be the last time I see my bright blue suitcase with stickers from all the countries I have visited.
      I walked through security and found my gate as I received a text from Americian Airlines, flight delayed. Only an hour so no issues. As I continued to sit at the airport every 15 minutes or so I received a text pushing back my flight. Finally at 2 we boarded, got de-iced and took off at 3. Only about 4.5 hours late. At this point I was glad I had booked myself onto the earlier flight to allow time for delays.
      So finally I arrived in La Paz thus morning. For 9 hours worth of flights it took me about 24 hours from the time I left my home yesterday morning.
      Cambria, Cambria, cambira... the Spanish term for money exchange I remember being chanted at me on my last trip to Buenes Aires. With a few BOB, the local currency, in my pocket it was time to head to the hotel.
      I walked out of the airport and was surrounded with taxi men viaing for my attention. I encourage you when traveling to always look up ahead of time the cost for a taxi from the airport to city center. In Bali last year I did not do this and what should have been a $10 taxi ride cost me $70. Always make sure to go to the taxi stand and use a official taxi. This is both for safety and value. My Mom likes to share stories with me of people who have shared taxis with unknown people or taken off license taxis.
      As we left the airport the driver pointed down a ravine and told me that was La Paz. La Paz is nestled high in the Andies at about 12000 ft above sea level. The fog and rain concealed the city. As we took the winding streets into the valley the roads are a mixture of past their prime and washed out by rock slides. The entire city has the look of homes and buildings looking like they could be washed down the mountain at any point. There were drainage ditches rushing through the city that would rival any good white water rafting location in the States.
      The city itself is crowded but very poor. There are buildings that seem to just add on levels at any point more room is needed. Some homes have windows while others have temporary blankets as the famikly is saving for windows. The streets of the city are steep with just a block climbing what would be 4 floors of a building.
      As I arrived at my hotel I was tired out. It was 7am and I was ready for a nap. Being on the 3rd floor which is actually the 4th as they consider the first floor the entry level I was happy to find thet had an elevator. A small one as I had to arrange myself just right to fit my suitcase and backpack in.
      My room is small and cozy in feel but not warmth. I search for a heat adjustment and then vents but have not found it. I don't think there is heat in the building. So I settled in under the thankfully thick blankets for a nap in my 55 degree room.
      Outside my window are the sounds of the city with the added bonus of a festival going on. The taxis honk every few seconds, there is someone speaking over the loud speaker, and frequent fireworks being set off, even during the day. It is a noisy happy city.
      Even with the noise and cold I fell asleep quickly and had a wonderful 4 hour nap.

      More to come later. Also please excuse any mis typed or spelling errors. I write this from my cell and we know how creative auto correct is.


      the picture of my garage is the one I take for my own sanity. That way if I start doubting if I closed my garage I can look at the picture and remember it is all set. Weird but a tip I recommend.

      .As smart luggage is getting more popular I encourage you to do your research before purchasing it. If the luggage has any kind of smart or lithium battery it must be removed before it is checked. Some are easy to pop out, but some require the suitcase to be emptied taken apart to get it out.

      Detroit airport has great Detroit pride shirts 2 for 20. Save room in your carry on so you can represent Detroit on your trips. You will see the picture of the ones I bought in future pictures.
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    • Day 75

      La Paz

      June 15, 2022 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Ik was van plan na Uyuni naar Arequipa (Peru) te gaan. Voornamelijk omdat dit lager lag. Ik moest alleen een pcr test doen, bij de grens. Dit bleek positief. Ikzelf iets minder. Maar toen besloten om naar een naastgelegen koffie dorp te gaan en hier te herstellen.
      Daarna weer teruggekeerd om verder te reizen. Deze keer ging het iets beter met de hoogte. Langzaam aangedaan en veel coca en maté genomen. Uiteindelijk toch genoten van La Paz. De Teleferico is geweldig en de stad is heel wat anders dan ik gewend ben. Een dikke chaos in het centrum en veel armoede. Maar wel een vette stad! Hierdoor kon ik nu wel door naar Cusco. (Na een negatieve test gekocht te hebben).
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    • Day 12

      La Paz

      November 10, 2022 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Stadtführung in La Paz. Die Stadt ist mit einem modernen Seilbahnsystem erschlossen. Besichtigung einer weiteren Mondlandschaft. Im zweiten Teil begleitete uns ein Schuhputzer durch die Altstadt: Friedhof, Fischmarkt, Blumenmarkt, Getreidemarkt, Hexenmarkt etc.Read more

    • Day 11

      Yumani - Copacabana - La Paz

      November 9, 2022 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      Nach einem wunderbaren Sonnenaufgang auf der Sonneninsel Rückfahrt nach Copacabana und Weiterfahrt nach La Paz. Unterwegs Besichtigung der Tempelstätte Tiwanaku.

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