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    • Dag 19

      Khama Rhino Sanctuary

      22 oktober 2021, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Freitag, 22.10. Ausflug in die Stadt
      Die letzte Nacht auf einem wirklich abgelegenen Campingplatz liegt hinter uns. Kein Wasser, kein Strom, kein Grill. Nur Sand, Feuerstelle, Plumsklo und Eimerduschen. Man merkt, es geht dem Ende zu. Ein wenig sentimental kann man da schon werden. By the way: wir sind nicht abgebrannt.
      Wegen der vielen Weiderindern (die Region rund um Rakops ist bekannt für das Freilandfleisch) sind wir ständig auf der Hut: sie grasen neben der Straße, stehen aber auch gerne auf ihr.
      Nach vielen Tagen in der Wildnis müssen wir nun einen Stopp in Letlakhane einlegen. Wir brauchen den berühmt berüchtigten PCR test für den Grenzübertritt. Das ganze Unterfangen dauerte wegen der Datenerfassung länger, doch der eigentliche Test war mehr ein Zungenstreicheln. Warten wir mal ab, wie das Ergebnis ausgeht.
      Auf der anderen Straßenseite werden wir von Musik lautstark beschallt. Kleine Stände mit Gemüse, Klamotten und sonstigen für uns nicht brauchbaren Dingen blockieren den Parkplatz. Im Supermarkt sind wir schlichtweg überfordert: zu viele Menschen, zu laut, zu viel Chaos. Es gab mal wieder keine Souvenirs, eher nur ein Feeling von einem ramschigen Flohmarkt. Langsam fangen wir an zu schwitzen, ob wir irgendwo noch etwas auftreiben können. Sorry.
      Letlakhane ist berühmt für seine Diamantenminen. Dass die Stadt deutlich reicher ist, als andere, die wir gesehen haben, merken wir schnell: größere Häuser, saubere Kleidung und teurere Autos. Es herrscht eine extrem hohe Dichte an deutschen Fahrzeugmodellen, wie BMW, Audi und Mercedes. Neben uns an der Tankstelle standen sogar zwei getunte 3er BMWs.
      Unser Mittag gab's auf dem Weg zw. Letlakhane und Kharma Rhino Sanctuary an einer Haltestelle, also eine Art Seitenstreifen, am dem per Anhalter auf Lastwagen Ein- und Ausgestiegen wird. Genau in dem Moment, als wir es uns auf dem Bordstein mit Nudelsalat gemütlich machen, rast ein dicker LKW auf uns zu. Hupen und wildes Gestikulieren zeigt uns deutlich, wir stehen im Weg.
      Das 1992 mit nur 2 Nashörner entstandene Kharma Rhino Sanctuary (Nashorn Schutzgebiet) beherbergt uns für die letzten 2 Nächte. Noch vorm Sonnenuntergang drehen wir unsere Runde und können mit Stolz verkünden: wir haben Nashörner gesehen! Big Five Check!
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    • Dag 25

      Khama Rhino Sanctuary

      21 april 2012, Botswana

      Saturday 21st April – Khama Rhino Sanctuary (725 km)

      Once again, we had a very early start to the day. This time our alarm was set for 5.15am in preparation for what was going to be the longest day of our entire safari – a bum numbing 725 km all the way to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary in Botswana.

      After a period of frenzied, but by now well practised, camp breaking we were actually underway by 6.50 am (10 mins ahead of our schedule). Our route took us back to Kasane and then south along the main national highway towards Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. We soon discovered that the roads in Botswana are “streets ahead’ of those in either Namibia or Zambia and we were able to make excellent time on wide paved roads all day.

      Not long after leaving Kasane we encountered the undoubted highlight of the day when a group of young lions were moving just near the edge of the road. I made a grab for my camera but was not quick enough to catch them before they slinked back into the undergrowth.

      The traffic was almost nonexistent, apart from when we passed through Francistown. With a population of 85,000 it is the second largest city of Botswana and is often referred to as the capital of the north. Gaborone, the capital, is about another 400km to the south. As we made our way through the afternoon peak traffic of Princetown, we could see it as a bustling, modern city. It had obviously come a long way in the 46 years since Botswana gained its independence.

      At that time Botswana was one of the poorest countries in Africa however it can now boast one of the highest growth rates in the world and is now regarded as one of the greatest success stories in Africa. Unlike many other countries in this region, Botswana has a stable democracy with virtually no corruption. As far as the country itself is concerned, 70% of Botswana is made up of the Kalahari Desert and, with a population of only 2 million people, it is one of the most sparsely populated countries on earth. Agriculture is only possible in a narrow strip down its eastern side where the rainfall is higher, and irrigation can be used to boost production.

      As we drove, we noticed that one of the most popular forms of transport for the locals were small donkey carts, pulled by between 1 to 4 donkeys. They were used for carrying a wide variety of goods and also as general people carriers as well. It was not uncommon to see numerous donkeys grazing by the sides of the road where they obviously serve a dual purpose as municipal lawn mowers.

      We finally rolled into the Khama Rhino Sanctuary at 5.30 pm and we were keen to set up camp before the sun dropped below the horizon. Once the sun disappeared the temperature also dropped quickly and this was actually the first night that I slept inside my sleeping bag. Outside it was a crystal clear, moonless night and the stars were perhaps the brightest we had seen in the trip so far. Each time I gazed up I was reminded that we really “Under African Skies”. Although the constellations were the same southern constellations that I was familiar with in Australia, somehow the feeling was quite different.

      Our campsite for the evening was the Khama Rhino Sanctuary. This was established in 1989 as a safe haven for protecting the highly endangered white rhinoceros. Over the next several years rhinos we relocated here from other locations and, according the latest figure the sanctuary is now home to 34 white rhinos and 2 black rhinos. (By the way the names “white” and “black” rhinos do NOT refer to the skin colour). The park is now protected by 28 km of electric fences, not only to keep the rhinos in but, more importantly, to help keep poachers out.

      After so many years of dreaming and reading about Africa it was still hard to believe that we were here in the heart of the continent. At the same time, I knew that our adventure was now rapidly drawing to a close. We were now rapidly heading southwards towards Johannesburg where our African odyssey would officially end. Although we had only been here a few short weeks I good easily see how Africa really could get into your blood. Over the centuries many Europeans have visited this continent and found that it so captivated them that they spent the rest of their lives here. It truly is a huge, wild and unforgiving continent but the beauty is astounding. In particular I would have loved to have spent some more time in Namibia and Botswana but that was not to be, at least not on this trip.
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    • Dag 10

      Kahma Rhino Sanctuary

      21 september 2015, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Zwischen Maun und hier übernachteten wir in Raskop, wo wir auch unseren Pneu flicken lassen mussten. Ohne Wegbeschrieb hätten wir diese kleine Werkstatt mit Ein-Mann-Betrieb wohl nicht gefunden. Mit geübten Handgriffen und einfachem Werkzeug reparierte uns der Gute innert kurzer Zeit unseren Pneu.
      Die Kahma Rhino Sanctuary ist eine Art Naturschutzgebiet, wo Nashörner, vor Wilderern geschützt, leben können. Mit dem Ziel, den Bestand dieser vom Aussterben bedrohten Tierart zu sichern oder gar zu erweitern, wurde diese Sanctuary gegründet.
      Dank der grosszügigen Spende der ehemaligen Arbeitskollegen von Stuwi konnten wir hier für zwei Nächte in einem schmucken sogenannten Chalet übernachten. Ein herzliches Danke noch einmal!
      Der Game-Park ist sehr schön und interessant. Wir sahen diverse Tiere und zum Glück auch Nashörner! (Auch hier nicht selbstverständlich, da Wildnis!) Wir machten einen geführten Nature-Walk und einige Selfdrives.
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    • Dag 15

      Khama Rhino Sanctury

      21 maj 2017, Botswana ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Long 9 hour drive from Phalaborwa to Botswana. Border crossing ok, but driving in Africa is always unpredictable and have to be constantly on the lookout for people and livestock on the road. Crossed into Botswana at Grobeling (sp) bridge, over the Limpopo river. Arrived at Khama Rhino Sanctuary later than planned, but set up camp, cooked dinner and got an early night. Staying here 2 nights so we can rest up and re-organize before heading into the desert. Botswana is one of our favorite countries. Yes, it's hot and sandy but the people are nice, the parks are great and the government seems to have minimal corruption.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Johannesburg -> Paje, Botswana

      21 december 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

      -What a day!
      -horrible start by our alarm not going off and the tour leaving without us!!
      -we frantically called Brayden and Intrepid before Sandile finally called back to say he had organised a car (his brother) to pick us up and meet the group
      -we encountered heavy traffic and a flat tyre which meant Daniel was changing a tyre on the side of a highway!
      -we finally caught up to the group (thankfully no one was too annoyed) and headed for the Botswana border
      -had an interesting 'quarantine' experience by stepping on a wet towel for foot and mouth disease
      -it was very hot and we finally arrived at the campsite at dusk where we set up tents, had showers and ate all in the company of Africa's insects!
      -the rhino game drive was postponed to the morning after today's delay so we went straight to bed for our first night under the stars
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