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    • Tag 14

      Vancouver ▶️ Exit USA

      28. September in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Heute verlassen wir Kanada 🍁
      Zwei tolle Wochen liegen hinter uns und wir kommen definitiv nochmal hierher.
      Aber nun geht der Weg (endlich) weiter 😀
      Gleich geht der Flieger ✈️ nach LA 🇺🇸

    • Tag 248

      International Travel done

      24. November 2022 in Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

      Landing in Vancouver, Canada today my International portion of my trip is now completed. I’m really sad to have it be over. I’m definitely experiencing quite a bit of culture shock already, as it’s been 4-5 months since we’ve been anywhere near the “Western world”. To sit in an airport and be able to read and understand all the signs, understand everyone’s conversations around me, and as a white person NOT be a minority - this is all so strange, and honestly, I don’t t like it. 😫 It’s going to take me a bit to adjust.

      People have asked what we’re doing now. Jordan is hanging out on Koh Samui, Thailand until the first of the year - decompressing and relaxing in an Airbnb. Then a couple buddies from college are joining her there and they’ll all travel around Thailand for a couple weeks together. After they leave, Jordan is off the South Korea for two months! She’ll be working in a “language cafe” getting free room and board to sit and have coffee with Koreans and let them practice their English with her! Then she’ll head to Japan for 3 weeks just for tourism. After that, on to Australia - she has been approved for a work holiday visa, and will do odd jobs as she moves around the continent for a year!!

      Me, well, I’m hanging out on the West Coast for three weeks or so visiting friends and family in Seattle, Boise and Tualatin/Portland! I haven’t been back since I moved to South Carolina in 2019 (Covid). Then heading back to Greenville, SC mid December to get moved back into my townhouse, meet up with Adam for Christmas (haven’t seen him in forever!) and get working.

      This has been a tremendous adventure. We will have traveled 9 months - 29 countries, 4 continents, in 4 oceans and multiple seas. We’ve taken 92 major forms of transportation - 43 planes, 16 trains, 24 long distance buses, and 9 lengthy ferries. We learned about so many cultures - my racist thoughts/stereotypes (that I didn’t even want to admit I had) were destroyed, and I learned to enjoy and highly respect so many different races and ethnicities - especially the SE Asian people.

      This trip allowed me to spend so much time with my thoughts and to thoroughly contemplate the big (and small) questions of life - to really think about where I’ve come from, who I’ve been, who I am and who I want to be. I am without a doubt a changed person …

      My time with Jordan was the biggest gift I received. Throughout this time she has educated me - gently - in her and her generations beliefs and viewpoints. We spent hundreds of hours talking about every subject and world event imaginable. We are more than mother-daughter now, we are great friends. I respect her so much - her heart, her viewpoints, her politics and her passion.

      As I come home, all I can think about is traveling again, where I would want to go back to, what new places I want to see. Plans are already forming in my head. Exciting plans. Retirement in a foreign country is definitely on my radar in the next few years. “Where” is the only question.

      I’ll continue posting pics of my west coast fun, but for the most part I’m done. Thank you to all who followed me on this adventure - I loved interacting with those who made comments or asked questions along the way. It made it so much more fun for me.

      My goal when we set out on this trip was to be brave, to be strong, and to be smart. We definitely did brave things - we hiked/walked thousands of miles - and we were smart about our choices without getting injured, mugged or threatened in any way. I think we accomplished all three!

    • Tag 1

      Blame Canada! (But not really)

      14. Dezember 2022 in Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Soooo our adventure is of too an interesting start!

      More than an hour late out of Auckland means we got binned from our flight to Frankfurt and are now waiting for a flight to London instead!

      Our flight from London to Stockholm was also cancelled before we even knew we were meant to be on it.

      Now booked on a completely different flight from London to Stockholm ha ha ha.

      Very happy that we're at least able to keep moving towards our destination, at this stage though we're about 99% certain there won't be any bags waiting for us in Stockholm after the multiple changes, but hey that's what insurance is for!

      This journey it's living up to its name but we're loving it! (Even though I got told off by Steph for having my passport in the pocket of my sweatpants... (To be fair, I've already managed to lose my awesome cushioned eyemask on the first flight so probably not a bad call...

    • Tag 71

      Stop Over: Vancouver

      13. Dezember 2023 in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Wow. The past 24 hours were really stressful. 😵‍💫
      All started with me trying to check in online to my Air Canada flight on Tuesday evening. The first bad news was that only seats in the middle were still vacant for the 8 hours flight to Vancouver 😩 But it got even more ridiculous: I only realised during the online checkin that I needed an eTA (electronic travel authorisation) for Canada 🇨🇦 - although I am only transiting through Vancouver to get to Mexico! 😤 Usually you can apply online for an eTA and it is approved in minutes but exactly on that day the Canadian government decided to schedule a 5-6 hours long maintenance window for the online application form and apologised on its website for the „inconvenience“. Damn IT guys 🤬 (I am allowed to curse like that - being one of those IT guys myself 😉)
      However, the 5-6 hours passed and the maintenance messages on the website didn’t go away. I had little time left to get the eTA and the clock was ticking ⏰ It even came to a point where I was picturing myself not taking those flights, scrapping my entire travel plans for the coming months and traveling through Asia instead. 😬
      On the morning of the flight, I went to the Airport and gave it another shot. The maintenance messages were still there. That was at least 12 hours after the maintenance window should have closed. Only then I found out that I had to completely ignore the messages and navigate 2-3 clicks deeper into the website to finally be able to access the application from. 🤦‍♂️
      After entering a ton of personal data and paying approximately 5 EUR, I had my eTA and was good to go. 😮‍💨

      The flight to Vancouver was actually fine but also not spectacular. Only a few bumps due to turbulences but nothing serious. The only mind bending thing 🤯 was that I left Tokio on the 13th of December at 6 pm and arrived today on the same date at 9.30 am - despite an 8 hours flight ✈️ So this is how it feels like when crossing the International Date Line (IDT). But where did the missing time go? The mind-boggling answer is more or less as follows: this is not a true loss or gain of time - it is simply a realignment to match the local time. Your total elapsed time remains the same, it is just represented differently on the clock. (see https://www.quora.com/When-crossing-from-one-ti… for more info)

      I am currently waiting in the quite nicely decorated international terminal at Vancouver airport for my connection to Mexico City. So, next time you will hear from me from Mexico 🇲🇽 Stay tuned. 😎

    • Tag 1

      À mon tour de me mettre en route

      15. Dezember 2023 in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Et voilà, moi aussi je suis partie! J’entame la route à travers les montagnes pour aller retrouver Isa à l’aéroport. Je me réjouis tellement. 🤗

      Les conditions du Highway au début sont pas optimales. De la neige sur la route dès qu’on monte en hauteur et du brouillard à pas voir la voiture devant. Mais tout ça se calme après 30-45 minutes et le soleil perce à travers les nuages pour un restant de chemin plutôt agréable. Une fois arrivée à Vancouver, je m’arrête dans un Starbucks pour une pause et je reprends la route en plein rush hour 🙈 ça ne fait rien, l’avion d’Isa a du retard… ouf 😉 les bouchons m’ont aussi permis d’observer un magnifique coucher de soleil!

      À tout bientôt les retrouvailles 😍😍😍

    • Tag 4

      Abenteuer voraus!

      17. Januar in Kanada ⋅ ❄️ 0 °C

      Nach mehreren Tagen auf der Reise, sitze ich nun am Flughafen in Vancouver. Doch hier ist noch nicht Endstation.
      Unser Flieger wird uns heute ganz in den Norden Kanadas bringen. Aber was machen wir im nördlichen Polarkreis bei -40°C??🥶

      Für die nächsten 3,5 Wochen haben wir uns dort eine „Farm“ gesucht. Doch die Aufgaben sind nicht gewöhnliche Farmarbeit. Uns erwarten eher das Kümmern um die 22 Schlittenhunde, das Feuerholz sammeln und eventuell Iglus bauen.🫢
      Aber zu viel möchte ich noch nicht erzählen, mein Beitrag dazu kommt dann in ein paar Wochen 😉

      Ps. Strom und Internet ist nicht immer garantiert, also bitte keine Sorgen machen wenn es manchmal länger keine Rückmeldung geben könnte🫣

    • Tag 22

      Neuer Versuch nachhause zu kommen

      1. Juli in Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Jetzt gleich checken wir aus und starten einen neuen Versuch nachhause zu kommen. Von Vancouver nach Dublin und weiter nach Düsseldorf. Daumen drücken ist angesagt. So, zum zweiten Mal die Koffer aufgegeben. Nun sitzen wir am Boarding Schalter 54 und haben ungefähr 3 Stunden Wartezeit. Aber wir wollten früher da sein, weil heute in Kanada ein Feiertag ist und wir nicht wussten wie lange es dauert. Jetzt muss noch alles mit dem Flieger klappen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 121


      5. August in Kanada ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Sehr müde und immer noch am gleichen Tag ausser, dass jetzt wieder Nachmittag ist, sind wir in Vancouver gelandet.
      Die Immigration ging schon fast so schnell, dass wir dachten etwas übersprungen zu haben😅
      Schnell ins AirBB, einkaufen (entlich mal wieder!) und dann gabs Pizza. Jetzt haben wir lang genug gekämpft um wach zu bleiben und werden sicher gut schlafen.

    • Tag 1

      Auf geht‘s gen Westen

      21. August in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      (Geschrieben von Heike)
      Heut früh war es endlich soweit. 4:45 aufstehen, den Rest noch zusammen packen und im Auto mit Koffern und zu viert Tetris spielen.
      Pünktlich, mit ner 1/4h Verspätung, gehts auf nach Frankfurt zum Flughafen.
      Ankunft 8:45, unser Auto-Abhol-Service ist schon da. Es klappt alles wie am Schnürchen.
      Unser Flieger geht 12:00, nur Hardy muss noch 2h länger warten. Dafür will er 30 Minuten vor uns im Ziel sein.
      Auch die Zwischenlandung in London klappt fast ohne Vorkommnisse. Das Handgepäck von Franz & mir wurde auf Drogenspuren untersucht 🫣 Natürlich nichts gefunden 😉
      Die Boeing 777 von Air Canada nach Vancouver ist schon bereit zum Boarding. Jetzt haben wir einen ca 10 stündigen Flug vor uns.

    • Tag 29

      Der Rückflug startet

      22. August in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Da wir erwartungsgemäß zu früh am Flughafen sind, haben wir uns vorgenommen, in der Lounge schön zu „socialmediaen…“ aber nix da…
      Wir lernen 2 ganz tolle Frauen aus Namibia kennen (der ‚Aufhänger“ ist mein T-Shirt 🙏🏻) und verquatschen uns über Stunden. Und das war gut so. Eine tolle Bekanntschaft.
      Dann beziehen wir das Oberdeck in der Boing 747-400 und richten uns für die nächsten 8 Stunden häuslich ein. Erst speisen, jetzt Ruhezeit 💪🏻
      UPDATE: Wir sind gerade in Frankfurt gelandet und schon in 1,5 Stunden soll’s nach Berlin weitergehen.
      UPDATE 2: Der Frankfurter Flughafen war die Katastrophe: Transfer zwischen den Terminals per Shuttlebus, der nur sporadisch fuhr, riesige Schlangen, Frust bei den Reisenden, überforderte Angestellte, die pampig und unfreundlich waren… wenn‘s geht nicht wieder über Frankfurt.
      Ankunft beim BER: wieder mal top, geordnet, sauber. Wir sind wieder positiv beeindruckt.

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