Cowley Creek

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    • Giorno 27

      Campingplatz am Wolf Creek

      24 agosto 2018, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Vom Kusawa Lake aus ging es am Morgen wieder zurück auf der Kusawa Lake Road zum Alaska Highway. Wir fuhren bis nach Whitehorse und suchten dort nach Möglichkeiten, das Auto am Sonntag vor der Abgabe einmal waschen zu können und wurden genau gegenüber von unserem Vermieter fündig. Danach fuhren wir noch einmal zur Touristeninformation, um das Internet nutzen zu können. Dann ging es weiter zum Supermarkt Sage in foods, wo wir noch einige Kleinigkeiten kauften, um bis Sonntag mit Essen versorgt zu sein.

      Jetzt fehlte uns nur noch eine Ver- und Entsorgungstation, da das Auto mit entleerten Tanks abzugeben ist. Vom Parkplatz des Supermarktes aus, entdeckten wir auf der gegenüberliegenden Tankstelle Petro Express 60° Nord zufällig eine Dump-Station. Auf Nachfrage wurde uns bestätigt, die Nutzung war kostenlos. Als kurz noch einmal für die nächsten zwei Tage versorgt und nun könnten wir uns beruhigt eine Bleibe suchen ohne uns sorgen zu müssen, dass am Sonntag vor Übergabe des Campers und dem Abflug noch irgendwas schief geht, weil wir uns nicht zurecht finden.

      Wir fuhren auf dem Alaska Highway in südlicher Richtung aus Whitehorse hinaus. Nach wenigen Kilometern erreichten wir dann den öffentlichen Campingplatz am Wolf Creek. Mit einer großen Portion Glück belegten wir hier den letzten freien Stellplatz. Nachdem wir uns eingerichtet hatten machten wir uns ein Lagerfeuer, auf dem wir dann im weiteren Verlauf des Abends unser Abendessen zubereiteten. Aufbrauchen mussten wir u.a. noch Kidneybohnen, Zwiebeln, BBQ Soße, Knoblauch und Kartoffeln. Mit dem frisch gekauften Steak kombiniert ergab das ein richtig gutes "Reste-Essen".

      Der Campingplatz befindet sich in Stadtnähe und so erklärten wir uns, dass dort viele Einheimische das Wochenende verbrachten. Es war ein gemischtes aber insgesamt anderes Publikum als noch draußen in der Wildnis. Zudem drehte ein Security-Dienst über Nacht seine Runden und hatte wohl auch einige Einsätze bei Jugendlichen oder zu großen bzw nicht abgelöschten Feuern. Im Gegensatz aber zu den privaten Campingplätzen, die direkt am Highway mit nur einer geschrotteten Fläche lagen, war dieser Campingplatz trotzdem die deutlich bessere Wahl. Der Security-Dienst machte einen guten Job und so stand einer ruhigen und erholsamen Nacht nichts mehr im Wege.
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    • Giorno 5

      Bigger Than Life: Yukon

      26 luglio 2016, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The day started again on the Stewart/ Cassiar highway. Again we did not see much on that road. We attempted at finding some ghost towns documented online, wihtout much success. The only trace of those we seen was a large pile of asbestos where the old Town of Cassiar lays. We had planned to stop at the border of the Yukon for the night, but decided to venture all the way to the Whitehorse area instead.

      Imagine the best scene from a childhood mountain trip. I remember when I visited Banff for the first time and it was an incredible scene, a memory that sticks forever. Well, the Yukon was like that over and over, possibly not as grand as some Rocky Mountains, but a continuously natural beauty, km after km.

      The Yukon roads are okay, somewhere between Saskatchewan & Alberta.

      Our first stop in the Yukon was the Rancherio Falls. Nice short boardwalk hike that led us to two waterfalls. The dogs got quite excited to get out of the car, but that was unfortunately not our final destination for the day.

      We then have hit a campground just east of Whitehorse where we will stay a couple days. We are going to check out many local sites for the next days before crossing the border to Alaska.

      Wildlife today; moose, ravens, rabbit. No where near the excitement of the bear cubs and wolf, but still pretty cool.

      Travelling with Stevie Nicks and Charles has been a lot of fun! It hasbeen hard to gauge their excitement, but we think they like it. Charles loves the car ride and hates the camp fire experience, SN the opposite. We quickly realize how much she is scared of metal bridge. Pretty funny to watch. So far both have been great road trip dogs and we are finding some cool dog spots along the way.

      Camping in the Yukon is pretty cool. Nights are $10-12 and come with unlimited free firewood. Local Yukon residents even stay for free. In contrast, BC was about $22/Night with $8 "bundles" of wood. The Yukon is a steal of a camping deal. Lots of little flies, but I guess we will have yo put up with them.

      We have seen way more American plated vehicles up here, and not many other provinces, would seem that we are not the only ones #DestinationAlaska.
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    • Giorno 6

      Caribou Crossing, The Wolf & The Rainbow

      27 luglio 2016, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Well, today was incredible!

      After waking up and searching for showers, we were on our way.

      This is a full camping road trip: no hotels, restaurants or luxury. Just the great outdoors, campgrounds, tents and camp fires. We are even using river water to cook with! How's that for taking life to the great outdoors.

      We keep seeing the phrase "Larger than life" on every Yukon sign, today it really became apperent as to why. This place is magical! Some of the most amazing views in the world.

      Yukon is similar to BC in many ways, without the tourists and the crowds.

      Today we headed south from Whitehorse to a town called CarCross (originally Caribou Crossing). We prefer the original name much better. CarCross was an amazing stop, rich in aboriginal culture and heritage.

      We were greeted by an elder in that town who explained the towns main totem pole, a story rich in their history and tales of the past. She then began to sing to us in her native tongue while explaining the in depth layers of her heritage and pride. We stopped at an incredible lake named "Emerald Lake". Emerald Lake had some amazing colours and bright green and blue swirls- created by the shallow water and sandy bottoms.

      This part of Yukon is very sandy and is also home of the worlds smallest desert by official designation. Though we would personally dispute this after being in a desert in southeastern Saskatchewan last year.

      The elder who spoke to us in CarCross told us a story of their four seasons, which included a wonderful tale of the northern lights dancing in the winter for them. As we know Canadian winters are long and harsh. To the natives, the northern lights are their ancestors dancing in the sky to keep them company in the winters and to make their short cold days bearable.
      She told us in summer the days are long, this is their chance to get out and play while the northern lights rest. They rest in Emerald Lake, which the native locals call "Rainbow Lake" and have for hundreds of years. We too will refer to this lake as "Rainbow" instead of "Emerald".

      The town was full of incredible history including a man carving a totem pole, which would go for around $100,000! This man has carved faces for people around the world and those carvings go for $10,000 or more. He gifted one to Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and since then has been world famous. His work and skills are incredible and his passion admirable.

      CarCross was also home to the oldest retail business in the Yukon, still in operation today.

      We added some other incredible historic stops to the journey today. First, we stopped by the Venus Mine, which still had a waterhouse standing (large wood structure in the pictures). This is where, in 1910, the ore was brought down from the mines. We could still see the mine entrance at the top of the adjacent mountain. We told the elder earlier about the wolf crossing our path, her eyes widened as she told us this was a symbol of great luck for all of us. On the way to Venus Minesite we had to walk on the shoulder of a low use highway for about 1KM. Safe walk and no comcern, within this walk charles slipped out of his harness and ran right for the highway as a single car was coming. The car was driving slow, and stopped as I ran out for charles. It wasnt a life or death moment but could have been a bad situation. We figure the highway guard rail scared charles forcing him to panick as the car came! It was our lucky day. The situation lasted seconds, all parties calm. Thank you lone wolf for the luck- it came just in time.

      We then drove a few kilometers down the road to the old site of Conrad City. In the early 1900's, over 3,000 people lived in the city, working for the ore industry. Unfortnately, as the rush went into Alaska, the city died down. A nice path led us to a fallen bridge and a few houses still "standing". It is incredible how those structures are still intact and not vandalized. Doubftul would be in Alberta.

      Our last stop was he Robinson Roadhouse. The Roadhouse was used as a train stop for freight and passengers between Whitehorse and Skagway, AK. Many old buildings are also left standing along with old stoves, old canisters, etc. Again, we were amazed to see this site untouched.

      Before heading back to the site we headed into Whitehorse to grab another blanket, we have been getting anywhere from 1°-6° overnight on this trip- why didn't we expect this?. While in WH we stopped at the SS Klondike 2, for a photo op and to walk the dogs. We are back at the campground getting ready for a long day of driving tomorrow to Alaska. At the time of typing, I am being harassed by TONS of small black flies. Probably the only thing we could do without around here!

      If your interested in more photos, Jest has been sharing on his twitter;
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    • Giorno 13

      Wolf Creek Campground

      14 agosto 2022, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Etwa 10 Minuten vor Whitehorse befindet sich dieser Campingplatz. Wir hatten so etwas von Glück und haben den letzten freien Platz verwitscht.
      Unsere Nachbarn - ein Vater mit seinem Kindern ist mega hilfsbereit. Aus dem nichts kommt er auf uns zu und bietet uns sein Beil an, denn hier muss man sich das Holz zum grillen selber spalten. Später kommt er sogar noch mit einem grösseren rüber, für die grossen "Trämlä". So kommen wir mit ihm ins Gespräch: Er lebt in Whitehorse, ist da aufgewachsen und möchte an keinem anderen Ort leben. Er liebt den Yukon. Wir erfahren auch, das es hier bis -45° werden kann, normal sei aber -20°. Im Winter haben sie zwischen 5-6 Stunden Sonne, wobei es im Juli fast 24h hell ist. Er gibt und noch einige Tipps, trinkt ein Bier mit uns und verlässt denn Camping da er am Montag arbeiten muss.
      Tinu bereitet ein super Steak auf dem Grill zu und wir sitzen noch gemütlich am Feuer bis es dann um ca. 11 Uhr doch noch dunkel wird...
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