The Shell House Restaurant, Savannah

We stayed near Savannah last night on our way to Florida. This was the dessert menu from the restaurant where we ate dinner. Our first cultural experience of the World Cruise. Southern GeorgiaRead more
We stayed near Savannah last night on our way to Florida. This was the dessert menu from the restaurant where we ate dinner. Our first cultural experience of the World Cruise. Southern GeorgiaRead more
We will be boarding the Silver Whisper tomorrow to begin our 4 1/2 month journey around the world. Our friends Jane and Mike Beasley met us here and spent a few days with us before seeing usRead more
Key west is always fun to visit. We all had a bike ride around town before it "woke up" this morning. The sights, sounds and smells are always interesting! Last night we celebrated Nancy's birthday atRead more
This is our first stop out of North American waters. We had our first taste of rough seas all day yesterday-it was very dramatic. It's fun to see everyone staggering around the ship and we know it'sRead more
This morning we sailed into Cartagena, Colombia. Colombia conjures up many images for me including drug cartels and the places and activities we all saw in "Romancing the Stone". It was unexpected inRead more
Interesting transit on the Panama Canal-just a good, old-fashioned Christmas!
A beautiful day in sunny and warm Costa Rica. We walked on suspension bridges in the canopy of the rain forest-amazing! We are docked in a fishing village and the warm breezes blowing through theRead more
A cultural experience awaited us here. Jeff and I walked into a nearby town and saw true underdeveloped, third-world lifestyle. It was an eye-opening appreciation of the lives that we are fortunateRead more
The 4 of us went anout 30 minutes by shuttle into the small city of Tapachula, Mexico. It was a vibrant city that exuded a nice energy. There was dancing, music and local foods. As we strolled throughRead more