Japan and Taiwan

listopada 2023
Bullet Trains, Ramen and Coldplay Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 12

    Train travel day

    15 listopada 2023, Japonia ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

    Had a good night sleep, and was up and out to the train station this am by 5:45 am.
    We had just gotten going for a few minutes, when we came to a full stop suddenly. The train had hit a deer. I did some reading after about it, and it’s a big problem as the deer like to lick the tracks for iron. The Japanese have a “deer-like warning snort” sound before the train comes. Or the sound of a barking dog.
    Myself and the other passenger in the car looked out the window to see if we could see anything and we saw the train employees looking a a deer in the snow. Unfortunately it had been hit, but not killed. 🤦‍♀️
    I read that the train company is very good about handling them once they have died, but nothing about if they haven’t. And these guys definitely do not carry guns.
    So yeah, that how my morning started. But that is the reality of man and animals intersecting in any country.
    So now the driver is extra wary and keeps hitting the brakes.
    It put us 10 minutes behind schedule, so I have only a 10 min window to get my next train. I have already looked for when the next one comes and that won’t be a problem. Today was just a travel day anyway.

    They held the connecting train for us!! A Japanese train being 20 minutes late is a HUGE deal here. So they held it for the connecting passengers.
    There was a guy on the train on the way up yesterday and he was sitting behind me this morning and he said Hello, and we chatted
    For a few minutes. We were the only ones in our car so when we hit the deer, he translated for me. Then we were arrived at 10:31 am and the other train was supposed to leave at. 10:30. He asked me if I was going to Sapporo and then told me they said they were holding the train, which was right across the platform. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    So we made it. I’m still saying prayers for that poor deer. It was a young male ( small antlers) sometimes I think, they think they are faster than they really are. (Young males in general).

    Seeing that injured deer made me sad. I’m on the last leg of my journey for today. I’m sad that I fly out on Friday. But I miss home.
    The juxtaposition of traveling I guess.
    So here are some random things I’ve noticed:
    -They are doing a lot of solar here.
    - people here video and take pictures of everything, anywhere, anytime. They will stop in the middle of a train entrance to take video of it snowing. Grown men.
    (And I know this isn’t just limited to Asia) But I saw people recording the entire Coldplay concert at all 4 of them . 🤦‍♀️
    -The Japanese are super stylish. Men and women.
    - There seems to be a lot of money in Taiwan.
    Or, maybe it was that there was a lot of money coming in and out of the hotel I stayed at in Kaohsiung.
    - when Coldplay moved from the front stage (to the small stage in the back of the arena) and you are on the floor, with mass amounts of people running towards and past you, to get a good place in front of the small stage;
    I never have felt the Herd mentality more than at that moment. (Longest run on sentence ever) I literally felt like I was standing in the middle of a heard of wildebeests. All streaming past, zig zagging, running every which way.
    -I really think TOTO must have a contract with the National of Japan. They had Toto Washlets in every airport stall , sink and bath faucets in every hotel room. (Accept for up in Wakkanai, they had the Western style bath faucet that we are used to, and they had very detailed instructions how to use it.
    -The Toto washlet control panel even has a button that sounds like flushing, so people can’t hear you pooping.
    -Japanese are very nice. Friendly, helpful, low key , and they do not do small talk. And I know it’s because I don’t speak the language, but they are known for no small talk.
    -They have these machines in 7-11’s that you put your own cash in and it give you change back ( bills and coins ) The cashier rings you up, but you deal with the automated machine when you pay. I love that! I’m going to put up a picture of it.
    -When you recycle your plastic bottle, you take the label off and put the cap in a separate bin. And people actually do it!
    - When I was flying from Tokyo to Sapporo, I was in the domestic terminal of JetStar ( the low cost Japanese regional airline. I walked past the line for People getting onto a flight to Okinawa. It was jarring seeing all these young Marines covered in Japanese tattoos. I made an effort to be respectful and cover my tattoos. It just seemed like such an, for lack of a better word, occupation. Having spent a week among the Japanese, then to think there is a HUGE marine base on Okinawa. I mean I know it’s about the terms of surrender after WW2, but it just felt oppressive. That, and I forgot how aggressive they teach 19 yr old marines to be.
    Well, I’m safe and sound in a little city called Hakodate. I take the Shinkansen tomorrow at 5:30 pm back to Tokyo, where I’m spending the night at the airport hotel. That way I’m not scrambling my last morning.
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  • Dzień 13


    16 listopada 2023, Japonia ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    Last full day in Japan. Woke up and my voice is gone. But with the help of some miso soup, hot tea , breakfast and cold meds I’m feeling more manageable.
    I’m taking a Shinkansen back to Tokyo today at 5 pm. There are only 3 other people in my car so hopefully the ridiculous amount of luggage I have to bring on board won’t shame me too much. And I picked a seat in the back row where people reserve a seat when they have a lot of luggage.
    So I now have all day and I figured I’d go into Hakodate to walk around a bit.
    So I look at the signs and get on the train. I’m listening to music, looking at the sights, then I wonder where we are in the journey and check Google maps. lol, I’ve gone the wrong way again. So at the next stop I get off ( I saw that there was a train going back the other way in about 15 minutes) and cross the tracks ( wooden walkway and steps show that’s how you are supposed to) and now I am standing at an unmanned Japanese local light rail station ( on a beautiful day) in the middle of the countryside with not a soul around. lol. And there is a sign that says be careful of snakes. Or to please brake for snakes. Lol. Well I wanted adventure.
    Thank you Jesus, these trains are so punctual. I am back on and heading the right way. I am the only one on this train, and I wonder what these train drivers think when they see a white lady standing out at a remote train station,🤦‍♀️
    So I figured I had about an hour and a half to catch up h the 3pm rapid train back to Shin Hakodate (where my hotel is and where I catch the Shinkansen. So I needed more cold meds. Lol, I have seen more of the streets of Japan looking for a drug store. So I find it, but it is an rx pharmacy only. They were very kind and gave me a map ( they must have to do this every day) to a place to get OTC meds. So I go. I walk for a few, and I’m heading away from the tourist district. And I come across this drug store and it’s HUGE!so I go in and by this time, I know what I’m looking for and I get it. I also have discovered this Nivea lip balm that I am LOVING! I literally buy 2-3 every time I go in a place and see them.
    It’s interesting, I can see business shuttered and with the Yen weakened , I wonder how people in these little cities do.
    I did see a lot of small restaurant/bars selling seafood. And I saw the seafood guys making their deliveries. I’m not that big of a fan of Japanese style seafood. I like some. But they do a lot of squid, octopus, whelk, abalone and I’m just not that into it. Funny enough, I will eat the shit out of some eel. But it’s always cooked.
    I got back to my hotel, rounded up my luggage and walked ( literally) the 90 seconds to the JR station.
    So in Japan, there are places just outside of the city (Shin-Osaka, Shin-Hakodate) that are the Shinkansen stations. And they are perfect little hubs if you are traveling thru. So last night I stayed at Shin-Hakodate, instead of The city Hakodate. I wanted to be closer to the Shinkansen with all my luggage.
    So this hotel has it all, convenience store, couple of small places to eat, gift/souvenir store. And the JR station has the same kind of stores. So it was actually easier to stay on the JR line and take a train into the city.
    And I really hemmed and hawed about whether or not to take the Gran Class car back to Tokyo. And heck yes, it is worth it. It’s also nice that there is literally one other person in this car with me.
    As my last leg of my journey, this is a really nice way to end it. I’ll get in about 9:30 pm to Tokyo station. The rush will be over and it won’t be as crowded to navigate onto the airport line and get to my hotel. I am so glad I am staying at the hotel at the airport. It makes things so much easier. Less stressful.
    The trip from Tokyo station to the International terminal (where my hotel is ) was not as bad as I thought it could be. But I also came in later after rush hour. I also know when looking for a route via Google I can enter in options for access to elevators. And now I look for them. When I finally got to the international departures hall, it was right where I had come in. I had come full circle. And I felt much wiser and seasoned than when I arrived. (Although I did pretty good on arrival)
    I’m not sad to go. It’s time. I’d like to come back and see some museums, some shrines, and explore more neighborhoods in Tokyo.
    Being under the weather for this trip really helped keep me in check. I could only do so much. And I’m glad I got as much rest as I did.
    So I will go down for one last breakfast, and my flight leaves around 10:30.
    I was listening to Coldplay on the train in. I hear them differently now. Those concerts were really “my happy place”. I’m glad I have those memories to carry with me.
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  • Dzień 14

    Homeward Bound

    17 listopada 2023, Japonia ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    Spending the night at the airport hotel the night before a flight is one of the kindest things I can do for myself when I travel.
    I spent the night at the one of the Haneda airport hotels. It is directly attached to the International flight terminal.
    Once I had navigated Tokyo Station and got to the airport, I popped out right where I had began. I saw where I had stood in line to get my JR pass. I bought dinner at the 7-11 where I had picked up my Coldplay tickets ( Egg salad sandwich, shrimp flavored chips[I discovered those in Thailand and LOVE them] and Pocky sticks-dark chocolate ) and laughed out loud when I followed the sign to the hotel and it was so close.
    My flight left Tokyo at 10:55 am, so I got up the next morning, was up, dressed and down to breakfast by 7am. I found on this trip, to get up first thing, eat; get food and hot fluids in me, and I would feel better.
    So I was able to have a dare I say, relaxing morning before my flight.
    Japan Air premium economy is great. Headphones, slippers, blanket , pillow, good food, miso soup, hot green tea, good movies and seats that recline within a shell, so you don’t bother the person behind you.
    So I ate slept, watched a movie, ate, slept some more and ate again, then we landed here in Dallas. I have some time , so I went to the Centurion lounge for breakfast. I know I said at the beginning of the trip that I wasn’t that impressed, but I have changed my mind. It’s a nice respite after a flight, to be able to sit down in a comfortable chair, get a plate of food, something to drink, take a shower “, charge your phone, and breathe.
    This trip was really something different for me. There is so much more I wanted to do. But I realized I really had to slim down my itinerary and my expectations for what I could and couldn’t do. I realized very quickly I couldn’t do a full day then go see Coldplay. Coupled with the fact that I have been trying to manage a nasty head cold the entire trip, I was just going to have to prioritize.
    I wish I could have gotten better pictures of Toyko at night. But by the time the concerts were over, I was exhausted. I also realized by heading up to the Far reaches of Northern Japan, I was going to have to give up a few extra days in Tokyo. I wanted to see a different part of Japan. A part that was off the beaten track. lol, I definitely went there.
    So I will sleep in my own bed tonight. I can’t wait to see Cookie and the kitties. And Mom of course.
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