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Top 10 Travel Destinations Hainan
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    • Day 66

      Haikou, China

      February 21, 2015 in China ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      February 21.
      Haikou is the capital and most populous city of Hainan province, People’s Republic of China with about 2,000,000 people. The southern end of the Hainan province is considered the Hawaii of China. I’m not sure we agreed with that, but hey, our standards are a bit different.
      We were only here a short time, but we wandered into a park, and it being a Saturday morning during the Chinese New Year celebration, it was packed! There were probably 8-10 dance events taking place. We weren’t sure if these were classes, had someone leading a group or werjust for fun. As we continued to wander through the park, there was croquet, numerous pingpong games, cards and ball games involving 2-3 people. Then we came upon an area that had dozens of pieces of permanent exercise equipment – all in use! It was fascinating!
      The only ones having a better time than us, were all the locals taking pictures of us!
      There was even one mother that gathered her childen around us to get a photo. So, if you see us on Facebook, don’t be surprised!
      In any case, this fairly busy city broke us in to the crowds we will encounter in Hong Kong tomorrow. We have become fairly complacent, sailing around small islands here and there throughout our trip. Even some of the bigger cities didn’t seem too intense. We’ll let you know how it goes.
      The first photo is of a very active pingpong game. The second is the exercise area in action and the third is one of the dance events, all three photos in the park.
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    • Day 121

      Auf nach Hong Kong!

      October 3, 2018 in China ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      After a few days doing almost nothing we are flying to Hong Kong today. When we left our hotel they gave us Winnie, so now we have a new travel buddy. Sanya was very nice even though the beach in our area was very crowded with a lot of Russians.

      Nach ein paar Tagen ohne wirklich etwas zu unternehmen geht es heute weiter nach Hong Kong. Als Abschiedsgeschenk haben wir von unserem Hotel heute Winnie geschenkt bekommen, also haben wir wohl einen neuen Reisegefährten. Sanya war wirklich schön und vor allem entspannend. Die Strände rund um Sanya waren allerdings überfüllt von überwiegend russischen Gästen. Dementsprechend war hier auch alles in chinesische und russisch beschrieben, was es für uns einfacher gemacht hat zumindest die Speisekarten zu verstehen.
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    • Day 117

      Sanya - Angekommen im Urlaub

      September 29, 2018 in China ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      With a delay of 1,5 hours we have arrived in Sanya yesterday. It is a very tropical climate here. The hotel is great and very empty, even though there are public holidays in China in the moment. We will relax for some days now without doing very much.

      Mit einer Verspätung von 1,5 Stunden sind wir gestern in Sanya bei strömendem Regen und Gewitter gelandet. Aber es ist dennoch extrem warm. Unser Hotel ist super, der Pool warm und ansonsten werden wir die nächsten Tage wohl erstmal nicht viel tun außer entspannen.
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    • Day 69

      Haikou, China

      February 21, 2015 in China ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We are in the land of Mao officially now. We made landfall in Haikou China. A "Special Administrative Area" of China proper. It is an island town of about 2.5 million people. The island is the vacation island for the Chinese within China since it is the only really "tropical" area in the country. We didn't make it down to the beach area. We just had a short stay in the city. Some used it to shop but we just walked around the town and found this great little park. The local people were doing different group things that were like dancing or exercise but also there were many little areas where people were just ballroom dancing. Couples all over 5-6 at a time spinning and weaving to a foxtrot or Cha-cha. There was also a great little exercise area where everyone was pulling, pushing, swinging, rubbing against or spinning on different exercise devices that look like a giant playground for adults. It was very nice to see.
      We or course stood out like a sore thumb. Jeff and I are taller by a head then most of the men and my ponytail and Jeff's mop were easy to find in the crowd. The local people would send there kids out to have a picture taken with "the Americans". It made us not feel guilty at all of all the pictures we were taking of them. :-) it was all pretty fun but you definitely feel your "minority" status when you can't read any of the signs, don't have any of the local money and are entirely dependent on the guide on the shuttle bus to tell you where you are.
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    • Day 89

      Haikou, China

      March 13, 2018 in China ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      Hai Kou (meaning "Mouth of the Sea") gives one a concentrated taste of traditional China. While Hong Kong and Shang Hai are full of gigantic, glitz and glamor, Hai Kou feels like the China we read about in storybooks as children. Once we were docked at the port, we skipped the guided tour and took a shuttle bus into the historic part of town. Haikou has the same population as Charlotte but we were in the old downtown section lined with quaint shops. The street we were on, Jung Shan Road, was cut in the early 17th century in the Qing dynasty. Most of the buildings now standing, however, were built in the mid-19th century. One exception was the lovely Tyan Hou Temple, which, though it looked very ordinary from the outside, resembled a gate of heaven within. I had a wonderful time practicing my Chinese with various groups of young people I encountered. One little girl even asked for my autograph and they all wanted their pictures made with me. I got to practice my Mandarin and they practiced English. They all hugged me as they left. Glenda said she feels as though she is married to a rock star.

      The people were all so friendly and gracious! Glenda could have done more shopping if I had taken more American dollars into town. China does not allow American credit cards or ATM cards.

      After five wonderful hours of wandering around this delightful city, we returned to the ship for a late lunch.
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    • Day 3


      November 20, 2016 in China ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nach einer langen Reise über Dubai und Guangzhou in Hainan anzukommen, ist ein drastischer Klimawechsel. Die Insel liegt ganz im Süden von China, etwas südlicher als Hanoi. Nach der Landung in Sanya ging es 40 min mit dem Taxi nach Haitang.Read more

    • Day 4

      Urlaub? Leider nicht...

      November 21, 2016 in China ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Obwohl es hier den schönsten Strand von Hainan gibt und zahlreiche chinesische Familien zum Urlaub hierher kommen, war der Grund meines Kurzbesuches, wie so oft, geschäftlicher Natur.
      Hier entsteht in unmittelbarer Nähe von 5-Sterne Herbergen wie Hyatt, Sheraton und Shangri-La ein weiteres Atlantis Hotel. Nach den Ressorts auf den Bahamas und in Dubai der dritte Wasser- und Hotelkomplex der Superlative. Weil das ganze in China realisiert wird muss noch eines drauf gesetzt werden. Riesige Wasserbecken sind gerade im Rohbau und werden bald mit salzigen Meerwasser gefüllt ein mögliches naturnahes Umfeld für Delphine, Seelöwen, Pinguine und Haifische werden.
      Wie bei allen großen Bauprojekten ist man auch hier im Verzug, allerdings nicht so sehr wie beim Berliner Flughafen.
      Bei der Ankunft verpasste man uns neben einem wackeligen, weißen Bauhelm ein Paar Gummistiefel, die natürlich nicht meine Größe hatten (46), aber man entschuldigte sich sehr höflich.
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    • Day 7

      Sanya, China

      November 24, 2016 in China ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Spent an hour or two wandering around. Strange place. Really felt like a foreigner, which I guess is obvious, but felt a bit out of our depth. We didn't stop for lunch..... On the plus side, they do like to light everything up at night, buildings and boats, which looks quite nice. Had a load of Chinese dignitaries being given a tour of the ship when we got back. Don't know who they were but had lots of Army types following them everywhere.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hainan Sheng, Hainan, Province de Hainan, 海南省

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