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    • Day 7

      Sanya IV

      December 27, 2019 in China ⋅ 27 °C

      The final day, we had our usual breakfast and fortunately, I was feeling quite better. It was a chill day, going back to the airport and getting an opportunity to relax at a lounge on one of our connecting airports before the next flight going to the Philippines.Read more

    • Day 6

      Sanya III

      December 26, 2019 in China ⋅ 29 °C

      Throughout the night, I had some stomach problems. I woke up not feeling well. They were supposed to go eat the biggest lunch for the trip with the best food and buffet, and I, unfortunately, was not up to such a big task. I ended up with some congee and decided to skip lunch for a chance to rest and recuperate. Janelle stayed with me and made everything much more bearable. I didn't want to waste the day and I didn't want her to waste the day stuck with sick me, so I pulled myself together and we grabbed a cab to Atlantis. We had trouble finding the entrance of the place and we couldn't get in without a ticket which one of my uncles had. With a stroke of luck, we found one of our relatives and we were able to get in. There were a lot of sea creatures in a sort of Atlantis (duh) themed aquarium. It was here that I started to get an early onset of fever, gradually getting worse the more we waited along with a splitting stomach ache. Now, we still had to watch a theatre show and we did, it was an entertaining performance with a lot of acrobatics, flair and a captivating story but I was pretty much just hanging on for dear life. After the show, there was still another long excruciating wait for the rest of the family and then another wait to find a cab willing to take us to where we needed to go, though they still gave priority to my grandmother which was fair. It was hard to find a cab because our hotel was quite near so they didn't want to make that journey, we thankfully found one and I got to take my meds and reunite with my bed once we got back to the hotel.Read more

    • Day 5

      Sanya II

      December 25, 2019 in China ⋅ 27 °C

      We celebrated Christmas in our hotel, the Grand Hyatt. Our lunch was super delicious and we retired for the day to chill for a bit before heading out to swim at the pool. The pool had a lot of wacky thing such as a bucket that slowly fills with water before toppling over and making a huge splash. They had all sorts of fountains and slides, and even a bubble party. Afterwards, we had a very nice dinner buffet as well. We had some family picture taking, and helped clean up some stuff but I was getting a bit impatient as I wanted to spend time with Janelle. I was able to escape though I did feel a bit guilty and we spent a lovely evening together.Read more

    • Day 4

      Bing Lang Gu

      December 24, 2019 in China ⋅ 25 °C

      The following day, we got up early to head to Bing Lang Gu, an ethnic village for the indigenous people. It was interesting to see something different from the usual Chinese scenery of Sanya. The architecture and craftsmanship was unique, we were able to see their way of life, how they created their artisanship and their homes which were quite connected to nature. After the tour, we had a buffet and headed to the rainforest. There were a lot of different plants and trees and flowers, surrounded by lush greenery, it was really fun to just walk around the place. We had some tea inside a bungalow. I have such low heat tolerance so I had to wait for a while before I was ready to drink the tea. We tried different kinds of tea and all were pretty good. We also did a zipline across the rainforest, ending the day at a high-rise glass bridge. At night, we took a stroll going to the beach itself was quite peaceful, it was very dark and chilly with a lot of lanterns lit. We found our way to the beach and enjoyed walking across the coast, the seabreeze brushing on our skin and our feet feeling the soft sand. We collected some seashells and promised to take them back. She was so cute. Going back, we had a little picture taking of our own playing with the red lanterns on the wooden catwalk on the way back to the hotel.Read more

    • Day 3


      December 23, 2019 in China ⋅ 27 °C

      We went to Nanshan`s Buddhism temple complex, needless to say it was huge. My family had trouble getting their stuff together and it was bothering me as well how chaotic everything was. We made our way to the center where we took a tram. We saw the statue of Guan Yin up close and took some commemorative photos. We then went to have lunch, a lot of delicious meals served in succession. Afterwards, Janelle and I had some time to explore the place on our own. We got the map and started to walk around, encountering a beautiful lake with lily pads, various temples and gardens as well as beautiful statues and Chinese architecture. I was very happy to be able to spend this time with her and to be able to experience this place with her. We did a small hike up top and she got mad because I was too gung-ho and left her, which was my bad, I was too excited. We also went to the sea side temple and got an awesome view of the towering statue from the rocky coast. After enjoying the sea breeze, we started to head back. We grabbed a cab and headed to another hotel where my family was having a buffet. The food selection was simply scrumptious, and with our bellies full, we retired for the day.Read more

    • Day 2

      Yalong Bay

      December 22, 2019 in China ⋅ 27 °C

      I woke up and took a shower and went to meet my now friend from yesternight. We ate breakfast with another Chinese dude and I just let him lead me to the right bus. Good thing he was there. We got on the bus which was a bit crowded, but I got to sit. It was a relatively packed and noisy bus ride, beside us were two Russian girls. We ended up striking some conversation with them on the bus, turns out they were also heading to Yalong bay so we decided to go together. All four of us got down and headed to the beach, we set up our things and just talked for a bit. The two girls were Julia and Tasha. Julia could speak English but not Tasha but we somehow could still vibe well with Julia translating sometimes. They shared with us the fruit they "got" from their hotel which was a blessing to eat on the beach. It was delicious.

      Apparently, Julia and Tasha are married however my Chinese friend didn't seem to understand this concept. We talked about gender politics in Russia as well as cannabis. We had some fun swimming and just talking, going back to bask in the sun. My Chinese friend invited me to go find food for some late lunch so I went with him. There was a little kid studying in the restaurant, most likely the child of the owners. My friend treated me to a good meal, I am thankful for that. He also gave me a shell necklace, super dope. I wore it the whole day. The afternoon came and passed and our two Russian friends decided to go to another beach. Us two guys decided to stay, I was still hoping for a sunset but the weather was quite cloudy, looks like there wasn't going to be one. As the skies darkened, there seemed to be another party happening at the back. I got to know my friend a lot, about his life, the Chinese mindset, and how much the government had an effect over their actions and thought. I added him on WeChat as that was the only thing he had.

      We took a long walk to find the bus, he was supposed to help me find it but he ended up meeting his Egyptian friend. They started talking and seemed like he wanted to go with him. So I told him I'd be fine on my own, even though I'm pretty sure I couldn't find the bus stop as I did not have any wifi on me to look for directions. I ended up taking a taxi instead to the hotel, to meet my family and girlfriend as this trip is actually a family reunion for Christmas. I arrived and waited for a bit and saw everyone, it was very pleasant. I was really happy to be united with Janelle again after a long time of long distance. We spent the night together just talking and getting ready for the next day.
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    • Day 1


      December 21, 2019 in China ⋅ 30 °C

      After getting into a mishap at Shanghai airport (I didn’t know the ticket I booked required me to transfer to a different airport within Shanghai after sleeping a couple of hours, some girls talking woke me up and I realized I had to find a last minute taxi past midnight to make it to my flight.) I arrived safely in Sanya. It was hot but since it was a seaside province, the weather was comfortably temperate. I tried to ask for directions for the bus terminal but I was handed a piece of paper with some drawings instead, I had to crack it like some kind of code but managed to find my way. Chinese people were very different, even inside the bus they were loud and rowdy and it was quite fun seeing people so open albeit it’s hard to find one’s peace. I got dropped a bit far from my hostel and I had to walk a couple of blocks, tired and sleepy from the uneventful airport adventures. I was able to find my hostel after walking around the block a couple of times as it was pretty hidden around some alleys. I checked-in just fine and crashed for a couple of hours, waking up in a daze, I decided to make the most out of this day and started to head to Luhuitou Park.

      It was a long walk with a lot of slopes going up, now I hadn’t recovered from my long trip coming here so I found myself getting winded quite easily. I was able to see life in the city and for some weird reason there was a guy with a painted face in Shrek’s costume screaming on his phone which was super funny. There were also a lot of video bloggers around carrying these mini tripods and I’ve never seen these things before, it was really interesting. I reached Luihuitou's entrance. There were trees adorned with bottles and other ornaments, it was pretty. Turns out to enter the park, you had to buy a ticket. I bought my ticket and went on to find out that the park itself was a hill, meaning I had to hike a lot to reach the peak. It was quite fun to take a rest in those hillside gazebos. The views kept getting prettier the higher I got, seeing the seaside and beautiful buildings of Sanya was quite a sight. There were deer as well, they seemed to be a sacred animal and had something to do with the legends of the Luhuitou. Strangely, at the peak there were Russian dancers, seemed like they are hired by the park to perform for the Chinese. I finished circling the area and tried to see as much as I can from gardens to statues and headed back down, which was easier.

      The air smelled great and I decided to go to the beach. It was calm and peaceful but also a bit dark, I sat down and enjoyed the sound of the waves and the presence of the ocean. After that, I decided to get something to eat so off I went in search of affordable but delicious food. I walked on the way to my hostel and found a place to eat beef noodle soup. It definitely hit the spot. I went back to my hostel to find another person in my room. He was Chinese, friendly and quite talkative. He told me about the stuff he had done and I told him my plans for the next day. Surprisingly, he dropped everything he planned on doing and decided to go with me instead to Yalong bay. I guess... I was down for it? I was just a bit tired and wanted to get some sleep. I went to bed, being woken up a few times by people coming and going but otherwise all was well.
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    • Day 100

      Urlaub vom Reisen

      November 24, 2019 in China ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach einer langen Zug- und kurzen Taxifahrt erreichen wir spät abends unser Hotel auf der Insel Hainan. Der Zug wurde übrigens mit einer Fähre über das Meer transportiert.
      Hier ist es erstaunlich ruhig, da das riesige Hotel allem Anschein nach nur spärlich belegt ist.
      Ideale Bedingungen um die vielen neuen Eindrücke zu verarbeiten und die tropischen Temperaturen am wunderschönen Strand oder einem der kaum genutzten Swimmingpools zu genießen.
      Das auch mit westlichen Speisen, wie Toast, Marmelade, Butter, Kaffee und Blattsalat versehene Frühstücksbuffet ist täglich ein besonderes Highlight.
      Der weitläufig Strand vor unserem Hotel ist sauber und für chinesische Verhältnisse leer.
      Bei einem Spaziergang entlang des Strandes entdecken wir aber viel Plastikmüll, dort wo keine fleißigen Arbeiter für die Hotelgäste den perfekten Meereszugang herrichten.
      Zwischen der Häuserfront und dem Strand haben die Chinesen einen schönen Park angelegt und beweisen hier mal wieder viel Geschmack und ihr Wissen über Feng Shui.
      Ansonsten wurde hier, wie wir es schon öfter gesehen haben, offensichtlich kräftig investiert ohne das entsprechende Gastaufkommen. So wirken die vielen Wolkenkratzer leer, der Wasserpark läuft nicht und der Park verfällt teilweise bereits wieder. Vielleicht liegt es aber nur daran, dass gerade nicht Saison ist. Wir sind ohnehin an der ruhigeren Ostküste, der touristische Hotspot befindet sich an der Südspitze der Insel, bei der Stadt Sanya.
      Wir verbringen die Tage am Swimmingpool oder in den Wellen des warmen Meeres und wir arbeiten endlich auch ein bisschen.
      Als wir nach 10 Tagen weiterziehen sind wir erholt aber trennen uns nicht gerne von diesem grünen und warmen Paradies.
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    • Day 43

      Von Yangon nach Hongkong

      November 11, 2018 in China ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Und wieder einmal klingelt der Wecker um 4:00 Uhr nachts. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 30min bis zur Abfahrt mit dem Taxi zum Flughafen. Der Check-in klappt reibungslos und ich habe noch Zeit einige Nachrichten zu beantworten und etwas mehr zu Hongkong zu recherchieren. Dann wird es Zeit sich auf den Weg zum Gate und durch den Zoll zu begeben. Und wieder fällt mir zu spät ein, dass ich mein Restgeld in Dollar zurücktauschen wollte. Verdammt auch, eine weitere Währung, die ich nun unnötig und vorallem unbrauchbar die nächsten Monate mit mir rumtrage! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ich muss mich da wirklich besser disziplinieren! 🧐

      Der Flug um 7:15 Uhr mit Myanmar National verlief reibungslos. Zeitverschiebung zwischen Yangon und Hongkong 2,5h. Bedeutet, zur deutschen Zeit trennen mich jetzt +7h. Na das ist doch mal was. 😄 Die Orientierung am Airport in Hongkong hat bis auf eine kleine Ausnahme gut geklappt. Der junge Mann am Touristen-Info-Schalter meinte, ich solle besser ein Taxi in die City nehmen, da das Verkehrsaufkommen für den Bus zu hoch sei. Also fix mit meiner Freundin Anne geschrieben, die vor wenigen Wochen gerade hier war und mir die Uber-App empfahl. Darüber das Taxi gebucht, um später fest zu stellen:

      1) der Verkehr war in Ordnung
      2) der Shuttlebus hält direkt vor meinem Hostel
      Ergo: ich hätte somit ein Vielfaches weniger gezahlt. 🙄😒

      Aber beschweren wir uns mal nicht, wir sind sicher und komfortabel angekommen und die 30€ werden uns nicht umbringen. Zumal ich für mein 11qm Doppelzimmer mit eigenem Minibad auch nicht gerade wenig zahle. Ich bin auch tatsächlich froh, die 10€ mehr für das Doppelbett (1,20m Breite) ausgegeben zu haben.

      Da mein Magen mittlerweile wirklich wirklich in den Kniekehlen hängt und ich so langsam ungeduldig werde, räume ich fix alles unnötige aus meinem kleinen Rucksack und folge dem Tipp meiner Freundin für ein nettes kleines Restaurant direkt die Straße hoch. Frisch gestärkt und mit einem Fruit Tea in der Hand wird der Kowloon Park erkundet. Promt laufe ich dort einer Gruppe junger Taekwondo-Sportlerinnen über den Weg, die eine Fotosession abhalten. 😀 Ich nehme an, die Chance steht gut, sie kommendes Wochenende bei der Poomsae-Weltmeisterschaft in Taipeh wiederzusehen. Ich bin gespannt...

      Mein Weg führt mich danach ein wenig weiter durch die umliegenden Straßen. Ich sehe Unmengen an Nobelboutiquen, deren Besucheranstom und Umsatz mich staunen lässt. Und dann passiert es, ich fühle mich in meinem lockeren Reiseoutfit der letzten Tage völlig deplatziert ☹️ - morgen wird sich besser angepasst und auf jeden Fall ein Kleid getragen! 🤩 Weiter geht es Richtung Waterfront, also runter zum Hafen und dem Blick auf das gegenüberliegende Hongkong Island, denn ich bin auf dem Festland und Kowloon. Um 20:00 Uhr dann das Hafenspektakel, eine 10min Lichtershow am Fluss über Hongkong Island mit seinen Wolkenkratzern. Eigentlich war ich danach schon ziemlich erledigt, zumal sich jetzt die nur 5h Schlaf der letzten Nacht und das frühe Aufstehen bemerkbar machten... Aber nichts da, der nette Mann in der Touristeninfo am Pier hat die Nachtmärkte, die ebenfalls nicht weit von meiner Unterkunft stattfinden erwähnt. Also, hin da und für den Start gebratene Nudeln mit Hähnchenfleisch zum Abendessen bestellt. Zum Nachtisch bzw für den Heimweg lief mir noch eine Bananenwaffel über den Weg, an der ich unmöglich vorbeigehen konnte... 🙄😔 Sehr lecker, aber um 22:30 Uhr nicht unbedingt figurförderlich. 😅
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    • Day 118

      Hochzeitstag im Atlantis Aquaventure

      September 30, 2018 in China ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Our first anniversary we celebrated in the newly opened Atlantis Aquaventure Waterpark! We had a great time and when we returned in the evening we enjoyed a Sea Food Hot Pot Buffet. All you can eat sea food, salad, noodles, rice, cakes beer, coke and much more for just 12,50 Euro. It was a real paradies!

      Unseren ersten Hochzeitstag haben wir heute im neu eröffneten Atlantis Aquaventure Wasserpark gefeiert. Wir hatten eine Menge Spaß, vor allem weil der Park ziemlich leer war. Zurück im Hotel haben wir uns dann noch ein Sea Food Hot Pot Buffet (eine Art Fondue) gegönnt. Es gab wirklich alles was man sich so vorstellen kann und so viel man wollte und gekostet hat es auch nur 12,50 Euro pro Person inkl. Getränken. Es war wie im Paradies.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hainan Sheng, Hainan, Province de Hainan, 海南省

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