RTW 2022

março - dezembro 2022
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” (Winnie-the-Pooh) Leia mais
  • 251pegadas
  • 29países
  • 269dias
  • 3,2kfotos
  • 260vídeos
  • 48,2kmilhas
  • 39,8kmilhas
  • Dia 269

    Home, at least for awhile

    15 de dezembro de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 41 °F

    I was pretty sad to leave Portland, but couldn’t stay forever.

    I took my 43rd flight of the trip home to Greenville, SC - and like all the others, went off pretty much without a hitch. Thats some pretty great luck.

    So my trip comes to an end today, somewhat quietly. I made it back to where I started and literally circled the globe. It’s been a wild adventure, I have zero regrets (I guess other than what MORE I wish I would have seen) and can’t wait to get back out there and continue to marvel at the beauty in this world of ours.

    I saw a quote on a friends fridge while in Portland - seemed fitting. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to your courage” - so I’ve decided to be fiercely courageous in my choices in hopes to experience life to its fullest.

    Here’s to the next adventure!
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  • Dia 268


    14 de dezembro de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 41 °F

    From Boise I took off and went to Portland, Oregon. I haven’t been back there since October 2019. I had planned on coming back more often but then Covid happened and … travel was put on hold.

    I got there Dec 3rd and left the 14th so had almost two weeks home!! I ended up staying at many different homes and seeing so many great friends and family. And what’s a homecoming without going to ALL the favorite restaurants. I had a list and we hit them ALL. It was fantastic. Great food, with great friends!!

    The snow seemed to follow me there for a bit - I had snow in Seattle, snow in Boise followed by unusual snow in Portland! It made it very pretty tho.

    I have six little “great nieces and nephews” - most didn’t even remember me since they were so young when I moved away, so it was wonderful to get to know them now that they’re older!
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  • Dia 256


    2 de dezembro de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 32 °F

    Popped over from Seattle to see some friends I’ve known forever in Boise, Idaho! Had a good time relaxing, hanging out, watching grandkids riding lesson, watching World Cup matches, hot tubbing and grandkids basketball tournament! Even got back on the pickleball court again after almost 3 years being away. Pretty darn cold out, but beautiful to see the snowfall.Leia mais

  • Dia 252


    28 de novembro de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 37 °F

    When I got married I moved from Portland to the Seattle area - we lived there about 15 years before returning back to Oregon. We loved our time up in Washington and have a ton of great memories from our time there.

    I flew in from Bangkok to Seattle and spent 4 days here with one of my best buddies and her family. We went up to their cabin in the mountains and LOVED spending a couple days in the woods and snow. SOOO cold from what I was used to. We must have played a dozen board games!! Absolutely beautiful and a great time.

    So fun to also revisit old houses, old cities, old restaurants that were my absolute favorites!!
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  • Dia 248

    International Travel done

    24 de novembro de 2022, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

    Landing in Vancouver, Canada today my International portion of my trip is now completed. I’m really sad to have it be over. I’m definitely experiencing quite a bit of culture shock already, as it’s been 4-5 months since we’ve been anywhere near the “Western world”. To sit in an airport and be able to read and understand all the signs, understand everyone’s conversations around me, and as a white person NOT be a minority - this is all so strange, and honestly, I don’t t like it. 😫 It’s going to take me a bit to adjust.

    People have asked what we’re doing now. Jordan is hanging out on Koh Samui, Thailand until the first of the year - decompressing and relaxing in an Airbnb. Then a couple buddies from college are joining her there and they’ll all travel around Thailand for a couple weeks together. After they leave, Jordan is off the South Korea for two months! She’ll be working in a “language cafe” getting free room and board to sit and have coffee with Koreans and let them practice their English with her! Then she’ll head to Japan for 3 weeks just for tourism. After that, on to Australia - she has been approved for a work holiday visa, and will do odd jobs as she moves around the continent for a year!!

    Me, well, I’m hanging out on the West Coast for three weeks or so visiting friends and family in Seattle, Boise and Tualatin/Portland! I haven’t been back since I moved to South Carolina in 2019 (Covid). Then heading back to Greenville, SC mid December to get moved back into my townhouse, meet up with Adam for Christmas (haven’t seen him in forever!) and get working.

    This has been a tremendous adventure. We will have traveled 9 months - 29 countries, 4 continents, in 4 oceans and multiple seas. We’ve taken 92 major forms of transportation - 43 planes, 16 trains, 24 long distance buses, and 9 lengthy ferries. We learned about so many cultures - my racist thoughts/stereotypes (that I didn’t even want to admit I had) were destroyed, and I learned to enjoy and highly respect so many different races and ethnicities - especially the SE Asian people.

    This trip allowed me to spend so much time with my thoughts and to thoroughly contemplate the big (and small) questions of life - to really think about where I’ve come from, who I’ve been, who I am and who I want to be. I am without a doubt a changed person …

    My time with Jordan was the biggest gift I received. Throughout this time she has educated me - gently - in her and her generations beliefs and viewpoints. We spent hundreds of hours talking about every subject and world event imaginable. We are more than mother-daughter now, we are great friends. I respect her so much - her heart, her viewpoints, her politics and her passion.

    As I come home, all I can think about is traveling again, where I would want to go back to, what new places I want to see. Plans are already forming in my head. Exciting plans. Retirement in a foreign country is definitely on my radar in the next few years. “Where” is the only question.

    I’ll continue posting pics of my west coast fun, but for the most part I’m done. Thank you to all who followed me on this adventure - I loved interacting with those who made comments or asked questions along the way. It made it so much more fun for me.

    My goal when we set out on this trip was to be brave, to be strong, and to be smart. We definitely did brave things - we hiked/walked thousands of miles - and we were smart about our choices without getting injured, mugged or threatened in any way. I think we accomplished all three!
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  • Dia 248


    24 de novembro de 2022, Japão ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

    Jordan and I parted ways at the Bangkok airport this morning. A very tearful goodbye. Over the months we’ve traveled together we’ve grown quite close, so was very difficult for both of us to say goodbye.

    Going to be an exhausting Thanksgiving day of travel. I left Bangkok at 8am on 11/24. I will land in Seattle around 2:30, also on 11/24 - but will have traveled for 21 hours. (Tho the clock will only have shown I had been traveling 6 1/2 hours). I’m basically living thru Thanksgiving day, twice. 🦃

    I really had wanted to get to Japan on this trip, but eventually the budget didn’t allow it. I did technically land there tho, as I had a layover this “evening” in Tokyo!

    This will be the only day in my life where I’ll experience watching the sunset twice! Once in Tokyo and hours later in Seattle. Weird.
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  • Dia 247

    Our last day together

    23 de novembro de 2022, Tailândia ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

    After 247 days, today was the last full day Jordan and I have together on this trip. Sadly, tomorrow (Thanksgiving day) we part ways. I’m heading back to the states, and she is continuing her adventures solo.

    We flew from Cambodia back to Thailand today. Bangkok seems to be a major hub for SE Asia and all flights seem to go thru here.

    We had a fun time - went back to Chinatown to enjoy the wonderful street food and then I headed to the mall. Jordan won’t be with the family for Christmas this year (for the first time ever) and after I leave her tomorrow, it will be close to impossible to send her anything - so, I went Christmas shopping!! Now she’ll have a few gifts Christmas day to open from the family.

    It was much more fun than I expected. Bangkok is all decked out for Christmas and to my surprise, the mall was playing tons of Christmas music (in English) as I shopped. Really made it special and got me in the mood for the holidays. I was even able to find a place where they were doing gift wrapping. Not quite as nice as I would have done at home, but it will do! ❤️

    5.6 miles
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  • Dia 246

    Angkor Wat, Cambodia

    22 de novembro de 2022, Camboja ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    We got up really early this morning to see the sunrise on Angkor Wat. It wasn’t as nice as we had hoped. The weather didn’t cooperate so we didn’t have as beautiful of colors as a possible there, but it was still quite a majestic experience.

    Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world. It’s a Buddhist temple, but it was originally built as Hindu. Cambodia as a country converted to Buddhism, so the temple was changed as well. It’s most well known in the US as the temple shown in the Tomb Raider movie with Angelina Jolie.

    There are 300 separate temples at this complex so if left to your own devices, could be here for days to see it all - so we decided to go on an organized tour and see just three of the “best” ones. Great experience.

    4.3 miles 9 flights
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  • Dia 244

    Cambodia, here we come

    20 de novembro de 2022, Camboja ⋅ 🌧 84 °F

    Flew from Phuket to Bangkok, then Bangkok to Siem Reap, Cambodia. Long day, but fun.

    We had a taxi set to pick us up at the airport with our hotel. Fully expected … a taxi … a car. But, was picked up by a guy on a tuk tuk!! So we had an enjoyable 25 min ride to our hotel. Fun to see the area slowly like that. There were cows just on the road, like the pigs in Bangkok!

    2.1 miles
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  • Dia 243

    I love sunsets!

    19 de novembro de 2022, Tailândia ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    Headed north today on Phuket to get closer to the airport for an early morning flight in the morning.

    Went to the beach and caught a GREAT sunset tonight. Love the different phases they go through.

    1.8 miles
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