Coastal Camino

мая - июня 2018
Coastal Camino also known as St James Way has its origins as a pilgrimage, these days though people do it for religious and many other personal reasons too. My walk is to start in Porto, Portugal and finish in Santiago De Compostella, Spain. Читать далее
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  • День 12

    Esposande to Viana do Castelo

    25 мая 2018 г., Португалия ⋅ ☁️ -3 °C

    Up early 3 women on a mission!!. photo time outside and we stepped out of the apartment with a bounce in our step and a smile on our dial. Little did we know what a long long day it was going to be.

    We took it slowly as Catrin had to walk slowly. According to Google we had 22 kms to do. Catrin and I had both decided that we would like to do the central route as there were some very pretty places that were mentioned in our books. Shyama was happy to go along with what ever we decided to do.

    The first 5 kms we did in 1.5 hours, it took us that long because we were stopping for photos, and also walking at a slow pace. We stopped for breakfast around 9.30 and then the skies that had been threatening decided to come down, it was a pre cursor to what was going to be..... To start off it was just a drizzle, but as we walked along we decided to take our ponchos out. It was raining but yet nothing much to it.

    Lots of other walkers, some friendly, some not so. Some whom were happy to talk, some who did not want to talk to. The camino route is very well marked along the central route. Much better than the coastal route. Every 100 mtrs or so there is either a yellow arrows, or a camino emblem or both. Hard to get lost with that kind of markings. The terrain was very pretty, some times through woodlands, some time past farm land, other times through villages, past century old walls, past little chapels, and churches etc. In some places we saw a blue arrow. And that was for those following the route to Fattima.

    10 kms and we were just about to cross the river. It was called a cutting in the camino guide. We had been walking through this forest area and we found a guide book on the path. We thought some one must have dropped It, so picked it up to hand over in case we met the owner. About 300 meters on there was a fork in the road. There was a gent standing there. And the book belonged to him. He was very funny. When asked which country he was from he said he was from the moon. When we asked what way do you think we should be going he says you have to stack a stone on the pile and you will be shown the way. Then he saw 3 other women coming behind us, and says 3 women I can handle 6 women no way. I am off, and he took of like a rocket. Prior to that we met this gent who was living close to a church we had stopped, and he spoke good English. He just loved to talk. He had lived in Canda for 13 years and was very proud of it.

    By now the rain was a nuisance, and it was hard walking in the rain, with a pack up hill. At one particular place we had climbed up so far the mist was making it impossible for us to see too far. Catrin foot was aching, and all credit to her. She was carrying all her stuff too. The cemeteries in Portugal our kept tidy and pretty. There seems to be people who come and change the flowers in all the cemeteries we passed.

    We had been getting stamps on our passports along the way. At one church it was a self service situation. You needed to write your name,date, country and age. So onwards and upwards we marched along. By now the conversations had stopped unless it was to point out something, or to discuss how much further, or where on earth is a cafe. We walked in a forest with the scent of the eucalyptus and wild fennal. Our spirits picked up a bit. But that was short lived, the terrain was rocky, muddy, slippery and not nice. No villages, just the path. We had to keep stopping so that Catrin could have a rest. She felt she was holding us up, but this was a pilgrimage so helping fellow pilgrims was as important as getting to the destination. By now the conversations was more to take her mind off her aching foot. Finally we came to a village which had a cafe, coincidently the village was called chafe. Would have been preety poor if they did not have a cafe or a chef huh.!!!. We had in our keaness to look for a cafe missed the formal route as well. But that did not bother this navigator too much, I knew we could get back on track. After a hot soup in our tummys we were ready to go on. By now we had walked 17 kms.

    Catrin decide that was it for her, for the day. She was going to call a taxi to take her the rest of the way. So for the first time that day the two Sri Lankan ladies were on their own. We yet had 9 kms to walk. And after the first 4 kms it was uphill in the rain. We came to a quite a steep hill. By this time rain was just dripping off us and our packs. It did not matter any more. 🤔

    Finally we could see the destination city. The first thing you saw was the church on top of the hill in the distance. But we yet had 4 kms to walk. There was a river and the bridge that spanned it was over a km long. By now it was past 5.00 pm. Cars were going in each direction. And what ever part our body that was dry was wet by the time we crossed that bridge as cars that went bye could not care a hoot about us, the puddles on the surface was our bath water.

    Finally we got to our hotel, by then we had walked 27 kms. A drink of port wine went down a treat. It had been a long long day. Going for dinner was an effort. Poor Shyama had a baptism of fire.
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  • День 13

    Viana do Castela to Afife

    26 мая 2018 г., Португалия ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    After our long day yesterday, we were having a somewhat short day today. According to Google 12 kms. By now I have now worked it out following the camino route, be it the coastal way or the central way is very much different to Google. The camino way tries to keep you safe and off the main road. Where people seem to drive very fast.

    Went down for breakfast and the tables our very close to each other, we were seated next to a couple. As per normal pleasantries you make small conversation. They were on the Camino too. Then it came out that they were from NZ too, they were from Auckland. As we kept talking the man says was it you who signed the book in the church? the previous day. They had met the guy who loved to talk too. So it was very nice to meet a fellow country man.

    We were not going to start walking till 12.00. Before we started we wanted to go and see the church on the hill. I had read the view was magnificent. We just got to our room and the reception rung to say that luggage carrier was here. Holy Molly, I had forgotten to take our luggage down, it should normally be at the reception by 8.30 . Now it was 9.30 and we did not even have the bags ready. Wet cloths that had not dried over night were thrown in with wet shoes, clean clothes worn the night before got chucked in with plugs, cream and what ever. Honestly I need my head examined. Luckily we were in our room. I cringe at what could have happened had we not been in the room.

    You could take a tram (fununcular) up the hill, or else if you were keen you could walk up 6 kms. No guesses for what mode of transport we opted for. Catrin had spoken to me the previous night to say she was in a alburger (hostel) just behind the church. So we called her from the tram, and she was there waiting for us when the tram reached the top. The church was different in its simplicity, and the view oh well........ WOW.

    Back to the hotel, packs on our backs and we were off. Following the receptionist instructions we found led us on a de tour, but we saw an old neglected fort at close sight due to his incorrect instructions. Finally we got to the coastal route and after an ice cream we were on our way. Kept to the coastal route for about 7kms and then came on to the main road to get water and lunch. Then we followed Google. But tried as much as possible to keep to a road that was parallel to the main highway.

    In a previous post I mentioned how everyone was into their veggie gardening, the dirt here seems to be so fertile. No wonder things grow so well.

    When we got to our destination the owners were not there but the maid was waiting for us. It is a B&B place, very nice. The owners came in later. They had gone to Porto. The wife has stomach cancer for the last 3 years., and she had an appointment at the hospital. Shyama by now is feeling very tired, when they called us I had asked if their was any restaurants close by. So when we were offered a meal by them once they came back we gladly accepted their offer. I did not know then that they were actually going out for dinner. But she made a lovely soup for us quickly, she had offered to make a salad, which I had declined as I did not want to make more work for her, and fruits from the garden for desert.

    Please note I had not written my journal for the 19 and 20th these have now been updated. Make a cuppa, and sit down to read it.
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  • День 14

    Afife to Caminha -last night in Portugal

    27 мая 2018 г., Португалия ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Cannot believe that the walk in Portugal is coming to an end. I have walked approximately ( 25+ 20+ 15+ 27+16+14)=117kms in 6 days. I have not accounted for the walking and running around in Braga as this was off the Camino track.

    The place we stayed last night was a lovely home. The husband and wife were so lovely, it is always nice when you get to meet humans such as them when on holiday. I had brought with me some NZ honey for my herbal tea. I gave it to her, hoping it will help her in some little way with her stomach cancer.

    We had a lovely breakfast, and got to taste custard tarts again. Yum..... Maria the owner had statues in the foyer and she was showing me a statue of the saint for that area. Her name is Senhora da Agonia. I also had noticed a statue of saint Anthony in the foyer. I had a lot of faith and devotion to St Anthony. I was meeting Colin in Lisbon on the 12th June so we could be there for his feast day. When she realised this she took me upstairs and showed her collection of St Anthony statutes. There were many . Some of them centaury's old. She then showed some books of the celebrations they have in August for the patron saints feast which runs for 3 days in the area.

    We were out of there and not 10 minutes down the road heard the church bells ring. And then Shyama spotted the church and said shall we go and see if there is a service on as there were cars out side. We were just in time for the start of mass. That was very good, and it was great we got to mass on a Sunday.

    After that we walked and walked. We came to this little village and the streets all had red flowers in green hanging baskets. We came around to a square and what a lovely picture. Beautifull......

    Then down to the sea front and lobster and prawns in a tomato gravy or sauce based rice. Luckily we had ordered only 1 portion, if not we might not have been able to move. The sun was out, the day was great, and the breeze was just enough to make walking comfortable. Our day today was 14 or so kms, so a comparatively short day.

    There is a lovely mountain in The back drop of Caminha. It is called mount Tecla, and also there is a fort in the middle of the ocean. This is called
    Fort da Insua it is built on a small island. This had been built to defend the sandbar at the entrance of the city.

    When we got to our destination which was another "casa". Bed and breakfast place in other words. A very old, but grand place. Kept in a good condition in a rustic way. Owned by a gent who was 87 years young. Our place was quite separate to the main house. Must have been the servants quarters in the good old days of the past. He was a widow, and refers to his house keeper as his governess. It is so nice to meet all these lovely people.
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  • День 15

    Caminha to Oia

    28 мая 2018 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Up early, as we had to have breakfast and be at the dock by 11.00am. Well talk about dinning in a stately manor house. The decor, the furniture, the cutlary, the china were all centuries old. OMG it was just so lovely. This gent had his own little chapel off the library. The library had a fire going, as did the dining room. I wished he could have adopted me. His family had owned it since the 1850's and it showed.

    Got to the dock and the boat guy was there. He had a stamp for our passport. Good job he asked for our passports if not I think the authorities at Santiago might have had an issue with our walking authenticity. One minute we are in Portugal, the next in no man's land, and then we are in Spain. All in the space of 5 minutes.we cross the river Minho. In Portugal side there was a dock, but when it comes to Spain, the boat which is one with an out board motor just lands on the sea shore and you jump off the boat on to the sand. There's is a photo of our lonely Boardman heading back to Portugal. It cost us euros 5.00 for each to come over.

    Our welcome dignitary in Spain was a snake. That was something that I certainly had not worried too much about. From then on it's right there in the fore front of your mind ,Thank you very much. Walking along the Spain's coast line was different as it did not have the wooden walkway. But it was between over grown under growth and scrub. So out came my trusted weapon of choice. My handy walking stick. I want to live as much as the snake. So as long as he went in the opposite direction to us, when we came face to face we were all going to live happily ever after. I wished and hoped he had my same sentiments.

    Finally we came to a village. It was right on noon. Our walking speed is approximately 4kms an hour. So we had walked a long distance in our mind, but actually it was only around 4kms. But as we had not seen any cafes on the way it was best to get our lunch here. We stopped at the first cafe. By now I would get my phone out, and try and translate words so both parties understood each other at cafes especially. When I put in the word rice the waitress says Paella. Fantastic. That and a jug of fresh lemon juice ordered we were both sorted. Well what a dish that was. It took a longtime to come, but it had to be the best in the world. My mouth waters thinking about it. Yum. I hope Shyamas does too

    It was a very long long day. Over 22 kms in all. Some of it on path ways, some on the main highway, some on over grown paths, and the coast at this stage was rocky. The houses were few and far between. The only good thing was if you needed a toilet break, you could go on the side, as there was no others in the vicinity. We only met one other person, and that too on the main road.

    After a long long day we got to our accommodation. Going out to have dinner was an effort. But luckily it was two doors next to the casa we were staying at. The Sangria was ok, not the best. Dinner was a need, more than a desire to eat. Bed was a desire that was an absolute necessity. Point of interest is that the main pillow in Spain is a very long one. It goes across the bed. It is narrow, but long. Useless bit of information I thought I will share.
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  • День 16

    Oia to Baiona

    29 мая 2018 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    After having a fresh orange juice which was the only thing worth having for breakfast I was on my way. It was going to be a long day on my own. After yesterday which had been a long day our plan was to start early , and try and get to our destination early on in the day, and also try not to walk in the heat of the afternoon sun. With this in mind we requested breakfast for 7.30am. Well when I woke up it was 7.50am and Shyama was yet fast a sleep. I was out of bed and dressed and in the restaurant so fast my feet must have had wings. I was the only one who was having breakfast. Took a breakfast tray for Shyama. When I left the accommodation it was 10.00am so much for leaving early.

    It had rained earlier on, so it was good we had slept in, one might say a blessing. Shyama was having a rest day, and we were going to meet at our hotel in Baiona later on that afternoon. It was lovely to be alive, I had a spring in my step, the rain had made everything look fresh, and the coast line I was walking on was dotted with villages. Unlike the previous day I was on path ways most of the time, and now and then came on to the main highway PO 552. It was much easier to walk on the dirt track , than on the road. Ones feet had started to feel the pounding on the road, as opposed to the cushioning on the dirt. A young lady passed me, and an hour or so later I passed her. Only because she has stopped for a bite. She was young, she was taller so she was faster. Also she did not stop for photos like this human.

    Toilet stops, Bon Camino to all those you pass, or who pass you, looking out for snakes in your path, you were in to the swing of things.

    I stopped to watch a stone carver at work. he had drawn out what he was going to chisel out on the rock, and he offered to give me a stamp for my passport. By now you like to have stamps that are out of the ordinary. The square boaring ones, were ones that you no longer wanted on your passport. Then the young lady who had been playing tag with me caught up, and slowed down to talk. She had 3.5kms more to go, so we talked as we walked and hey presto the time and distance just goes by. After wishing each other Bon Camino I carried on, I had a further 10 or so kms to go.

    I stopped on the rocks off the beach to have my lunch which was fresh orange juice watered down and an orange., when a crowd of pilgrims I had passed earlier on at a cafe came by. One of the guys was on his own, and he was walking ahead of the others. So when he waved, I waved and offered him a piece if my orange. He happily had that, and he carried on. I stayed for a while as I wanted to air my feet, and also enjoy the scenery.

    Then a little while later after I had been walking again I had to make a choice. Either just follow the main road, or go on the Camino route, which was up a mountain. So I thought I will be brave and go up the Camino route. At this point I could not see any of the others who had passed me a short time ago. Once on the mountain path, I was worried, mostly about the creepy crawly ones. I had my trusted walking stick, since seeing the snakes the previous day, I had this in my hand all the time. It was hard work climbing, some times the way was not marked properly, and you hoped you were on the correct path, and other times you wished you would see a pilgrim and then you hoped it was not going to be an ax murderer, that was going to come out of the woods, or round the corner and say hi to you. Once I was quite high I could see the others who had passed me had gone on the main road. I was on my own. Honestly Colin you cannot call me a chicken anymore or a scary cat, I was so darn brave walking up there over the saddle and down the other side. I met no one, no human, no snake. Thank you audio story books for keeping my mind occupied. This is the first day I had listened to one on my holiday. I had downloaded so many, but had not wanted to listen till today. Normally listening to audio stories, or praying or meditating is what I do when I walk.

    I was so happy to come back to civilisation. And then finding our accommodation was not hard, as it was a 16th century castle. I was able to see the fort from far away. Getting to the front entrance though was like walking through a maze. So with the help of a lady and then a gent I got to the hotel. It was very grand. You felt you had entered a 5 star hotel which had the old world grandeur. Shyama was as happy to see me, as I was of her. Walking buddies reunited.

    I think it would be fair to say at this point, that Sonali walks over hills and valleys on the farm, where as Shyama only gets to walk on flat areas in Colombo. So Ladies and Gents Hats Off and Take a Bow to Mrs Shyama Perera for her effort over the previous two days, right after a long distance international flight. Congratulation Shyama!!!!! I could not have asked for a better companion on my first Camino walk.

    The hotel which had been built in the sight of the castle incorporated some part of the old castle. It was lovely. So was the jacusy and sauna we both went too. My weary body just melted in the water. In Spain sista is from around 1.00 to 4.00 pm or so. They start work at 10.30 and then finish for the day around 9.00pm.

    Since coming in to Spain, my phone had given up the ghost. So all today I had no Google maps nor phone. Golden rule of having some form of communication had been broken, but I live to tell the tail. So first order of things was to go to a Vodaphone shop. Much to my dismay though Mr Handsome had told me in Portugal that it would work in Spain, apparently that was not the case. So got a new sim card as I needed that to have Google maps handy at all times.

    After that we did some retail therapy, and then some dinner. We had two starters and one of it was fried green chillies. These were not spicy at all, but they were really nice. It was a first for both of us. I was glad to hit the bed. Walking in the sun, and over the mountain was hard, but I had concurred some fears of being a scary cat cum chicken licken. I was very satisfied with my achievement, even though I was tired. 22 kms was what I had walked today on the Camino.

    The hills in the far distance of the main photo, was what I climbed over to get to Baiona.
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  • День 17

    Baiona to Vigo

    30 мая 2018 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Today the breaksfast by far was the best we have had on our trip. For the first time in 2 weeks I saw a fried egg. All these days for breakfast it has been continental, other than when we stayed in Afife where we were served scrambled eggs. All the other days it is cold meats, cheese, cereals, cake and bread. So it was nice to see a western buffet style breakfast.

    On a hill far away was not an old ruggard cross but a large statue of the Virgin on the Rock. It is a marble statue with the virgin holding a boat in her hand. Parts of it is made from marble, the crown is made from porcelain.

    After a walk on the castle walls and turrents it was bye bye to our stay in a castle and back to being poor pilgrims on foot. Today we were walking around the city of Baiona for most of the time. Meaning it was so spread out, and was around a very large harbour. It was a beautiful city. The beaches were so soft and white it must be a paradise for sun lovers in the coming summer months.

    We had decided last night that every one and half hours or so we would take a break. So we took longer breaks today. Our pace seems to be dropping, but from now on there is only one more day that we have a walk of over 20 kms. Seems as if the time is going by so quickly. Due to the fact the last 3 days have been such long walking days I have not caught up on updating my journal. I needed my beauty sleep more than writing my journal. Today our walk was 21 kms. 3 days of over 20ks each day, I my self cannot believe it.

    Today had booked an apartment so that we could catch up on doing our laundry. The owner was a lovely person. She even took us to the super market. Our plan had been to cook a meal of rice and curry and have it in the apartment. That was so, so nice to eat a home cooked meal after all this time of eating out. Yummy. Funny how you crave for mother land food after a while to just make your taste buds sing and keep your senses appeased.
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  • День 18

    Vigo to Vigo

    31 мая 2018 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    The apartment we stayed was great. Mainly due to the fact we had been able to cook and get all our washing done and dried. Also it always helps when the local lady had been so friendly. Need to give her a 5 star rating on

    Had to zip off the long trousers to be shorts as it was drislling when we left. It steadily got worse. Had to put on rain coats and back pack cover on to keep it dry. (In case your wondering better to walk in pants that are not wet at the bottom).

    The later half of the walk was past the port and then ship building area.

    Arrived at the hotel just on 12.00. Now waiting in the reception to go to the room but their not ready yet.

    Thought of you Shan when I saw this guy making humungus bubbles. Peggy and Shan used to do this when she was little. Thought you might like it, so took a photo just for you. 😊

    This afternoon we have been doing some retail therapy. Hmmm... won't say anymore about that,as Colin reads this post every day.

    On our ambling back to our hotel the penny dropped. In order to get the Compostella which is the certificate one gets for compleating the Camino each pilgrim need to have 2 stamps on the passport each day in the last 100 kms, of the walk. So back to the hotel to make sure that we were now under our 100kms. And yes now we are down to 93kms. I had been to the cathedral this afternoon, while Shyama was having a massage, and it was closed at that time. So a quick check with the receptionist at the hotel and he said there was evening mass around now. So quick rush to the cathedral and mass was just ending, the priest as as very nice, he gave us the stamp,one down, one more to go.

    On the way we had enquired at a few restaurants if they would give us a stamp if we had dinner. But none of them were doing it. But just out side the church there was a Taperia. They did give the seal. So that's where we had our dinner. Now we are sorted for today.

    We think our young people in NZ have a drinking problem, well it is Thursday evening and you should see the crowds round a pub or taparia. The last photo is the crowd that has spilt out of the pub. The crowd was already out of the pub this afternoon when I went to the church this afternoon.
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  • День 19

    Vigo to Redondela

    1 июня 2018 г., Испания ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    While we were having breakfast at the hotel which was next to tasteless, we could see the sky's opening up. Our thoughts were we had to walk in that. Grin and bear it ladies, we are pilgrims you take the good and the bad. One could always pray, and hope we are heard. So after a glass of freshly squeezed O.J. and a cup of tea, and a prayer to the one above we were on our way. By now the rains had settled down to a drizzle, and after 10.00 minutes or so it was completely gone. We were heard!. As a side note the last thing we do before we leave our accomodation is to say a prayer, and we take it in turns to do this.

    We were on a roll in getting stamps now. Today I think we got 5. Impressive. I have only one more page and my passport is completely full. I either need to get another passport, and if not do it over some of the printed matter on the back of the passport. Will cross that bridge when I come to it.

    The journey today was climbing but it was all the way a gentle climb. We were just walking round the entire port of Vigo for miles. It is a large port, and seems to go on for miles. When we first saw the view of the harbour and the port as we were walking it looked great. But as we kept walking the view just got better., yet it was the same view basically.

    We stopped for a shoe shopping break, and then off again. We went to a church and for a change it was open and there were people in it. As we knelt to pray a gent came up and asked if we wanted a stamp in sign language. Of course we did, we had been going to ask, I think the gent was a priest. So that was great. We are told the staff at Santiago de Compostella like pilgrims to have stamps from churches. One yesterday, one today we are on a mission.☺

    Then we were walking past a taverna and a dog was playjng with two people, and we stopped to watch. A old lady came out and asked if we wanted a stamp. Yes! We are on to it. A cranberry drink and some nachoes with it, and we were on our way.

    Photos a galore, walking through a forrest, a beautiful glade, a small but very cute water fall, and now two very hungry pilgrims wanting some lunch and not a taverna to be seen. Then there is a sign to say 500 meters to a bar. Yes !!!!!

    Well it was not just 500 meters, but it was up a very steep climb. If you were not hungry you would be by the time you got to the top. But the food and the service was worth it. I ate the biggest pasta bowl in my life, and Shyama did justice to a baguette which was a foot long. ( Of course we shared each other's food).

    The distance today was 16kms and finding our accomodation was a bit of an issue, but we got there. We are both of the mind to get some bread and noodles and have it the apartment.

    My body is starting to feel the ache of non stop walking for the last 2 weeks. 12 days straight on the Camino, and two days prior to that in Porto , not to mention the plane journey and the side trip to Poland. Come the morning your back on the road, and actually looking forward to what's on for the day. We met a lot of pilgrims while having lunch at the taverna, 6 cyclist came along, but after lunch when we were walking we met so many cyclists and walking pilgrims, including a young girl from Australia.

    The main photo is me getting the blood back from my legs to the rest of my body. Coming down the steep hill was hard on the knees. The elevation was 240 meters and we came down some very steep steep parts to get back to sea level. Also in the pictures you see how still the water in the harbour is. It was like a painting at times.

    A big thank you to all of you who comment, post, like etc. As that makes it a two way communicatuon and everyone who know's me, know what an introvert, actually quite, shy person I am.🤗.
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  • День 20

    Vigo to Arcade

    2 июня 2018 г., Испания ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Today we had a relative short and relaxing day. Covered approximately 8kms. It seems as if we are climbing quite a bit now. Today we climbed up to 190 mets and then dropped down again. Was in the destination hotel before noon.

    Now we have joined the central route and so there is a lot more pilgrims, and also a lot more cyclist. Came across this board where some people have signed the shell and left it on this board. As today is Saturday this afternoon the country is on holiday. Not much open after lunch time.

    Have a nice view from our bed room. The church is just oppersite the hotel and mass at 8.00pm to night. So we are sorted for Sunday mass again.

    Been out for a walk and brought myself a hat, so did Shyama. I had to buy one as my so called friend Heather and my critical child both thought my existing hat was ugly, thanks a lot. After all that critic I have lost all self esteem, 😶 hence had to buy a hat. (The sun is getting quite hot now. I am two shades darker, not that any one of you will notice.) Please be warned I will be sending my invoice to you two (Heather and Child).

    I needed some sleep or else I am getting climatised to the Spanish way of life . Siesta time today for me from 1.00 or so till nearly 4.00pm. VERY NICE. The past few days I have been burning the mid night candle so it was good to catch up on 😴.
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  • День 21

    Arcade to Pontevedra

    3 июня 2018 г., Испания ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Today our distance to travel was approximately 12kms. For us seasoned walker's it was going to be a walk in the park. Up and out of the hotel by 9.00am. Even though it would be lovely to travel earlier to that, most places do not serve breakfast till 8.30am. The Spanish live a life of less stress. So the good thing is they make you slow down too. You do not hear drivers tooting when someone has stopped to drop of a person or to have a chat. The ones behind wait till the conversation has finished. They will always stop at the zebra crossing if no traffic signals. But if there is traffic signals then you as s pedestrian too need to follow the rules.

    Arcade the town is famous for its Oyesters, and you can go on a little d tour at some point and eat these, but we were not going to be doing this today.

    Walking on the bridge, across a small river named Verdugo was very picturesque. The mist was yet hanging over the mountains. The water was more like a lake than a river. It was lovely. Real Patience Strong verse material. It even had a sandy beach.

    Then it was climbing up cobble streets, and goat tracks and mountain paths. Through lovely small forests it was hard but very nice to walk "The Way."

    I have two stories to tell today - one is about David and Gloliath. We came across a snake and he was coming towards us. We stopped and told him to go the other way. He did not listen. So he left us no other choice. I used my trusted walking stick and hit him as hard as I could. He did not know, what struck him. Once I started I did not stop first; it was stopping him on the tracks and then it was stopping him full stop, and then Shyama joined in as well. So he was now either in snake heaven or hell. Who cares. Colin I think you should take me hunting. I will show you how it's done.🙄🤗🤓.

    The next story is we met a Canadian lady aged 69 doing her 7th Camino. This one she started on the 31.03.2018. To date she has walked 1400 kms on this journey. And now has 60 more to go. This has been the longest Camino she has done. And to top it off she was carrying her own back pack. Her Husband was in BC canada looking after the cats and mowing the gardens.When I asked why she does just Caminos, why nor some other country to go for a hike or tramp. She loves Spain, and it keeps calling her. As charming as it was to meet her, it was a wake up call to my pride on the misley 200kms I have walked so far.

    Pilgrims every where at the moment. Mainly because all the Spanish and Portuguese routes have joined up. So from now on it is going to be like this. We were having a bit of lunch in a cafe after we checked in and rested. They were coming in drones. From now on there is going to be swarm of bees going to Santiago. We even met the New Zealanders we had met over a week ago. So that was lovely. Hugs and kisses and we walked together for a very short time, after which we parted company as they were going on a d'tour.

    We walked today's paths in record time. We were in our hotel by 12.30pm. That is with hill climbs, weewee stops etc.

    Now it's resting time as to tomorrow is going to test our metal. 21 kms or so uphill most of the way, need to start early. One of the reasons for doing it so fast today was the weather was so great. It was not sunny neither was it raining. It was just right for walking.

    Once again both of us have had a siesta time, and now we will go and get some dinner. Some of the photos is of our dinner and Sangria from last night. As you can see both of us are Far From Starving. In case your wondering I do love my Sangria. Oh well I like Port too, and Sherry too. But please bear in mind never been drunk.

    One photo is of a fig tree with so many figs on it, they were not yet ready for harvesting what a pity. One of the photos with the walking pilgrims, the Canadian lady Charlott is the one with the blue back pack cover walking at the back.
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