Kasjuni Beach

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    • Tag 3

      Back from the forest and time to eat

      14. Juni 2023 in Kroatien ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Made it back to town after walking about 6 miles. Headed back to the hotel to grab my book and make a bee line ( or is it b-line and why either?😂) for Ćiri Biri Bela for breakfast. The place caters to English speakers but no mind, this was one fresh dish!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 45

      "hOw'S tHe SeReNiTy"

      11. August 2023 in Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      50% old town. 50% hike to a stunning and secluded corner of the peninsula.

      The morning began with us paying the tourist tax for a very worthy cause - the chance to drink a coffee in Diocletians palace 🤩 during this time a Roman asked Alfred to hold onto his pilum while he had a tea break and Alfred was utterly thrilled. Alfred led me around the ticketed parts of the palace on a private walking tour (because he knows just about everything there is to know about Diocletian) and we were impressed but also grateful for our student discount!

      In the afternoon we packed a picnic lunch and hiked up to a lookout on the hill where they have prohibited construction for the last few decades. The climb was not too bad compared to some of our previous efforts 🌋⛰️🚵‍♀️ but the view was quite spectacular! We took a climbing route down which was a bit more adventurous before arriving at a quiet little beach where we had the most relaxing afternoon. Alfred felt very vindicated as he finally got proper use of his hammock and we all thoroughly enjoyed the swim (except the bit where we had to dig some sea urchin spines out of some feet) 😶

    • Tag 7

      Drive frm Zagreb to Split

      25. September 2023 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      On Monday we drove from Zagreb to Split, on the Adriatic Sea. It was a 5 hr drive but we took the whole day and made a couple stops.
      First we went to Rastoke, a village built on water, with a crazy amount of waterfalls because of the rocky terrain. It made it a perfect setting for a mill. (Pics 1&2) The turbin blade you can see working in the third pic and close up in the 4th was unique for running the mill.
      We drove from there and we were excited to see the sign Novo Selo! Which means new village and is the origin of our name!!!
      After the day starting very dreary and drizzly, we drove through a 3 mile long tunnel and were greeted by blue skies, sunshine and the Adriatic! (Pic #6) Apparently the Dalmatian mountains are a real weather maker and separate the interior from the coastline. (Pic #11)
      The next town we came to was Zadar and we were surprised to see Roman ruins throughout the inner city(pics 7-9). A really unique thing in Zadar is the sea organ. I hope #10 comes thru as a video! There are slots on the seaward side of the marble steps like a stack of gigantic harmonicas. As the surf hits the side of the organ, it alters the air pressure of the resonating cavity within the structure, blowing against 35 musical pipes. The result is a constantly changing sound that varies in pitch and loudness depending on the surf. I hope you can hear it! If not I’ll share it with you when I see you!!!
      And we finally arrived at our destination, Split, and were greeted by a beautiful sunset from the balcony of our Airbnb!

      Highlight of the day: Davor loved Rastoke, which I did too, but I also thought it was neat to see the sign for Novo Selo since Davor had always explained that that’s what our name meant.

    • Tag 8

      Diocletian’s Palace in Split

      26. September 2023 in Kroatien ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Our day started with this beautiful view of the Adriatic. Then we headed to downtown Split to wander around Diocletian’s Palace. He was a Roman emperor and this was his enormous retirement palace.
      The next 6 pics are of the palace. Photos 4&5 are of the Cathedral. Diocletian actually had Christians executed and the cathedral was originally his mausoleum and after he died it became a cathedral dedicated to a martyred bishop.
      We went out in the evening and enjoyed the Split lifestyle. It was breezy and cooler. A wonderful evening. Took this pic of ourselves along the Riva, the walkway along the water.
      Pics 9,10& 11 are at a wonderful little restaurant we found called Tinel. We ate in the inner courtyard and got a plate of the traditional Croatian grilled meats. Very yummy and way too much food! Our sweet waitress was Gigi!
      We wandered around the Palace again by nite and enjoyed the atmosphere. And then stopped for gelato for dessert!

      Highlight of the day: our wonderful dinner at Tinel and walking along the Riva

    • Tag 15

      Marjan Forest Park

      9. Dezember 2023 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      This morning we set off for a walk up the middle and peak of Marjan Forest Park which occupies the peninsula overlooking Split with views out over the islands of the Adriatic Sea and the mainland. Today we nearly broke the 20,000 steps.

      Lunch was another Balkan dish called
      Burek which is a filo pastry layered pie thing. We stumbled across the bakery it happened to be selling them, so we tried them out.

      On the way home, we scouted out how to navigate where we need to go for the car ferry across to an island next week. We then stopped for a coffee in a beautiful square before restocking at the (now favourite) supermarket.

      Given it was a Saturday night we thought we would join the fray at a local Dalmatian restaurant. There was only one other customer. Seafood is big in this region as you'd naturally expect. I had a local dish of cuttlefish and squid ink risotto. Craig had grilled sea bream. Delicious.

    • Tag 24


      28. September 2022 in Kroatien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Notes to myself:

      - Parkkeeraa auto sillain et nukkuessa katulamppu ei paista silmiin kuvassa näkyvällä tapaa.
      - Älä parkkeeraa myöskään bussipysäkille. Etenkään, jos kämpässäsi ei ole enää verhoja.
      - Kaistat, liikennevalot ja muutkin liikennesäännöt on vain suosituksia. Tarvittaessa työnnä kaverin autoa, jos oma ei muuten mahdu parkkiin.
      - Eurolla saa 7,6 kunaa.
      - Ole aina valmis poskisuukkoihin.
      - Älä unohda pyyhettä Sveitsiin.
      - Uusia pyyhkeitä ei myydä vaatekaupoissa.
      - Käy suihkussa kun siihen on tilaisuus. Et koskaan tiedä, milloin saat seuraavan.
      - Oon selvästi tykästynyt tähän kirjotteluun näköjään, kun on tarinat pidentynyt niin hurjasti.

    • Tag 25

      Top of the Shops

      29. September 2022 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Aamulla lavastettiin Lucieta varten Jeannen tapaturma hieman sankarillisemmaksi. Pääsimme myös vihdoin pesulle ja merivesi maistui tosi suolaselle. Vilman mukaan se tekee hyvää, jos on afta suussa. Mulla on sellanen eka kertaa elämässä. Aluksi olin siitä tosi ylpeä, mutta kyllä se vois viikossa jo jatkaa matkaansa jonkun toisen suuhun.

      Lähdettiin shoppailemaan, koska täällä on Stockmannin laatu ja Anttilan hinnat. Eka kauppakeskus piti olla kompakti ja halpa. Ei arvattu kompaktin tarkoittavan vaatekauppojen puutetta. Halpaa oli ainakin kun ei mitään löytynyt.

      Ajoimme siis isoon ja kalliiseen kauppakeskukseen. Vaatteita löytyi molemmille kassin täydeltä poskettoman osteluhuuman vallatessa mielemme. Tän takia mulla on yleensä makutuomari mukana. Jos saan ite päättää, ostan vaan kaiken mitä sovitan, etten oo sitten turhaan sovittanut.😶😶

      Mall of Split -arvostelu:
      Samuli: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Pistorasioiden puuttumisen myötä myös yksi tähti jää puuttumaan täydellisestä."
      Juho: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫 (4,5 tähteä) "Onksul nuuskaa mukana?"

    • Tag 70

      Split, Plaža Kašjuni, Hrvatska

      13. Juni 2023 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The Dalmatian Coast is off-shore Croatia's portion of the Adriatic Sea – the larger body of water that separates the Italian peninsula from the Balkans. The coast is known for its incredible natural beauty.
      Dalmatia is a historical region on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea in Croatia, a narrow belt stretching from the island of Rab in the north to the Bay of Kotor in the south. The Dalmatian Hinterland ranges in width from fifty kilometers in the north to just a few kilometers in the south; it is mostly covered by the rugged Dinaric Alps. . Seventy-nine islands (and about 500 islets) run parallel to the coast.

    • Tag 38


      28. April in Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We were pretty slow moving after staying up all night. We got out of the hostel at 1230 and went straight to lunch. We walked up away from the touristy area and into the city where we could see what normal life is like in Split. It seemed overwhelmingly normal. It was still beautiful, but there wasn't a whole lot to it. We went to a burger restaurant called Plan B Pub. The food was pretty good, I got a gorgenzola burger and finished what Pearse couldn't of his BBQ burger. They sat us on the "patio," which was wrapped with a tarp. It was sitting right in the sun, so the inside was like a sauna. They were trying to slow cook us, I swear. Afterward, we went to a grocery store and bought two of those 2 liter bottles of beer we saw earlier, as well as a cooler bag. Even though it was so cheap, we had faith it'd keep our beers at least cool. Neither of us was up for a two hour walk to the same beach we chilled at yesterday, so we took a taxi over there. We met up with a lady we met from the pub crawl last night and just chilled out with her on the beach. We went for a swim and napped on the beach almost all day. The weather was too good. We decided to stay for the sunset, which was a really good call because the sunset was nice but we ended up seeing a dolphin swimming right in front of us. The scene looked like one of those puzzles I used to do back in the day with the sun setting and the dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphin was my favorite part of the day forsure. We went back with 2 liters of very warm beer and stopped to get a kebab. It was good but I'm missing donairs from home. We made plans for the Krka waterfalls for tomorrow, so we went to bed really early. I don't want to be tired for something I've really wanted to do for a long time. Other than the dolphin, today was very uneventful but relaxing. We definitely need a few beach days in our system.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 7

      Rollertour nach Split

      8. Juni 2021 in Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück gings mit dem Roller nach Split. Erste Station der Waldpark Marjan. Gab dort nicht soviel zum entdecken daher haben wir uns nicht lange aufgehalten und sind gleich weiter zum schönsten Strand Splits gedüst, dem Kasjuni Beach.
      Danach ging es weiter Richtung Hafen, wo wir uns erstmal gestärkt haben. Soviel Roller fahren macht hungrig 🤣

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