Luka Split

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    • Day 68

      Aller guten Dinge sind drei

      June 28, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Wir wollen mit der Fähre von Split aus nach Ancona in Italien übersetzen. Dafür müssen wir am Donnerstag in Split sein. Und dafür müssen wir von Dubrovnik nach Split kommen. Am liebsten mit der Fähre. Und die fährt um 7 Uhr. Und dafür müssen wir um 6:30 Uhr an der Fähre sein und den Kaptain fragen, ob er uns mitnimmt. Und unsere Räder. Und dafür müssen wir im 5:15 Uhr aufstehen. Aber der Kaptain nimmt uns nicht mit Fahrrädern mit., da wir die Fähre mit den Fahrrädern beschädigten könnten!
      Um 8 Uhr fährt der Bus nach Split. Hier müssen wir den Busfahrer fragen, ob er die Räder mitnimmt. Macht er nicht.
      Um 9 Uhr der nächste Bus. Der würde ein Rad mitnehmen. Machen wir nicht.
      Der nächste Bus um 9:20 Uhr kommt erst gar nicht. Dafür der um 10 Uhr. Der nimmt uns mit. Und unsere Fahrräder. Jippie, aber Achtung, natürlich dürfen wir unsere Mitfahrt mit je 23,50€ bezahlen und bekommen auch unsere Tickets. Für unsere Fahrräder inklusive Gepäck fallen je Rad und Gepäck 30€ an, wofür wir natürlich keine Quittung erhalten.
      Auf der Fahrt sehen wir einige Radfahrer und wie diese auf der Straße überholt werden. Zum Glück sitzen wir im Bus. Das es ziemlich bergauf geht, regnet und sehr windig ist, lässt uns unserer Entscheidung nur noch zustimmen. Nach der Busfahrt erst einmal was essen und trinken. Dann die Fähre für Morgen buchen, ab ins Airnbn und die Stadt besichtigen. Super, ab geht‘s.
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    • Day 15

      Tag 15: Hvar - Split (Ruhetag)

      May 30, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Obwohl meine Fähre erst um 10:15 loslegte, war ich schon relativ früh am Hafen. Zum Einen um zu Frühstücken, zu Anderen weil ich ein wenig nervös war, ob wirklich alles klappen würde.
      Bis ganz zum Schluss musste ich warten, bis ich mit meinem Rad aufs Schiff 🚢 durfte.

      Am Nachmittag schaute ich mir Split an. Ebenfalls eine sehr schöne Stadt mit reicher Vergangenheit. Ich setzte mich für eine Weile vor die Kathedrale und bekam so hin und wieder eine gratis Geschichtsstunde von den vorbeiziehenden Touristen mit Ihren Guides.

      Da heute der Kroatische Nationalfeiertag ist, bin ich sehr gespannt, wie laut die Nacht wird.
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    • Day 13

      Poreč to Split

      December 7, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C


      We spent about 7 hours on the road today driving through many tunnels and the remnants of last night's light snow fall. A couple of service station stops for coffee and later a hot meal for lunch.

      We eventually made it down the narrowest of lane ways to Maki Stone House in Split's old town area, which has three apartments in the one house. Finn's 18th birthday present is one of the apartments all to himself. The owner said her favourite was the one on the top floor so that was the one he got.

      We did a quick scout around the Riva when we went out for a few groceries.

      Finn's birthday dinner wish was kebabs, so takeaway kebabs it was.

      At 10pm tonight we will head back into town to meet au pair #5. Hannah has caught a bus from Germany to come and visit us this week in Split.
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    • Day 16

      Wet day no play

      December 10, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We had a zero day today (getting in my future hiking terminology right there) because it was raining and when combined with it being a Sunday and all the shops being closed, we stayed in our cosy apartment and watched Christmas movies on Netflix and played card games.

      My annual viewing of The Holiday is ticked off, Love Actually still to go, but there is time. We ducked out to see if we could find bread to accompany Glen and Jeff's stew, but no luck with finding an open bakery. About 4.30pm the skies cleared and we found a gelato shop which was open out on the main boulevard. Yum!

      There is a ginger and white cat hanging around the apartment, so we invited it in for a bit of affection.
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    • Day 11

      Rozi Day 7 - Troggir

      August 23, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Woke up knowing we were getting off today - rather sad, but must admit I am looking forward to a proper bathroom. Would then happily resume the sailing lifestyle. But we must move on. Sailed into Troggir and packed up our stuff before getting transport into the city of Split. We are again staying in the old part of the town where we found our accommodation - a very quaint little apartment with kitchen. Went for a wander to the top of the hill - apparently equivalent to 32 set of stairs (???) before opting for an easy dinner in, a shower and an early night.Read more

    • Day 19


      June 1, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C


      Gester si mir scho früech uf d Fähre nach Split. Bi bedecktem Himmel si mir am Mittag dr Palace ga aluege - zersch Alterssitz vom römische Kaiser, nähr bewohnti Festig und hüt d Innestadt vo Split.

      Am Abe isches scho Zyt gsi für ds Farewell Dinner. Mir heis lustig gha und am Schluss het d Ann us Honolulu no Gschänkli für alli fürezouberet.

      Woni hüt mini Gastgäber ir Altstadt ha gfunde hani nid schlächt gstuunet, wo me mir het gseit: you are lucky, you will stay in the Palace. Drum sie jetz d Muure usem Jahr 300 n. Chr. mis Deheime für zwe Täg.
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    • Day 17


      December 11, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Craig, Hannah and Kate did an 11km round trip to The Split Mall for Kate to buy fake Ugg boots from H&M and a pair of Christmas PJ pants she can wear all year round. I will add here we live approximately 2.7km from the H&M at Mt Gravatt! Still, the walk did contribute to Craig hitting 20,000 steps today.

      I took a load of washing to the laundromat and then did some aimless wandering through Diocletian's Palace between washing and drying.

      Finn and I went out to lunch at a great pizzeria.

      Dinner in the upstairs apartment of the Ingram Seniors.
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    • Day 18


      December 12, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Another wet day with little doing. We played online rummikub with each other, an outing to the pizzeria for lunch, shopping at the asian supermarket. I have found plenty of things you could make money on if you could import cost effectively. About €6 for a 5-pack of mi goreng noodles that we buy in bulk because Kate eats them in great quantities. €3.80 for a can of coconut cream. Crazy.

      Craig made a yummy massaman curry for dinner and we kept on playing rummikub. Somewhere in all of that we semi-watched a couple of B-grade Christmas movies.

      EDIT: Our game statistics said we played 5.5 hours of Rummikub today 🫢
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    • Day 9


      August 19, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Travelling over water was fun! We took a ferry from the large harbour of Split to an island called Hvar. It was very hot there, and lively. We went up another hill to see a great view of the sea.
      Then we took a bus to another town on the island where it was much quieter and took a boat home from there.
      You can't see Reginald & Friends but they loved the pizza we had 🍕
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    • Day 14

      Diocletian's Palace, Old town Split

      December 8, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We picked up Hannah from the bus station last night just after 10pm. She left her home in Saarbrucken Germany at 8am in the morning, and after a train to Paris, a flight to Zagreb and a bus to Split, she came back to our place for a bit.

      Bearing gifts... A beautiful array of Christmas biscuits she had made. We have had to show great restraint to not eat them all in one sitting.

      This morning we plunged into the alleys of the old town, through the labyrinth of old town mixed with Diocletian's Palace shops, and a meander through the farmers' markets.

      We spent some time just following the impossibly narrow streets with beautiful points of interest and general awe as to where over time restaurants, cafes, bars and shops have managed to establish themselves.

      We bought rolls at the pekata (bakery) which we took down to the Riva (waterfront) and ate, for a cheaper, lighter but incredibly yummy lunch.

      Later we started to meander along the marina with views of a very ugly and prominent building being actively demolished, and saw the island of Brac which is where we are heading after we leave Split.
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    Luka Split

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