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    • Day 13

      Divers solidarity

      September 26, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Two days ago we took the bus to Maslinica. We spent a wonderful day there in the small bays and of course I wore my goggles to watch the fish.

      When I travel with little luggage like here, I take my goggles with me rather than my diving mask. I even leave my snorkel at home because I have a very good grasp of free diving.

      Unfortunately, I left my goggles there in the bay. Of course, I only noticed this when I got home. I love my goggles, but I have to admit that after 20 years they were very scratched. Nevertheless, I was pretty lost watching the fish without goggles.

      When I strolled to my favorite bay yesterday, I watched the divers from the local diving center unloading their diving boat. Cheeky as I am, I asked the diving instructor if he could lend me an old diving mask for a few days. After I congratulated him on his beautiful wing jacket, he asked me if I knew anything about it. I said I was a cave diver. He gave me an old diving mask and said that I should just bring it back in a few days.

      He didn't want to rent it. He didn't even take a deposit of €20. Aaaaaand... it is pink! Isn't that great? Divers of all countries, unite!
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    • Day 26

      Polaris, sail, swim & explore

      July 4, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Today we sail! The trip was across the Split straight and visit two islands.
      The first stop was a secluded bay where we all swam for 3 hours.
      Lunch was served while sailing to our next port. The meal was 3 course sit down table service on china that was equal to any restaurant we have been to in Split. I had the grilled tuna steak, Pam had the grilled chicken.
      The second stop was the tiny port town of Stomorska. It took Pam about 10 minutes to walk around the entire port while also checking out all the stores, bars and Yachts. I ended up at a beach on the south end, Pam ended up at a beach on the north end of the port.
      The boat had been repurposed to its current use. Originally built as a tug boat it saw service at Normandy in World War 2, which added a bit of historical significance to the trip.
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    • Day 10

      Gospa od Stomorija

      September 23, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      When I sit here on the balcony, I can hear the church bells ringing every day. I can't see the church tower from the balcony, but the church is only 150m down the road.

      My apartment is on the slope of Vela Straža and immediately below the peak of Vela Straža is the former Benedictine monastery of Sv. Marij.

      The monastery was first mentioned in documents in 1260. After the abbey was merged with the archdeaconry of Split in the middle of the 15th century, the brotherhood subsequently disbanded.

      The beautiful church 'Gospa od Stomorija' was built on the same spot in 1776. The remains of a Roman sarcophagus can also be admired at the adjacent cemetery.

      Another thing to see there is the village boules court, where the tanned men of the village play boules every day. I wonder if they ever wear shirts in everyday life 🤣.
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    • Day 53

      # Tag 53

      June 27, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Vor 2 Täg hemmer bim Znacht drüber diskutiert öb mir eus en Tag ufem Meer wend leiste....
      via Click&Boat hemmer den skipper und Boat gmietet...ganz einfach und simple 🥰we es taxi...

      Direkt am Camping Steg simmer vom Local Toni abgeholt worde und hend en unbeschriiblich schöne Tag erläbt.

      - sightseeing
      - wakeboarde
      - fein esse
      - schnorchle
      - schwimme

      So schön gsie das mir am Donnstig grad nomo gönd🤩

      #boattrip #beautycroatia
      #thankstoni #onemoretime
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    • Alltag an Bord

      September 20, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Seit knapp zwei Wochen leben wir nun auf der LOONA. Die ersten blauen Flecken von ungeschickten Bewegungen beim Ein- und Aussteigen bzw Raus- und Reinklettern verblassen langsam.
      Kerstin ist zur Steuerfrau aufgestiegen und steuert das Boot nicht nur sicher auf Kurs, sondern auch zuverlässig zielsicher an die Muringbojen zum Festmachen des Bootes. Von hektischen Kommandos der Marineros lässt sie sich nicht mehr beeindrucken.
      Die anfallenden Routinearbeiten an Bord werden seemännisch gelöst…
      Auffallend ist, dass wir beide nachts Kindheitsträume erneut träumen. Sind wir bereits beim Müßiggang angekommen?
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    • Day 11

      Tag 11 - Verlorener Tag

      June 25, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Tag 11 - Pučišća bis Stomorska

      Gut, dass wir unserem Bauchgefühl vertraut haben und das Verdeck voll aufgebaut hatten. Kaum liegen wir im Bett kommt die erste von keine Ahnung wie vielen Schauern. Die beiden kleinen Löcher der Persenning dichten wir notdürftig ab. Am Morgen regnet es immer wieder mal. Ich bekomme davon wenig mit, denn anscheinend war die Pizza mit Shrimps, speziell letztere wohl nicht so toll. Natürlich unendlich dankbar für die Lebensmittelvergiftung weiß ich nicht, ob ich lieber sitzen, liegen oder mich übergeben soll. Dazu kommt Migräne, die mich lähmt. Ich verbringe also die Zeit bis in den Nachmittag mit eben genanntem und Sascha ließt zum Beispiel. Dennoch wollen wir hier nicht bleiben. Dazu muss ich Sascha leider die meiste Arbeit überlassen, denn sobald ich sitze, kommt die Tüte. Wer sich jetzt fragt, was ist mit Medikamenten? Doe Krux der Sache ist natürlich, wenn der Magen überreizt ist und nichts in sich behält, dann auch keine Medikamente. Auch das Imigran (nasal) hilft bur dürftig gegen die Migräne.
      Gegen 12 oder so fahren wir los. Wir dümpeln mit Schrittgeschwindigkeit die Küste Bračs Richtung Westen entlang. Davon bekomme ich ebenfalls nicht viel mit, da ich in Decken und Tücher gehüllt auf der Rückbank liege und tatsächlich endlich Schlaf finde. Um halb 3 passieren wir Sutivan. Wenig später halten wir an einer Bucht an der oberen Westseite von Brač. Da die Passage zwischen Brač und Šolta stark frequentiert ist, erreichen uns immer wieder einige Wellen. Für einen weiteren Mittagsschlaf ist das allerdings egal.
      Vor 2 Jahren waren wir schon mal hier in Stomorska. 3€/m ist auch hier der Standardpreis. Wir liegen auch in etwa auf dem gleichen Platz hinter den riesigen Segelschiff, das mitten im Hafen liegt. Anders als beim letzten Mal essen wir diesmal nicht im Volat, sondern ein paar Meter weiter in der Konoba
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    • Day 4

      Power outage

      September 17, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It started at 8:30 a.m. and will probably last until 3 p.m. - power outage.

      I was just downstairs in the village cafe and they said that the power might be back on as early as 12 or 1. But the landlord has a gas stove and left a pot of peppermint tea on the stairs - how sweet is that?

      Now I'm sitting comfortably on the balcony and everything is incredibly quiet, no power, drinking peppermint tea and enjoying the view. 🤗
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    • Day 8

      Good morning Stomorska

      September 21, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      I couldn’t believe it: no power outage today 🤣.

      Barbara asked we to go for a hike but the water is calling me and the weather is best for hanging around in at at the water. Additionally I can walk along both sides of the shore and one spot is nicer than the other - so why should I go up into the hills away from my beloved liquid blueness?

      So I already went shopping for the weekend, now I’m sitting on my round pole position balcony sipping my iced coffee and will soon walk through the sleeping harbor (like yesterday, when I took the last 6 fotos) to the cliffs for swimming and observing the fish 🐟🐠 - of course I have my mask with me 🤿.

      I think I‘m preparing myself for the 4 weeks at the south coast of Crete in November 🤣.
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    • Day 14

      Is Šolta worth a travel?

      September 27, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Soon we'll be heading home, so it's time to recap whether Šolta is worth a trip.

      For those looking for peace and relaxation, Šolta is definitely worth a trip. The island exudes a great sense of calm, everything is wonderfully calm. No big hotels, no party locations.

      The bus runs every 2 hours at best (unless you're staying in Nečujam). There is only a "big" supermarket in the main town of Grohote in the middle of the island. There is also the only butcher on the island. But the "big" supermarket isn't necessary at all, because the small shops in the villages are perfectly adequate for everyday needs.

      Stomorska is the largest and oldest fishing village and, unlike Maslinica, is not frequented by expensive sailing boats, but by "normal" ones. You can rent scooters and bicycles on the island, of course best in Rogač, where you arrive by ferry.

      If you don't want to wait for the bus, you can also get a taxi or transfer there. But the bus is waiting for the ferry and people are generally waiting for each other. Nevertheless, everything runs on time.

      There are relaxed little boat and snorkeling tours and also a diving center in Stomorska. There are also small restaurants and small cafes, and there are a manageable and sufficient number of them. No crowds anywhere, but enough choice.

      If you don't want to cook, you can always go out to eat; in Stomorska there were 5-6 restaurants open and the choice was definitely sufficient. All of them are very pretty and offer their own flair and view. In August it might be a bit busier.

      You can get by well without a car, but after the 10th day I would think about getting a vehicle, because then you might be bored to explore the immediate surroundings. You can get around the island by bus, but the frequency is a bit too restrictive in the long run.

      So if you're expecting a hustle and bustle, you're in the wrong place. If you're expecting a cozy island life with beautiful bays, fish, birds, nice people and nice villages, this is the place for you. It was just right for me.
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    • Day 6

      Postcard manufactory

      September 19, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today is the perfect day to write postcards because it is rainy. So I am sitting in the village café and enjoying a cappuccino while I write my postcards. Fortunately I got the stamps yesterday in Split 😊.Read more

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