Bāb al Lūq

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    • Cairo's Egyptian Museum

      17 Desember 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      While waiting for the train, we had time in the afternoon to visit the museum. It is only a 5 minute walk away. Mind you we had to face the crazy traffic! Luckily several Egyptians offered to take our hands, haha, and walk us across the streets. They are only 2 traffic lights that we have seen in our time here and one is near the museum. Thank heavens.

      We heard that previously the museum had been absolutely packed with artifacts but with the pending opening of the new Giza museum, a lot of artifacts have been moved over there already. We found that going to the museum on our own, was a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. We especially loved the King Tut display. For some reason, we didn’t have to pay to take photos, but once again there were several rooms with precious artifacts that we were not allowed to take photos in.

      The museum had a lovely outside restaurant so we ate a tasty spaghetti bolognese lunch there while thinking of an old family friend (Italian) who is in her last hours of life. Here’s to a good life in Canada, Auntie Maria.
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    • Hari 6

      Ausflug zu den Piramyden von Gize

      27 Desember 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Das Schiff hält in Alexandria an um uns zu unserer Reise zu den Pyramiden raus zu lassen 👍😀es geht 3.5 Std. Nach Kairo ins Museum und anschliessend weiter nach Gize zu den 3 Pyramiden es war Eindrücklich und Schön.
      Aber ich sag euch der Car Chaufeur hatte seine mühe mit der Schaltung ( die arme Kupplung)🤣🤣🤣
      Die Sphinx durften wir auch no Begrüssen dann noch ein kurzer Stopp bei einer Papier Produktion und los gehts zum Schiff.
      Kurz vor dem auslaufen Pot Said bei nacht😀
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    • Hari 4

      Egyptian museum

      6 Desember 2022, Mesir ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      I had what I consider dinner for breakfast 😁. We spent the day at the museum learning about Egyptian history and art. When a new tomb is discovered it is opened and not entered for 2 weeks. Nobody shaves their face before going in b/c someone shaved once and the bacteria in the air from the tomb entered their skin where they had a cut on their face and killed them. Finished the day watching the sun set over the Nile river and the hauntingly beautiful city from the rooftop.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 162


      30 Agustus 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      Miles: 2.4 Steps: 5638 Flights: 13

      We went to downtown Cairo today to the Egyptian Museum. What a difference in areas - Everywhere that ISN’T downtown is littered with garbage, buildings falling down and just outright nasty. Then you cross into the downtown area and it’s clean and modern.

      The museum was neat - we saw two actual mummies which was a first.

      Spent the rest of our day at our hotel, working in the room looking at the pyramids out of window. So nice to have that view 24/7 since that’s what we came here for.

      Saw another amazing sunset and the light show. Egypt is in a “reconsider travel here” warning by the state department - but so far, really glad we took the risk and made the stop here!
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    • Hari 28

      Cairo - moved to a different hotel

      19 Oktober 2022, Mesir ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Fairly relaxing day. This morning our official tour part ended, and we moved to a hotel in the centre of the city to be easy to get to places. In the interval between checking out, and checking in we first visited a school friend of Amr’s - also called Amr Ibrahim! - who lives in a beautiful apartment just round the corner from the Marriot. The building is one of those lovely ones built in the 1930s and right facing the Nile. It was like walking into another era with furniture from his parents - almost a museum. We had tea there and pastries, and then moved on with the second Amr as well to the Gezira Club which is very exclusive now, but Amr (both) and Omnia have been members since high school, and we went in as visitors. We sat outside under the trees and had one of the beautiful lemon juices they make, and very happily filled in the time between hotels.

      Went back to the Marriot and had a bit of a wait - Egyptian time - for the mini bus to take us and our luggage. Not a huge distance, but much too far to walk with bags - even for us! - along the very uneven footpaths and risking life and limb crossing the roads! Now we are staying in the Steigenberger for 3 nights, and then moving to stay with Omnia in her flat. The others will stay on at the hotel. Omnia has organised some excursions - tomorrow we will visit the Islamic area of Cairo, and visit some mosques not on the tourist route, and on Saturday there is a visit to the Coptic area.

      Tonight everyone did their own thing. I think people have enjoyed the Egyptian experience, and all us oldies have managed the quite strenuous activities!! But it is good to have a break…

      We had dinner with another school friend of Amr’s - Magdi - and his wife and Omnia. Quite a posh dinner in a French restaurant in a boat on the Nile. Lovely evening. Not French food as in France, but I had a beautifully cooked fillet steak, perfect medium rare. Amr and I walked there from our new hotel (the restaurant was just near the old one!!) which entailed ducking across busy roads at peak hour….I used to find this an adventure, but think I am a bit over it now…just getting around anywhere in Cairo is a battle - either you sit in traffic and take hours to get a short distance, or walk into the busy roads…Peter and Louise started off with us just for a walk, but waved us goodbye when we plunged into second lot of cars…I can understand!!
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    • Hari 29

      Another Cairo day

      20 Oktober 2022, Mesir ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      A little weary to start, but it turned into a magical day. Omnia had organised a minibus to transport us to and from the Islamic area, and a wonderful guide - a professor in Islamic medieval history and architecture. We left early - you have to pick the moment here, after the school traffic (school starts at 7am) and before the commuter traffic..Pinpoint timing, and our drive was relatively easy - i.e. not standstill gridlock. Met our guide, and she led us through such interesting buildings, with history and background that we would never have found or known. The mosques we were hoping to see were closed for renovation, but there are so many amazing buildings anyway, with beautiful Islamic decoration…a complex which was mausoleum, hospital, school…

      We stopped for a tea break at one point, and were each delivered a little pot of tea and a plate of fresh mint….just delicious! We finally ended with lunch in the same place where we ate on the tour’s Islamic market day (so we knew what we wanted to order from past experience!) and it is all amongst the bazaar shops and we did a little shopping after before getting the bus back to the hotel. Angela sadly was feeling a bit seedy and didn’t come (sad as she would have loved it)…most people have had a touch of the funny tummy, but Omnia and Amr are handing out pills, and most not too dramatic! I had a little way back, but it started in Italy, so can’t blame Egypt!! All totally fine now…

      We got back in the early afternoon and everyone did their own thing for the rest of the day. Omnia, Amr and I went to visit the wife and daughter of their cousin who we will be visiting in Kuala Lumpur next week. They are back in Cairo as the daughter is in university here in her final year. Had a wonderful home cooked meal with them and a very nice visit. We took an Uber there, and got a taxi back as it was easy to hail one…a hair raising ride - no seatbelts and we were actually speeding between intersection jams…as I said before, getting round in Cairo is a complicated and difficult business!!
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    • Hari 30

      Yet another Cairo day

      21 Oktober 2022, Mesir ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      This morning after breakfast across the road at a café called La poire - which has THE best coffee (and even has flat white!!), even including Italy, so that is a real compliment….we all met in the lobby (actually not Sally and John) and Amr and I shepherded the herd across the road to the museum. It is just a stone’s throw from the hotel, but does entail crossing a busy road. It is Friday, which is like Sunday here, and there were many people visiting the museum, and many large groups. We felt smug to be individuals wandering round, and could dart to where there wasn’t a crowd. Arranged a meeting place and we all wandered and had a lovely time, filling in the gaps from the last visit when we went as part of the tour.

      Then we all met at 3 as Omnia invited everyone to her apartment for “high tea”, and some of her friends came too. It was lots of fun and a highly successful but the stressful part (for Amr) was getting people there and back. We are used to walking there in the past, but it is too far and difficult (with the road crossings and uneven potholed paths) for most of our friends, so amr organised 3 carloads of people….had to explain where (addresses are hard to explain here apparently, as the government changed street names which muddles Google - I think that was the problem, or some difficulty when there wasn’t an Arabic speaker in the car!). It is all an adventure, but stressful for Amr trying to make everything run smoothly.

      We all got there safe and sound, and it was lovely to see their apartment again, which we hadn’t stayed in since the early 90s. Omnia has done great renovations and it looks very good. Then we had the same procedure for getting home to the hotel…this time a complication as the first Uber with Evie, Robin, Sally and John went to the wrong Steigenberger hotel - or was on its way to it, way out near the pyramids!!! They realised something was amiss when they found themselves driving out of the city and fortunately it did get sorted out before going the whole way and they were delivered back to the city central one near Tahrir Square!! Phew…but Amr was stressed even more and once it was over we sat at the bar by the pool with Peter and Louise and had a bottle of wine. Now finally settling down and unwinding….
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    • Hari 16

      Athens Day 4

      19 Mei 2023, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Our last day in Athens came around way too quick. We felt like there were many things left to see and explore and wish we had a few more days. Athens wasn’t originally on our list but we absolutely loved it and would love to come back and do some day trips to Delphi etc.

      Due to our late late night of washing we slept in and checked out around 11 am. We went to go see the theatre of Dionysus but when we got to the entry the line was ridiculously long as it was Friday so we decided to explore the gardens around the area instead. We saw Socrates prison, where they hid some of the Parthenon relics in ww2. We also saw where they used to hold assemblies prior to moving to the agora.

      We headed to our favourite vegan place - Veganaki and ate some pizza and wraps. We hope the place is still there when we come back. After dinner it was time to pick up our bags and head to the airport. We had a lovely cab driver who hit 150kms and so we arrived at the airport ahead of schedule!

      We encountered our first line to check in our luggage. We’ve been very lucky at airports so far. The flight was less than 2 hours and before we knew it we were at Cairo airport buying visas and in a cab with another great driver who pointed out lots of amazing things. There are no road rules here. It was a crazy drive but we made it safely to our hotel where you have to go through security every time you enter. By the time we settled in it was time for bed.

      We both cannot believe we are in Cairo.

      Athens highlights/facts:
      - veganaki - delicious
      - cats everywhere
      - lovely people and amazing things to see and do
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    • Hari 8

      Kairo: Geschichts- und Kulturexplosion

      8 April 2023, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Am Morgen kurz vor 9 Uhr habe ich mich vor dem ägyptischen Museum in die Schlange gestellt (9 Uhr öffnet es, aber die Leute aus meinem Hostel haben mir empfohlen ein Paar Minuten früher da zu sein, weil Punkt 9 die Reisebusse kommen und wie wahr, es war wirklich voll!). Hier erwartete mich ein wirklich unglaubliches Repertoire an historischen Schätzen, so viele Skulpturen, Schriftstücke, Überreste aus der Pharaonenzeit, unfassbar und das beeindruckendste: Die Maske das Tutanchamun! Diese Eindrücke musste ich erstmal kurz verarbeiten, mein Historikerherz schlägt höher 😍. Anschließend besuchte ich das Koptische Viertel mit der hängenden Kirche (das Schiff ist über einen Durchgang aufgehängt, daher sieht es so aus, als würde sie schweben) und danach zur Zitadelle von Saladin (eine der wenigen erhaltenen Festungen) mit der Muhammad-Ali-Moschee. Mit beeindruckenden Moscheen geht es auch weiter an diesem Tag (wobei die folgenden keine Kuppel sondern einen Platz haben), denn ich besuchte noch die Ibn Tulun-, die Al Azhar- und die Al Hakim Moschee. Anschließend geht es direkt durch die Souks auf dem Markt Chan el-Chalili, quirlige Gassen, auf denen ich alle 10m angesprochen werde etwas zu kaufen, aber sehr viel Charme und Charakter hat der Markt und ich kaufe sogar etwas: Shishatabak für 80 Cent die Packung. Die Oper und der Fernsehturm von Kairo runden den Tag ab 😊. Und dann kommt die Abendgestaltung. Zuerst gehe ich mit den Leuten aus meinem Hostel auf eine Dachterrasse und wir genießen bei Cocktails den tollen abendlichen Ausblick über Kairo. Anschließend feiern wir bei starken Bässen eine Bootsparty und cruisen über den Nil in der Nacht 🥳.Baca selengkapnya

    • Kushary Dinner

      14 Desember 2022, Mesir ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Well, we had heard so much about kushary that we decided to try it out. THE place to try it was at a restaurant called Abu Tarek, a short walk away but …we had to cross a few streets. As I mentioned before, Cairo streets are treacherous places! Cars, trucks, donkey carts, busses, skateboarders, motorcycles, tuktuks and people make streets a nightmare to negotiate.

      As written in our guidebook, “Playing Chicken. It may sound silly, but the greatest challenge many travellers face in Cairo is crossing the street. Traffic seldom stops, so you have to trust that the cars will avoid you.” Once you step off the curb, you can’t stop or hesitate. Do it fast!

      The first street that we had to cross looked impossible but a kind man saw our distress and took charge. He signalled us to follow him and we crossed the road with him. Phew. Chris finally got the hang of it.

      Now back to the restaurant Abu Tarek. It is quite the place, 5 storeys, all lit up with lights and flashing signs. People can take out kushary or dine in. We opted for the full Abu Tarek experience, dining in the elaborate decor upstairs. Little did we know what we were in for.

      We were seated next to a group of men on a short trip to Egypt from Abu Dabi. One fellow spoke a English quite well and he offered to help us out. Kushary is a mix of noodles, rice, black lentils, fried onions and tomato sauce dressed with lime, more fried onions, a garlic and olive oil dressing, hot sauce and chick peas. We were told that the waiter would mix it for us, which he did expertly. Delicious!

      Then the guys beside us told us that they had paid for our dinner and a rice pudding dessert! What?! That was such a surprise but we have found that people are very kind and generous here. We feel like superstars. After telling us that they raise and race camels, they got up, said goodbye, and left. What a night.

      As we walked back to the hostel, the kindness continued. A women sitting beside the sidewalk made sure that we noticed a puddle on the sidewalk, other people wished us, “Welcome”, and a young boy smiled at us as we passed the nut store he was working in. We are not in Canada!

      Tomorrow, we will go to the Black and White Deserts and sleep under the stars.
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