Doctors Beach

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  • Day 15

    Perlubie beach

    March 6, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Am morge hei mir in streaky bay üser vorrät ufgfüut für de durch nullarbor. Und dert hei mir üse erst pie chönne probiere wo ä spezialität isch vo oustralie. Am nami hei mir ändlech mau ah strand chönne ga sünnele.Read more

  • Day 22

    Whistling Rocks,Cape Bauer& Hallys Beach

    March 3 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    After a super windy night, I woke up a few times because it was blowing so much, I had a calm morning and a good breakfast. The seagulls thought my breakfast looked good and they were hoping to get something, but no change! I don't share my food 😂
    After that I went to the I-side for some information about the road conditions. That was really helpful! So I started to drive to Cape Bauer. Fucking unsealed road again, not super bad but not good either.
    I stopped at the Whispering Rock and blow holes first. Nice place but to calm the ocean today. Yesterday must have been the perfect day. Next up Cape Bauer. Also a really nice coastline here. I turned around and drove the same way back, as the rest of the loop should be in bad condition. Thanks to the lady from the I-side! On the way back I stopped at Hally's Beach for a short walk over the beach.
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  • Day 65

    RVFT Camping in Streaky Bay

    February 14, 2024 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

    We were hoping to stay at the Foreshore Tourist Park overlooking the bay tonight, but it was nearing 5:00p by the time we arrived and the office was locked up tight. We’d tried to book online, but that didn’t work because we are over 20 feet long and the instructions said that we had to call the park. Easier said than done. First, we were in a dead zone, so no calling out. And when we did get a signal, we were on hold with no one answering.

    That park being a bust, we went to the Islands Caravan Park … only to be told, quite apologetically, that they were full up. But they had an alternative suggestion. One that was on my radar as a third option.

    Streaky Bay is part of the “RV Friendly” towns network — that’s the RVFT in the title of this footprint. This is an initiative of the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia. To receive the designation, the town must meet certain guidelines — appropriate parking walking distance to the town center, with easy access to groceries and fresh produce; short-term, low-cost overnight parking (24-to-48 hours) for self contained RVs … as close to the CBD as possible; access to potable water; access to a free dump point.

    We found the area set aside for RVs easily enough … a huge dirt lot just one road up from the foreshore park. There were already a number of caravans and trailers set up for the night. We found a spot next to a couple of trees and settled in for the night.

    Despite what looks like a large group of caravans traveling together — all parked in a semi-circle — it’s been very quiet. And very windy. The wind is actually downright cold, so we’ve buttoned down the hatches, so to speak. Perhaps it’s just as well that neither waterfront campground worked out today!
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  • Day 23

    Weiterfahrt nach Streaky Bay

    May 29, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Nach den letzten Tagen in Port Lincoln hatten wir genug von hier und waren froh heute die Weiterreise anzutreten. Nachdem wir den Campingplatz hinter uns gelassen haben ging Laura noch in den Waschsalon und ich kümmerte mich um das Problem mit unserer Gasflasche. Das Ende vom Lied war, dass das neue Ventil für unsere aktuelle Flasche genau so viel wie eine neue Flasche gekostet hätte. Daher haben wir die alte Flasche entsorgt und eine Neue gekauft. Als das erledigt war ging es noch zum Einkaufen und zum Tanken bevor wir dann losfahren konnten. Erster Stop war der Winter Hill Aussichtspunkt, von dem man einen schönen Ausblick über Port Lincoln und das Umland hatte. Danach ging es noch zum Coffin Bay Nationalpark, allerdings fiel der Stop hier kurz aus, da es mal wieder regnete. Also ging es weiter an der Südküste lang bis wir als nächstes in Venus Bay ankamen. Davor mussten wir nochmal kurz einen Nothalt einlegen, da es durch den Regen und den starken Wind den Scheibenwischer verbogen hatte. Also gerade biegen und weiter geht's. In Venus Bay haben wir erstmal Platz für querende Emus gemacht bevor wir dann am Strand einen Schwarm Pelikane aus nächster Nähe beobachten konnten. Anschließend ging es nochmal ein Stück weiter bis Streaky Bay wo wir heute übernachten. Dort wurde noch gekocht und im Sonnenuntergang am Strand zu Abend gegessen bevor es jetzt ins Bett geht.Read more

  • Day 56

    Streaky Bay

    January 29, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Further north along the stunning Eyre Peninsular west coast. On the way we passed Murphy's Haystacks which are basically some rocks in a paddock 🤷‍♂️. And they wanted $2 to walk through a gate to see them. A photo from the road sufficed. A bit further north we stopped at Streaky Bay RV Park. Another basic facilities park that is run by the local community. As a coincidenvce we watched an episode of Back Roads that visited Streaky Bay and heard about the very active community that runs the hotel and the local GP surgery. When the tuna fishing boats dissapeared the town was almost destroyed but have reinvented themselves as a holiday destination. We explored the area by walking along the foreshore and through the town in spite of the ever present wind.Read more

  • Day 3–6

    Streaky Bay, Eyre Peninsula

    March 24, 2024 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    Our time on the Eyre Peninsula coincided with a cold front and strong winds pulling through. While it wasn’t the snorkelling paradise that we had hoped for, we were gifted beautiful blue skies and had a great time visiting the sights in and around Streaky Bay.

    First stop were the Whistling Rocks and Blowholes, at the end of a 360m boardwalk through the sand dunes on the Cape Bauer Loop. Next, we wandered through (and over) Murphys Haystacks, impressively large 1500-million-year-old granite rock formations (Inselberg) located on an inland farm.

    Then off to see the Australian mainland’s only permanent colony of sea lions at the Point Labatt Conservation Park. The sea lions sunning on the rocks put on a great show for us, moving in and out of the water and rolling around on the rocks.

    We relaxed while watching the surfers at the beautiful, rocky Granites beach and then headed back to Streaky Bay to eat ice cream and wander down the long jetty for a swim.
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  • Day 10

    Streaky Bay

    March 21, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

    Arrived at Streaky Bay via Smoky Bay where we picked up a dozen freshly shucked oysters for $17. Staying at Foreshore Carsvan Pk which is really nice and right on the Bay.Went for a drive to Cape Bauer- nice coastline. Another couple of drives Pt Labatt where you see a Sea Lion colony and Murphy's Haystacks. Also did the Westall Way loop drive which has some nice bays. Tried to book swimming with sea lions and dolphins out of Baird Bay but fully booked a week in advance so no go. Went to the Streaky Bay Cup and whilst we didn't win overall still had a really good day. The best horse I backed won the race then dumped the rider jumped the outside fence and headed over the hills towards town.Read more

  • Day 10

    Streaky Bay

    January 5, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Nach einer ruhigen Nacht auf einem netten Übernachtungsplatz neben der Straße, die nicht wirklich befahren war und einem netten längeren Plausch mit einem australischen Paar, sind wir noch zu den Dünen und zu einem Salzsee. Danach ging es nach Streaky Bay wo wir auf einem Campingplatz einen schönen Platz ergattert haben. Auf der Türe zu den Duschen und Toiletten wird darauf hingewiesen, dass man doch gefälligst auf Schlangen aufpassen soll. So ist das halt in Australien. Nach dem Zeltbau sind wir in die "City" und zum Jetty spaziert. Es ist hier etwas windig, aber ungemein warm. Je nach Witterung werden wir einige Tage bleiben.Read more

  • Day 236

    Whistling Rocks and Blowholes

    February 4 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

    Another stop on the Tourist drive we've taken. This is a 'wild' spot today with the wind that's blowing. Very worthwhile to have a look - stunning.
    Once we've finished looking here, we follow the drive loop which takes us back into Streaky Bay. We find a nice ocean view to park with, and have our lunch that Rog has supplied - stay in the ute because of the strong winds. Cheese and vegemite sandwiches (my favourite) followed by apples, and Anzac biscuits for Roger.
    Now get driving again, returning towards Ceduna.
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