Lake Bywaters

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  • Day 142

    Trip to the West

    April 10, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Na enkele dagen Sydney een korte vlucht naar Adelaide, en bij Arja (waar ik in januari al verbleef )de camper ingepakt. Haar plan is een trip rond Australië het komende jaar, en ik heb afgesproken de 1e maand met haar mee te reizen. In Adelaide nog een ochtend de botanische tuin bezocht : prachtig ! Doel is de komende tijd Perth via de Nullaboor outback. Ondertussen de 2e dag verblijven we bij de Murray rivier ( is echt 1 van mijn favoriete plekken geworden in AUS) , 38oC, en we doen sloom/ rustig aan.Read more

  • Day 47

    Walker Flat

    September 24, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    In the morning we enjoyed the sight of a number of houseboats cruising up and down the river. Some of them are huge. As we headed out for a walk along the riverbank we came across a number of them moored up just at the end of the camp ground. It turned out to be a number of members of a houseboat club similar to camping clubs. Most of them were from the Adelaide area and cruise just for the fun of it.
    We spent the rest of the day exploring Walker Flat and the surrounding area. The township itself is really only a general store and a ferry crossing across the river. We walked along the western bank and checked out all the houses/shacks on the riverfront. Apparently they were all originally fishing shacks that were essentially squatters, it was all crown land. In 1989 the government decided they should all be removed but after a long protracted battle with the squatters it was decided the Walker Flat shacks should be converted to freehold if the people improved the blocks with septic systems and a few other restrictions. Some of the “shacks” now are quite palatial. The views across the river are spectacular to the river cliffs on the eastern side.
    I also stumbled across a news article detailing one of the biggest drug busts in SA history in Walker Flat where a drug laboratory was found. A quote from ABC News at the time..
    “The raid at Walker Flat also uncovered about 48 kilograms of MDMA powder and more than 190,000 bagged MDMA pills with an estimated street value of $48 million. Firearms seized included eight semi-automatic and bolt-action rifles, along with ammunition.”
    Who would have thought? We took the free cross-river ferry to the eastern side to explore a little. The cliffs that enclose the river around the area are quite high and we really didn't expect to see anything like them. The lookouts were great, if only the wind wasn't trying to blow us over the edge. A lovely campfire that evening as the winds died down a little.
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  • Day 46

    Walker Flat

    September 23, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    We left the cold and windy Greenock heading towards our first bush camp on the banks of the Murray River! We had heard of so many people who camped along the banks of our largest river and have long wanted to experience it for ourselves. Travelling from the Barossa west we didn't realise how high we had actually been. The rise up from the valley is fairly gradual from Angaston to Keyneton and into the South Mt Lofty Ranges. As we drove towards the small town of Sedan we started noticing some stone walls along the sides of the roads and separating the paddocks. The amount of effort required to build these walls would have been enormous. It reminded us so much of the north of England only not so green. Once you reach the edge of the ranges the drive down to the Murray Plains is breathtaking. It was so unexpected to hit the top of the rise and then have the whole of the plains laid out before you. Quite beautiful.
    At the small township of Walker Flat we setup right on the western bank of the Murray River. The camp was not too busy so we snared a decent spot with a lovely view of the river and some of the spectacular cliffs on the eastern side. It was only an hour or so after setup we had the luck to see the magnificent Murray Princess river steamboat sailing past the camp. Just sorry we missed recording the siren tune she played as she sailed past. Our pleasure in the camp did wane though when the ferals moved in next door. I guess that's what can sometimes happen at these bush camps
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  • Day 85

    Sylvester am Murray River

    December 31, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Und dann wurde es doch noch wunderschön. Wir waren der Hitze der Flinders Ranges entflohen und auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Platz für Sylvester. An die Küste wollten wir nicht, wegen der Sommerferien, so haben wir uns dann entschieden einen Abstecher zum Murray zu machen. Wir verbrachten wunderschöne Tage mit, Kerstin, Mario, Lynn, Tony, Sharon und Steve.Read more

  • Day 58

    Day 57

    May 1, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Distance 2018 / 2195
    Next town Mannum
    1 day ahead of schedule

    Pretty much a rest day today with only a few kilometres paddled between Caurnamont and Bowhill. Rob and Elizabeth coming up tomorrow to stay for a night which will be nice.
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  • Day 57

    Day 56

    April 30, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Distance 2012/ 2195
    Next town Bowhill
    1 day ahead of schedule

    Great to catch up with Claire, John and Johanna at Nildottie, then a 5 hour non stop paddle with John to Caurnamont. Thought I would have to go slowly so he could keep up, but it was actually the reverse! Oh to be young again!
    Clocked up the 2000kms today which was a long awaited milestone.
    Staying in our very basic rented shack at Caloote tonight and sleeping in a bed for the first time in 8 weeks!
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  • Day 56

    Day 55

    April 29, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Distance 1971 / 2195
    Next town Nildottie
    1 day ahead of schedule

    Drizzled most of today, but cool conditions and a slight tail wind so happy days. Went past Moorunde, which is the settlement set up by Edward John Eyre to help the local Aborigine tribes assimilate into the new order. I read his biography and it really is an interesting story.
    Had a great lunch at the Swan Reach Hotel, a great pub in a picturesque little town. Will need to return at a later date to reinvestigate. Ditto the Blanchetown pub!
    Looking forward to the family weekend coming up.
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  • Day 314

    Back on the Murray/Darling river

    March 13, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Sadly said good bye to Bess, Lulu and Andy on Sunday, Bess going back for the birth of her second grand child 😀 and Lulu and Andy are going back to work ( poor them ). As for me I’m going to explore the Murray/Darling a bit more before heading to the Victorian mountains to meet up with Tristan and his mum and dad to see some high country. Most of the crossings in SA over the Murray / Darling are by ferry which are available 24/7. Have seen lots of paddle steamers of all different shapes and sizes, dozens and dozens of them. Must do it one day with a group of people looks like fun!!! You can virtually go from one end to the other, 2500k. Still so very very dry here the poor buggers really need rain and a lot of it. The weather has cooled off a bit,late 20s to early 30s, much better for traveling. Traveling is a little bit harder now, I’m driver, navigator chief cook and bottle washer and da Wutts thinks it’s stinks. Not getting the usual pampering!!! Wutts and I are on the same amount of pills now so the mornings are now a ritual.Read more

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