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  • Day 99

    Velkomin að Grábrókargígar

    August 7, 2024 in Iceland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Le cratère Grábrók

    Le cratère Grábrók s'est formé lors d'une éruption de fissure il y a moins de 3000 ans. Il est à 173 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer.

    Grábrok est le plus grand des trois cratères sur une fissure de 600 m de long. La fissure de Grábrók est le site d'éruption postglaciaire le plus à l'est du système volcanique de Ljósufjöll.Read more

  • Day 4

    .. weitere Bilder von unserer Tour

    January 18, 2024 in Iceland ⋅ 🌬 -10 °C

    auf den letzten Kilometern musste Christian das Lenkrad krpfhaft festhalten, so stürmisch war es.. Unser Häuschen ist ganz schön am beeben und wackeln.. Windstärke 9, da bleibt kein Schnee liegen😜

  • Day 5

    Grabrok crater and visitors centre

    December 14, 2024 in Iceland ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    A volcano crater. I got up halfway. Keith climbed all the way and got back wet and full of sleet!
    The visitors centre was more history on how the vikings hot and settled in Iceland. Snorrie is discussed once again.Read more

  • Day 4

    Hraunsnef Country Hotel

    March 11, 2024 in Iceland ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

    Total schönes, abgelegenes Hotel im isländischen Country Stil. Es gab 2 Hot Pots, die wir natürlich gleich testen mussten. So schön, in freier Natur ein heißes Bad zu nehmen! 😌 Das werden wir vermissen.
    Das Frühstück war unglaublich vielfältig, umfangreich, abwechslungsreich und lecker. Der Frühstücksraum war sehr schön dekoriert mit Liebe zum Detail. Eine tolle Aussicht hatte man auch. 🤩
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  • Day 7

    Grabrok 🌋

    September 3, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Heute besuchten wir den letzten Krater auf unserer Islandreise, welcher vor ca. 3400 Jahren ausgebrochen ist...🌋

    Das Wetter lässt uns mit 4° etwas frieren... der Regen zusammen mit dem Wind macht es auch nicht besser 😂 🌬️💦❄️Read more

  • Day 27

    Bifröst, Hraunsnef Country Hotel

    August 19, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Die kommenden 3 Nächte verbringen wir im Hraunsnef Country Hotel in Bifröst, Urlaub wie auf dem Bauernhof. Morgens begrüßen uns die Hähne in ihrem krähenden Wettstreit 🤪
    Wir wohnen in unserer eigenen Hütte, klein aber fein, ausgestattet sogar mit einer kleinen Küche. In den heißen Potts (38⁰C Wassertemperatur) kann man den Tag wunderbar ausklingen lassen.Read more

  • Day 7


    August 15, 2023 in Iceland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Der Krater Grábrók ist ein Vulkankegel im Westen Islands. Er entstand vor etwa 3.400 Jahren während einer Eruption. Der Krater ist Teil einer Gruppe von Kratern und Lavaströmen und liegt in der Nähe der Siedlung Bifröst.

    Grábrók ist bei Touristen beliebt, da er relativ leicht erreichbar ist und einen beeindruckenden Blick auf die umliegende Landschaft bietet. Es gibt einen markierten Wanderweg, der auf den Kraterrand führt, von dem aus man eine großartige Aussicht auf die umliegenden Lavafelder und Berge hat. Die Wanderung ist nicht allzu anspruchsvoll und kann in relativ kurzer Zeit absolviert werden.

    Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, die vulkanische Geschichte Islands aus nächster Nähe zu erleben und gleichzeitig die beeindruckende Landschaft zu genießen.
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  • Day 11

    StIck it Homer

    May 18, 2017 in Iceland ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

    It's Thursday and we awoke to high winds and ,dare I say it.....snow drizzle. Catherine informed me that where we were heading today was going to feel like -2C with the wind chill. As the Brits often say, "oh bloody hell."

    Off we headed....our target area being the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. Driving was easy peazy today....Catherine was shocked that I ,at times, was driving 100km/hr (max speed limit is 90). As we sped along, the weatherman paid an IOU and delivered sunny skies.

    First stop was Arnastapi along the SW coast of the peninsula. I think Arnastapi could be Icelandic for Ahhhhhh-Nold "I'll be back" Schwarzenager. This place would take top prize in a body building contest hands down. In the "Most Dramatic" category, it wins by a landslide. You get the picture. We could have returned to our hotel (the farm) right then and there and been very happy campers.....this place blew us away....and almost did literally as the high winds wreaked havoc with some picture taking!! I think Catherine thought we were staying on Hwy 54 and doing an easy lap around the Peninsula. She was very happy we veered off the main road and took a slight detour. Can't tell you how many pics we snapped here but they would fill a book on their own.

    We eventually said goodbye and headed west to loop around the western point of Snaefellsnes. We were bordered by the Arctic Ocean to our left and Snaefelljokull Glacier to our right. Yup....a boring drive indeed !!!

    We round the bend and are now on the northern coast.....brief stop at Hellissandur for gas and a snack then onwards to Olafsvik, another highly touted port to take a whale watching tour. We missed our daily "foss" at the small port of Rif as the waterfall is too far removed from the highway. Oh well, not like we haven't seen any waterfalls since we arrived.

    Next stop....Kirkjufell.....waterfall and the most photographed mountain in Iceland. We were still enjoying the oooohs and ahhhs derived from sites 5 minutes up the road that we almost missed this stop. I actually had to back up on the highway to pull in. That tells you how much traffic we encountered today. (did I mention there are no shoulders on these roads?) If you would like to see this site, apparently Ben Stiller skateboards at it in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." No skateboards today AND we spotted a "No Drone Zone" sign as the land behind the waterfall is private property.

    OK....last stop....Stykkisholmur (stick it homer) a quaint port on a point. Lovely looking town....can catch a ferry to Flatey here but best to wait until June as Flatey is pretty much closed till then. We had hoped to have a bite as it was now 5:00 p.m and we had been on the road all day. No such luck so we headed for " the farm".

    All in all, a great day. The weather co-operated and the sites were as dramatic as we have encountered our entire time here. We chowed on "the farm's" burgers and called it a night. Tomorrow we finally land in Reykjavik for 5 nights. Friday will be an easy day as we are only 70 km away. Hotel staff suggested some sites to see on our way. We booked an apartment for 4 nights followed by a hotel next to the airport for Tues night.

    Photos....other than the glacier, these are all at Arnastapi.....what did we tell you !! Will create a second entry for today just to add more pix.
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  • Day 10

    Snorri Time

    May 17, 2017 in Iceland ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

    Since we decided to stay at "the farm" for a second night, we planned an easy day with very little driving. Problem was the weatherman messed with us and dropped the temps to 6C and tossed in some wind and a bit of drizzle. Bastard !!

    Oh well, we packed for it so off we went...heading towards Reykholt. along the way, we stopped at Deildartunguhver as did a bus load of Asian tourists. They stayed for 5 minutes.....we lasted 10. The place is Europe's biggest hot spring...water temp 100C. Next !!

    We zip along to Reykholt and discover Snorralaug (aka Snorri's Pool) along with a statue of Snorri Sturluson, a famous son credited with writing Egil's Saga. A side note....sagas are a big deal here in Iceland. While we aren't fluent in them as yet, they seem to be part myth, part fact, part who knows what !! Catherine and I are attending a comedy play on Saturday night in Reykjavik that deals entirely with the sagas. We will report on it later.

    Snorri's Pool is small and cannot be used as a hot tub. Fine.....put a check mark beside that....let's move along.

    Today featured a daily double "foss" siting. For those of you who have been paying attention, you know that anything ending in "foss" or containing the word "foss" means only one thing......WATERFALL !! Woo hoo.....we scored 2 today and as luck would have it, they were side by side. We came across Hraunfossar and Barnafoss. It was a shame that we had a cloudy day....both are beautiful and very unique when compared to the BIG ones on our trip. The pics will give you some idea. I'm thinking that we should open a Tubing business at these falls. They are too narrow for white water rafting but would make an excellent tube run as long as participants wore hockey elbow pads and a helmet. Water is coming at you from every direction and the speed is a warp factor 7 (been a few days since I tossed in a Star Trek reference!!)

    That concludes our "to do" list for this neck of the woods. Now back to Borganes. We luck out along the way to visit with some Icelandic horses. Once we pulled over and put the window down, one strolled over to the fence out of curiosity. In the background were 2 playful white horses who, once we put the camera away, leapt onto their hind legs and gave high fives !! Reminded me of that Far Side cartoon where the cows are standing around on two legs until one yells "car" at which point the cows drop down onto all four hooves. Stupid tourists !!!

    Borganes features an Icelandic Settlement Centre. Upon entering (and paying....first time we have paid for any attraction here) you are given headsets that have an audio guide to lead you along. It's a two part tour taking one hour. Despite the price, well worth it. The Centre also sold souvenirs but not cheap "made off shore ones". We passed on purchasing anything but the quality of the items being sold was second to none.

    It is now late in the afternoon and we're hungry. We find a koffehuis ( spelling??) and of course run into someone we know. Well, we don't really know them but is is the third day we have crossed paths. "They" are a young German couple whom we first me in Egg Salad Store as we stayed at the same guesthouse. We met up again at the Myvatn Nature Baths and then again today. We are all travelling counter clockwise.

    And guess what? Remember me saying we took the wrong road up to Husavik ? At the Nature Baths I warned the Germans not to take Hwy 87 because it was mostly gravel. Sure enough...they got confused and mistakenly took it.....and saw a car in the ditch being driven by a young girl . Feel bad for all of them but got some measure of redemption for being a scaredy cat 🐱 when we took that road.

    Anyways, we had a great chat with them....compared some tips for the Golden Circle area and enjoyed their cell phone video of the whales they saw in Husavik.

    Another day comes to an end but not before the farm dog decides I will be her new BFF. Several minutes after befriending her she is outside our room door wimpering. Ah, man's best friend indeed.

    On tap for tomorrow.....the Snaefellsnes Peninsula (aka The Snuffles Ness Peninsula).
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