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  • Day 14

    Cold, windy, but sunny

    February 15 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

    We had a good supper at a pizzeria near our room last night. It finally stopped raining, but it was cold.

    Our boots and clothes dried out by morning, thanks to a towel heater in our bathroom. We started walking at about 8:30 am. It was brisk at 44F, but it felt like 39F due to a chilly wind.

    After yesterday's flooding, it seemed great! We decided NOT to take the scenic area by the river anticipating mud. We walked into Fucecchio and found a popular coffee shop for our first break.

    As we walked on we did end up on a dyke next to the River Arno and then into San Miniato Basso. We had several detours due to construction again and had to backtrack, which made our route longer.

    We stopped for a sandwich around noon and felt good that our apartment was nearby (we thought.😖 we found ourselves at the foot of a steep hill. It appeared there was an elevator to take us part of the way, but that was a cruel trick. The elevator was out of order, and we had to climb a steep set of open stairs several stories high. I am afraid of heights, and that last climb was pure fear and adrenaline!

    We arrived at the top to our lovely apartment. We walked around the town, took photos, and had a snack. I will cook some supper in the apartment tonight. We were also able to wash our muddy clothes from yesterday.

    We have to carry food for tomorrow since we are not near a town in a rural country house with a hot tub tomorrow.
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  • Day 13

    Rain, cold. Took a bus part way!

    February 14 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    Last night, we did our laundry and then went out for supper. There was a place called the B&B Spaghetti House right across the courtyard. In Italy, as in Spain, restaurants don't serve supper until 8 pm. We went in and were told it was too early for supper.

    We decided to order a glass of wine, and the server asked us if we'd like some prosciutto ham, too. It was served with warm bread. The server sliced the ham for us, and it was good and salty. The chef arrived and asked where we were from. We introduced ourselves, and he commented it was early in the season for pilgrims.

    After talking to the server, he came over and said it would be OK to eat early ( I guess we looked really hungry). Phil ordered the fresh pasta with Tuscan ragu (a meat sauce with tomato), and I ordered the pirata, which is pasta with a sauce made of oil, olives, red pepper, and tomatoes. Both were delicious, and we were very hungry. Then Phil ordered some kind of dessert with chocolate sauce. Again, it's very tasty!

    It rained all night and was still raining when we left. It rained and even hailed on us little. We were walking through a park-like area and came upon some fallen trees and a stream that was flooding. My guess is that normally, you can just step across, but this was too wide, swift, and deep for that now.

    We had to bushwack across a field and wade through more water. I detoured to what looked like a farm road, and soon we were wading uphill through the running water.

    We finally reached a town and were sad to see with all the detours and flooding, we'd walked only 2 miles in 2 hours. We went into a bar and ordered coffee and pastries. A nice lady who was glad to see American Pilgrims paid our tab.

    Then back out in the rain with ponchos on. I was able to route us to a quieter side road, but there was no shoulder to walk on, so it was dangerous even with the rural traffic.

    We stopped in the next town for coffee again with 4 miles to go. It was either walk through natural areas that were flooded or walk on the busy main highway. Of course, it was still pouring down rain...

    I checked online, and there was supposed to be a bus at 2:18 pm to the town we needed. We waited, and as we were leaving, the bar maid told us to come back if the bus didn't work out, and she would help us find a ride. In the afternoon the bar was filled with older men playing cards. One walked out with us, and I think it was telling us it was too dangerous to walk on the road.

    We waited patiently in a downpour. It was getting colder, and when the bus arrived, I could not figure out how to pay at the side door. The bus lunched forward anyway, and I walked to the front seat. I tried to tell the driver where we needed to go, and since we were the only people on the bus, he dropped us as close as he could and reassured me that it was a small town. I tried to pay our fare, but he just waved me off and said good luck.

    We are now thawing and drying out in our little room for the night. We have a heater and even a heated towel rack in the bathroom. It is supposed to stop raining and be sunny tomorrow. Fingers crossed. There are no photos today except last night's dinner due to the driving rain and hail all day.
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  • Day 2–3

    Lucca to San Miniato

    June 28, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    After exploring Lucca this morning, we caught the train to San Miniato around lunchtime and caught a taxi to our accommodation for the night in the historic town up on the hill. We wandered around the town and went up the top of the castle from where we captured great views over the town and surrounding countryside. We'll no doubt learn a lot more about that countryside once we start our walk tomorrow. The forecast high is 36° so our backpacks will be laden down with 7ltrs of water, just in case we are unable to resupply along the way to Gambassi where will stay tomorrow night. Wish us luck please 🙏. I don't think I've felt this nervous about a 25km walking day before but also haven't walked in such searing temperatures. 🌞Read more

  • Day 36

    Day 32: Altopascio to San Miniato

    May 24, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Today, Tuscany delivered. The Way was mostly on unsealed paths, dirt roads, and, initially, through woodland; it was an absolute pleasure to walk (30.24 km). I encountered seven pilgrims today: two French, two from the USA, Tammy and Alan, and three Italian. All of us, except the Italians, are walking to Rome. The weather was beautiful and a little on the warm side. Who knew? Italy has a carnivorous plant! I thought they were only in South America. Not that I saw one. It was on a sign, but they were in the area, protected, of course, that I walked through today.Read more

  • Day 35

    Day 31: Lucca to Altopascio

    May 23, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It was a much shorter walk today (20 km). Other than an extremely short stretch along a dirt path, the entire Way was sealed - I think I'm getting used to it. It was 19 degrees when I set out from Lucca around a quarter past seven, and surprisingly, as I expected it to be a hot day, I don't think the temperature got much more than that. If it did, I didn't really feel much heat. The standouts today were the smell of the jasmin that adorned quite a lot of the fences I walked past and the huge semi trailers that seemed to contuinually pass me along a particular section of the road! I just missed market morning as I arrived into town; all of the vendors were packing up.Read more

  • Day 14

    Cinque Terra

    March 13, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Joined the masses for the short train ride to Vernazza on the coast. We decided not to go to every town so this was the farthest spot for us on the packed double decker train. Yikes what must high season be like?
    Vernazza was so pretty with a beautiful waterfront. Spotted an ocean swimmer with full wetsuit enjoying a workout. You realise just how set into the cliffs the properties are; shop ceilings are rock!
    As you would expect, lots of steps and gradients but the views are so worthwhile. Back to the station and hop on to head south to Manarola. Lots of shopping opps again - everything from seafood to go, to hats, belts and limoncello. There's even a Michelin starred restaurant. Interesting info displayed about an annual nativity which lights up the hill top each year.
    Still winter season so lots of fishing boats are literally stored in the main street. Must be quite the job to take them down and into the water.
    Found a great spot for lunch. I enjoyed triangular shaped pasta stuffed with ricotta and spinach, smothered in a rich walnut sauce. Delish! Richard went for spaghetti with king prawn.
    Took the upward path from the harbour to the most beautiful view point filled with osteosporum in full bloom (did I get the plant name right?). Amazing how they farm on such steep terrain - and have gone for 100s of years.
    Decided against the trek to Riomaggiore; altho it was the shortest hike in Cinque Terra it was also quite challenging.
    Sun was with us today - getting up to 18c. Most people paring down to tee shirts.
    Next stop by train was Riomaggiore. Sadly the most disappointing location - lots of construction/reno going on and some areas not easily accessible. We walked to the waterfront where many were taking a dip and then back to the station.
    It had been a full day again - we were glad to to pick up a fresh made pizza from a place near our studio. Akin to waiting in the fish & chip shop queue! Fascinating to watch the chef manipulate the pizzas in the big wood fired oven. Literally wood fired with branches and all sorts of logs being fed in.
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  • Day 18

    Auf den Spuren von Leonardo da Vinci

    May 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Vinci, umgeben von Olivenhainen und Weinbergen, ist nicht nur der Herkunftsort des Chianti, es war die Heimat von Leonardo da Vinci. Auf dessen Spuren sind wir heute gewandert und haben unter anderem auch sein Geburtshaus besucht.Read more

  • Day 16

    Zwölfte und letzte Etappe

    March 11, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Auch die schönste Kaffeepause hat mal ein ging es dann für uns weiter in Richtung Vinci, wo wir die letzte leckere Pizza genossen😜 (noch hatten ja Bar's und Restaurant's offen). Mit vollem Bauch strampelten wir uns dann die Höhenmeter hoch bis zu unserem Ausgangspunkt von vor 2 Wochen.
    Nach diversen Wetterkapriolen, 440 Kilometer und fast 8000 Höhenmeter waren wir wieder am Auto angelangt.
    Unsere persönliches Fazit: Die Tour war wirklich eine wunderschöne Runde durch die Toskana mit einmaliger Aussicht und tollen Ortschaften. Die Anstiege waren teilweise anstrengender als gedacht und wärmere Temperaturen hätten nicht geschadet, was aber unser Gesamterlebnis definitiv nicht geschmälert hat.
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  • Day 57

    Wanderung bei Vinci

    December 5, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Mit erheblicher Temperatur-Einbuße, kamen wir am Mittwoch Abend in Livorno an und wählten wieder einen kurzen Aufenthalt im "Hotel Michi". Da das Wetter noch recht passabel - wenn auch kalt - war, ging es gemeinsam mit Michi und Jörg auf Schusters Rappen ein wenig durch die herbstliche Toskana.Read more

  • Day 22

    Zwischenstop bei Michi

    October 31, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Nachdem wir den Morgen noch gemeinsam mit Julia, Didi und dem kleinen Janosch verbrachten, trennten sich unsere Wege😥. Unsere Fahrt ging nun weiter nach Süden zu Michi in die Toskana. Auch wenn diesmal die Olivenernte ausfiel (die Fliege hatte dieses Jahr ganze Arbeit geleistet und alles vernichtet 😬), aber es gibt ja hier immer etwas zu tun.Read more

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