Cold, windy, but sunny

We had a good supper at a pizzeria near our room last night. It finally stopped raining, but it was cold.
Our boots and clothes dried out by morning, thanks to a towel heater in our bathroom. WeRead more
We had a good supper at a pizzeria near our room last night. It finally stopped raining, but it was cold.
Our boots and clothes dried out by morning, thanks to a towel heater in our bathroom. WeRead more
Last night, we did our laundry and then went out for supper. There was a place called the B&B Spaghetti House right across the courtyard. In Italy, as in Spain, restaurants don't serve supper until 8Read more
After exploring Lucca this morning, we caught the train to San Miniato around lunchtime and caught a taxi to our accommodation for the night in the historic town up on the hill. We wandered around theRead more
Today, Tuscany delivered. The Way was mostly on unsealed paths, dirt roads, and, initially, through woodland; it was an absolute pleasure to walk (30.24 km). I encountered seven pilgrims today: twoRead more
It was a much shorter walk today (20 km). Other than an extremely short stretch along a dirt path, the entire Way was sealed - I think I'm getting used to it. It was 19 degrees when I set out fromRead more
Joined the masses for the short train ride to Vernazza on the coast. We decided not to go to every town so this was the farthest spot for us on the packed double decker train. Yikes what must highRead more
Vinci, umgeben von Olivenhainen und Weinbergen, ist nicht nur der Herkunftsort des Chianti, es war die Heimat von Leonardo da Vinci. Auf dessen Spuren sind wir heute gewandert und haben unter anderemRead more
Auch die schönste Kaffeepause hat mal ein ging es dann für uns weiter in Richtung Vinci, wo wir die letzte leckere Pizza genossen😜 (noch hatten ja Bar's und Restaurant's offen). MitRead more
Mit erheblicher Temperatur-Einbuße, kamen wir am Mittwoch Abend in Livorno an und wählten wieder einen kurzen Aufenthalt im "Hotel Michi". Da das Wetter noch recht passabel - wenn auch kalt - war,Read more
Nachdem wir den Morgen noch gemeinsam mit Julia, Didi und dem kleinen Janosch verbrachten, trennten sich unsere Wege😥. Unsere Fahrt ging nun weiter nach Süden zu Michi in die Toskana. Auch wennRead more
Traveler Good progress and it sounds like you are in good spirits! I remember when we walked the Chemin D'Arles having to carry food for meals, especially lunches and breakfasts because often the little villages didn't have grocery stores or cafés. But we managed just fine as long as we planned ahead. We are enjoying following your stages on Gronze! Enjoy your dinner!