A Pobra do Caramiñal

Après la ville, on va profiter du beau temps pour s’écarter un peu de notre ligne directe en direction de Lisbonne et aller au bord de l’eau, dans un endroit plus tranquille.
On a trouver uneRead more
Après la ville, on va profiter du beau temps pour s’écarter un peu de notre ligne directe en direction de Lisbonne et aller au bord de l’eau, dans un endroit plus tranquille.
On a trouver uneRead more
On part de notre petit mouillage pour en rejoindre un autre dans la Ria d’après mais comme on manque de vent on décide de s'aider au moteur mais peut après l'alarme de surchauffeRead more
The storm blew through overnight and well into late morning. I had the metal shades down and the window opened a bit to get some air. That made the shades and the door bang a little. And the toiletRead more
I ached so much overnight that for the 2nd day in a row I got very little sleep. The forecast, with the remains of Hurricane Kirk, was for severe weather and wind. I decided to taxi it.
Again, myRead more
I’m deep in the Spiritual Variant of the Camino. Very few people. Lots of time to talk to myself and sing right out loud. Which I did. A lot.
The Camino followed “The path of stone and water”Read more
The topographic map of today’s hike was very intimidating. I decided this would be the day to taxi from start to finish. Plus there were some reports of thunderstorms expected.
I was delivered toRead more
Soaking rain then stinging rain. I separated from the Central Camino to the Spiritual Variant. This will eventually follow the path supposedly taken by St James’ (Sant Iago) followers when theyRead more
Absolutely POURED today and all I've got to say is weather apps stink, but fortunately none of us melt.
Wendy forged ahead the 15 miles through the exquisite (but treacherous in theRead more
Saturday 28 September
Quick change of plan this morning. When we reached the split in the road requiring choosing between following the central route to Santiago or taking a detour via the spiritualRead more
We left our lovely apartment in the dark so that we could make it to the boat on time. (There is only one boat per day.) The pilgrim boat took us up the Ria de Arousa to the Ria Ulla, which is theRead more
Traveler Mais… parfait!
Traveler Top, très bel endroit
Joli,on inscrit le lieu, sur la liste.😊