Golf Ardglass Golf Club

Today we played an extremely interesting golf course . Ardglass is an hour south of Belfast along the eastern shores of the Irish Sea.
The clubhouse is the oldest clubhouse in the world built inRead more
Today we played an extremely interesting golf course . Ardglass is an hour south of Belfast along the eastern shores of the Irish Sea.
The clubhouse is the oldest clubhouse in the world built inRead more
Der Quoile River schlängelt sich malerisch durch County Down in Nordirland und mündet in den Strangford Lough. Auf seinem Weg durch die historische Stadt Downpatrick, die alsRead more
Die Struell Wells (irisch Toibreacha an tSruthail) sind Heilige Quellen in der Nähe von Saul, östlich von Downpatrick im County Down in Nordirland. Die Struell Wells waren zwischen dem 16.Read more
Die heutige Fahrt ging auch wieder trocken vonstatten. Das Wetter war aber wechselhaft. In Dublin angekommen fuhr ich direkt zum Hotel, was durch die vielen Einbahnstrassen und LichtsignalanlagenRead more
Many relics reside in this medieval Gothic Church which is believed to be the burial site of Saint Patrick. The Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity is known as Down Cathedral. It is a place ofRead more
Started the day with a huge breakfast, then headed off to Castle Ward, the site of early Winterfell from GOT. Then on to Belfast to visit a dentist so that Kate could have a broken tooth repaired.Read more
Another location from Game of Thrones along Strangford Lough.
Taking the car ferry across, rather than drive back up.
We were greeted by a warm and sunny morning.
I went ashore to have a shower while leaving the engine running to warm the oil as I wanted to do an oil change. I had got a loan of a pump from Jim andRead more
Quintin Castle ist eine Burg ca. 4 km östlich von Portaferry im nordirischen County Down. Sie ist eine der wenigen noch bewohnten anglo-normannischen Burgen in Irland. Befindet sich in PrivatbesitzRead more
Wow, this looks like it's a painting! Gorgeous animal!
Traveler Oh no! Those damn clever foxes! Is Mom 0 for balls lost but on the board for gloves stolen?
Traveler Mom has lost 0 balls, 1 glove, I lost 2 at Ardglass. One guy in my foursome lost 8 balls that day.
Traveler I cant believe the fox actually stole her glove!!! What a story!