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  • Day 7

    Golf Ardglass Golf Club

    September 13, 2024 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Today we played an extremely interesting golf course . Ardglass is an hour south of Belfast along the eastern shores of the Irish Sea.

    The clubhouse is the oldest clubhouse in the world built in 1405. It was a castle previous. Some of the doors in the clubhouse are still the old archways and they are less than 6 feet tall.

    A number of the holes are on cliffs and the ocean as the course is right on a peninsula. Many of the tee shots involved long carry’s over water or gorges. On top of that we had a 30-40 km wind all day making it a very difficult golf course .

    On the 13 th hole there were 2 foxes. One was quite near me and when I went into my golf bag to get my phone to take a picture, he came right up to me with “ feed me” eyes. I had nothing to give him. I hit my shot taking a good divot and he ran and got the divot and was tossing it in the air like a bean bag. Celeste and I played in different groups and Celeste hit her ball in the thick rough and when she found her ball she took off her golf glove to mark the location of the ball and went to get her bag. The fox ran and grabbed her glove and took off with it into the bush .

    A good day of golf
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  • Day 15

    Nachtplatz am Qouile River, Nordirland

    August 1, 2024 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Der Quoile River schlängelt sich malerisch durch County Down in Nordirland und mündet in den Strangford Lough. Auf seinem Weg durch die historische Stadt Downpatrick, die als Ruhestätte des heiligen Patrick bekannt ist, wurde der Fluss im 18. Jahrhundert in den Quoile Pondage umgeleitet – einen künstlichen See, der geschaffen wurde, um Überschwemmungen zu verhindern.

    Heute ist das Gebiet ein geschütztes Naturparadies, das besonders für seine vielfältige Vogelwelt berühmt ist. Angler schätzen den Fluss wegen seiner erstklassigen Forellenbestände, und die ruhige Umgebung lockt zahlreiche Naturfreunde an. Der Quoile River hat zudem einen Hauch von Hollywood-Glamour: Er diente als Drehort für "Game of Thrones" und zieht damit auch Fans der Serie in seinen Bann.

    Nach unserem Besuch im Titanic Museum sagen wir Belfast Lebewohl und ziehen weiter – nicht allzu weit, aber dafür raus in die Natur, wo wir uns viel wohler fühlen. Unterwegs wird der Kühlschrank ordentlich aufgefüllt, bevor wir unser Lager am malerischen Quoile River aufschlagen. Dort kann Noldi wieder einmal seine Anglerkünste unter Beweis stellen. Der Platz ist zwar top, aber ob seine Köder das auch sind? Wir lassen ihm besser seine Ruhe und hoffen das Beste.

    Und dann ist da noch ein kleines Detail: Die Schweiz hat heute Geburtstag! Natürlich wollen wir das gebührend feiern – so gut es eben geht.

    Operation Raclette:Erfolg auf ganzer Linie! Dank des genialen Tipps von meinem Bruder und seiner Freundin, Cheddarkäse zu verwenden, wurde unser Raclette-Abenteuer ein echter Volltreffer. Wir haben den perfekten Spot in Nordirland gefunden, direkt am Fluss, umgeben von Hechten und Forellen – die übrigens immer noch munter im Wasser herumschwimmen, während wir unser Festmahl genießen.

    Und was wäre dieser Tag ohne ein kleines Fest? Zwischen dampfendem Käse und funkelnden Lichtern feiern wir den Geburtstag der Schweiz – mit ein bisschen Heimweh, aber vor allem mit viel guter Laune und vollen Bäuchen.

    54°21'19"N 5°41'36"W

    Gute Nacht allerseits....übrigens ist jetzt 21.45 Uhr und wir sitzen noch mit kurzen Hosen draussen. Enorm, wie mild es hier ist... Da fragt man sich fast, ob wir versehentlich die Tropen statt Nordirland gebucht haben!
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  • Day 3

    Struell Wells (Heilige Quellen)

    September 19, 2024 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Die Struell Wells (irisch Toibreacha an tSruthail) sind Heilige Quellen in der Nähe von Saul, östlich von Downpatrick im County Down in Nordirland. Die Struell Wells waren zwischen dem 16. Jahrhundert und den 1840er Jahren ein beliebter Wallfahrtsort. Die einst heidnische Kultstätte wurde zu dieser Zeit stark mit dem irischen Nationalheiligen St. Patrick assoziiert.Read more

  • Day 19–20

    Fahrt von Belfast nach Dublin

    September 3, 2024 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Die heutige Fahrt ging auch wieder trocken vonstatten. Das Wetter war aber wechselhaft. In Dublin angekommen fuhr ich direkt zum Hotel, was durch die vielen Einbahnstrassen und Lichtsignalanlagen kompliziert und langwierig war.
    In dem Stadtteil, wo das Hotel ist, sind viele Läden und Lokale. Es sind viele Menschen auf der Strasse.
    Es wird heute meine letzte Nacht in Irland sein. Morgen geht es mit der Fähre zurück nach Cherbourg-Frankreich.
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  • Day 16

    Down Cathedral, County Down.

    July 22, 2019 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Many relics reside in this medieval Gothic Church which is believed to be the burial site of Saint Patrick. The Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity is known as Down Cathedral. It is a place of pilgrimage and prayer. Standing prominently on the Hill of Down, overlooking the ancient and historic town of Downpatrick.
    It is an ancient esslestical site with a church dedicated to the Holy Trinity recorded in 12th century. It has suffered from the forces of an earthquake 1245, burned down in 1315 and subsequently rebuilt and destroyed several times. Crosses from the 9th, 10th and 12th centuries are preserved in the Cathedral. The last restoration took place between 1985 to 1987.
    Accompanying photos include the Cathedral, the granite grave stone believed to be of St Patrick, the graveyard with the mountains of Mourne as the backdrop, stained glass windows, the large pipe organ and the ancient baptismal font which is a bullaun stone, these are linked to early medieval church sites.
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  • Day 11

    Winterfell and Belfast

    May 8, 2019 in Northern Ireland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Started the day with a huge breakfast, then headed off to Castle Ward, the site of early Winterfell from GOT. Then on to Belfast to visit a dentist so that Kate could have a broken tooth repaired. After the dentist we checked into our Belfast hotel, and Derek got lost trying to find the Carpark in Belfast's one way streets and building works road closures. A bit of shopping in the afternoon, dinner in the hotel and an early night.Read more

  • Day 8

    Castle Ward (Winterfell)

    December 19, 2024 in Northern Ireland ⋅ 🌬 43 °F

    Another location from Game of Thrones along Strangford Lough.

  • Day 8

    Crossing Strangford Lough on the ferry

    December 19, 2024 in Northern Ireland ⋅ 🌬 43 °F

    Taking the car ferry across, rather than drive back up.

  • Day 58

    Ardglass, a beer on the marina.

    July 20, 2021 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We were greeted by a warm and sunny morning.
    I went ashore to have a shower while leaving the engine running to warm the oil as I wanted to do an oil change. I had got a loan of a pump from Jim and planned to do it when I came back.
    Unfortunally the pump didn't fit and when I gave it back to Jim, he explained how he did it and I realised I was doing it wrong but I didn't have time to try again and and will try again tonight when we get to Ardglass.

    I assisted Jim in leaving the marina at 10.00 and then followed him out.
    Unfortunally I broke one of my cardinal rules when single handed. As I was leaving, I didn't wait for sea room and began taking in the fenders while under autopilot in the channel out of the marina and in the middle doing that, I looked forward to see that Eureka had wandered off course and was heading straight for a large metal pole with was embedded in the bottom that marked the edge of the channel.
    I just got back to the wheel in time to throw Eureka in reverse and she stopped about 2 meters from the pole before starting to go astern. Phew!

    We had a nice beat into a NE wind until we were out of the lough but this disappeared once we reached Copeland Island and turned south to go through Donaghadee Sound, keeping close inshore to avoid the worst of the tide.
    On went the engines as we motored south on a mill pond while banks of fog off Strangford caused us to keep a sharp lookout but the sunshine had returned by the time we reached the small harbour of Ardglass at 17.50.

    The skipper of a nearby yacht assisted me in berthing and I rewarded the kind gesture with a bottle of cold beer while I had one myself and we sat and had a chat.

    After dinner we wandered around the village and before going to bed I carried out the oil and filter change on the engine. No rest for the skipper!
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  • Day 2

    Quintin Castle - Stokeworth

    May 8, 2019 in Northern Ireland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Quintin Castle ist eine Burg ca. 4 km östlich von Portaferry im nordirischen County Down. Sie ist eine der wenigen noch bewohnten anglo-normannischen Burgen in Irland. Befindet sich in Privatbesitz aber nette Schlossherren erlauben gelegentlich Fotos zu machen. Ser Jaime und Ser Bronn planten hier, Prinzessin Myrcella nach Königsmund zurückzuholen.Read more

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