United Kingdom
Castle Ward

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  • Day 2

    Castle Ward - Winterfell

    May 8, 2019 in Northern Ireland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Castle Ward (auch Castle Ward House, Castleward House, irisch Caisleán an Bhardaigh) ist ein Herrenhaus 2,4 km entfernt vom Dorf Strangford und 11,2 km entfernt von Downpatrick im nordirischen County Down. Das im 18. Jahrhundert errichtete Haus an den Ufern des Strangford Lough wird vom National Trust verwaltet.Read more

  • Day 2

    Balintore Castle - The Twins

    May 8, 2019 in Northern Ireland ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Balintore Castle ist eine Burg im Dorf Balintore bei der Gemeinde Kirriemuir einige Kilometer nördlich des Loch of Lintrathen in der schottischen Grafschaft Angus. Die Burg aus viktorianischer Zeit, die auf einer Erhöhung über einem Moor steht, hat Historic Scotland als historisches Bauwerk der Kategorie A gelistetRead more

  • Day 1

    Inch Abbey

    May 7, 2019 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Inch Abbey (Insula Curcii; Iniscourcey; irisch Mainistir na hInse, Inis Cumhscraigh) ist eine ehemalige Zisterzienserabtei in Nordirland im Vereinigten Königreich. In Game of Thrones wurde hier Robb Stark zum König des Nordens ausgerufen.Read more

  • Day 19

    Belfast Erkundung

    September 29, 2018 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Nach so vielen Tagen im Bus wacht man manchmal morgens auf und weiß gar nicht mehr genau wo man eigentlich steht. Zur Orientierung müssen wir dann erstmal unsere grünen Vorhänge zur Seite schieben und aus dem Fenster blicken.

    Auf dem Weg nach Belfast suchten wir noch verschiedenste Drehorte von Game of Thrones auf und freuten uns jedes Mal wenn wir den Platz tatsächlich aus einer vertrauten Szene wiedererkannten.

    Die Anreise nach Belfast gestaltete sich aufgrund der verwirrenden Straßenführung als schwierig. Wir waren froh das Auto abstellen zu können und die Stadt von Fuß zu erkunden. Schon nach wenigen Metern haben wir gemerkt, dass uns die Menschenmengen und das Tempo in der Großstadt unangenehm sind und wir die Ruhe in der Natur bereits mehr genießen können und vorziehen. Dennoch kämpften wir uns durch den Großstadtdschungel. Scheinbar haben wir auch auf andere einen verwirrten Eindruck gemacht, denn nach kurzer Zeit kam ein Touristeninfomitarbeiter auf uns zu um uns bei der Planung der Besichtigung zu helfen. Da er aber so viel und so schnell sprach, waren wir anschließend nur noch verwirrter. Die drei Dinge, die wir uns gemerkt hatten, sahen wir uns an und vorallem dem Gourmettip folgten wir bereitwillig. Erneut waren wir von unseren Fischgerichten sehr begeistert und können das Fischrestaurant City Fish nur empfehlen.

    Dann ging es zurück in die Natur an einen Stellplatz mit Aussicht auf Robben. Dort lernten wir die beiden Berliner Kristin und Stephan kennen, die in einem orangenen Katastrophenschutzfahrzeug unterwegs sind. Wir verbrachten einen unterhaltsamen Abend miteinander. Es ist wirklich schön Gleichgesinnte zu treffen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen, vor allem da wir uns immernoch als Neulinge auf diesem Gebiet bezeichnen.
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  • Day 9

    Lovely Ardglass

    June 7, 2018 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    The alarm went off at 07.30 and I was leaving the harbour an hour later.
    It was flat calm and I didn't hang around waiting for a breeze as I needed to get to the mouth of Carlingford Lough before the flood started.

    Shortly after leaving a 'Seatruck' ship left the docks behind me and slowly caught up as we travelled down the lough. I kept a close eye on him and I increased my speed thinking I might get out into the open sea before him but shortly before the 'narrows' at the exit of the lough it caught up, so I moved future out of the channel to give it plenty of room to pass.

    It got very hot during the morning and I was nearly at Newcastle 4 hours later before I got enough wind to sail. From there I had enough wind for a close reach doing about 4.5 knts. for the remainder of the day. It was a pleasant but not fast sail and I ended up deciding to pull into the small harbour of Ardglass rather than continue onto Bangor which had been my original intention.

    I called up the marina and was told to tie up wherever there was room.
    Having examined the photo of the marina in the sailing directions, I decided to tie up to a long pontoon on the outside if there was space.
    There was, it was empty!

    I was tied up by 15.30 and went ashore to the office where I was giving warm welcome by the elderly gentleman on duty. The marina seems to be a community run enterprise and it proved to be a nice spot to break the voyage.

    I wandered up to the village and got an ice cream at a shop.
    The gentleman behind the counter informed me that he had been an extra in the 'Game of Thrones' as were two of his sons.
    I've never watched it... yet.... but looking at his beard and hair I had no reason not to believe him. He would have fitted into the cast of the 'Vikings' no problem.
    (a few years later I saw him being interviewed on TV about it, he was telling the truth)

    There is a castle in the middle of the village and a golf course overlooking the sea with an impressive castle-like clubhouse just south of the harbour.

    I wandered up to the supermarket and got some provisions and on the way back to the harbour, spied a Chinese restaurant and decided why not?
    I dropped the provisions to the boat and headed back for a takeaway and sat eating it in the cockpit with a glass of wine as the sun slowly went down.

    I tried to read for a while but by 23.00 I headed to bed suffering from more fresh air sickness.
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  • Day 4

    Castle Ward

    May 10, 2018 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    On our way back to Dublin we made a stop at Castle ward park. There was a lot to explore. Garden, mansions, flowers, trails and the nature!!
    Then sun shone and it was like in a fairytale☀️
    Everything is just so intensive green.

    And again were here many weird game of thrones fans because here was also a location for the series, something with Winterfell 🤷🏻‍♀️
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  • Day 33

    Guitars and Giants!

    September 18, 2017 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Next morning we had breakfast with Gabriel and heard all about Lilly the former owner of the pub and her frequent appearances. Sounded pretty convincing I must say. I wished we were staying another night so I could have another shot at seeing her!

    Visiting the Lawden Guitar Factory this morning and I was prepared to be bored out of my skull but it was a very interesting tour. Very production line, but still a lot of hands on stuff.

    Turns out the Castle Ward nearby is a famous Game of Thrones Location. More the grounds and the old castle and stable yards. Must do a lot of work before filming. You could recognise the locations but only just! Lunch at the Lobster pot in Strangford and then off to the top of Ireland for the Giants Causeway and Carrick-a-reek rope bridge.
    It didn't take as long to get up there as we thought so we stopped in at The Dark Hedges on the way. The Kings road in Game of Thrones!

    It was still not quite five when we got to the Giants Causeway. A good time really because most of the tourists have left. All the bus groups anyway. Amazing rock formations and the views from the top of the cliff walk, spectacular!

    Doesn't seem to be as much music in Northern Ireland which is a bit of a shame so off to find a feed and a bed for the night!
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  • Day 14

    Saint Patrick's Trail to Dublin, Ireland

    September 2, 2017 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    The last day of our journey around Ireland and Northern Ireland we travelled from Belfast along Saint Patrick's Trail. Driving through Newtownards, that sits on the Strangford Lough, we travelled along the shoreline of the Lough ending in Portaferry where we caught a ferry across to Strangford. We travelled to the East of the Mourne Mountains to Newry and finally onto Dublin.

    Over the 14 days we have travelled 2,385 kilometres, we've seen beautiful rolling hills of emerald, gold and pink made into a patchwork of colours by the stone and shrub hedges. Viewed a rugged coastline greeting a clear blue green sea. We have had wonderful weather with crisp, fresh days of blue sky and only a few grey or wet days. I've loved the wild flowers that are sprinkled over the roadside and the pink and mauve heather that coats the bogs and hilltops; the black legs and black faces of the sheep that dot the countryside wherever you look. The quaint smaller towns, steeped in a history of churches, castles, ruins and pubs and the large cities that have come a long way towards peace and can optimistically see a brighter future. I love the brogue of the Irish, their humour and love of life, they are such a grand lot and know how to craic. We have only touched the surface of a beautiful country and hope to return to explore her some more.
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  • Day 7

    Downpatrick, Vereinigtes Königreich

    February 9, 2017 in Northern Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Im Internet hatten wir gelesen, das hier Winterfell ist und viele Game of Thrones Szenen hier gedreht wurden. 🙄
    Leider war es nicht wie ich es erwartet hatte.
    Die Burg Winterfell gibt es nicht wirklich, sie besteht aus vielen auf einer Fläche verteilten Teilen.
    An ein paar Stellen sind Bilder aufgestellt wie alles umgebaut wurde und in der Szene aussieht dennoch ist es kaum wiederzuerkennen. 😓
    War also nicht so Lohnenswert.
    Dennoch ist es ein schönes Gebiet zum Spatzieren.

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