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  • Day 2–3

    E1 - Frostig

    December 12, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Stockeduster, Milngavie - wir wagen uns um 6:20 Uhr auf unsere erste Etappe durch den gefroren Wald. Es ist magisch, etwas gruselig, aber wunderschön Wangen errötend und Augen aufleuchtend - nicht zuletzt im Taschenlampen Licht.

    Die gefroren Schafweiden, mampfenden Highland Cows und das im hohen gefrorenen Gras scheue Reh, unterstreichen die friedliche Morgenstimmung, als sich der Himmel so frostig blau wie die Weiden färbt.
    Bis dahin, und noch weiter bis nach Drymen, inkl. ungeplanter Wegsperrung, haben wir bereits zwei Stürze, aber nur einen verletzten Daumen zu verzeichnen. Nachdem wir gespürt haben, lernen wir natürlich und packen die Spikes aus, die uns einen sicheren Tritt auf den frostigen Böden und wunderbare Druckpunkte unter den Füßen verschaffen. Leider nicht mit einer Fußmassage gleichzusetzen, die es ca. 35km später noch bei Weihnachtsfilmen in Balmaha gab <3

    Aber erst nachdem wir den eingefroren und in Nebeln eingehüllten Endgegner „Conic Hill“ bezwungen haben - der erhoffte faszinierenden Weitblick über den „Loch Lomond“ erstreckte sich ca 20m bis in den Nebel. Beeindruckender da der unter 2m weite Kurzblick auf die sich spielerisch bewegenden Bilder, des tauenden Wassers unter den Eisplatten, wie in einer Laverlampe.
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  • Day 53

    Parc national du loch Lomond

    October 22, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Journée rando au coeur du parc du Loch Lomond, magnifique avec ses couleurs et un ciel particulièrement exceptionnel!
    Passage inattendu dans la petite bourgade de Drymen, où nous avons mangé un délicieux plat de haddock et pris un petit verre pour lutter contre le froid! Incroyable: cet établissement se révèle être le plus ancien pub licencié d'Écosse !Read more

  • Day 18

    Van de Highlands naar de Lowlands

    September 17, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    We laten de Highlands achter ons en zakken terug af naar de Lowlands.
    Onderweg stopten we nog aan Loch Lomond. Qua oppervlakte is dit het grootste meer van Schotland. Qua volume is dit het op een na grootste meer van Schotland, na Loch Ness.
    Vlakbij Loch Lomond wandelden we naar Finnich Glen. Via 'Jacob's Ladder' dalen we af in de kloof. Het eerste gedeelte vormt een trap, maar nadien is het klauteren over blokken en boomstammen. Op een bepaald moment hangt er een touw waarlangs we de afdaling 'gemakkelijker' kunnen maken.
    Eenmaal we veilig beneden waren, konden we genieten van de prachtige omgeving. Via de zijkant van de kloof konden we verder stroomopwaarts gaan richting 'The Devil's Pulpit'. Dit is een stuk rots die boven de rivier uitsteekt. Volgens een legende stond de duivel hierop om zijn volgelingen toe te spreken, dit terwijl het bloedrode water rond zijn voeten stroomde.
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  • Day 3

    Bowling to Dumbarton

    May 8, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    We started the day with a visit to Robert Burns' mausoleum in the grounds of St Michael's church in Dumfries. The mausoleum is quite out of place in the cemetery as it's the only thing painted white.

    We drove on the minor road towards Glasgow, then joined the motorway to skirt the city, heading to the northern bank of the Clyde River.

    First stop was the linear village of Bowling, hemmed in between the mountains and the River Clyde, with a harbour and locks leading to the Forth and Clyde Canal. The canal opened in 1790 and provided a route for the seagoing vessels between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde. This allowed navigation from the port of Glasgow on the west coast to Edinburgh on the east coast.

    After coffee and cake at the lock we continued to Dumbarton, our stop for the night. We visited Dumbarton Castle, which sits upon Dumbarton Rock, a natural fortress overlooking the River Clyde. The castle last saw action during World War 2, when anti-aircraft guns were placed there to protect the nearby shipyards from German bombing.
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  • Day 3

    Day one in the books

    September 28, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

    We hiked from Milngavie to Drymen today…14.25 miles with a diversion to Glengoyne Distillery. No rain and the sun came out for the last 2 hours! Things learned… it was crazy muddy, it took longer and was more technical that we anticipated, and Scottish people are in incredibly friendly!Read more

  • Day 41


    September 15, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Luss is a village in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, on the west bank of Loch Lomond. The village is within the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park.

    Luss Parish Church is a Church of Scotland church in Luss, Argyll and Bute, dedicated to Saint Kessog. The present church building was constructed in 1875 and subject to major restoration works in 2001. The building became notable during the 1980s as the parish church of the fictional village of Glendarroch in the popular television series Take the High Road. The church site has had 1,500 years of continuous Christian presence, being founded by Saint Kessog, and has fifteen listed ancient monuments in its graveyard.Read more

  • Day 103

    The dome, a storm and Detelina

    August 2, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Today the sky is ominous, it could be a bit darker but not much and Detelina and I made a date to meet at the Dome restaurant at 12 noon. Later I got a message to say she was running late but I should order some tea and enjoy the ambiance of the place.

    I wasn't prepared for such a beautiful beautiful environment I believe Georgian all wood panelling, Gold and chandeliers, soft jazz music, waiters and waitresses in black waistcoats, trousers and white shirts and ties, white table cloths on tables, elegant, oh so elegant. Everything thought of here.

    A lovely woman took my soaking wet poncho and jacket while another led me through to our table. My what opulence! It certainly was a beautiful space to sit and reflect, catch up on myself after battling a severe gale force wind and rain to get here! Honestly people were being blown around the streets, taking cover under what arches they could find while I battled on determined to get to the restaurant.

    I was totally impressed when Detelina finally arrived how she commanded attention immediately. Dressed in a cream lace high necked, waisted dress with lace sleeves, and cream classic high heels she was a vision to behold. We were immediately stormed by waiters and she played the part like a queen. I had taken some flowers for her which she absolutely loved and got the attention of one of the waitresses to "please put my flowers in water for me until I go". I think the waitress was a bit taken back, but, after a slight pause said "ofcourse and would you like to order now?" to which Detelina replied, looking at myself " No, I think we'd like to catch up for a little while, thank you". "I'll come back in ten minutes, will that be OK" said the nonplussed waitress.

    I could only gawp at the absolute sense of entitlement Detelina portrayed. I would never have asked a wait staff to look after my flowers. I may have asked for more time to look at a menu, but Detelina gave the overall impression that she was in charge!! A very commanding young woman.

    The same thing happened after each course as well. After our soup course a waiter approached us again looking beseechingly at Detelina and giving her great eye contact, asking if we wanted coffee! Detelina looked at me quizzically then turning back to him replied "we'll wait until after dessert, thank you". He thought we were finished! Indeed one waiter took our cutlery away after the soup course, which took us an hour to complete!! When a waiter brought our main out he was puzzled as to where our cutlery was. Another hour went by as we ate our delicious roasted stuffed aubergine, chatting excitedly and trying to cover every single aspect of life since we last met four years ago.

    Eventually main course finished, the waitress asked if we would like coffee when Detelina enquired as to a dessert menu. Dessert ordered along with coffees, Detelina asked for a delay again as we sipped our water and chatted incessently over the next fifteen minutes. Our delicious vegan dessert and coffee over, we were beginning to slow down our conversation and contemplate the journey home. Detelina insisted on walking me to my bus and we hovered under her umbrella arm in arm to Princes St and my bus.

    We had forgotten the flowers! Later Detelina messaged to say she had remembered when she was half way home on the bus, got off the bus and went back to the restaurant in that storming Edinburgh day to fetch them. She attracted far too much attention on her way with an armful of flowers, but had enjoyed our day very much, as did I. A great memory.
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  • Day 179


    October 26, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    On a pas mal roulé en profitant de nos dernières petites routes écossaises. Nous avons fait un arrêt sur un point de vue avec de magnifiques Highlands.

    Nous avons passé la nuit en bord de mer, endroit que nous avions déjà fréquenté en 2015, mais ça a bien changé. D’une place en gros gravier, ils en ont fait un immense parking, heureusement toujours gratuit. Seul le pub n’a pas changé, toujours dans son jus.Read more

  • Day 4

    Glasgow 2

    September 16, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Second day around Glasgow was spent in trees and undergroud. We took the car north to Go Ape hidden in the forest. After, safely, swinging from branch to branch we adventured to the aptly named Devil's Pulpit. Red river, check. Steep destroyed staircase, check. Absolutely beautiful scenery, check. If Indian Jones were Scottish, we would have truly rivaled him.Read more

  • Day 9

    Bye, bye - Skottland

    August 20, 2024 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Sista hamnen i Skottland är Greenock, som är granne med Glasgow.

    Vi promenerade in till Greenocks city och på vägen såg vi en del skulpturer. Bl.a ’Ginger the Horse’. Innan man hade maskinkraft för att frakta varor till och från hamnen använde man hästkrafter i dess ursprungliga betydelse. Ginger var en av de bästa och hens ägare skötte om och vårdade hästen. En dag föll det sig inte bättre än att hästen fastnade i något och både häst och vagn föll ner i vattnet där Ginger drunknade.

    Den här genombrutna statyn är rest till åminnelse av alla de hästar och deras kuskar som bidrog till att stadens verksamhet växte och frodades.

    Vi tog sedan tåget till Glasgow som är en stad c:a 600.000 invånare. Vi hade sett ut Glasgow Cathedral som vårt promenadmål men när vi kom närmare såg vi att större delen av katedralen var klädd med byggnadsställningar. När dessutom vägen dit var tråkig så ändrade vi mål och gick i stället till St Andrews Cathedral. Det var en liten katedral men ljus och vacker inuti.

    Efter allt promenerande blev det lunch på en pub och sedan gick vi, i dagens första regn, till stationen och tog tåget tillsammans till Greenock.

    Jag har börjat bli förkyld och jag har de flesta botemedlen med i min väska och vi kompletterade med nässpray hos Boots.

    Det var White evening på båten och många var vitklädda. Vid tidigare tillfällen har arrangemanget ägt rum på pooldeck. Nu blev det inte lika festligt eftersom firandet blev utspritt.

    Jag blev bara mer förkyld så det blev tidig nattning för mig. Natten blev inte rolig. Hosta nysningar, snuva, huvudvärk och yrsel.
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