Been terribly tired on day 4 of the training. Still, everything went nicely and we managed to finish an hour early. That was highly welcomed because the office was celebrating a pre-halloween party.Read more
Been terribly tired on day 4 of the training. Still, everything went nicely and we managed to finish an hour early. That was highly welcomed because the office was celebrating a pre-halloween party.Read more
OMG- I have to start at the end. I had the best lobster in the world as I know it! Soooo good! The Houston Astros are playing the Dodgers on the screen and this is exactly what I needed- local sports,Read more
We already know each other well and training becomes even more effective. We are deep diving into the application and have lively discussions about things that are nice and also things which areRead more
Der erste Tag verlief ruhig. Bin um 5:30 aufgewacht, so kann es eigentlich bleiben (als Morgenmuffel kommt mir die 6 h Zeitverschiebung gen Westen sehr gelegen!). Allerdings könnte ich auch einfachRead more
The eagle has landed... die Anreise nach Texas war sehr easy und unbeschwert. Nach knapp 2,5 h stiegen wir wieder aus dem Vogel aus. Heiß, aber viiiel erträglicher als an der Ostküste. Mietauto hatRead more
Journée à San Antonio sous une chaleur torride (40 degrés). Visite du fort Alamo, promenade en bateau sur le rivière.
Ich liebe diese großen Betten - aber ein Absacker muss auch sein
Went to some asian stores and comic stores. Then went to downtown Houston and explored the underground and then to the mall to get tacobell and skirts.