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Wissahickon Park Gardens

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  • Day 13–16

    Philadelphia und das Vorort-Leben

    August 28, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Die Peter Pan Bus Linie fährt sehr zuverlässig und ziemlich pünktlich war ich halb sieben in Philadelphia, wo mich Erik, der Mann von meiner Freundin abgeholt hat. Es war noch ein ganzes Stück bis raus in den Vorort Skippack, wo sie wohnen. Es war eine große Freude, sich wieder zu sehen! Auch die beiden Kater haben mich sofort akzeptiert und nachher sogar mit im Gästezimmer geschlafen.

    Donnerstag mussten alle arbeiten bzw. in die Vorschule gehen und ich habe gemütlich gefrühstückt und Wäsche gewaschen, was dringend nötig war. Dann bin ich eine Runde durch Skippack bummeln gegangen, das wirklich ganz süß ist, mit vielen verschiedenen Geschäften und Restaurants. Der Vor- und Nachteil am Handgepäck ist natürlich, dass man nichts kaufen kann 😉 aber gucken macht ja auch Spaß.
    Später haben wir ein kleines Kaffeetrinken gemacht und ein bisschen überlegt, was wir in New York alles machen wollen und dann sind Maria, Emilia und ich zum Spielplatz und ein bisschen spazieren gegangen und anschließend waren wir lecker essen.

    Freitag durfte ich morgens erstmal eine Runde mit Emilia spielen und dann hat mich Erik zum Zug gebracht, um rein nach Philadelphia zu fahren. Alles ganz schön weit auseinander hier und ohne Auto geht es nur in der Stadt, nicht in den Vororten. In der Stadt bin ich entlang der Achse, wo viele besondere Gebäude stehen, wie die Bibliothek, verschiedene Museen und Brunnen gelaufen. Am Rodin Museum habe ich mir die Statuen draußen angeschaut und Mittagspause gemacht, dort konnte man sehr schön unter Bäumen sitzen. Bei den Eintrittspreisen hier ist nur ein Museum pro Tag drin und mein Ziel war das Kunstmuseum. Dort bin ich dann wieder für ein paar Stunden in die Kunstwelt abgetaucht. Sehr schön fand ich vor allem die Sonderausstellung über Mary Cassatt, endlich mal eine Frau, die hauptsächlich Frauen gemalt hat und auch sehr versiert in verschiedenen Drucktechniken war.
    Mit Maria und Familie habe ich mich später an einer Bahnstation getroffen und dann wir so richtig amerikanisch zu einem Baseballspiel gegangen. Ich habe mich sehr bemüht, aber so richtig verstanden habe ich das Spiel immer noch nicht. Es dauert auch ziemlich lang und nebenbei verbringt man viel Zeit, teures ungesundes Essen zu besorgen. Insgesamt eine spannende Erfahrung!
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  • Day 27

    Nothing 🙃

    August 25, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Gestern haben wir einfach bei bekannten verbracht. Mit deren Hund gespielt und waren Frühs noch in der Kirche.
    Die Kirche ist ganz anders wie in Deutschland. Sie ist viel Moderner und spannender. 🫣

  • Day 10

    Small city day

    September 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    Weil ich heute abreise haben wir den Tag ruhig gestartet. Könnte beim Frühjahresfensterputz behilflich sein (habe den Rahmen gehalten 🫧). Danach hat mir Rich (natürlich) noch eine Brauerei gezeigt und mich dann noch zur S-Bahn in Richtung Philadelphia City gebracht.

    Ich freue mich, auf was noch so kommt :)
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  • Day 9

    Next stop: Baltimore

    September 9, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Ich weiß echt nicht, was man dort machen kann, habe gerade aber eine günstige Zugverbindung für morgen gegen 16:00 Uhr sowie ein Hostel für 2 Tage gefunden. Ich find's super 🎒🤙

    Gute Nacht 🌛

  • Day 48

    Day 48 - Mallrats

    October 25, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

    That's correct, the only photo of today is that of a shopping mall.

    We went to the largest shopping mall in the US with over 400 shops. It is called the King of Prussia and yes, it's huge. That was it, that was all we managed today. And watching lots of TV and lounging about.

    Song of the Day:
    Survivor - Eye of the Tiger (was not used for yesterday's post and we drew a blank for today)
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  • Day 229

    FP update 10/14 Valley Forge

    October 14, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    FP update 10/14 Valley Forge

    Took the opportunity to visit Valley Forge, which is claimed to be the most important sites in American history - even though no battle was fought on the grounds. But still is known to be the birth of the American Army. We took a drive around the encampment as we listened to a guide that played our radio as we drove 👍🏻 We were informed with all the details of what transpired on those hallowed grounds in the winter of 1777-78, how Washington’s men persevered in the face of horrific obstacles and how Washington himself grew into the legendary leader he would be remembered for. A few of the highlights:

    (*) National Memorial Arch - This giant memorial stands to commemorate the arrival of Washington and the Continental Army at Valley Forge.

    (*) Artillery Park, King of Prussia, PA - The Artillery Park in Valley Forge played a crucial role during the American Revolutionary War, serving as a key logistical and strategic hub for the Continental Army's artillery units.

    (*) Washington’s HQ – where he ran the revolution! Nestled in a picturesque corner of the park stands a handsome stone home that served as the headquarters of George Washington for much of the Valley Forge encampment.

    (*) Reproduced huts - The Muhlenberg Brigade huts in Valley Forge hold historical significance as they served as winter quarters for the brigade during the American Revolutionary War in 1777-1778. These huts, constructed by soldiers under harsh conditions, provided shelter for troops enduring the severe winter at Valley Forge.
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  • Day 9

    Final day in PA

    June 20, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    Beautiful morning, sitting on patio listening to the birds. This is my favorite part of the House.

    I am really going to miss my family. I hardly get to see them so just spending time with them is treasured. I got teary eyed when I had to say good bye to each of them, seems like some each day since Mon. Those of you who live driving distance from your family need to appreciate this and see them as much as you can.

    I will miss the fireflies, the lush lawns, different birds, and of course KC. He is a special kitty. Very sweet; always wants to be where people are.

    I will miss playing new disc golf courses. Really liked the ones we visited.

    I appreciate our bed and Oregon weather. Too humid for me here.
    I appreciate the freedom of having a car at my ready.
    I appreciate our water. Just used to the taste and I drink more of it (esp when i can add lemon).
    I appreciate our lap kitties (altough KC is a very quiet kitty, and I will miss that).
    I appreciate control of my own diet and exercise time.

    I will not appreciate having to go back to work. Yet, did appreciate the days I didn't have to think about it much.

    I, too, hope we can get together very soon.
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  • Day 9

    Looking back before we head home.

    June 20, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    I do like this picture showing where we have been in the local area.

    It has been a very nice trip. There are several things that I will miss about being here and of course several things that I will appreciate when we get back home.

    I'm going to miss Brenda's family. They have been super nice and fun. Lisa has mad awesome dinners each night. Steven was kind enough to take us to several disc golf courses and even let us win ;-) Liam was kind enough to graduate so we could come here in the first place! KC, though not a lap kitty, has kept us entertained and allow us to not miss our girls as much.

    I'm going to miss the Fireflies! So nice to see each night. Everyone here is of course used to seeing them, so they don't have much of an impact, but for us . . . they are truely magical!

    I'm going to miss the closed in patio. A fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors without the bugs. We can see / hear all kinds of birds and are protected enough from the elements to make it quite relaxing. There is even a ceiling fan for when things get a touch too warm.

    I will appreciate our weather more :-) Sure, it gets toasty at times in Oregon, but it's not nearly as humid, so you don't have that element tossed in trying to suck the life out of you when you're outdoors just walking around ;-)

    I will appreciate seeing our girls. I need some Zazzy lap time and I'm sure she is willing to help out.

    I will appreciate being able to buy something for the actual cost listed. "I'd like to buy this $10 disc."

    "Sure, that will be $11.60."

    Ahh yes, the sales tax . . .

    Most of all though, I will appreciate our bed!!! Though faint, I can hear it calling already and it is ready to welcome us home and give us some awesome sleep that we crave.

    Quite the nice vacation though, and I do hope that it takes us less than 7 years to get back out here.
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