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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Raaseporin
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    • Día 1


      1 de julio de 2017, Finlandia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Unsere Unterkunft befindet sich in einem abgelegenen Gehöft von einem abgelegenen Dorf. Es ist ein sehr schönes neues Holzhaus. Die Herbergsmutter oder besser -oma ist sehr lieb und zuvorkommend. Leider verschwieg die Seite bei, dass es sich bei dem Zimmer um eine offene Dachkammer direkt über dem Wohnzimmer/der offenen Küche handelt. Das sehr schöne große Bad darf man zusammen mit Omi und den anderen Gästen nutzen. Nun freuen wir uns nach der letzten schlafarmen Nacht auf hoffentlich leise Mitbewohner 😴🤐

      Nici hatte den Sachverhalt angesprochen und sie verhielten sich echt zuvorkommend leise! Irgendwie war danach aber leider die Omi etwas reserviert. Das Frühstück war dennoch sehr liebevoll und mit frischen Beeren und leckerem Kaffee!
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    • Día 18

      18. Tag Raseburg und Fiskars

      2 de julio de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Heute haben wir ausgeschlafen bis unser kleiner süßer Wecker munter wurde. Seit 2 Tagen hat den Herbert ein Leiden geplagt, manchmal wollte er nicht gleich loslegen und heute ging nichts mehr. Mit chirurgischem Feingefühl entfernte Micha dem Herbert einen Fremdkörper, nun schnurrt das Kätzchen wieder. Um 10:00Uhr bei 16Grad Sonne-Wolken Mix fuhren wir nach Snappertuna umd besichtigten die Burgruine Raseburg. Wunderschön, wir haben sie schon in Gedanken eingerichtet. 😉 11:30Uhr ging es weiter nach Fiskars. Unterwegs überraschte uns ein heftiger Regenschauer und Herbert wurde gewaschen. Fiskars ist winzig und überall findet man kleine Shops und Atteliers von Künstlern. Das Objekt der Begierde fand sich bald, ein Fiskarsshop, ein paar Souveniers geshoppt und anschließend in einen heftigen Schauer gekommen. Im Herbert haben wir Mittag gegessen und 14:30Uhr ging es weiter. Um 17:00Uhr erreichten wir einen Campingplatz kurz vor Helsinki. Viel passierte nicht mehr, außer Pläne für die "Rückfahrt" schmieden, Nudeln kochen und warten bis ein heftiger Schauer sich verzog, damit wir wieder zu Herbert konnten. Nora ist noch gestürzt, hat auch etwas husten, die Biene war Knülli, aber hat ganz lieb durchgehalten. Wir haben so ein großes Glück mit der kleinen lieben Maus.

      Fahrstrecke: 153km
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    • Día 1


      1 de julio de 2017, Finlandia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Unser B&B empfängt uns erst etwas später. Deshalb schauen wir uns noch dieses hübsche Hafenstädtchen an. Hier ist gerade ein Floh- und anderer Markt. Es ist sehr ursprünglich und ruhig! Bei dieser Gelegenheit sehen wir gleich mal die Realität der finnischen Preise... 😲Leer más

    • Día 2


      2 de julio de 2017, Finlandia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Dieses kleine Hafenstädtchen empfing uns für einen kleinen Spaziergang. Das kostenlose Naturmuseum erzählte viel über die baltische See und das Leben darin und darum. Man konnte viel erfahren und erleben. Leider habe ich eine Glasscheibe übersehen und mir beim Versuch, über die Brüstung zu schauen, ganz schlimm die Nase gestoßen 😳
      Danach waren wir am Strand Minigolf spielen.
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    • Día 6

      Entertaining crows

      30 de julio de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      One of the other recommendations was a 5 mile hike to the most Southerly point on mainland Finland, but with lunchtime being the only time at the Thai, it seemed a trifle optimistic to get that done. Opted for a nature trail that had been circled on the hotel map. According to Google there didn't appear to be any parking so it was possible it could be a 6 mile drive to nowhere. Thankfully there was & only 1 other car - unlikely to be disturbed by ghetto blasters as the info plaques repeatedly showed illustrating strange goings on. A couple of the does and don'ts google managed to translate (badly) others - no sense. Contrasting walk through woodland (apt since 70% of Finland is wooded) seashore & rocky outcrop island. As we left the hoades approached - 1 family, 1 man & his dog. Headed back via the Thai to check it looked open - check. Back to sort a couple of things & then off for Thai. Except - went in - plenty of food at the buffet, people sat down, went to the cashier to pay / check procedure. "We're closed" err right. Sharp exit. Bizarre - lots of food going to waste - might want to update your sign that says open till 6. Took a drive to the North to ponder next move. Had a look at a fish restaurant - swiftly rejected when fish & chips came in at £23 each. Headed to Lidl to sort a picnic on the beach. Ended up being stalked by a crow - circled us numerous times - couldn't make out how to get the crumbs. Entertaining. Watched a few hardy souls going for an evening swim - not for me - though they did have wetsuits - wimps.Leer más

    • Día 7

      Mad weather

      31 de julio de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Back to the hotel & sat out on the veranda for a while soaking up the rays, reading & scoffing bickies. By now the wind had really calmed down so a final bit of beach time was called for - no beaches or sunshine by the look of it in Russia. Thought I'd give Stand up surfing a go. If I can't manage it when it's a mill pond, there's no hope. Was a bit wobbly initially but got the hang of it - no surf so just paddling ... to an island, to the next beach, to disturb Liz & her reading. Managed to avoid falling in - contemplated diving in to cool off - hard work - but wasn't sure I'd be able to get back on. Board returned & off for tea - the beach shack was open & the sun was out - burger & a beer - what could be better? A fairly steep price. It was nice though. Wandered back via the far beach & the oldies tennis tournament - still whacking it hard.Leer más

    • Día 6

      Breakie with a blanket

      30 de julio de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Another town, another run route - along one of the further town beaches. Bit windy & bit chilly - not many out. Back in plenty of time for breakie - would it be sufficient to get through to a late lunch / early tea. Slight cause for concern was a couple of girls eating outside in the chill - just hardy Fins. On closer inspection there were plainly too few tables for the full hotel - we were going to have to be hardy too - at least there were blankets. That said I was still a bit warm from the run. What irked was a couple of people who had downstairs sun rooms next to the lounge chose to eat in the lounge. Not fair. Inspite of the chill, filled up with multiple dollops of porridge, pancakes, Finnish meatballs & fruit. The onset of light rain suggested a beach day wasn't in the offing so a walking day it was to be. Nearby headland walk - apparently named the lovers path, which rather incongruously had numerous remains of Finland's part in the war. Eventually the sun appeared & helped the views of Hanko. The bunkers & gun emplacements were interesting, though still need to determine where Finland figures in the cast of WW2. Back to town & stumbled on the toursit info - got some recommendations, 1 of which was to climb the water tower, though it wasn't open for 20 mins. She gave us an architecture tour brochure to tide us over. Where a bizarre seal / worm / loch ness monster sculpture figures on that is open to debate. The watertower / watchtower was only 2 euros - for once sonething in Finland that is cheap. A creaky lift took us up & the views of the town & the Batic Islands were great. Picked out where we were staying & even our car. Popped into the church on the way back - typical Scandinavian minimalism - yet again.Leer más

    • Día 5

      Hanko - a Finnish Llandudno

      29 de julio de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Between Helsinki & Hanko - trees & more trees. A 70 mile journey drew parallels with day trips to Llandudno. We didn't pass through a single town or village of any note, plenty of farms & a couple of intriguing war museums - the parallels dried up pretty quickly. Plesantly surprised to note, on arrival, that Hanko has a Thai restaurant, also has an Elvis burger - all isn't great. Happily we could check in early, though the cakes in the cafe were more appealing to Liz than unpacking. The usual explore - 3 beaches a stones throw away. Took a look at the tourist quay - lots of expensive boats & restaurants. Headed to the main beach - where 'everyone' was. It was busier than the other 2 beaches - more by default - the other 2 had no-one on them. Took another bracing Baltic dip - though it wasn't as bad as expected (again) though very shallow & the lack of waves made getting in a challenge. Not the only challenge - finding an open restaurant. Seems the thing to do here is lunch late or dinner early. By 6 most were closed - it'd blow Spanish minds. Ended up resorting to one of the pricey quayside joints - the priciest pizza ever - was very nice though.Leer más

    • Día 113


      7 de julio de 2017, Finlandia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Heute besuchten wir das Besucherbergwerk in Lohja. Wir lauschten den Erklärungen auf finnisch - eine echt niedliche Sprache 🤣. Die nette Dame bei der Führung versuchte ihr bestes auf Englisch, aber wir genossen mit den Augen die tolle Ausstellung und die wunderschönen Neonlicht- und Musikinstallationen.
      Jetzt stehen wir an einem kleinen See, schauen den unerschrockenen finnischen Kindern beim Baden im kalten Wasser zu und nehmen unser Dinner heute am Steg ein.
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    • Día 7

      Heading South

      31 de julio de 2019, Finlandia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Made damn sure we were inside for breakie - there on the dot of 8 - first in (not last out though) Having been up early we were blessed with time to do the walk to the most Southerly point in Finland. The catch was the weather was a bit rubbish - rained just before breakie, was windy & to be frank a bit chilly - I know Finland is an Arctic country but it was 30° a couple of days ago. Wrapped up warm(ish) or at least as well as packed clothing allowed. Car park was fairly empty & didn't encounter many people going out. Plenty of signs in English about shipwrecks, sea cale & the German barracks. Thankfully by the time we made it to the Finnish Lands End, things were beginning to brighten up. To compare it to Lands End is daft really - it is far more subdued - a faded plaque & that is it. The fact that it is a nature reserve may have something to do with it. Headed back & things were definitely getting busier - much too much singing for my liking. By the car coats & fleeces had been discarded.Leer más

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    Raaseporin, Raseborg

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